Thursday 6 September 2012

Desperate Housewives - 7.19: "The Lies Ill-Concealed" Review

Susan begins to have erotic dreams about none other than, Paul! Gaby and Bree behave as if they're having an illicit affair. Gaby chooses Bree over Carlos.

Mary Alice (Brenda Strong) "Susan Delfino's (Teri Hatcher) doctor had ordered her to abstain from sex for 6 weeks.  But what the doctor couldn't prevent Susan from doing is dreaming about it.  The only thing missing from these dreams was her husband."  Mike (James Denton) asks if Susan's okay.   Susan had a dream.  Mike tells her she was moaning, she had sex in her dream.  Mary Alice: "Susan was having dreams about sex and they were becoming a nightmare." Cos she's dreaming about Paul (Mark Moses).   That'd make your skin crawl! Ha.

Mary Alice: "The residents of Wisteria Lane are nothing if not loyal.   they love their country, root for their home town...but the fiercest loyalty on Wisteria Lane is the one between friends."  Carlos (Richardo Antonio Chavira) forbids Gaby (Eva Longoria) from going to coffee with Bree (Marcia Cross.) Gaby shockingly or sarcastically asks, he forbids her.   Bree and Gaby converse on the phone, whilst being face to face and Bree misses everything they did together as much as Gaby.   Didn't appear to me that in all the time they've known each other Gaby and Bree were particularly close.

Tom (Doug Savant) has been invited to a leadership conference.   So naturally Lynette (Felicity Huffman) would want to dominate the proceedings.   Susan picks up MJ (Mason Vale Cotton) from Karen McClusky's (Kathryn Joosten)  who tells Susan Mike was practically staring at her cleavage.   She notices her old house has been neglected by Paul.   Susan attempts to avoid Paul who looks like a wreck.   Bob (Tuc Watkins) and Lee (Kevin Rahm) speak about the conference.   They've been here before.   Lee is looking forward to the Japanese flower arranging.   Meg (Shannon Cochran) comments that some women are only here cos they married men who worked up the corporate career ladder.

Gaby comes over to Lynette's whilst Bree is baby sitting and Bree did notice Gaby's new coat.   For a moment there it looked like Gaby would take it off for her and be naked underneath; that's how these two were behaving.   All this sneaking around, conducting an affair behind Carlo's back.   Felicia (Harriet Sansom Harris) gave Karen her sister's brooch, thanking her for keeping Felicia's secret and not spilling to anyone.   Her secret about cutting off her fingers and framing Paul for the murder.  She's desperate to get Karen on side.   Karen recalls Felicia with blood on her.

Lynette's at the conference to meet new people, not get stuck with the activities arranged for spouses.   She attempts to get the others to mutiny so she can attend the seminar with her fave business speaker, Chris Cavenaugh.   Gaby: "Sneaking around makes everything taste better."  Bree tells her about her secret trieste with Karl ( Richard Burgi) whilst still married to Orson (Kyle MacLachlan).   Thought the others would have already known about this cos it's old news now.   Gaby and Bree arrange to meet at the spa.   Mike doesn't trust Paul and Susan has another dream with Paul, this time in the shower.   Oh please!  It's not like she's got Paul's kidney but Beth's (Emily Bergl).   Meaning Susan is connected to him through Beth and we know how she felt about Paul.

Felicia tells Karen about her daughter, Beth and blames Paul for Beth's fate.  She's lying of course, but she ropes Karen in like Felicia wanted.  Susan talks to her doctor about her dreams, who advises Susan to talk to Paul.  She does but tells him she was clothed.   Lynette steals Meg's ID and attends the seminar where she has to introduce the speaker, completely humiliating Tom in the process.   She never thinks about others or the consequences of her actions.  Renee (Vanessa Williams) asks Lynette if she found anyone for her at the conference.  "Ugly + money = handsome." Tom actually says, "Crazy + wife = laughing stock."  Lynette couldn't support Tom now like he used to support her when she was working.  Renee tells her that in Tom's world, Lynette is the wife, so she can be a wife or a 'first wife'.

Carlos notices the upside down cake and thinks it's Bree's.   It is, but Gaby lies saying she made it.   So of course he'll want her to make one too.   She attempts to seduce Carlos.   But he insists he wants the cake made in front of him.   Bree gives her instructions over the phone but it still turns out to be a disaster.   Luckily Bree makes one for her.   Susan makes soup for Paul and Mike sees her through the window, which makes him angry.   She's not going home until she knows Paul's okay.  

Bree and Gaby swap cakes in the nick of time.   Gaby commenting this is about trust.   "If only trust were so easy to make."  Carlos is gullible, if Gaby's never made a cake before, then it won't exactly turn out to be perfect now.   Gaby pretends she's attending a modelling friend's funeral, but Carlos takes her suitcase and finds a red hair on Gaby's new coat.   Oh the illicit affair has been discovered.  Ha.   She could have said it was anyone's hair and it could belong to anyone.   Bree's not the only one with red hair.   Carlos wants Gaby to choose him over Bree.   She's always putting the women first over him.

Mary Alice: "Yes - the residents of Wisteria Lane, are nothing if not loyal...but there are times when that loyalty is put to the test...a desire to protect  a long buried secret and sometimes just as one test of loyalty ends, another begins."  Gaby takes girls in tow and wants to stay with Bree.   Carlos knows about them.   Well this episode was all about secrets and lies.   Gaby deceiving Carlos, Lynette humiliating Tom; Susan choosing Paul over Mike; Felicia duping Karen.   Yes the women know how to play the game of always putting themselves first and getting whatever they want, but more importantly of getting their own way.   Now I'm beginning to sound like Mary Alice.

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