Tuesday 28 August 2012

Supernatural Season 8: Deja Vu Perhaps?

Supernatural season 7 returned for UK viewers only just recently and hate how everyone's talking about season 8 already!  Jealous much?!  Yes quite a lot.  Season 8 is to air Wednesday 3 October at 9 on The CW.

Did a piece on Jared Padalecki and Sam last time round, so this time round it's Jensen Ackles/Dean's turn to a point.  Zap2it states how Dean will return from purgatory and how Benny will affect him, whereas Sam struggles with his relationship with a new chick.  So clearly they will be spending time apart once more and many fans hate that.  Well I'm one of them too.

In actual fact this reminds me of season 6 and how Sam was brought back from the Cage by Castiel (Misha Collins) and he was the one who had to deal with the fallout from being there with Lucifer and Michael both tearing strips off him and more importantly he returned without his soul.  Whereas Dean was the one who had the relationship with Lisa and Ben and all the baggage that entailed.

It was great while it lasted, as long as Sam wasn't around, but when he revealed himself to big bro, things changed and went from good to bad to worse in Dean's lovelife.  Season 8 seems to have reverted back to this, kind of, and Sam is now the one who is with woman, does that sound right?  Ha.  He will have to deal with that and everything it entails.  Whether she will be able to put up with Sam, accept who he is and what he does.

Dean will be in Sam's place, as he was in season 6, as he now returns from Purgatory.  How will he handle this?  It squarely puts both the brothers now having faced similar experiences.  Dean selling his soul to save Sam in the season 2 finale and ending up in hell, with everything he endured, his unwillingness to talk about how he suffered in hell and had to torture souls himself.  This was later transferred to Sam.  He went through the process of being soulless, being ruthless as a result of his actions in the season 5 finale and not wanting to share his feelings.  Again when Dean comes back, he doesn't want to tell Sam everything about purgatory.  Keeping secrets as he did about his time in hell.  Suppose you have to get some sort of a story that way.

Jensen described Dean's time in purgatory as "diet hell."  Yeah well he probably needed one with wolfing down those burgers! ha, Also the scenes of his time in purg will be shown in flashback.
Hopefully it will prove to be different than something we've already seen in the past especially with Jeremy Carver back on the show.  His stories were always enjoyable.

From Inside the Box Zap2it wrote the following about the second episode of season 8:  What's Up Tiger Mommy; here "the Winchesters are invited to a very fancy party.  The event is described as 'an auction of remarkable, unworldly objects d'art' and the bidding will get heated as an ancient monster grows increasingly determined to get what he wants."  An Object d'art of sorts, was seen in season 1's Provenance, well at least Sam's first love interest after Jess aside.  The next time we saw a party was in season 3.6 Red Sky At Morning where they were after the Hand of Glory.

Okay I'm off to continue writing my second Supernatural book...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for sharing this Season's Episode ( When Acting Is Not Enough) and I really like this season very much its full of action and thriller , I really like this and I love Dean Winchester, He's in Dean Winchester Brown Leather Jacket Coat
    looking Cute and Sexy. Actually l am looking for this episode
