Friday 22 June 2012

The Vampire Diaries - 2.18: "The Last Dance" Review

As a dance is planned and underway, Klaus puts his plan into action, as does Damon with his intention to use Bonnie and her powers to kill him once and for all.

Klaus calls Alaric (Matt Davis) "Safari Sam."   Katherine tells him where Elijah (Daniel Gillies) is but he doesn't want to resurrect him and she also tells him about Jenna too.   Katherine wants Klaus to kill her but he knows she's hiding something from him.  He compels her and she blabs about Bonnie (Kat Graham).   Klaus looked for over 500 years for Katherine and her death will last at least half as long if he has anything to do with it.   He compels her to stab herself with a knife over and over.   Klaus: "The fun is just beginning again."

Damon (Ian Somerhalder) believes Bonnie has enough power to to take on Klaus and he wonders if Klaus has killed Katherine, saying, "It's not like she didn't have it coming." Elena (Nina Dobrev) forgets to invite Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Damon back into their own house.   Damon will only be allowed in if he lets Elena call all the shots.   Elena refuses to be a prisoner in their house.  Bonnie has the ability to take on Klaus.   This was repeated so many times, it's a wonder she will be actually able to do that.

Alaric watches Elena, well he stares really.   Jeremy (Steven R McQueen) tries to prevent Bonnie from doing the spell cos it'll kill her.   Dana (Anna Enger) says a hot guy asked if Elena wants to go to the dance with him tonight and his name is Klaus.   Dana's been compelled.   Damon says they'll find Klaus at the dance and he "won't be sixteen and pimply."  Alaric can come in without being invited.   Damon will chaperon the dance with him.   Bonnie again tells them she can kill him, how many times was that now.  Bonnie uses her power on Damon.   She says it doesn't matter if Klaus is an original.   She had to blab that in front of Alaric/Klaus.   Maddox (Gino Anthony Pesi) finds Alaric's weapons stash and he says Klaus won't get near Bonnie as she'll sense him with her power.   Then tells him the power will kill Bonnie.  So she'll be made to use it.

Alaric's body will last longer as he's human and Maddox can incant a spell to protect him.   Elena has convinced herself Klaus isn't real.   Stefan reassures her they'll take care of him tonight.   Chad (Mark Buckland) is a patsy and Jeremy gives Bonnie his ring, but it won't work on her.   He can't let her get killed and admits he doesn't "have the best luck in the girlfriend department." Damon turns up when they get close to each other to spy on them.   Klaus dedicates a song to Elena and Damon suggests they let Klaus come to them and he  heads right for him - ha.   Damon's not impressed.   Damon and Elena dance.   The last decade dance the vampires won.   Damon: "I've got moves you've never seen."

Caroline (Candice Accola) comes dressed as Jackie Kennedy, which is ironic.   Considering everything Caroline has been through.   Damon dances with Bonnie and  and asks about her odds of surviving, which boil down to fifty-fifty.   But she's adamant she'd do it all for Elena.   Bonnie may start to think Damon may actually care about her.   That'll be a first really as he's most concerned about Elena and killing Klaus.   Jeremy tells Stefan about Bonnie and he confronts Damon.   Stefan also tells Elena and he's changed his mind about not keeping secrets.   Bonnie would do anything for Elena  since Elena would do the same for her.   Damon's a real party guy.

Jeremy still wondering around alone, gets beaten up by Chad.   Damon gets an arrow for his troubles and Alaric/Klaus goes after Elena.   The '60's isn't his decade, he'd prefer the '20's (see season 3's End of the Affair episode.)  Elena asks if he's on vervain.  They still don't get who Alaric really is.   Bonnie isn't getting anywhere and Damon doesn't want Klaus to win tonight.   Song 'Dreamlover' plays when Elena looks for Stefan.   Bonnie says Alaric would want him dead but he must suffer first.   Damon wants them to let her use her magic but she's not strong enough to defeat Klaus.   Bonnie dies.  

Damon doesn't want the sheriff knowing about this.   Damon's left with the job of clearing bodies again and then he gets slapped.   But needs to tell Elena...  Bonnie had to die, she wasn't prepared for that so she couldn't stop until Klaus knew she was dead, Klaus had to believe it.  Bonnie returns, she cast a spell, so Damon was able to keep his secrets.   She wasn't able to do kill Klaus but couldn't tell them.  Damon: "I don't mind being the bad guy" even if it means Elena hates him; but he'll be the one to keep her alive in the end.  Bonnie returns to the house.

Damon posits Elena's reaction had to be real.   Elena understands why he did it.   Bonnie won't die for her.   Damon knows they have to kill the real Klaus and she's the only one who can do it.   Damon will let Bonnie die time and again, "I will always choose you."  Elena bids goodnight to Damon and looks at his bed.   Elena raises Elijah.

Alaric did a great portrayal of being bad whilst still trying to be good and listening in on everything being plotted against Klaus.   Matt Davis must have been glad to get some screen time to branch out in this way and do some acting completely out of character for Alaric as Klaus.   Though what made this episode hilarious in places  was how Klaus had everyone duped by taking over Alaric's body.   No one knew what to expect of him or from him and what he he'd look like and there he was right under their noses.   Also the scene where he walks towards Damon at the dance.   Will Damon never tire of playing chaperon at the dances? Somehow he's not the obvious choice.   Another not so big spoiler was that nobody would ever die in this show.   As in Supernatural, no one stays dead for long and if they do it's cos they're no longer wanted.

Bonnie is too important a character to be dispatched in that way.   Let's face it, presently Mystic Falls has a shortage of witches, especially with Jonas and Luka being killed.   Er getting back to Bonnie and Damon, knew they had something planned especially when she said she'd so anything for Elena, in much the same way as Damon would.   Damon would come up with some hair-brained scheme/plan.   These plans may not work most of the time but here was one which did, in making Klaus believe Bonnie was dead and she was the only one who had the powers to kill him, thereby providing him with a false sense of security.  Damon getting slapped was an added bonus!  Ha.   No really, much as I adore the guy, sometimes he just deserves it.   Anyway - he wouldn't really turn Bonnie into a vampire, as will be contemplated later by Stefan for Elena.

Another scene at the end with Damon and Elena  that screams out hot blooded passion between the two.    Hopefully  it's put off for as long as possible.   Damon may be ready and willing to collect Elena as the spoils of his love for her over brother Stefan but Elena wouldn't drop Stefan like that. It'll be out of character for her.   Not unless something drastic happens - like a compulsion say.  Pretty unlikely.

Klaus's compulsion of Katherine to stab herself repeatedly, again someone who deserves a little taste of her own medicine at times, but Klaus is just cruel cos he can be and can get away with it.   Though he's in no mood to raise Elijah.   So it was done for him by Elena.   Perhaps she feels he's the only one who can be a match for Klaus if she can get him on side.   An original v a fellow original, somehow doesn't appear Elijah would be a match for Klaus.

As for keeping secrets this episode, when everyone was spilling the beans to everyone else.   Jeremy to Stefan about Bonnie's sacrifice and Stefan telling Elena.   Discovering Damon had a plan after all, which Bonnie goes along with so they had to have some success with it.   Another scene when Damon reveals to no surprise he would do anything for Elena, even if Bonnie dies in the process, he wouldn't beat himself up over it.   He will always choose Elena and not cos she's Stefan's girl either.   Ironic in some ways since Elena always chooses Stefan over Damon and so does Katherine.   Ahh Damon always the underdog no one actually wants.

Not much happening with Stefan as he seems to be taking the backstage lately, as Damon said he lets his emotions rule him.  That's just his humanity, bless him.   Have to say no chivalry lost on Damon though (to steal Alaric's word) as he'd use a woman (even if she is a witch) to save another woman cos he loves her.   Bonnie's fate was a bit like Buffy The Vampire Slayer's fate in the season 1 finale: her dying was her destiny. Here Bonnie could have died for real but ends up being just a plan.   Buffy was brought back too after she died (and not just on one occasion.)

Klaus for all his reputation turns out to be a bit of a wimp.   The sheriff plotting against Caroline with Matt (Zach Roerig) and how they both know about the vampires.   Highlight of this episode had to be Damon telling Alaric about Klaus and his far from flattering feelings towards him.

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