Tuesday 26 June 2012

The Vampire Diaries - 2.20: "The Last Day" Review

Events heat up as they try to find a way to prevent Elena from being sacrificed. She and Stefan spend a day together as if it could be their last. Damon takes matters into his own hands, as only Damon would.

Elijah (Daniel Gillies) says tonight is the full moon and they should prepare to prevent Klaus from breaking the curse.   If Klaus (Joseph Morgan) manages to break it then he'll be a true hybrid.  Damon (Ian Somerhalder) wonders why he's letting them break it since they have Bonnie (Kat Graham).   Damon says he'll write her an eulogy.   Elijah explains the moonstone will channel the power of the full moon to release the spell in the stone.   Klaus's sacrifice must include one vampire and one werewolf.   He will then need to drink the blood of the doppelganger, "at the point of your death."

Elijah has an elixir with mystical properties for resuscitation which he got for Katherine.   Damon sarcastically comments that's his plan.   Oh and Damon doesn't wear a shirt either!  "A magical witch potion with no expiration date."  Elijah tells him the ring only works on humans but a "doppelganger's a supernatural occurrence" and the ring won't work for Elena (Nina Dobrev).   Elijah knows Klaus will have a werewolf by tonight, i.e.  it's meant to be Tyler (Michael Trevino).   Lockwood (Susan Walters) calls Tyler asking him to return, with a little persuasion from Maddox (Gino Anthony Pesi) and then throws her down the stairs.   Stefan (Paul Wesley) says they need to put their faith in Elena and bet on her instincts.   Damon says maybe he shouldn't be sure about her instincts.   Elijah warns the elixir may not work.

Jenna (Sara Canning) holds a crossbow on Alaric (Matt Davis) who has a message from Klaus after he let him go, the sacrifice will be tonight.   Tyler arrives back as he would do.   Matt (Zach Roerig) can't pretend anymore.   The sheriff (Marguerite MacIntyre) explains about vampires, her family was raised with this, it's all an act, he doesn't have a soul or humanity.   Thought Damon was the sheriff's ally but she thinks of him as a killer.   Matt wonders why the sheriff hasn't done anything since Caroline (Candice Accola) is her daughter.   Matt believes Damon is the problem, not Caroline.   Well he would say that.

Alaric doesn't recall anything of what happened to him.   Elena wants to make Damon understand why she's doing this.   Damon replies they want it to work but he's sure it won't.   He can't lose Elena and he turns into a vampire and makes her taste his blood.  This way he knows Elena will return if she dies.   Stefan wonders "How could you of all people take that choice away from her?"  They fight as usual and Damon comments Stefan only wishes he could have done it himself and stakes Stefan.   Elijah tells her that giving her vampire blood means the elixir won't work.   Damon doesn't know anything and Elena will never forgive him.   Elijah: "Never for a vampire is a very long time."

Alaric tried to protect Jenna from all this but she can handle it.   She's glad he's okay.   Jules (Michaela McManus) has been helping Tyler, oh look another werewolf, giving Klaus plenty of choices now.   Tyler left for a reason.   Madddox goes after Tyler and Caroline is attacked.   Damon messed up and meets Klaus at the bar.   "Klaus I presume." Damon and Stefan "Fancy my doppelganger."  That's old news cos they fancied Katherine too.   Damon asks for a month but Klaus has everything he needs for the ritual and if Damon wants to live then he should stay away.   Without a werewolf he can't perform the ritual.   Alaric says Damon will be dead anyway.   He'll help Damon.   Maybe Elena will forgive him then.   After all that, Alaric still helps Damon, but little does Alaric know his world is about to collapse around him.

Stefan takes Elena to the waterfall.  She knows how she feels and it's fine to tell Stefan.   As her last day as a human Stefan wants her to climb to the top of the mountain.   Alaric invites Damon in to see Katherine and he demands to know where the werewolf is.  Caroline is the vampire Klaus is sacrificing and he has Tyler too.   Damon tells her Elena has vampire blood in her system and he can compete with Stefan for Elena's love forever.   In the tomb the witches gave her vervain.

Caroline tells Tyler he shouldn't have come here.   Elena wonders what the best part of being a vampire is and Stefan replies, be anyone, do anything, "live more intensely, love more powerfully."  Emotions are too overwhelming so they turn them off.   Klaus asks what Katherine's been doing, compels her to take her bracelet off and stand in the sun, as a means of testing her.   She burns until he stops her.   Maddox asks which one Damon wants to save.   Matt shoots Maddox.   Damon's here to rescue Caroline and he knocks Matt out.   Jules helps Tyler deal with what he is.   Caroline deserved someone better than Tyler but she doesn't hate him.   He needs to get to his family's cellar and lock himself in.   Damon doesn't want Tyler to make him regret this.   Damon tells her Matt knows Caroline's a vampire.

Stefan knows Elena's thought about drinking vampire blood to survive.   He'd want to be with her forever, but it was selfish to ask her.  Damon did it cos he loves Elena but she loves Stefan.   Elena doesn't want to be a vampire and he doesn't want her to go with Klaus.   He tells Damon that Elena's already gone and Tyler turns into a werewolf, fighting Damon.   Elena's with Greta (Lisa Tucker).   Damon asks Klaus to postpone the ritual and he can kill him for it - it was all him,  "impulsive vampire in love with his brother's girl."  If that was the case then he and Elijah had feelings for Katherine yet they each were dismissive of them.   Klaus was aware one of the brothers would stop him.   Werewolves travel in packs so he's got Jules.   Didn't think of that did they.   Jules was the convenient little scapegoat.  Always have a back-up.

Luka's sister is in league with Klaus.   Katherine had to go along with Klaus or he'd know she was on vervain.   Jenna is Klaus's back-up vampire.   She's in transition.    Klaus couldn't use Damon cos he was bitten by a werewolf and was as good as dead.

So that's it then, Damon forces Elena to 'drink' his blood so she will turn into a vampire, perhaps if the sacrifice goes ahead and she  will come back as such.   How did he know this would actually work?  She's the doppelganger and not exactly the same as everyone else, i.e.  other humans since her blood is what Klaus craves, thus there are no guarantees she will actually turn.   This way as Damon comments - he'll know she will stay alive, once more he's so certain his 'plan' will work.   This he does even if Elena never forgives him. He'd prefer her around, to losing her forever.   That wasn't his choice to make - as Stefan and Elena later talk about her choice and if she'd ever want to become a vampire.   She decides against it.   She wants to grow old.

Well fine for Elena, she has/had a choice though it appears to have been temporarily removed from her for the present, but others like Jenna are put through the wringer with no such luck.   Stefan was too late to stop Damon from possibly 'converting' Elena and look there's another brother battle.  We couldn't see that coming.   Yeah I'm being sarcastic.   Elena is the 'meat' in the sandwich or the blood shake ha, even if technically she's Stefan's girl.   Damon just won't let her go.  He doesn't get the message and he doesn't want to either.   That's his choice.

So instead of being together, all romantic-like on their last day, potentially, as the title suggests, Stefan takes Elena to the waterfalls.   She must have seen those already; as if that'll be her final memory.   Matt comes to the rescue this episode. It's about time he took some action instead of wallowing and shoots Maddox.   He finally takes a stand against the sheriff, showing he does care about Caroline and will help her; but it's too little too late, cos she's kind of moved on to Tyler.

Greta clearly had not time for her family who were in search of her, since she wasn't "lost," she tells Elena.   She was too busy siding with Klaus to notice or care..

Jenna becomes part of Klaus's back-up plan, or rather he probably thought of her as this when he was 'possessing' Alaric.  Damon gets bitten by Tyler, knew that was on the horizon, but rest assured, no lead actor/character will be killed.   Though Damon is clearly doomed.   It's just a way to get some sympathy from Elena, well it won't hurt, when she eventually finds out.   Damon when he wanted Elena to come back as a vampire was so true to his character and it would be something only he would think of and actually go through with.

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