Saturday 7 July 2012

CSI: NY - 7.5: "Out of the Sky" Review

Robbers steal precious gems from the apartment of a lawyer. Said gems ending up doing a virtual tour of NY City, leaving a wake of bodies in their path. Danny deals with someone from his past.

Lawyer, Roland Carson's (Gregory Harrison) apartment is robbed by two assailants, whilst one of his clients, Melvin McGrange (Moe Irvin) is attempting to give him his gun for safety.  Carson's bodyguard, James Belson (Coby Ryan McLaughlin) attempts to take them on and is shot.   Melvin goes for his gun and injures one, but is fatally shot.   Belson would have seen the intruders on the surveillance anyway, so it's unlikely he wouldn't have called the police and take on two armed intruders like that; unless there was more going on here, as is always the case.

Flack (Eddie Cahill) introduces Carson as a  "scumbag lawyer" which he prefers to call him.   Belson survived and is at the hospital, he was Danny's former partner when they were on patrol.   Flack: "apparently he's working on the other side now."  They stole $5 million worth of gems.   Mac: (Gary Sinise) referring to the safe as, "it's not so safe after all."  Another of Stella's (Melina Kanakaredes) lines, well  Mac had to say it as she's no longer around.

Lindsay (Anna Belknap) processes the CS by herself; finding 2 bullet casings, sand.   Melvin had 8 entry wounds and GSR (Gunshot Residue) on his hands, with a spent .45 casing nearby.   From his gun.   Flack notices the surveillance cameras in the building.   Carson demands the gems back from Mac and he tells him his 'assignment' is finding the killers, he should let Mac do his job.   Mac: "We work every case equally hard." Carson fears he may be next if he doesn't get the jewels back.   Mac's retort: "We'll  work that case equally hard too."

Lindsay shows Jo (Sela Ward) the video footage, where the suspects wore LEDs to hide their faces.   They were infra red LEDs which aren't on the market yet.   Jo sees the robbers as pros.

Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) drops by the hospital to see Belson, and tells him he's married with a child.   Don't know how many times that's going to be rubbed in now, we won't be forgetting that in a hurry.   Writers missed out, unforgivably,  on a potential opportunity to make Danny shine in this episode with his story, since he was away from Lindsay and yet it was as if he never left her side.   Belson saw the intruders on the surveillance and got shot.   He didn't see their faces.   Danny doesn't have any plans to retire anytime soon.   Flack finds the helicopter was hired for a private pleasure tour but wasn't returned.   Danny tells him Belson will make it.  

Flack never knew him, but says, "gotta wonder how an ex-cop goes over to the dark side working for a sleaze like Carson."  Danny thinks he was a good cop (aren't they all until things happen to them.)  He just came across bad luck and we get a flashback to Danny and Belson on patrol on a felony carstop.   Flack: "Constructive possession, one of my favourites."  Danny heard a noise in the patrol car but Belson never saw the gun dropped in the backseat, which was later used by a suspect to shoot two officers on the nightshift.   Belson couldn't take the flak (ha, no pun) and resigned.

Flack and Danny getting to discuss the case - again and talking about Belson.   No chases this time around, but we did get to see them out on the 'streets' together.   Flack has a penchant for white shirts this season.   As does Danny, who wore them last season, along with their little jackets.   Just a little NY fashion expose from me.

The helicopter is located with one of the robbers inside, dead.   He bled out.   Hawkes (Hill Harper) takes photos.  The LEDs were still on him.   The strap broke off the bag.   The sand isn't the same as the one found in the apartment.   Danny: "We follow the money."   He makes a mould of the car tyre treads.   Hawkes finds a nano chip when he examines the bag in the lab.

Adam (AJ Buckley) finds it's a tiny tracking device, if there's another chip with the same signal, they can find it and the signal from the other chip is in the building.   Well it would be.

Sid (Robert Joy) mentions the victim of a mugging and Mac finds the chip on the sole of his shoe.   He inadvertently picked up the chip on his shoe.   That's no way to talk about a DB Mac, when he asks, "who the hell is he?"

Jo gets a match from Melvin's gun to a Logan Peele (Austin Priester) a heist man.   Mac sees the sheets on the associates of Peele and refers to them as career criminals, the Vic in the morgue isn't one of them.   Jo didn't get to do much this episode either.

Hawkes finds no wallet or ID and the only thing that links him to the robbery is the chip.   They know how he died, comments Sid, a single gunshot wound to the head.  He was bruised in a fight and a knife mark on his throat.   Hawkes finds another minute particle lodged in the knife mark.   Sid analyzes it to be epithelium.

Lindsay strolling in like she's so pleased with herself again, no knocking, just waltzes right in asking what they wish for.   This is an investigation Lindsay!  Mac's comment, "I'm wishing there was a point here."  Normally he goes along with her but not this time and so he shouldn't, considering he's abrupt with Adam all the time.   She found bacteria and algae which is common in stagnant water and a penny.   Mac comments the Vic made a wish and it came true, the second bag was dropped and it was the luckiest day of the Vic's life, as Jo puts it.

Adam's analysis of the sand reveals GSR trace and Danny gives us the clue when he says it was nowhere near the gunshot.   He finds pollen in the treads.   Adam poses the dilemma, ethical and moral, of what Danny would do if he came across all that money.   Danny would give it back, of course, but Adam would keep part of it.   Danny tells him people get hurt if you keep things that don't belong to you, which in essence was the premise of this episode.   Hawkes gets a hit in CODIS from the suspect's fingernails, to Arnold (Mike Foy).

Flack asks him about his bad habits.   Arnold didn't kill the Vic, he stole money from him but not his gym bag.   Flack calls him the 'dumbest mugger' "those were some valuable gym socks."  Flack sees a blonde standing in the station and asks if she's okay! Jenny Harper (Melissa Ordway) is looking for her missing boyfriend, Heath (Justin Baldoni) who was coming in to return his findings.   He left her a garbled message on her voicemail.   Flack wants to have it analyzed.   Heath found the bag when he was making a wish at the fountain in the park.   Flack thinks he "was lucky to have a girlfriend who pointed him in the right direction."  Heath saved her life.   Flack understood what she was going through and was sympathetic towards her, reflecting his own feelings at losing someone close.   Still at least we got to see more of Flack this episode.

Adam tells Mac about the call he made with his ass one day, when the buttons get pressed accidentally.   He talked about his girlfriend, and Mac tells him that's why she's his ex.   Mac as per usual, isn't amused with Adam's digressions or analogies.  Mac treating Adam with such indifference again, if that's the right word.   Not that he's still not forgiven him for jeopardizing the "integrity of the lab," to the point where Adam is never going to get over being flustered everytime he has to talk to Mac.   He doesn't talk as casually and openly to Mac as he feels he can with Hawkes and Danny.

Danny tells Jo about  the flowers, which aren't native to New York and there's a nursery near to where the helicopter was found.  He and Flack find two DBs in the car, the pilot and the second gunman, shot execution style.   Lindsay surmises that Heath was killed 8 hours ago and the two gunmen, both brothers were killed 12 hours ago.   The brother's lawyer was Carson and all three were shot with the same gun, a Sig Sauer owned by Carson.   Carson tells Mac just about everything, except for denying the crimes.   That was a bit risky seeing dangerous criminals in his apartment.   He threatens Mac and the City with a malicious prosecution lawsuit..   He refers to earning more in a day than Mac does in a week.   Well he was being paid by the proceeds of crime.   (Remember back in season 1's Tanglewood episode, where Stella actually spelled out how much she earned!)

Hawkes finds the bullet pulled from Belson was deformed in such a way it would have been if he had been wearing body armour.  Hawkes test fires the gun to get the same deformed pattern, that's why there was GSR in the sand, as he was shot through a sandbag.   Mac believes he was shot to avoid being labelled a suspect.

Jo thinks they'll be able to trace Belson's movements on his computer.   Danny didn't even think of the possibility it could have been him.   Mac adds you don't know what someone is capable of even if they are old friends.   Luck had noting to do with his actions.   Which also reverts back to Flack in a way, when he shot Angell's (Emmanuelle Vaugier) killer.   That's digression from me.

Adam deciphered the voices, one of them asks, "where is it?" before shooting Heath.   He took his phone to locate where Heath lived.   Mac asks what Belson could want from him.   Perhaps all of the gems weren't recovered.   A bit of a hole in this plot line, considering even after Carson had identified the gems and that a ring was missing, it still didn't occur to Mac that it may still be there - at Heath's place, seeing as how the chip got under his shoe.   That's what Belson thought.

Danny tells Belson his reasons for doing what he did doesn't justify the killings.   It doesn't matter whether Danny had been in his place that night.    For a former policeman, Belson wasn't that bright, leaving the sand behind on the floor.   Danny taking him in so he could continue giving him a peace of his mind.   The differences between Danny and him, Danny was a better policeman and a better person than Belson, no wonder his wife left him and moved miles away.

Flack checks up on Jenny.   Wouldn't turn Flack away from my door!

Jenny throws the ring into the fountain - wonder who's going to find that then?

This episode was not so much about luck, but more like Murphy's Law which states  "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong." The robber being shot, the bag falling and landing in the fountain.   Right when Heath was there.   Taking the bag, keeping the ring.

No one asked at the end why Belson did go to Heath's apartment, after Mac said he was looking for  where he lives.   Did they not question why he was there.   Wasn't it to finish the job off and go after his girlfriend, she didn't see him, so she couldn't ID him, but more particularly because she had something he wanted.   That's what was heard on the deciphered phone message: Belson telling Heath he had something of his.   She seemed surprised to find the ring under the pillow..

As for suspects it could only have been Carson or Belson, since Belson knew all the low down on the security and his clients, as he tells Danny.   Also when he said it could have been Danny in his place that night, which led to his resignation.   However, Danny's been through so much in season 1, such as the episode, On the Job, after he shot the policeman and had to endure the "wrath of Mac" over it and IAB.   Danny has made mistakes of his own in the past, which haven't changed him as a person, he's learned from them.

Anyone could see the flashback was a recent addition, Danny had the same goatee and hairstyle he has now, which he didn't have in season 1.

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