Monday 4 June 2012

Stargate Atlantis 5.12 Outsiders Review

Beckett (Paul McGillion) is working on a planet where the inhabitants have the Hoffan virus.  The Atlantis team bring him supplies.  The people were survivors and came to the planet.  Beckett has been telling funny stories about Rodney (David Hewlett).  The Wraith arrive too, not a surprise.  Teyla (Rachel Luttrell) doesn't believe it's a culling since there aren't any Darts.  Elson, ((Joel Polis) the village leader says they're looking for survivors/refugees from the planet.  The Hive will destroy the village.  Beckett comments on the Wraith dying if they feed on Novo (Agam Darshi) or anyone like her.

Sefaris ((G Michael Gray) calls a meeting and Sheppard (Joe Flanigan) gives them another way out.  The village won't be culled since the people aren't any good to the Wraith.  The Wraith won't know where the survivors are unless they're told.  Jervis ((Sean Tyson) doesn't agree to this and he's the obligatory dissenter and trouble maker in such eps.  Sheppard thinks they could get to the gate and take the Wraith out, thus getting the survivors out before the Hive, but then the Wraith could kill them anyway.

Rodney thinks they could get jumpers for help but they're stuck on the planet as more Wraith arrive.  Sheppard's new strategy is to stall them.  Jervis rounds people up for the Wraith.  Sefaris also betrays them.  Ronon (Jason Momoa) comments it felt good to stun them and the people are taken to the mine to hide out.

Sefaris gives them Beckett and is killed whilst Rodney and Beckett get beamed onto the Dart.  Rodney has experience escaping from the Hive ship but Teyla was queen last time.  Beckett also comments Tyre didn't escape from one of these on his own.  Beckett is an expert in dealing with the toxin and helped develop it and the Wraith will spare their lives if he finds a cure.  Beckett can't do it since if the Wraith can detect the Hoffan drug then they can hunt the people down and begin to feed on humans again indiscriminately.  Also mentioning the Hippocratic Oath.

Sheppard has a plan and Ronon comments he's got one of those "Beckett faces."  Beckett refuses to help the Wraith commander who feeds on Beckett and dies.  Beckett tested himself and it worked.  He needs to delete the data and Beckett has the Hoffan drug inside of him.  Rodney explores the hive and sends a comms message to Sheppard who tells him to take out the Hive weapons.

Elson lets Jervis and the men free in order to get the Wraith to honour their deal and tells him the people are in the mine.  Beckett and Rodney escape and come across the Dart bay but two can't fit inside of a Dart.  Rodney comments their must be a weight limit.  Beckett: "What's that mean?"  Yeah Rodney, pot calling kettle black there.  Rodney has an idea, what another one, ha.  The mine is empty and explodes after being detonated by Sheppard with the Wraith inside.  The Darts are launched and Rodney and Beckett arrive in the beam after reprogramming the culling beam, since he knew they'd launch the Darts.  Beckett is going with the villagers since there might be something in his cells to help the survivors.

A bit of a stand-alone episode in some respects since it's about the Wraith looking for survivors of the Hoffan drug to eliminate them, as they're affecting their feeding habits.  Providing us with the news that Beckett has the drug inside of him.  Plenty of funny scenes here with Beckett and Rodney, especially since Rodney is caught again after only recovering from his abduction last ep.  Strange he didn't have his usual escape plans to hand this time though he does reprogramme the dart beam.  So he never thought about doing that before?

Also Sheppard's 'ruthlessness' in a dire situation is seen this ep as he detonates mines in the er, mine; killing not only the Wraith but Jervis and others too.  Some may consider it just punishment for their betrayal.  Safe to assume they didn't see that coming.  I say Sheppard's ruthlessness but it was a military tactic on his part and warranted under the circumstances in a kill or be killed scenario.

Paul McGillion in an interview with Pop Cultural Zoo commented, "We're having some really good laughs doing it.  It's been great.  David and I are pretty much throughout the episode."  Of course the Wraith wouldn't keep their word, who did the Balarans think they were dealing with anyway.  See the ep Seteda for  such a betrayal.

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