Wednesday 11 July 2012

NCIS - 7.24: "Rule Fifty-One" Review

Gibbs is held captive by Paloma from the Reynosa drug cartel and she knows he killed Pedro. Ziva is sworn in as a US citizen, but Gibbs is missing from the ceremony.

Gibbs (Mark Harmon) knows Paloma Reynosa (Jacqueline Obradors) and the quote she uses from Tennesse Williams: about 'all being sentenced to solitary confinement inside our skins for life.'  She asks if he is a 'frank' man.   Referring to "paragons of frankness."  Lots of references to frank here, i.e.  Mike Franks (Muse Watson) .   Gibbs doesn't drink Scotch.   Meanwhile, Tony (Michael Weatherly) is upset Ziva (Cote de Pablo) is becoming a citizen, it can't be happening, "how could they let you in...never been more disappointed in my government."  Ziva passed her exams.   Gibbs isn't at work and she comments it's not "the first time he's run off on his own."  Referring to his 'retirement' at the end of season 3 and early season 4.   Vance (Rocky Carroll) says they need to concentrate on what they're good at.   Tony just loves stirring doesn't he, asking "What would that be?"
Vance replies, "If you don't know, I'm not gonna tell ya."

Tony: "Pretty tasty and cryptic piece of rejection there" from Vance.   Or as some would say, get over it, it's not the first rejection Tony's ever got and it won't be the last.   Ziva noticed it was like the "red headed step child."  She got that saying right, maybe being a newly fledged citizen is rubbing off on her.   Vance says McGee (Sean Murray) was friendly with Alejandro (Marco Sanchez) and wants all the information kept from Allison Hart (Rena Sofer.)  Margaret Allison Hart Esq is employed by Bell.   They found Bell's DB and other DBS were associates of Bell.   San Diego agents will help McGee out.   McGee asks about Gibbs and Mike Franks.   Alejandro doesn't look convincing when he's surprised at Gibbs being in Mexico.   Always said there was something fishy about him.

Cue Gibbs and the mind games being played, when he says it's not the Vic but the method employed for a perfect murder.  He tells Paloma to kill him now cos he's not helping her.   She views him as a valuable federal agent.   Can't force Gibbs to work with her, he asks where her evidence is and for her to prove he's guilty of the crime.   Gibbs: "I know something about convictions.   I get 'em and I got 'em!"  Paloma threatens everyone Gibbs knows, including Mike and Gibbs' ex mother-in-law, his workers and his father, whom she'll deal with in person.   Gibbs posits she's doing him favours now.   She wants him to deliver a package.

Tony and Ziva will go to Mexico.   McGee mentioned Gibbs to Alejandro and he's tracked Gibbs.   Vance questions if Ducky (David McCallum) and Abby (Pauley Perrette) have finished with the Mexican cold case.   Vance touches his eye and winks at Tony.   Who comments Vance and Gibbs have a "wink, wink, nudge, nudge language."  Vance can't green light an op and has to have them pick up the slack.   Alejandro arrives at her villa, he got there easily, so obviously he's definitely involved.   He takes Gibbs away feigning a rescue and then brings him right back to the villa.   He had the task force investigate the cold case.   Gibbs asks if that's a coincidence.   Abby didn't stop the report, Gibbs is "dead certain."  When Alejandro says someone stopped it.  As we know, there are no coincidences as far as Gibbs is concerned.   Alejandro is Paloma's brother.

Ziva renounces her ties to Israel.   Abby hijacks the lift and quotes Rule 44.   Tony asks if someone's out to get her.   Ziva says she told Gibbs to write down his rules (which he actually does.)  The number forties are for emergencies only.   Alejandro doesn't have the report so they have to do things Paloma's way.   Gibbs mentions a riddle about a man in a room, without doors or windows, only a table and a mirror, so how does he get out?  Jason Dean (Dylan Bruno) answers it, by looking in the mirror, you see what you saw.   Take the saw and cut the table in half.   Two halves make a (w)hole.   Gibbs' father taught him that.   Alejandro holds the gun to Gibbs and he tells him to shoot, but he can't.   He's never shot anyone before.   Gibbs never lost sleep over Pedro, their father.

Tony and Ziva find themselves in yet another plane, as they were in the season 6 finale.   Only Ziva didn't come back that time.   Ziva won't get back on the plane without Gibbs, but he's there to meet them.   Tony says they didn't find Mike, but he doesn't want to talk about it.  His family left town the day before.   Tony always questions Gibbs, who replies, it's a "mess I've got to clean up." That's rule 45, paraphrased by Gibbs.   Tony then finds McGee and tells him his new best buddy, Alejandro, threw him out.   Vance tells Gibbs he doesn't need his permission and Tony notices the briefcase on Vance's desk.

Ducky's mind has gone blank and then recalls a golf story, courtesy of Palmer (Brian Dietzen).   Gibbs asks his father (Ralph Waite) to stay with someone else.   Abby finds the bullets match Gibbs' weapon.   Ducky believes this shows Gibbs as a murderer, but he didn't kill the man.   As a scientist Ducky knows he didn't.   Ducky mentions it's not a coincidence that the pattern of the knife matches the one used on Macy, so Dean also killed Bell.   Ziva tells them there's only one way anyone would get Gibbs' gun, over his dead body that is.   As Ducky eloquently puts it, "pry it from his cold, dead hand."  Tony comments tracing stuff on the computer is McGee's work, just like a fish in a shark's mouth picks things out.   Tony: "Dead men don't make phonecalls."  Tony's doing this without him, McGee that is and not Gibbs.

Ziva traces the phone, it's active.   Dean is calling Gibbs.   Gibbs looks at them and Vance looks at Gibbs.   Gibbs throws the phone on the desk and Vance picks it up (so he can plant a bug.) Vance comments he spent lots of time in LA and went on the tour of Warner Bros costumes of Casablanca (1942).   Different philosophies, he thought of Rick (Humphrey Bogart) and Louis (Claude Rains) from Casablanca.   Gibbs is Rick and Vance hates being Louis, going behind his back.   He orders Gibbs to tell him what's happening.   Saying his life doesn't revolve around Gibbs.  Vance can make a call, and Gibbs replies, "because my life revolves around" Vance.   Dean is on Bell's plane and Alejandro is on the next flight.   Vance changed Gibbs' phone battery.

Abby says Gibbs is sorry, she hates it when he breaks his rule.   Mike's finger was shot off but he's still alive.   Abby: "Superheroes have super IDs."  Allison thought Bell was a good man, otherwise Ducky tells her, she wouldn't work for him.   He wanted to know more about Gibbs and Ducky tells her, now "You're feeling you backed the wrong man."  Allison knows about Ducky's psychology degree.   Vance wants Dean from the plane.   Tony leads the mission and there's a shoot-out.   Pretty similar to season 4 episode with Jenny's (Lauren Holly) mission to get la grenouille.   Gibbs removes a box from the crates.   As if he'd do anything illegal.  Vance comments on the slugs being from a .45, which Mike uses.

Gibbs meets with Alejandro, who sent Dean here, thinking he was in the clear.   But Dean was the fall guy.   Gibbs didn't open the box and quotes Tennesse Williams from Camino Real, "We have to distrust each other.  It is our only defence against betrayal." Oh talk about coincidences, when I wrote my Alias companion, Inter Alias: An Unofficial and Unauthorized Guide to Alias, I used this exact quote in my book!  Vance drops by, coincidentally, ha, not.   He's told there's candy in the box.   Abby's report was sent to the task force.   Vance plays back the recording made from Gibbs' phone.   Alejandro didn't say anything to incriminate himself.  Obviously Gibbs couldn't tell him what's happening and thought he could buy some time.   Gibbs trusts Vance and would follow his lead everyday.

Vance: "Worst enemies hide in plain sight." He tells Gibbs about a story with Humphrey Bogart where the director needed him for one more shot on the cafe set of Casablanca.   All he wanted him to do was to look and nod, when Victor Laszlo (Paul Henreid) wanted to play the Marseillaise, Rick gives him the okay.  "The character makes a commitment, makes a choice."  Vance says the cold case from Mexico isn't his business.   Abby never gave him the report and if something happens with Alejandro Vance doesn't have to say anything.    Vance hums the Marseillaise and they walk off together just like the ending in Casablanca with Louis and Rick, where Louis comments "This could be the start of a beautiful friendship."

Casablanca, one of my fave movies and I was awaiting for this to come up in the show, as I always said that Gibbs and Vance have that sort of a friendship, like Rick and Louis, it's unspoken.   Vance sends Tony to Mexico to trail Alejandro.   Gibbs is in a suit and Allison asks if he believes in right and wrong?  She gives him Abby's report.   Tony and Gibbs are both absent from Ziva's ceremony.   Even Vance was there, well he kind of had to be.   Gibbs and Allison are "both sworn representatives of the law." Gibbs has his own code.   Gibbs didn't want her to stop the report.    He doesn't apologize, there's a rule against it.   She wanted to know who he is/was as a person.   As an officer of the law she can beat his report.

Mike meets up with Tony in Mexico.   He'll take care of Alejandro, he can still shoot with his thumb and calls Tony 'Probie'.   Allison asks why he's a cop.   Gibbs has his rules and he wrote them down.   Flash to Shannon reading Gibbs' Rules, they were her idea.   Rule 13: never, ever involve a lawyer.    Flash to  season 3 episodes 23 and 24, when Mike and Gibbs spoke about his wanting to be a cop.   If Gibbs wants to be a cop, he must "let the old stuff go and let new stuff take its place."
Gibbs: "I think I'd be a good cop."

Gibbs writes down Rule 51: Sometimes you're wrong.   Paloma visits Gibbs' father at the store, he stayed anyway.   I'm sure I mentioned Casablanca in one on my episodes.   Anyway so that's the Pedro storyline done with, but is continued on with Mike gunning for Alejandro and Paloma going for Gibbs' father.  For her it'll be a case of 'an eye for an eye.'  Abby sent the report and it was intercepted by Allison, who decides that it's Gibbs she wants to help now.   Kind of her last good deed before she's kicked off the show, oh that was harsh.

Tony is usually sent out on these missions alone, to take care of business, just as Jenny sent him undercover in season 4.   Ziva must be wondering where both Gibbs and Tony are.   So a lot of things concluded here, like her becoming a citizen.   Rule 13 was also used in 6.7 Collateral Damage.   Rule 45 is: clean up your mess, here Gibbs paraphrases it to say he has to clean up his mess, which Tony tells Ziva  "that's 45 basically."  Allison finally calls Gibbs, "Special Agent" and not "Mr."  Vance mentions his work at NCIS:Los Angeles and also mentions Hetty.

Tony claims Vance winked at him, meaning he gave him the 'go-ahead' to get Gibbs.   Dean used Gibbs' gun to fire into Bell after he was already DB, to make it appear Gibbs shot him, but TOD would discredit that.   He also severed Bell's head and hands to make it difficult to ID him, which he didn't do to Macy.   Darby Stanchfield who plays Shannon, appears to play lots of wives, she was Castle's wife and also played a wife in a season 9 episode of CSI:Miami.

My NCIS An Unofficial and Unauthorized Guide to NCIS - The TV Show which you may or may not find interesting, appealing.
It's available here: and at amazon.

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