Sunday 8 July 2012

CSI: Miami - 9.6: "Reality Kills" Review

A reality show star is murdered and all roads point to one of her co-stars, with Horatio racing against time to save a teen's life, suffering from a coma after taking bad drugs.

CSI:Miami seems to be obsessed with celebrity and reality-based episodes, there's one in almost every season.   Delko (Adam Rodriguez) patrols at a reality show: The Boroughs' party.   He's on crowd control as there are five parades, so it was amazing he was able to call for back-up when Horatio (David Caruso) arrives.  There's Gabe (Michael Carbonaro) from Queens, Tou Shea (Vanessa Lengies) from Brooklyn, advertizing her tanning spray, okay, publicizing it.   Zachary 'Guns' Rittner (Matthew Florida) is from the Bronx.  

Fireworks go off, which Delko mistakes for gunfire.   How long's he been on the job now.   He notices a man in the crowd with a gun and aims at Courtney (Kristen Renton) who appears to be high or drunk and she falls from the balcony.   Delko engages in a chase after the suspect.   The best chase scenes are covered in CSI:NY and no one can beat our Flack (Eddie Cahill) and Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) when it comes to chasing suspects! Horatio drives up and stops the suspect in his tracks.   Which is becoming a regular occurrence now.

The man was protesting against Courtney's hair care line and wanted to send her a message with pellets in the gun representing the blood of animals.   Horatio: "If I find out you're lying, the same won't be said of me."  In response to the man saying he didn't fire a shot.   Shea insists there are no secrets between any of them on the show.   Ryan (Jonathan Togo) thinks the man may have something to do with Courtney's death and Shea gives them their hate mail.   Ryan comments on the Statue of Liberty ice sculpture, which is a clue, as was the tanning spray.   Makes them miss college.   Almost picking up on the jokes and banter from last season between Ryan and Walter (Omar miller).

ME Tom (Christian Clemensen) good to see him back though he didn't do much.   He doesn't pick up any traces of the COD on Courtney.   Calleigh (Emily Procter) notices blood in her ear.   Well she had to find something since she hasn't been doing much lately aside from hiding behind set pieces.   Calleigh tie your hair!  The blood isn't from the fall.   Her tympannic membrane is torn.  The fall didn't kill Courtney but she suffered a stab wound, penetrating her ear and which didn't stop until it reached her brain.   A unique blade with certain measurements was used.   Calleigh tells him she knows where to start and yet she never left the lab.  The others had to search the suspects for such weapons.   Ryan enjoyed searching Shea.   Ryan: "I'm not paw-raping you, I'm just searching you." Horatio is determined to find the murder weapon.

On TV Zachary said he'd shut her up, but that was for the cameras.   Gabe's pocket knife is taken.   Shea insists Courtney was her friend and you know the old saying about having friends like that and not needing enemies.   Ryan tells her it wasn't  a ploy for the cameras since Courtney is dead and takes her nail file.   But it was for the cameras though.   Delko says according to the show, they all had motive, again that's all it was, just a show, as Zachary tells him the show had nothing to do with "actuality."  That sets Delko off on his rant and throwing his weight around and ever since he returned to the show that's all we've seen him do.   Ryan isn't  a fan of the show but he does his homework.   Delko discovers luminol doesn't show any blood on the knives etc.

A man attacks Gabe.   Cue another chase scene, this time with Ryan in tow.   Gabe doesn't know the man.  Wilson (Matt Gerald) is arrested but he claims he didn't kill Courtney.   Gabe tried to kill his brother, Tyler (Jacob Tudela).   He sold him drugs and now he's in a coma.   The doctor tells Horatio the drugs in his system hasn't been identified and the wrong therapy could kill him; he only has hours.   Horatio: "I'll get you an answer." Natalia (Eva Larue) and Walter check out the hotel room.   Walter remarks "our murder weapon just vanished into thin air."  Well at least he was on the right track.  Natalia thinks it's personal so they should look into Courtney's past.   Her real name was Megan Rauche and she was from Connecticut.   Ryan brings in some show footage.   He was researching.   Walter adds he means "avidly catching up on the season."  So he does watch the show, but then that's to be expected of Ryan.

 Courtney and Zachary were arguing over the baby.   Ryan has to point out she was hiding her stomach so she's pregnant.   Giving the expectant mother line to Calleigh.   Why didn't Tom find this out, I mean even if he found COD to be the stabbing in her ear, he didn't carry out a full autopsy on Courtney.   Zachary denies ever being with her.   He's studying to be join a seminary and become a priest.   Now it's Calleigh and Natalia's turn to cast aspirations and accusations on suspects and hold them guilty.   Natalia asks why he's "all with the buff." They too don't understand or seem to grasp TV isn't reality.   Calleigh is shocked he might actually be a virgin (cos she's not, ha.)  She's basing her decision on looks now.   Does it necessarily follow that if you're good looking, you're into every woman and have to be promiscuous.

James Read (Edwin Hodge) is Courtney's husband.   He was in a room across from Courtney and they had to keep their marriage secret under her contract.   They found a broken vase and lamp in his room, which Courtney threw at him, for doubting the baby was his.  Calleigh and Ryan were particularly harsh with someone who has just lost his wife and baby.   Especially when they don't have anything by way of evidence to back up their guilty theories.

Delko, trying to be tough and play boss too.   Gabe thought he sold Tyler ecstasy, like that'd make it better.   He has a supplier, Hannah Beckstrom (Marina Benedict).    Natalia's up on her stats on the murder of pregnant women as the top COD.   She and Walter search for the murder weapon.   Walter gives her the lowdown on 'Lady Liberty'.   He took the tour.   Her crown has 7 spikes and one under her torch.   They could have referred to Walter paying a visit to the NY crime lab, that would've been nice.   Natalia notices someone broke off the the ice spike.

 See Walter found what the weapon was, and it melted.   She thinks the sculpture may help them.   Hannah denies selling drugs.   She has marijuana in her bag and sold them for someone else.   She doesn't know what's in the drug.   Horatio just seems to be threatening everyone with long prison terms this episode.  She names her seller as Arthur Martinez (Randy Vasquez) who owns a bar.   Tripp (Rex Linn) asks for the names of his patrons or credit card receipts.   Horatio notices footprints on the pool table and shoots at the ceiling, causing drugs to fall through.

Tyler crashes just as the drug is being analyzed.   Natalia and Ryan examine the sculpture and Ryan thinks the trace could have slid down to the base of the sculpture.   That's Ryan and Walter solving the case then, whilst Delko was engaging in macho posturing.   Natalia identifies the sparkly substance as DHA used in spray tanner.   Shea in the flash is shown as breaking off the spike and it's clearly her, but after the case has been solved.   CSI:Miami usually used to show suspects in their clothes and used to give their ID away earlier on their flashbacks to the crime in question.

Courtney wanted to leave the show and Shea didn't want the show to end.   She was an MIT graduate and hated her job.   No one noticed her until the show.   Ryan thinks she should have paid off her loans by now.  She was just being greedy and fame got to her head.   But no one's watching her now.   Ryan asks "is this real enough."  Danny in CSI:NY episode, Personal Foul said something similar.   (He said he hopes what the woman did was worth it, same diff, ha.)  Wilson thanks Horatio for saving Tyler.

Horatio had a machine gun to put the fear of God into Arthur as he didn't have any time to lose when a boy's life was at stake.   But we know that's something he would do.   The machine gun would cover more of the ceiling than little normal pistol bullets.   As demonstrated by Harm (David James Elliott) in an episode of JAG, when he shot up the JAG courtroom ceiling to prove his point.

Horatio in this episode at the beginning, was believable he could be there since Delko called it in and the carpark was the only place he'd go to.   Though which carpark was anybody's guess.   It was too obvious he'd be there, just as in the second episode of the season.   That's why chase scenes should not be attempted in this show.   An episode which as I said earlier on shows the obsession with reality shows, no matter how lame or cheesy, this was a send up of Jersey shore; if you're into that kind of thing.

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