Thursday 28 June 2012

Supernatural - 1.14: "Nightmare" Review

Sam's visions increase and become more painful. One vision leads them on the trail of a boy who turns out to have had a similar experience as Sam when younger.

A man drives home and gets locked in a car, the engine starts and he dies inside.   Sam (Jared Padalecki) has a vision and they need to go.   Dean (Jensen Ackles) thinks it's probably just a nightmare.   Sam hasn't seen the man before, his name is Jim Miller (Cameron McDonald).  Sam pretends to be Sgt McGready over the phone using the number plates from the car to get an address.

Saginaw, Michigan.   Jim is already dead when they arrive and a woman thinks it was suicide.   He seemed normal an hour or two ago.   Sam wonders why he  has premonitions if he can't prevent them from happening.   Dean thinks it could be nothing supernatural.  Sam believes he was murdered by something, he watched it happen, something trapped him and he doesn't know what's happening.   Dean tells him he's worried and he looks like crap.   They check out the house.   Dean knows people talk to priests and so they dress up as priests.   Sam: "This has got to be a whole new low for us."

They're called Fathers Frehley and Simmons.   Dean pigs out on cocktail sausages.   Sam: "Tone it down Father."  Dean asks Alice Miller (Beth Broderick) if her husband had a history of depression.  He was found by Max (Brendan Fletcher), they moved here five years ago.   Dean then comes out with his usual questions about having electrical problems, hearing odd noises at night.   He was a normal father.   Max woke up and heard the engine.   Sam: "it's tough losing a parent especially when you don't have all the answers."

Dean uses the EMF upstairs and doesn't find any cold spots, or a sulphur scent, he used an infra red scanner.   Sam thinks it could be be something else and not the house, he's right.   Sam now has a vision of Jim's brother, Roger, (Avery Raskin) getting decapitated near the window in his apartment.  Dean asks Sam if he's going to be sick cos he doesn't want the car getting dirty, especially the upholstery.  His visions are more intense and painful, he's also getting them when he's awake.   He wonders why it's happening to him and why they're connected to Sam.  Dean: "It doesn't freak me out."

They try to stop Roger but he doesn't listen to them and goes into his apartment.   They try the fire escape but it's too late.   Dean wipes their prints off the railings.   Inside there aren't any signs of anything.   Sam saw a dark shape in his vision, perhaps being connected to the family itself, like a vengeful spirit.   Dean mentions some have attached themselves to families, such as Banshees, like a curse.   Sam thinks it could be revenge as the men in the family are dying.   In that case it could also point to a woman killing them off.

Sam believes Max may be in danger.   Sam: "I know one thing I have in common with these people - both our families are cursed."
Dean: "Our family's not cursed, we just have our dark spots."
Sam: "Our dark spots are pretty dark."
Dean: "You're dark."

They dress as priests again.   Sam finds that Jim and Roger were close, they used to be neighbours.   Max used to live in the other house.   Dean asks if he had good memories or if anything unusual occurred involving Jim and Roger, he's just asking.   Max calls them normal.   Dean replies no one's family is normal.   He should know speaking from personal experience.   They speak with neighbours and one of them recalls the family.   Max used to be beaten and yelled at.   His father was a drunk and Roger was like him too.   Max's stepmother, Alice did nothing to protect him.   He called the police and Max's real mother died in a  car accident.  

Sam has another painful vision and sees Max terrifying Alice, she did nothing to stop the beatings.   He levitates the knife towards her eye and stabs her.   Sam knows it's Max now and he's using telekinesis.   Dean: "he's a spoon bender."  Sam was connecting with Max.   They both have psychic abilities.   Dean calls him a monster, what happened to him doesn't justify Max murdering an entire family.   Sam is adamant they're not going to kill him, he's a person and they can talk to him.   Dean takes his gun anyway.   They burst through the door.   Max sees Dean's gun in the mirror's reflection when he opens the door.   Max uses telekinesis to shut the door and windows and also takes Dean's gun.   Sam says he's not lying, he saw Max kill them all.  He's having visions about Max.   Sam was drawn here to help him.   Dean doesn't want to leave Sam alone with him.

Dean takes Alice upstairs.   Sam can't understand what he must have gone through and he has to let her go.   Max was beaten last week.   Max calls his ability a gift when he found out he could move things, he was no longer helpless.   He knew he had to kill his father,  it's about not being afraid.   Max was blamed for everything including his mother's death.   She died in the nursery when he was asleep in his crib.   She burnt whilst pinned to the ceiling.   Sam knows it true cos it happened to him too.   Something killed them.   That's why he's having visions in the day.   He got his ability about 6 or 7 months ago.   Sam thinks they are chosen.   Sam and Dean are hunting for the killer.

Max insists in not letting her go, but Sam tells him his nightmares won't end, he's not alone.   Max locks Sam in the closet.   Dean tries to stop Max and he shoots him dead with a levitating gun.   Luckily and as we already knew, it was only Sam's vision.   Sam uses his anger to move the dresser from in front of the door, telekinetically.   Sam tells Max this isn't right and it won't solve anything.   Max turns the gun on himself.   Alice informs the police that Max threatened her with the gun and attacked her.   Sam and Dean are family friends and tried to stop him.

Sam still believes he could have gotten through to him.   Dean doesn't want him to torture himself.   Sam is glad they had Dad (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) they were lucky.   Dean never thought he'd hear Sam say that.   If he had drunk more tequila and less demon hunting, then they'd have had no childhood at all.   Well Sam had a childhood, Dean not so much.   They turned out fine cos of Dad.   Sam ponders why the demon killed their mothers.   Dean doesn't believe it's about Sam (he was wrong) but the demon.   Sam lets Dean in on his telekinesis and Dean gives him a spoon to bend.   It's not something he can control but Dean doesn't think it will happen again.   Sam asks Dean if he's worried Sam may turn into Max (well not until next season.)  Dean isn't cos he's got him.   Dean suggests they should go to Vegas cos of Sam's premonitions and win big.

But maybe deep down, Dean may be a little concerned, but this won't come to fruition until the end of the season.   Lots going on here with the revelation Max's mother was also killed in the same way as theirs.   With us fans being given just enough on there being others like Sam out there, just to keep us drawn in.   Yet they didn't wonder why Sam had those powers as no one else in their family does.   Dean again making light of Sam's abilities when Sam is serious, Dean doesn't want to think about anything that deep.

The episode where they dress as priests causing lots of palpitations and plenty of Hail Mary's to be said, ha.   No really, who'd have believed they could be such hot priests!  Sam played the more convincing priest cos of his own spirituality, as we'll see later, Sam prays.   Also priests wouldn't gorge on food like Dean!  Their names Fathers Simmons and Frehley were members of the band KISS.

Sam played Det McGready on the phone at the start, this was a character from the film, Home Room.   Was it better for Max to turn his anger on himself when he was found out, if that's the case why didn't he just end it years ago, not that I'm saying it was the right thing for him to do, but he just seemed to give up when they arrived.   Also we see Sam's caring side here, he'll try and talk an Eskimo out of an igloo before he has to resort to violence and killing.   Dean is ready anyway: think later, act first being the hunter that he is.   Then again, it was almost always Dean who had to do the killing in the early seasons, or Dad and Sam was kind of shielded from all that.

Sam's ability of telekinesis only appeared when he knew Dean was in danger.   (See season 1 finale.)

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