Thursday 5 July 2012

Desperate Housewives - 7.09: "Pleasant Little Kingdom" Review

Paul's mysterious plans for Wisteria Lane are revealed. Lynette and Tom argue as usual, then count their blessings for having each other, whilst Renee laments letting Tom walk.

Mary Alice (Brenda Strong): "There are things every parent should quickly their children grow up."

Lynette (Felicity Huffman) is upset at the prospect of not being able to have any more babies, how many more does she want and only last time she was complaining about how difficult it is to raise children too.  Tom (Doug Savant) reminds her then there'll only be two of them, which is the best bit.   Suddenly getting them all hot and passionate!  Then in stumbles Susan (Teri Hatcher) right into the nursery, catching them flagrante delicto.   That's their problem, one word or one conversation on anything in the entire world, gets them in the mood.  

Mary Alice: "Questions we all ask ourselves: do I trust the folks next door...will the couple across the street be there when I need them...great neighbours are ones that do exactly what they're told."  Leading to Paul (Mark Moses) continuing his mission to buy up Wisteria Lane and puts up a sign outside informing of his plans.   Well about time his plan was revealed, thought it would be dragged out for a while yet.   But we just had to wait  a few minutes longer for it to be unveiled.

Susan knocks on the door this time and has a conversation about Tom being well endowed in the private parts department and how Lynette hasn't told any of them; a proud Tom listening in the next room.   With Lynette telling her she doesn't want to tell everyone.   Of course as soon as he hears this, there'll be trouble brewing!  Tom and Lynette having one of those volatile relationships that flare up into huge arguments, you'd think half the time they only have such fights for the sex, make-up sex that is.   However it's the case they don't really need any excuse, as I just said.

Gaby (Eva Longoria) overhears Carmen (Carla Jimenez) planning to leave for Mexico, to be with (Danny Trejo) until he can find a way to sneak back into the US.   She suggests Grace (Cecilia Balagot) should stay with her until they're settled.   Then there's an argument with Carmen telling Gaby she's not a good mother, look at how Juanita (Madison La Garza) turned out: spoilt.  With Gaby rubbing it in that she's Grace's birth mother.

Paul's plan is to open a Community Correctional facility, called Second Chances.   That's why he's buying up realty.   A bit disappointing, would've expected something more than that.   He recalls how he felt when he was released and had nowhere to go, but here, remembering what it was like here.   It will be a "testament to how I feel about each and every one of you."  Don't really need his feelings spelled out to us, they're obvious and the residents know him anyway.

As if Susan couldn't do anymore walking in on people, it's Renee's (Vanessa Williams) turn now, Renee is crying.   It's her birthday but that's not why she's in tears.   Susan asks her out for drinks to celebrate.  For someone who she doesn't like, Renee agreed to go out with her, must be desperate! Gaby decides to report Carmen to Immigration and picks Bob's (Tuc Watkins) brains on this.   He replies it's legal as she's the birth mother, she could keep Grace, but it doesn't make it right.   That's not something Gaby is good at listening to.   As we know, Gaby always tends to do the opposite of what she shouldn't and goes ahead anyway.

Tom asks Lynette why he's always the butt of everyone's jokes and why she never tells anyone about his manhood; but is first to tell them of his mess ups.   That's a bit of a silly question to ask, since he's been married long enough to know what she's like and it's not something she would come right out and bring up in a conversation.

Keith (Brian Austin Green) dons a suit and stares at the engagement ring again.   Whilst Bree (Marcia Cross) has a conversation with Richard (John Schneider) about why he's wasting his life away indoors.   She thinks he's handsome and a catch, inviting him to dinner.  Way to go Bree, ask the father to dinner too, it's not everyday his son wears a suit, didn't she think there was something behind it; or did she think they were at the stage of their relationship where he'd change how he dresses for her.

The Homeowners Association needs to approve Paul's idea for the halfway house, he needs 14 votes and they're all sure he won't get them.   Starting another argument between Tom and Lynette, by Susan this time, as she lets slip how Mike (James Denton) would deal with Paul if he was here.   So naturally, they go round the room wondering who the best macho man would be for the job, such as Carlos (Richardo Antonio Chavira).  It's even suggested that Lynette could beat up Paul; everyone thinks she's tougher than Tom.   So Lynette mentions his manhood in her usual abrupt and angry style and he's still not happy with that either.

As the ICE agents stop outside the house, Gaby sees Carmen with Grace and realizes she may have been hasty and wrong, that'd probably be a first.   To save them, she passes herself off as Carmen; and is arrested.   But Carlos tells her since Gaby made fools of a US government agency, Carmen and Grace are leaving for Texas and can't come back to the house.   Now if she hadn't meddled, they would still be there.   They thank each other for taking care of their babies.

At dinner, Bree invites her friend Tracey to join them, they were in the church choir together.   That backfires, as Tracey goes on about how she doesn't have faith in the church anymore, something Richard doesn't want to hear.   He's an army man after all; his faith kept him going through combat.   She nearly swallows Bree''s engagement ring in the shrimp cocktail.   That was a shock to Bree as she wasn't expecting him to propose, and now he probably won't.

It's a wonder Susan and Renee weren't at the same place.   Renee: "when you said you were the fun one on the lane, who was your competition, the mailbox?"  Susan believes birthdays are difficult when you're single.   Unless Renee tells her what's wrong, she'll continue with her 'what to do with chicken leftovers' .   Renee was thinking of a man from her past, they had one weekend together, 20 years ago, he was the one and she let him go.   She calls Susan the smart one.   Debatable!

Lynette admits to Tom everyone sees him as thoughtful, having a sense of humour, whereas everyone sees her as a bitch.   For 20 years she was sick of people telling her how lucky she is to have him.   Hey, don't tell me, Renee and Lynette were thinking that right at the same time!  And about the same man, spooky.  Tom's lucky to have a great wife.

Meanwhile, Renee gets drunk and mentions 'her man' lives here on the lane.   Tom is "the love of my life."  Which Susan hears.  Now the cat's out of the bag, it won't stay a secret long, let's count the episodes until Susan blabs.   Richard sees his chance to tell Bree she should go after someone her own age, someone who shares her values and her faith.  Didn't take long for that to come out, but it was on the cards.

Paul brings up his 7 votes at the meeting and he needs one more.   Everyone is angry at Lee (Kevin Rahm) for selling him the houses and begin to squabble with each other.   Falling into Paul's trap, because that's how he's going to get his 1 house, they're going to make it easy for him with their in-fighting.   Yes but this is Wisteria Lane and we all know who has the winning vote on this lane and show!  With a halfway house house prices will tumble.

Mary Alice: "Do I trust the people who live next door...can I count on the woman who lives down the block...if we discover our neighbours can't be trusted, then it may be time to move."  No can't really picture anyone moving from this lane.  Unless they're carried out.   Not very much going on in this episode, a little predictable in places too.

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