Saturday 21 July 2012

CSI: Miami - 9.10: "Match Made in Hell" Review

A man turns up dead in hos pool, the victim of an alligator attack. The investigation leads to two matchmaking services, to which there's more than meets the eye and Ryan goes undercover, for the briefest of moments.

A man on the phone is attacked by an alligator in his pool.   Horatio (David Caruso) and Ryan (Jonathan Togo) are on the scene pretty quickly.   Ryan spots a blood trail and sees the alligator, which hasn't gone very far, after finding some meat used as bait.  Horatio shoots the alligator dead, as is in his character, especially this season.  Horatio: "Welcome to South Florida."

Natalia (Eva La Rue) believes the alligator was deliberately lured there, uh that's what the bait was for.   Horatio finds someone tampered with the gate and so knew the code.   Matthew, the Vic, (Patrick Heusinger) was rich and retired.   The CS and the house are processed.   Delko (Adam Rodriguez) finds a torn piece of paper and ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) comments he hasn't seen anything like this and fancies himself as a bit of an alligator expert.   Not to be outdone of course by Delko who has to go one up with his staring at an alligator underwater at night.

Abby (Julie Gonzalo) the woman on the phone to Matthew whilst he was attacked, is questioned and Walter (Omar Miller) tests her hands for animal blood.   They went out together and she used a matchmaking service.   Her hands are negative for any trace.   Walter can't help smirking when she mentions the service  There's no sex permitted until 90 days into the relationship.   The woman who runs it is Tandy King (Julie Claire) whom Natalia questions.

Tandy shows Natalia as an example of how she extenuates her assets and that's what the women should do.   Obviously she looks suss.   She gives Natalia his file and video.   The men have the money and the women the beauty.   Me Tom calls her about finding an engagement ring and Matthew was going to propose.   Natalia wants all the files and gets directly to the point of not caring about Tandy's business.   At least she didn't beat around the bush.   There's Tandy's motive right there, her business reputation.   Also she went from being helpful, to obstructing by not handing over the files.

All the women tested prove negative for animal blood, hey, would these women actually touch a piece of raw meat with their bare hands, it's highly unlikely! So that wasn't really conclusive.   Walter: "all these babes." He wants to sign up.   Delko crushes that fantasy by telling him he needs to be a millionaire  Though he says Tandy was thorough in giving them the files, cos she was hiding something.   Or else she didn't want to endure Natalia's wrath, ha.

Natalia examines the sheets from the Vic's home.   Delko finds one of the women, Kate (Amber Clayton) is missing.   Her DNA matches the sheets.   She slept with Matthew.   Tripp (Rex Linn) doesn't find her at her apartment and Horatio asks if her car has GPS, then he can track her.    Why didn't Tripp think of this.   Her car is tracked to another matchmaker party, organized by Paul Nichols, (Peter Wingfield) but he's more than that.   It's apparent the security man, Ricky (Antonio Leon) was hiding something.   Tripp brought his own invitation, his badge, that's been done before in CSI:NY.   Paul only caters for high end clients.  Horatio screws up his business card and throws it down, he wouldn't have done that in past seasons.   Kate tells them she was there to end it and one thing led to another, but you know she's lying.

ME Tom happily saws into the alligator and it takes him back to undergrad anatomy.   He finds another torn piece of paper like the piece Delko found.   Which he bags for later, as in much, much later, cos no one examined that until right near the end.   Natalia notices a bandage on Matthew's hand when ME Tom pulls out his arm from inside the alligator.   Something hot was held against his skin and Natalia needs to match the burn pattern against whatever caused it.   Calleigh (Emily Procter) goes through the books with her and Natalia jokes she hopes it's not a pipe.   Tripp enters telling them he found two 'Insufficient Funds Notices' in Matthew's letterbox and IDs the burn as being from a motorcycle.    He recalls the bikes at the party.

The burn was from the exhaust pipe of the motorbike and Delko finds blood on the pipe.   Ricky owns the bike and tortured Matthew.   Paul sends his own lawyer to help, which is for his own protection.   Horatio tells him he'll be next.   Look at the way Horatio and Delko pushed him into the room, there's really no need for it, someone should sue for police brutality.   No really, since they've obviously got no IAB watching over them, they think they can get away with anything.   No wonder they got rid of Rick Stetler (David Lee Smith) last season, pity.   Horatio tells him he was set up by Paul to take the fall and he's afraid to talk for his family's sake.   It's all about money with Paul.   The lawyer arrives and has already posted his bail.  

Horatio gets an idea, of finally, well following on from Natalia's idea to go undercover in 9.5, he sends Ryan this time.   He needs to call every 30 minutes and has to talk to Kate.   He can't wear a wire, well no one checked his shoes!  Ryan makes small talk with Kate and uses the usual lines, including "penny for your thoughts."  Paul wants Kate to be alone with him, since he's none other than a pimp.   Ryan leaves her on the pretense of wine and investigates before he's caught and injected by security man (LaMonica Garrett).   Horatio and Delko seemed to know exactly where Ryan was when they came in.   Horatio holds the security man's head underwater and he's shot when he reaches for his gun.  There was a time when Horatio would have dragged him out of the water, not force his head in.

Ryan recalls finding something by the bookcase and it's opened up to reveal a safe containing lots of money.   Kate tells Horatio that Matthew wanted to marry her and she tried to break up with him.   Paul threatened to kill one or the other, if either one went off with each other and wouldn't let Matthew buy her out.   Matthew didn't have any money but she didn't care.   Horatio: "If Paul did this, justice will be served."  Yes, Horatio style!  Paul is arrested for prostitution, kidnapping and other offences and he's taken away without being given a lawyer, so what happened to due process.   CSI: Miami just keeps getting more and more incredulous now, it's the same thing every week, talk about being unoriginal.

ME Tom finds yet another piece of paper, which is what Natalia and Walter only get to now, why couldn't Calleigh have been working on it.  Natalia works out it's a cheque signed by Tandy - who else.   Walter asks why it's torn and why the red ink?  Then recalls what the bank writes on the cheque when there are 'insufficient funds'.   Tandy was there to collect her fees.   Natalia tells her she knew the code cos of the video.   Horatio has his feet up on her desk now - he hasn't done that before either.  Matthew couldn't pay and she had to protect her business reputation, so she killed him.   As said in the beginning, it was all about business with her and Horatio helps Kate out for testifying against Paul, the State Attorney will grant her probation, she needed the money.   Another hug for Horatio.   Who also admits he's also capable of anything, like we've seen.

Tandy was always the obvious suspect, her business meant more to her.   CSI:Miami is one of those shows where the person of interest who helps the most, has the most to hide or is actually guilty.   Anyway, who exactly would talk about Matthew not being able to honour his debt.   He didn't tell anyone about his business manager running away with his money, except for Kate and she didn't care.   It's embarrassing, to say the least, so he is unlikely to have told anyone else about it.   Besides Tandy would have got her money cos he'd have to sell his assets,his house.   Very poor episode for a ninth season.

In CSI:Miami 2.4 Death Grip, a girl is abducted from her bedroom and her arm is found in an alligator.  Seems the alligators in Miami have a penchant for arms.

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