Friday 10 August 2012

Without A Trace 3.8 "Doppelganger II" Review

Molly (Jane Fleiss)a homeless woman goes missing from the Canal Street Homeless shelter.  She’s watched by Rick (Tony Goldwyn) before she disappears.

4 Days missing
Martin (Eric Close) questions Peter (John Cothran Jr) a supervisor at the shelter and spots Rick there.  He’s now the assistant director and says everyone thinks Greg (Tony Goldwyn) is innocent.  Rick asks him if Martin’s lost his job and is looking for shelter.  Jack (Anthony LaPaglia) talks to Rick.  He was here the night Molly disappeared.  It was Thanksgiving.  He’s living at Greg’s apartment.  Jack tells him they’ll get the right man this time.  Ned (Ted Louiso)caught Molly with a syringe in her jacket pocket.  She denied it was hers.

Jack says they’ll find Molly strangled.  Olczyk (Bill Smitrovich) won’t let him have a warrant as Greg confessed to killing 8 women. Greg’s changed his plea to not guilty after he was visited by Rick yesterday.  Sam (Poppy Montgomery) stresses Greg didn’t murder anyone.  Rick told him to fight as he was held 9 hours without a lawyer and the FBI doctored the coroner’s report.  Julie wasn’t raped.  Greg loved Tricia (Lisa Marie Zaura).  Rick said no one would know what happened and tells him to plea not guilty and he’ll be out in a few days.  He needs him.  Jack tells Greg that Rick killed those women.

Ned’s car is found with Molly’s body in the boot.  The car’s been there 2 days.  The dead body is about 3-4 days old.  The car’s 3 blocks away from Ned’s apartment near a church.  Jack tells Viv (Marianne Jean-Baptiste) Rick wanted them to find it.  Jack tells the police to hold off searching Ned’s apartment until he gets there.

Danny (Enrique Murciano) finds photos of the dead women in a box in Ned’s apartment.  Jack tells him to photograph them and then put everything back where it was.  He says if the US Attorney sees those photos then Greg will be released.  Jack will take the heat.  Ned turns up and Jack arrests him.

Ned’s car was stolen.  He still has the keys.  He thought Molly took it.  He was shooting up when Julie was killed.  Viv isn’t too happy about them stalling to gather evidence.  Martin thinks Ned’s the fall guy.  Jack knows Rick had duplicates of Ned’s keys made.

Rick turns around at work to see Jack standing there.  Jack tells him of the syringe they found in Molly’s pocket.  Rick carries some in his sample case so Molly must have stolen it.  He was careless and he takes his case to the shelter.  Jack can’t find evidence to associate Ned with the other murders.  Rick keeps a photo of Greg on his desk.

Greg tells Sam about a dream he had where he saw Tricia fighting to stay alive.  He felt he was there and wanted to help but couldn’t.  There were mice over her body.  He had this dream on Thanksgiving; the night Molly was killed.  He used to have dreams when Rick used to take trips.  Sam says they’re both connected so he has these dreams.  She puts Greg on suicide watch.

Jack watches the tape of Rick visiting Greg.  Olczyk receives a call from the 16th precinct.  They received an anonymous tip and found the photos.  Jack admits he was there and didn’t process the evidence.  Someone made those keys.  Jack takes responsibility and tells him only he withheld evidence.  Greg is being released.

Rick collects Greg from prison.  Sam says Greg doesn’t want to face it.  Jack looks at Rick’s divorce papers from 1996.  He didn’t have sex with his wife.   He says all this started with Tricia so they must return to the beginning.

Danny and Viv surveil the twins.  Danny tells her he heard what she said to Olczyk.  She wants to catch the psycho too.  Greg says his fish died.  Rick tells him he’s the only one that matters and hugs him.  Rick suggests they take a trip and relax.

Tricia’s mother tells them Greg was popular especially with all the girls; he was funny, athletic.  When Tricia was killed Greg smelled of alcohol so did Tricia.  No one thought Greg did it.  Rick followed him around everywhere.  He was awkward and lost when Greg wasn’t around.

14/5/73.  The sheriff taped Greg's interrogation.  He never saw Tricia that day.  Rick said he saw them together after school.  He wants to talk with Rick.  Sam comments they weren’t the only ones with the idea to talk to Rick and Greg apart.  Rick says they don’t have anything on Greg, all he has to say is he never saw her.  Greg calls him ‘Mouse.’  Rick snaps not to call him that again.  Mice were in Greg's dream.

Jack invites Rick to sit and pats the space on the sofa next to him.  He tells him he was shy and not the dominant one.  He took control of Greg when he said they can’t trust anyone.  He took everyone away, Julie, Tricia.  Rick took the photo of Julie after he killed her and Sam shows it to Greg.  Jack’s decided Rick killed Tricia first and got a taste for killing.  He tells him he doesn’t like women and likes his brother more.  He saw his face and hated himself but he hated Greg even more.  He was called ‘Mouse’ because he was ascared little boy.  So he hated the name.  Rick kept trophies like jewellery.  Their lawyer wants them released.

Olczyk asks Sam if she was aware of Jack defying orders.  She was and replies if that was true they probably would jump off a building if Jack gave the order.  She asks for a search warrant.  Danny and Martin search Rick’s workplace.  Martin finds photos in Rick’s case.

Sam and Jack go to Greg's apartment.  ‘Greg’ claims Rick beat him up and left.  He told Rick he knew everything about him.  Sam was right about him all along.  Greg tells Rick he saw everything.  Rick tells him he loves him and Greg punches him near his left eye.  Jack sees a blood trail leading to the elevator and calls him ‘Mouse.’  He turns around because it’s Rick.

Sam tells Jack he’ll be fine and won’t get fired.  He should buy everyone a drink.

Martin: “I like that it’s really funny.”  When Rick asks him if he needs a place to stay.

Rick: “…screwd it up last time and left the killer on the streets.  It’s happened again.”  Yes he’s talking about himself again.

Rick: “Anything I can do?”
Jack: “You can confess…we’re gonna get the right guy this time”  and you know he will too.

Again Danny’s there when Molly’s found in the boot.  He seems to be around when the DBs are usually found, that is if he doesn’t find them himself.  Danny and Viv walk in front of the Flatiron Building.

Viv: “now we’re burying evidence.”
Danny: “if we process this and Greg gets out of jail.”
Viv: “Greg’s innocent.”
Danny: “I know that, but we need to keep him in jail so Sam can work on him.  The minute that Greg gets out Rick will never let us talk to him.”
Viv: “I don’t feel comfortable with it.”
Danny: “you have to relax.  We need to stall for a day or two while we build our case.”
Viv: “well stalling for a day or two is also known as evidence tampering and obstruction of justice.”  Remember in previous episodes it’s usually Danny and Viv who used to quote sections of the law and Federal rules, eg in season 2 episodes.

So much for Martin eating a lot in episodes, this time Danny does the eating.
Martin looked so obvious sitting outside Greg's apartment with a paper.  It’s not as though Rick doesn’t know him.

Jack: “what predicated switch?”

Sam: “probably, sir, yes.”  They pretty much would do anything Jack says as they have done here.  Martin would be pleased with Jack taking risks just as he mentioned in the season 3 opener.

Strange how Sam didn’t realize it was Rick who opened the door and not Greg.  But you could tell since Greg only got one punch in in the flashback whereas Rick pounded him.  Also they may be identical but she questioned Greg for long enough.  Obviously his mistake was turning around when he heard that name again.

Do you get the impression Rick would’ve conveniently made Greg disappear when he suggested they take a trip.  Rick managed to stop killing for 5 months.  Also identical twins don’t have identical fingerprints so surely there was some forensic evidence somewhere they could’ve used to tie the murders to Rick before now.

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