Wednesday 6 June 2012

The Vampire Diaries - 3.14: "Dangerous Liaisons" Review

Ester sends out invites to the town inviting them to a ball at Klaus's newly renovated mansion, but she has a plan for which she needs Elena's help.

Elena (Nina Dobrev) is watched by someone at the hospital as she talks about the attacks with Matt (Zach Roerig).   He's lucky the only thing he needs to worry about is work, but that won't last long.   Outside Elena backs onto something and when she gets out of the car she's confronted by Rebekah (Claire Holt) who's out for revenge for getting staked by her.   Elijah (Daniel Gillies) saves her from being bitten and he asks Rebekah if she's challenging him.   So was Elijah watching out for Elena or was he the one who was watching from the hospital?

Damon (Ian Somerhalder) wonders how Ester (Alice Evans) is even alive.   Elijah wants them all to live in peace, yeah that'll happen.   Stefan (Paul Wesley) says they need a weapon to help them win over Klaus (Joseph Morgan).     Damon: "Anyone else feeling a little used right now?"  No, but he will be by the end of the episode.   Elena receives an invitation to the ball at the mansion from the Mikaelson family.   Elijah told her they don't want to hurt anyone.   Stefan asks who that family is.   Ester wants to meet with Elena alone.

Klaus is angry at Rebekah for going after Elena and Kol (Nathaniel Buzolic) exclaims he's not his father.   "You should go back to staring at yourself," he tells Kol.   Klaus talks of 'peace, acceptance, family.'  Why did Ester forgive him.   She had a thousand years to heal.   Her dream is for them to be a family, as it's a gift.   Stefan says Bonnie opened the coffin for a reason and he tells Damon it's now his job to care if Elena lives or dies, it's not Stefan's anymore.   Damon thinks he should go back to being the old Stefan to see if he cares or not.   Damon volunteers to go to the ball since Stefan's upset enough originals already.

Tyler leaves a message for Caroline (Candice Accola) and is sorry about Bill and is fixing himself.   Klaus sends an invite to Caroline, "Save me a dance fondly."  He also sends her a necklace and a dress.   Caroline tells Elena the ball is a "twisted Cinderella fetish." Well everyone's getting in on the old fairytale act, so...Salvatore's look better in a tux.   Bonnie told Caroline about Elena and Damon's kiss and Elena doesn't know how she feels about that kiss.   Rebekah turns up again and invites Matt to the ball as a way of getting to Elena.

Damon asks Carol (Susan Walters) if she's hanging out with her 'besties' now and she says she's trying to protect the town as Mayor.   Kol thinks Damon stands out.   Who is blown away by Elena in her gown.   Stefan beats him to her and then Elena takes both their arms: it's the beautiful threesome! ahh.   Caroline also arrives wearing Klaus's gown.   Finn (Casper Zafer) doesn't let anyone else see Ester, Elena must be alone.  Damon and Stefan are protecting Elena since Ester tired to kill her once.   Damon and Stefan both notice Ester upstairs and Damon has the first dance with Elena.   She should tell him before she walks into the "lion's den."  Stefan watches Caroline who watches Rebekah with Matt.   Klaus says she looks ravishing and Damon calls Elena stunning.   What did Klaus want to bite Caroline with his choice of words, ha?   Caroline comments she was Miss Mystic Falls.

Stefan cuts in to dance with Elena, the Mayor brought him here.   Damon should have figured out Elena can look after herself.  Damon doesn't compliment Rebekah as she tried to kill Elena.   Who tells Stefan she needs to see Ester.   When they were together he trusted her and she made her own decisions and she hopes that hasn't changed.   Rebekah wants Kol to kill Matt cos he's Elena's friend.   He doesn't want to help her cos of Ester's rules but he's in.

Stefan snaps Damon's' neck so he's out of commission.   That wasn't nice.   Elijah believes Ester willing to forgive Klaus for killing her is strange and he wants to know what they'll talk about.   Ester burns sage with a spell so no one can hear their conversation.   Ayanna preserved her body with a spell and Bonnie and Abby complete the Bennett bloodline.   She was on the other side for over a thousand years.   Esther needs her help.

Klaus fancies Caroline.   He was hunted by his father for a thousand years and the closest he came to Klaus was by killing his horse.   Klaus turned against Ester.   Elena asks how she can kill him when he's immortal.   Ester will use magic and resistance to perform a ritual.   She will need blood from Elena for this.   Elijah is suspicious but needs persuasion.   She will get her children to drink and they will be linked as one under the spell, so if one dies, they will all die.   She thinks of them as an abomination, "It's my duty to kill them." Is that what the spell is really for?   It could just be to make them stronger as one.   First Ester didn't want her children to be killed by werewolves and now after turning them into vampires, she wants to kill them, don't believe she'd want that.   As a mother she may want Klaus destroyed but not the others.

Kol suggests killing Matt on the stairs and making a spectacle of it.   Damon is trying to keep Elena alive.   Stefan knows his emotions are getting in the way of the plan.   Yet more plans which will end up backfiring.   Matt and Rebekah walk outside and Matt gives his coat to her.   Rebekah changes her mind about wanting him dead.   Elijah is concerned about Ester's intentions and Elena lies to him.  They all drink the champagne.   Elijah didn't look like he drank it and the way Elena was watching Elijah was suspicious too.

Caroline looks at Klaus's sketches and a landscape he drew is hanging at the Hermitage.   She wants him to give Tyler his life back and she thinks he only compels people cos his father didn't love him.   Damon doesn't think Elena had a plan and he's angry with her cos he loves her.   Elena thinks that Damon cares too much.   "How ironic."  Damon rescues Matt from Kol after he breaks his hand and beats him up, then snaps his neck.   Stefan thinks Damon's crazy.   Caroline wants Tyler back here and she has a gift from Klaus; a sketch of her with the horse and a note, "Thank you for your honesty."

Ester wishes the others were more like Elijah since he's moral.   Finn is ready to die and she completes Finn's link with his blood.   Elena has signed Klaus's death sentence but even she thinks Damon was being self-destructive when he went after Kol.  They both said something they weren't meant to.   Elena demands to know why Stefan acts like he doesn't care about her.   He hurt her and he hates himself and if he cares he'll feel pain.   Matt wants to be left alone and Damon comments Rebekah was rejected by the captain of the football team. "Welcome to adolescence." Damon and Rebekah get it on together.   So much for caring about Elena, confessing his love for her and then going after skanky Rebekah, as Caroline calls her.

Trying so hard to make us love Klaus or at least feel something other than contempt towards him; forgetting all the nasty, cruel things he done, such as making Stefan lose his humanity; killed Jenna, sired Tyler.   Now they're trying to make him appear so sad, lonely and vulnerable.   It's Klaus against the rest of the world.

Don't like Ester.   She had a thousand years to come up with this plan: kill her children, when she should be avenging  herself for Klaus's actions.   Then again the same could be said about Stefan and Damon.   Stefan killed Andie and has fed on plenty of others, as well as killing them too.   Elena so desperately trying to convince Stefan to come back to her - she still wants him, even if she tells Caroline she's not sure how she feels about the kiss, which just won't go away.

Caroline seems to be sympathetic towards Klaus however most of it appears  to spring from her getting him to release Tyler from his sire bond.   She's missing him and he should be here for her now in her time of need after losing Bill.  

Loved Elena's gown.   Lots of switching partners and sides happening at the ball.   Kol agreeing to kill Matt even if Ester wouldn't like it.   Perhaps another reason for her to want to dispatch her brood.   They're all doing whatever they please.   Elijah had his suspicions and I was surprised he didn't do much about them, other than trusting Elena who ends up lying to him.  

As for Damon and Rebekah getting it on, that was always on the cards going back to Smells Like Teen Spirit and beyond.   Damon always reaches for the nearest bit of skirt when he's rejected and dejected and misunderstood.   Either that or he goes crazy, as Stefan put it and 'self-destructive' as Elena said.   That's his nature and well, Alaric wasn't around so he couldn't kill him again.   But Kol was just what he needed.   After his random act of self-pity with Rebekah, Elena won't want anything to do with him now, romantically.   Talk about telling someone you love them and then betraying them in that way the next.

As the title suggest Dangerous Liaisons conjures up the very picture of what was happening here.   Ester tried to kill Elena once and what does she do? Walks into her parlour and worst still turns around and gives her blood without questioning.   Actually that should be freely 'donating' blood which could be used for anything.

Klaus is already aware of Caroline being Miss Mystic Falls.   Another scene on Elena's porch this time it's her and Stefan, and he didn't kiss her which is what she wanted.   Got some 'ripper' action between Damon and Rebekah with ripping off clothes that is - all very Tyler and Caroline a few episodes ago.   Oh and Elena left Alaric alone in the hospital where anything could be lurking - forgetting Bill was staked there.

There's not going to be any romance between Caroline and Klaus though, no e-mance either (my word for e-mail romance.)  That would be too obvious.   As for Elena learning about Damon's betrayal with Rebekah, Julie Plec commented, "The thing with Damon is, as we've seen, when he's hurt, he lashes out, and ...this is the most cruel way he could have lashed out."  Also showing how he's matured character-wise since "he's striking where it hurts the most - Elena,"  whereas in the past he carried out some other evil act instead.

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