Sunday 26 August 2012

The Closer 7.11 "Necessary Evil" Review

Raydor (Mary McDonnell) attends a crime scene with Major Crimes to ensure everything is done by the book. Provenza (GW Bailey) was first on the scene, then Flynn (Tony Denison).  Everyone should get on with their work and ignore her, as usual.  Gabriel (Corey Reynolds) took the coroner's call.  Tao (Michael Paul Chan) says SID were notified at the same time.  The log was filled out concurrently.  Sanchez (Raymond Cruz) hasn't found any murder weapon yet.  Brenda (Kyra Sedgwick) is already there.

She hasn't signed the log and she asks how long Brenda has been here?  Provenza replies, "from Atlanta or tonight."  Kendall (Ransford Doherty) IDs the DB as a principal, John Reed, (Derek Webster) who sustained two GSW to the chest.  His wife notified them.   Flynn says a revolver has six rounds and they assume it was a single shooter. The other Division  found a 9 mil semi-automatic weapon and his car, a grey BMW was involved in a shooting.  They need to search for casings.

Fritz (Jon Tenney) is at the scene of the other shooting and the LAFBI are involved since it involved a TSA Agent, shots were fired.  Casings are found and entered in IBIS.  Brenda wonders if Reed was mistaken for an agent.  She tells Fritz it's her case or he'll end with with a worse case of "grumpy uglies," if he doesn't go home soon.

Raydor has been asking questions at Brenda's CS for two months now and she doesn't need her around constantly.  Gabriel talks with the wife (Katherine Sigismund) since talking may help process her pain.  She wanted him to leave this school.  Their car was knifed and threats were made.  Reed didn't report them but he recorded everything.

Raydor complains audits are an insult and a waste of money to all involved.  Pope (JK Simmons) says they're not a waste and Taylor (Robert Gossett) says she needs to find the leak in the division and cut off Goldman's (Curtis Armstrong) source of info.  Raydor's received a job offer from the LA Convention Centre.  She's not appreciated here and needs to move on.  Don't think she really wants to do that, it appears she is trying to find the leak with this revelation.

Pope tells her no one else can do this job and he'll make her a commander after the promotions freeze, much to Taylor's chagrin.  Pope knows the leak is a crisis for them now.  Brenda: "the FBI mistakenly identified this as a federal crime."  Tao hasn't deciphered Reed's password on his phone but Sanchez got the recordings.  Reed was changing the eligibility rule and all students have to maintain a 'C' grade average.  At least those taking part in sports.  Coach Carr (Michael Beach) says the children can work harder.

In a meeting with Reed, Carr was being transferred to a school with fewer problems.  But he didn't want to go since it would put the children on the streets and into jail if the school closes.  Reed said he didn't have the guts to see the bigger picture.  He threatened to call the District to tell them what's happening at Carr's house. Carr called his students to get them out of bed cos their parents wouldn't.  He was at the school for 30 years.

Raydor has a warrant to search Carr's house, but only for the trophies he took from the school; whilst really they're looking for the murder weapon.  Raydor documents everything.  They find three boys in the garage and she wants a physical exam on all of them.  Taylor tells Brenda they were all living at Carr's house and could be the killer.  Carr is dedicated to his job and Brenda denies there's a leak in the Division.  She needs the gun to tie Carr to the murder, obviously it's not him.  Brenda thinks Carr "preyed on throw away kids."  He recalls not helping a boy who was later shot to death.  They don't find anything in his house.

Something could be buried in the garden and they use a metal detector, Raydor insisting they're looking for the trophies.  Provenza asks when they should plan her retirement party for and adds she said it in front of Taylor so he wouldn't keep it to himself.  So they're implying Taylor could be the leak.  The gun is found buried in the yard.

Brenda: "we both know what's going on here."  Carr asks for a lawyer and at this point it could be Goldman who turns up for all we know.   The boys weren't abused.  Fritz tells her about Raydor leaving.  The casings match but Carr wouldn't want the TSA agent dead.  The gun is registered to Miller (Tahmus Rounds).  He served 5 years for robbing a store with the same gun.  Tao says there's no way Reed and Miller could have met.  Pope wants to release the boys to their parents.  Brenda insists she can't let them go since they could get hurt etc.  Goldman could recruit their parents for the Federal case.

Pope tells Brenda he could replace Raydor with someone worse if she doesn't talk her out of leaving.  Miller hid the gun at the woman's house and left it there with one of the boy's mother's he was shacking up with.  Miller is here to pick up Lewis (Titus Makin Jr) and he runs for it.  Then confesses to shooting Reed.  Brenda tells him the DA could try him as an adult.  Taylor says they don't have a choice as he lawyered up.  Brenda apologizes to Carr and Gabriel says a lot of children don't get the proper chances and Brenda adds  they don't turn to crime.

Raydor says Carr's actions were illegal and Brenda thinks he'll lose his job for going above and beyond.  He was doing good work when he wasn't fully appreciated for it. Referring to Raydor of course.  Brenda finds that admirable, so does Raydor.  Raydor arrives at Carr's house to find Goldman leaving.  He heard she's retiring and has a job offer.  Raydor admits she isn't but she said that to prove there's a leak.  She can get a warrant to find out who the "little birdy" is that told him.

Knew she wasn't really going to retire and was trying to find out who the leak is.  Seeing as she only told two people in Pope's office and it spread pretty quickly throughout the department.  Even Raydor says not everyone knows yet.  Brenda trying to talk her out of leaving, but doesn't come out and say it to her face.  Of course the weasel Goldman would already have reached Carr before the ink was even dry on his release form.  Don't see him responding to any sort of a warrant though as Raydor tells him she'll get one to see who his 'birdy' is.  Wonder if she should have told him that was a rouse and she isn't really leaving.

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