Monday 25 June 2012

The Vampire Diaries - 2.19: "Klaus" Review

Since Klaus is around now in Mystic Falls, we get an episode devoted to his background and how he met Katherine. Stefan and Damon fight over Elena again and Elena takes it upon herself to bring back Elijah.

England 1492  Elijah (Daniel Gillies) asks about the mystery girl, she reminds him of someone.   Meanwhile in the present, Elijah and Elena (Nina Dobrev) ask if they can trust each other and she gives him the dagger.   Stefan (Paul Wesley) educates Damon (Ian Somerhalder) that Andie's (Dawn Olivieri) not a 'wind up toy.'  Maddox ( Gino Anthony Pesi) is going to retrieve Klaus so he can get out "of this bad haircut." He needs t be here as it's the birthplace of the doppelganger.   He found her birthplace and slaughtered her family.   Hopes Elijah isn't as stupid as Katherine and compels Katherine to stay.

Elena wants Elijah's help and he needs her help to kill Klaus.   Elijah lives by a code of honour and Elena trusts him.   Stefan believes Elena can convince Elijah to kill Klaus.   Damon needs to back off and trust her.   That's what Bonnie's (Kat Graham) there for.   Elijah tells Elena one of Klaus's fave tricks is taking over bodies.   Another flashback to the real Klaus (Joseph Morgan).  The name his father gave him is Lord Niklaus, but he prefers Klaus, cos it hides a multitude of sins, my insertion.   Ha.  

Elijah compels Carol Lockwood (Susan Walters) to help.   He got her off vervain before he was killed twice.   Jenna (Sara Canning) called Stefan and left messages for her to stay away from Alaric (Matt Davis).   She's back home now.   Damon is backing off so nothing stupid is done.   But he's going "rogue."  Katherine was released from his compulsion when Elijah died and wants Katherine to pay.

Flash: Klaus is from Bulgaria (as is Nina Dobrev).   Klaus is Elijah's brother and he tells her the word she's looking for is "OMG." Damon takes Andie to Alaric's apartment (why are apartments in Mystic Falls so ordinary looking.)  Damon thought Katherine might be dead.   Alaric/Klaus is already home before Stefan arrives.   The whole family of originals, had seven children and their whole family was human, "and from us all vampires were created."  Klaus is Elijah's brother and he wants him dead. Surely nothing can be simple.  Not in this show.   As Elena has a plan whereby Elijah will kill Klaus for them, we know beforehand this won't work since all plans backfire!

Damon is here to see if Katherine deserves to be rescued.   Alaric/Klaus had too much info and Damon's brought vervain for Katherine.  She can prevent further compulsion form him when she drinks it.   Damon is still peeved she doublecrossed him with Isobel.  She owes him and he's here to collect.   Alaric as a history teacher finds vampires fascinating and he's obsessed with them.   Stefan comments he only likes them in literature.   There's an Aztec curse on both species, vampires and werewolves and Klaus wants to do anything to have it broken.   Elijah tells Elena nothing can kill an original but the wood from one tree: white ash which must be put on the dagger.   Klaus wants to break the sun and moon curse.

Flash to Elijah with Roman scrolls containing Aztec drawings.   It was Klaus who drew them and not he Aztecs.   The curse of the sun and moon doesn't exist.   Elijah says he faked it.  There is a real curse placed on Klaus and Elena's his only hope.   Elena's word won't mean anything to Elijah until "you live up to it."   Another flash to Katherine (looked as though Elijah wanted Katherine) telling him Klaus doesn't care about her, she wants more. "True love is not real unless it is returned."  Elijah claims not to believe in love, yet he professes to loving Klaus.

Elena's mother told her about vampires and didn't know it was true.   Jenna's meant to protect them.   Elena blames herself.  Damon doesn't want Elena to leave.   Saying Stefan stood in his way twice, "I wouldn't try a third."  She pretends to be compelled.  Greta (Lisa Tucker) turns up.   Elijah says their father wasn't close to Klaus, he's not his father's son but from a different bloodline.  He killed their mother's lover igniting a war between the species: vampires and werewolves.   Klaus's real father was a werewolf, making Klaus both.   A hybrid, deadlier than a vampire or werewolf.   Klaus wants to trigger the werewolf part and sire his own bloodline.   An original can't be killed without anything on the dagger, white ash, which he already said.   The curse can be broken during the full moon.   A witch with enough power can kill Klaus, since it was a witch's curse.

Flash:  Elijah says the witches may have a way to spare the doppelganger .   Klaus says Katherine is human and her life is meaningless.   Klaus: "Love is a vampire's greatest weakness."  Something which Damon and Stefan choose to ignore throughout the ages.   Klaus says they are vampires and they don't feel or care but Elijah reminds him they used to once.   There is a way to save the life of a doppelganger and Katherine took things into her own hands.

Stefan believes Damon is victimizing Andie, who keeps him "from going after what I really want." Stefan adds Damon can be in love with Elena all he wants if he can protect her, but Stefan's got her respect and he'll never have that.   They fight.

Flash: Elijah told Katherine nothing but she's gone.   Elijah wants an apology in return for not harming Damon and Stefan.   That's all they ask for don't they, see next season.   Stefan apologizes.  He did it for Elena, who is adamant the sacrifice will happen and Elijah knows how to save her life.   Damon wants them all to go to hell.   Andie wants to be with Damon but he's angry with Stefan and demands she leave.   Andie cares about him and he bites her.   Compelling her to leave before he kills her.   There that's what I was saying about Damon venting his anger on humans.

Maddox and Greta chant.   Alaric returns and faints.   Klaus returns.   Damon's all mad over Elena and how Stefan has her so he's got no hope, so he turns into a vicious vampire killer like he used to be, so nothing's changed.   An episode with lots of exposition with flashbacks galore to fill in the blanks about the curse placed on Klaus and Klaus himself.   Yet throughout it all, Elena forgets Elijah is a vampire - an original at that and vampires lie.   She's so willing to trust Elijah who loves his brother, it's apparent he does.   She goes behind everyone's back and removes the dagger from him, "resurrecting" Elijah.   Something Klaus told Katherine he didn't want to do last episode.   Elena is certain she can trust him even returning the dagger to him.   Big hole in story: why Stefan and Damon still had him lying around in the cellar to begin with, where anyone could get to him, at least Luka and Jonas did, they being witches aside.   They seem to have forgotten that.   But for the purposes of this show, he wasn't disposed of since he needed to be brought back.

So much for Klaus declaring he's against love and Elijah being much the same back in 1492 (Christopher Columbus discovered America then, any coincidence to this year being used?)  Both brothers were after Katherine.   Oops, flash forward to Damon and Stefan, first both wanting Katherine and now both in love with Elena!  Joseph Morgan (also in Ben Hur) gave Klaus his evil side which was both believable and refreshingly charming and cruel.   He was really in his element here.   Klaus knew what he desired even back then and nothing and no one was going to stop him, just as now.   Didn't like Damon brooding and ruing over Elena and being horrible to Andie.   It's fine when he needs 'fulfillment' from her, but the rest of the time if whinging Damon can't have Elena; he'll fight with Stefan and then take it out on someone else - a trait he doesn't appear to get over.   It's just akin to a child throwing a dangerous temper tantrum.

As for Klaus's sun moon curse being a fake, it doesn't look to be plausible even if he would make it up to conceal he's a hybrid.   Elijah knows and tells Elena too.   Elijah came across as 'slippery' since he claims he has a code of honour - but he is loyal to Klaus. His allegiances would lie with his family.   What an easy way to get hold of the doppelganger for Klaus by spinning her  a yarn.   Elena is surely taken in.

Klaus finally gets his own body too, "bad haircut" in all, ha.   Jenna also shockingly discovers vampires exist when Stefan turns into one to fight Alaric/Klaus.   Damon being so tortured by his feelings for Elena, but I can't really see him killing Andie just cos he can't have Elena.

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