Monday 16 July 2012

Without A Trace "Nickel & Dimed" Part 1 Review

Colleen (Audrey Marie Anderson) leaves her son Jake with Mrs Reese (Carol Locatelle) and then goes missing.  It’s her training day at work, if she misses it she’ll be fired.

23 Hours Missing
Colleen McGrath, 25 from White Plains.  She worked at Everymart and Jake’s now with social Services.  They don’t know where the father is.  Jack (Anthonly Lapaglia) says Colleen could’ve just left.

24 Hours Missing
Danny (Enrique Murciano) and Viv (Marianne Jean Baptiste) talk to Mrs Reese who tells them she wouldn’t just leave Jake.  She had Thursday off and someone else watched him then.  Colleen lives at cheap rate motels and she wasn’t worried about money.
The manager at the store says everyone is like family here.  He didn’t know Colleen had a son.

26 Hours Missing
Danny calls Colleen’s room “the Presidential suite.”  She didn’t take much with her if she left.  Viv finds a key.  Danny says it has pins in the front and back and it doesn’t belong to the motel.  The manager tells them she had a man in her room and he ‘overheard’ her phonecall asking for $200.

Martin (Eric Close) finds Colleen didn’t have a mobile phone, car or credit cards.  She worked 5 days a week and worked somewhere else for the other 2 days.  She needed another job as Sam (Poppy Montgomery) says, she earned $7 an hour, paid 4175 a week for the motel room.  She works under 40 hours so she doesn’t qualify for benefits so she was earning $228 a week.  She bought a backpack from work whene she bought the shoes.

27 Hours Missing
Jack talks to Nora, (Chane't Johnson) Colleen’s friend at the store.  She kept Jake quiet from the managers because they don’t like their employees to have children.  She had a job cleaning a house and had problems with the husband there.  She was looking for another job.  Danny finds the man lives in Scarsdale and drives a sports car.  His name is Ted Fortman (Christopher Cousins).

29 Hours Missing
His wife left him.  He was having an affair but not with the help.  Sam emphasizes Colleen had a name.  Colleen saw him with another woman and he thought she’d told his wife so he fired her.  She hit him and took her 4100 pay for 2 days.  She was picked up by a red and black striped van which was waiting for her. Sam didn’t like Fortman saying Colleen was only the maid.

32 Hours Missing
Danny and Viv canvas the motel again.  There’s a call for colleen on the payphone from a doctor.
Dr Evans (Ben Bode) called her about Jake who needed a hearing aid costing $500.  Foster children are the responsibility of the state so Colleen couldn’t get the money that way.  Sam doesn’t believe she’d just abandon Jake.  A woman at the motel says she heard shouting from Colleen’s room.  A  man left.  Colleen told her he’d kill her.  Sam talks with Jake and shows her the photo of the man from the motel.  He gets upset.
 Jack talks with Nora again and whilst there sees the manager drive up in the black and red striped pick-up.  He caught Colleen stealing from the store.  She needed the money so he let her go.

48 Hours Missing
 She asked Ray (Mike Dooly) for $1,000 right now.  She ordered the hearing aid but didn’t collect it.  Martin thinks she could have got the money from a loan shark.  He says this case is getting to Sam and asks if it’s Jake?  It’s everything.  Danny spies Martin and Sam on the balcony, well he would wouldn't he.

51 Hours Missing
Jeanette passed out in her room (Cathryn De Prume).  Sam gets tough with her and say she’ll fix her up with a syringe.  She claims to be clean until Colleen dropped Jake off.  She steals a bag from colleen’s backpack.  She tells her she didn’t take it and threatens to call the police.  The bag was worth over $1,000.  Colleen gives Jake a toy bus, she was taking the bus to the city.  Sam arrests Jeanette.  Martin has the lab analyze the syringe.  Jack talks with Scott, a former drug mule.  The chemical analysis of the heroine shows it’s the same smuggling ring.  Scott met Ken in the coffee shop where she worked.  It was easy money and she’d make $800.  She’d have to take the bus to the Port Authority and then would get the rest of the money.  She got 5 years for possession with intent and another 5 for being within 1,000 feet of a school.  Jack tells the others Colleen delivered short so she’s probably not missing but dead.

The bus driver recognizes Colleen.  She took the bus to White Plains 5 days ago.  She was upset things were going badly for her.  He gave her the toy bus.

Viv says she’s going home as the case is getting cold.  Martin works on case files from the DEA.  Sam says it’s not about paper trails; Colleen has disappeared like she never existed.  She helps Martin with the files.  He finds a drug dealer fitting a similar profile: 26 years old from Winchester County who was found shot in the river.  The suspect was the same unknown man from Colleen’s motel room.  Sam thinks of a plan and tells Jack.

Jack: “I am conducting a federal investigation.  I will talk to whomever, wherever, whenever I want to.”  Jack getting his own way again.
Sam: “…never on grid to begin with.”
So much for keeping quiet about Colleen having a son, Jack’s just let the cat out of the bag, not that it mattered.

Sam: “I haven’t met Mr Fortman yet, but I feel like I know him already.”  Sam after looking at his sports car, which Danny has a particular interest in. Enrique and his love of cars and bikes.
Danny: “What, not your type?”
Sam: “Nope.”
Danny: “What is your type?”
Sam: “Not Mr Fortman.”  Danny asking what Sam’s type is when in season 1 episode  The Friendly Skies Martin asks Danny if the detective is Sam’s type.  Think he would’ve known by now what her type is; it’s just more convenient for him to have asked this now that he’s seeing Martin and he’ll spot them together later.  That season 1 episode was written by Hank Steinberg and this one wasn’t, hence the continuity factor. But then Danny knew there was something between Sam and Martin since season 1.  “Call me crazy!”  Danny that is.

Viv: “People stay missing or get found on the smallest detail, so if you know anything.”
Danny: “What’s the other thing? -  you said for one thing Colleen…what’s the other thing?”  He’s very perceptive isn’t he.

Jack :"I’ll save it for later.”  Does Jack really smoke?

Sam: “It’s all of it.”  Sam and Martin have a heart to heart as this case is too close to home for her.  The first time Danny sees them together but not the last.

Viv: “Tomorrow is another day.”  But tomorrow will be too late.

Sam: “…shouldn’t have been so hard for her – she deserved better…this isn’t about records or files or paper trails; the problem is she’s invisible – this woman has vanished into thin air and if it weren’t for Jake it wouldn’t have even made a ripple.  I feel like things happen to people like her…and no one notices and no one is held accountable.”  This episode is really about Sam and perhaps her problems from her past.  See part 2.
Note the Chrysler Building behind Jack in the background at the prison.

Sam becoming so emotionally involved made this episode what it was.  So much emotion and character development too, which is hard to find in shows of this nature, but WAT was without a doubt, in a calibre of its own.  Not to mention another balcony scene too, love those, especially if Danny's around!

The title alludes to a book by Barbara Erhenrich.

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