Sunday 19 August 2012

Once Upon A Time 1.21 "An Apple Red As Blood" Review

Henry (Jared S Gilmore) crashes the car to stop Emma (Jennifer Morrison) from leaving StoryBrook.  Regina (Lara Parrilla) has dinner with Henry and Emma arrives.  She finds herself alone and the town, or most of the characters we know, Like Red (Meghan Ory) Granny (Beverley Eliott) Charming (Josh Dallas) Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) and the Dwarves all have her tied to her tree.  Emma picks an apple which is "rotten to the core" and takes her head.  It's all a dream of course.  Regina's last words, "I just wanted to win for once."  It had to be a dream cos she can't be defeated, at any rate it would mean no more show.  She checks Henry's room and sees the light on under the covers but he's not there.

Henry tells her she can't win.  Mary Margaret tells Emma she left without saying goodbye.  The Queen takes Charming from King George (Alan Dale) in return for wealth so he'd hardly be one to refuse.  The guillotine blade, which was his intended punishment turns to water.  Charming: "losing my life for love, that's a sacrifice I'm happy to make."  Which will come back to haunt him and Snow.  Regina's going to "destroy his one true love...using him to put an end to Snow White."

Regina stares out the window at her rotten apples as she runs to Gold (Robert Carlyle).  She sees it as a sign the curse is weakening.  He thinks giving up Henry is a price for the curse to remain.  If Emma is killed the curse is broken.  He can't undo the curse and magic is in short supply.  Regina still insists on the curse being broken.  Regina just loves that word "destroy" she's used it so often now.  He's planning a trip and suggests she do the same.  Thus the globe on his counter.  The people, he says, "will be looking for blood once woken up" to her.  He was planning a trip, but he can't leave either.  Think he was planning a trip back home, but that won't happen either.  Besides he still hasn't found his son and Regina doesn't know why he got her to do the curse.

Regina leaves a White Rabbit card, intended for Jefferson/Mad Hatter (Sebastian Stan) on Paige's bike since she knows he watches her.  Mary Margaret is kind of shocked Emma abducted Henry and asks what's wrong with her?  She's reverting into how she was when she first arrived here.  Selfish, not needing anyone and she's gone back into saying the same thing.  Is it any wonder everything's in chaos.  She must do what's best for Henry.

Snow White and the Dwarves raid George's castle but Charming isn't there.  She sees him in Regina's mirror.  Regina has an apple for Snow.  Regina tells Jefferson if he had it in him, he would have killed her 28 years ago. He puts the Rabbit card in the drink she offers him and she wants him to use his hat to get back home and she has some magic for one last journey.  She gave him the mansion so why would he want to return to his hovel.  She promises to wake Grace up, but he wants her to make Grace forget and write a new story.  Give them a fresh start here.  We all know what Regian and her promisies are like, so why is he listening to her again especially after what happened in Wonderland.

Henry visits August (Eion Bailey) since he was going to make Emma believe but she didn't see his leg, only what she didn't want to see, does that make sense?  Oh you know, only believe what she wants and not in magic or the curse.  His arm is wooden now and Henry realizes he is Pinocchio so the curse is real.  He hasn't been a good boy so he's changing back.  She needs to break the curse to see.  August wants to be with his father, Marco.  He calls Henry 'kid' too just like Emma.

Archie (Raphael Sbarge) tells Emma she has no case for getting Henry back.  Regina would hurt anyone except him. The war between her and Regina needs to end.  Regina wants a Parley with Snow (heading into Pirates of the Caribbean territory here, ha) and meets her in the place where it all started.  Regina uses the last piece of magic in the hat (which means she can't use magic to save Henry next ep.)  It's her engagement ring, with Daniel.  Jefferson tells her it's enough to reach in and pull out an object that can help her.  She must guide the hat.

Snow must eat the apple to save Charming.  Her mother took Daniel's heart.  Snow eats the apple as her 'sacrifice for love.'  Of course as I said, Jefferson won't be getting Grace back, not until Emma is dead.  That'll be a long wait then.  The savour has to "eat her forbidden fruit."  As for the apple, Emma didn't even recall what Henry told her about the apple, not even to humour him.

She goes to Regina, she'd really make a deal with the devil instead.  She'll leave if she can still visit Henry, yeah that'll happen.  Hey Emma was already eyeing that big turnover even before Regina gave it to her.  And wasn't she meant to give notice to quit being sheriff.

Snow sacrificed herself for them.  Regina tells Gold she has a solution to her problem and no one's going anywhere.  Gold didn't look happy about that and also he can't leave he hasn't found Bae yet or Belle.  She doesn't want the curse broken.  Gold: "made magic from magic - all magic comes at a price."  Thus Henry eating the apple turnover.  Regina didn't even think of that and thinks she's won.  Emma tries to tell Henry this is reality not a story.  He believed in her but she can't do the same.  SO Henry makes his own sacrifice for love and for her to believe.  Something tells me it won't be enough.

So everyone was making sacrifices this ep.  Emma in leaving and not seeing Henry everyday, which just smacks of selfishness to me.  She did revert back to how she was and after setting the chain in motion and moving time forward, etc, she now decides she wants to run back to Boston.  Charming was willing to sacrifice himself for love, Snow did and Charming was still a prisoner.  Regina sacrificed Daniel, the only thing she had left of him, though don't think many will be feeling sorry for her.  Jefferson sacrificed his integrity once more for the sake of Grace but he didn't even get her back.  As for him not thinking that Regina used the last piece of remaining magic back, if her plan had worked and the curse was broken, then she'd have all her magic back.  SO she may have helped him with Grace.  However Regina wants to remain here, well she was smug about it when she told Gold this at the end.

As Gold created the curse that's why he wanted to know what Snow and Charming's child would be called and he knew it would be a girl.  Guess he needed all that for the curse since he knew she would have to be the one to break it.  As for Emma and the turnover, come on, Regina even gave her a hint when she commented she hopes she likes apples.  Still no reaction from her.  Seems like everything we went through this last twenty episodes has all come undone, so was it really worth it?  All in readiness for the season finale and for season 2.

Of course Henry isn't dead, since Snow ate the same apple and everyone thought she was dead too, she opted for the sleeping curse instead.  Can Henry have the apple lodged in his throat too like Snow in the fairytale.  So will a kiss from Emma save him?  Will it be enough to make her believe or want to believe about the curse.  Mary Margaret acted like Emma's mother in that early scene and took charge of it, a change from when we first met her as being so timid and lacking confidence.  She also reminded Emma about her saying she was family.

Don't think Regina will develop any sort of a conscience anytime soon, it's a sign of weakness for her.  Everything's about her and what she wants: to win most of all. She even puts winning above Henry.  She's even sacrificed Daniel's ring, her one true love, to get the apple back and her revenge on Emma in order to break the curse.

Apparently in the Pilot Regina was meant to have "poisoned an apple" cos she saw Snow as more fairer than her, as in the fairytale which is what Snow said.  SO is this what Snow believed she sought revenge on her for all this time and did she only just realize it was for Daniel when when she shows her his grave.  As for saying her mother "took his heart" that's double standards and hypocritical since that's exactly what she does.  She couldn't have the Sheriff so she sacrificed him too earlier on, so no one would have him and that was meant to have been for love too.

Just hope we get a few answers in the finale.

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