Wednesday 22 August 2012

Merlin 4.4 "Aithusa" Review

A thief steals an object from the Druids and it joins to one he already has.  He contacts Gaius (Richard Wilson) to ask about the object and Merlin (Colin Morgan) listens in as usual.  It is the Triskellion of Ashkanar and has caused trouble for Gaius before.  It has Druid writing and is a guide to the tomb of Ashkanar.  Legend states the last dragon's egg is hidden there.  The third part of the piece is in the vault at Camelot.  gaius refuses to help since it's been there 400 years.  The old ways should be left as they are and believes in the future Arthur (Bradley James) will build

Merlin says there's one chance to save the dragons and Gaius knows Borden (James Callis) can't be trusted.  Merlin summons the Dragon (John Hurt) as you know he would and he thought he'd be the last of his kind.  He thinks it a "chance in a thousand".  Merlin must retrieve the egg as he's a Dragonlord and it is his father's gift.  He gave up everything to save him.  What would his father say?  The dragon utters "I beg you in your father's name."

Merlin tells Borden he can help him since he's Arthur's servant.  He enters his chamber in search of the key and of course disturbs him, which is funny cos at other times, Arthur doesn't even stir.  Merlin's excuse, he's checking for woodworm.  He then uses magic for Arthur's pants to drop and gets the key when Arthur is in conference with the others.

The third piece fits the Triskellion.  Borden knocks out Merlin and leaves, now how did he not see that coming?  He wakes Arthur once more and is kind of saved by the bell.  Arthur is concerned for Merlin. The box was left open when Merlin and Borden were there but when Arthur now touches it, the box is closed!  Gaius was eager to tell them about the legend.  Agravaine (Nathanial Parker) says the egg can live for thousands of years.  Oh another thing, if Gaius knows all about Agravaine and his being in league with Morgana (Katie McGrath) why does he spill about the legend in front of him, knowing full well that Agravaine will rush off to Morgana to tell her.  Arthur believes the egg must be destroyed.  Merlin hopes Borden gets to it first.

Merlin sees it as the last dragonhold and Gaius is angry.  The knights camp for the night and play a trick on Merlin as if they haven't saved any food for him.  That's what the knights have been reduced to.  Then again said trick meant merlin wouldn't get any food the night night.

The Druids call out to Emrys  One tells him Ashkanar was wise as the Triskellion is also a trap.  The legends are clear and warns Merlin, "only when the way ahead seems impossible you have found it." Merlin tells them the right direction and Elyan (Adetomiwa Edun) tells them he's right.  Merlin: "ever heard of the word sorry?"  Well clearly not, it being a king's and knight's privilege, ha.  Arthur replies, "no is that another word you made up?"

There's a footprint by the cave which leads to a waterfall, hiding the entrance to another land and the tomb. They're attacked by Borden.  Merlin uses magic and Borden escapes, throwing a poultice into their food.   Merlin finds the poultice and Merlin gets no food conveniently as the others fall ill and he has to cure them using magic and heads off alone to the tomb.   Borden doesn't heed Merlin's warning and is gassed temporarily.  The egg is on display.  That place looked like where Morgause  placed the cup in the season 3 finale, The Coming of Arthur Part 2.

Merlin says the egg isn't his to take and he won't share the money either as dragons aren't used for wealth, they are free to roam.  He tells Borden he's the last Dragonlord cos Borden won't be around for much longer.  The egg is removed and the tomb crumbles with Borden left inside.  The others arrive too late.  Where did Merlin get his bag of supplies from since he didn't have the bag with him, nor is it large enough to hold any supplies.  The egg is inside and Leon (Rupert Young) says nothing could survive under that rubble.

Gaius tells him Merlin should think first since all was nearly lost cos of him, oh and what about blabbing about the legend to begin with.  The egg was concealed by Ashkanar for nearly 400 years.  Merlin must decide what to do.  He takes the egg to the Dragon and tells him he's no longer the last of his kind.  Only the Dragonlord has the power to summon them from the egg and it falls open.  He must name it and calls it Aithusa.  It's a white dragon and is named for the "light of the sun," in Dragon tongue.  A white dragon "bodes well for Albion, for you and for Arthur and for the land that you will build together."

Well we know it won' work out that way especially since Morgana will get her hands on the dragon and manipulate for her own purposes.  Would have thought she'd have been in this episode and neither was Gwen (Angel Coulby.)  Oh and another thing the story must have jumped forward since Arthur didn't appear to have any 'kingly' duties, aside from the pants fiasco; (also seen last episode) yet he had the time to go chasing after a dragon's egg.  Who was running Camelot whilst he was away and Uther's (Anthony Head) name or passing was hardly mentioned at all.  That was moving on pretty quickly.  One of those eps you either liked or didn't.

Colin Morgan could keep the dragon's egg after filming.  James Callis played Merlin in Merlin and the Book of Beasts (2010) and played 'Gaius' in Battlestar Galactica.  His horse in this episode was named 'Galactico.'  Scenes from 3.11 The Sorcerer's Shadow where used again when  Merlin is in bed and gets up to see the Dragon.  Merlin in his red shirt with the blue scarf is the same scene from 3.13 The Coming of Arthur Part 2, where he needs the Dragon's help to obtain Excalibur.

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