Saturday 9 June 2012

Smallville - 10.18: "Booster" Review

Clark meets one of the Justice League members, Booster Gold from the future, who arrives in Metropolis to take over from The Blur. Booster's only interested in fame and money. Lois is promoted.

Clark (Tom Welling) tells Lois (Erica Durance) that his glasses are driving him crazy, so's the jacket, Er it's a raincoat/mac.   He thinks the Blur needs to show his face soon so that people continue to trust him.   Lois tells him there's nothing heroic or handsome about Clark Kent so he should stop being so great.   Clark was a klutz in Smallville.   Lois is vying for the promotion to City Desk.  A clumsy boy that Lois noticed earlier on, falls in front of a truck and is rescued by Booster Gold, (Eric Martsolf) before Clark can get to him.   Booster claims you have to "keep yourself open to the cameras."  A bug escapes from the vehicle in the boy's backpack.   Booster to Clark: "Nice glasses."

At the Daily Planet, Clark bumps into another man with glasses too, who asks Clark if he's forgotten how to walk.   This is ridiculous, as my earlier comments suggested that all of a sudden Clark wears glasses and he's clumsy and bumbling, whereas all his teen years and beyond that, he was fine.   Booster waits at Clark's desk, "The Gold Guardian of Metropolis."  Lois is meant to interview him and he knows about her promotion, her potential promotion that is.   Cue Cat Grant (Keri Lynn Pratt) ahh, not again.   Lois tells her Clark has assets, he's got nothing to hide.   Lois made Cat believe in heroes and she's also going for the promotion.   That'd get Lois frazzled.   Lois believes that Booster's "gold star will burn out faster than you can say, 'up, up and away'."   Another reference to Superman of course.

Lois appears to be watching how the clumsy boy, Jaime ( Jaren Brandt-Bartlett) reacts to those around him and he is teased by other teens.   Lois advises he should stand up for himself and it's okay to get mad; attempting to give him a pep talk, which backfires.   In a solitary alley, the bug enters Jaime's body.   Clark didn't send Lois roses but Booster did.   Clark finds he's appearing at every CS in the city and Lois thinks Clark is jealous.   Booster appears to be saving the Vics at the last minute for fame.   Ted Kord (Sebastian Spence) , whose company Lois calls, 'the Blackwater of the Midwest' has a device that went missing from the truck.   The device appears to be a missing superweapon.   Clark is now also doing Chloe's job on the research front on the computers at Watchtower.

Booster signs autographs for his fans and Cat wants, no demands, to interview him cos he doesn't have anything to hide, unlike the blur,  but he only wants to speak to Lois, who thinks he should "hit the skies" cos Metropolis is the Blur's territory.   Yet more sky references.  The people are excited by a hero they can see, "they wanna look up in the sky - they need to look up in the sky."  Booster replies.   Booster isn't here to be like the Blur, but to replace the Blur.   Or as I said, to replace the Blur's alter ego with his Superman name.   Lois doesn't agree, Booster will never replace the Blur.   However Booster wants to take Clark's place in history, clearly knowing that Clark is the Blur.

Cat claims to have seen Booster first and Lois washes her hands of him and Cat.   The Blur 'doesn't rescue for the money and real heroes don't stop to pose', Lois tells Cat.  Clark turns up to ask Kord questions about the missing weapon.   Have to say Clark's clumsy act was irritating, especially as we haven't seen him like that for over nine seasons and then suddenly, overnight, he becomes Mr Bungler.   Booster volunteers to help find the device and admits it's a weapon, but firstly he wants a deal: the key to the city, which was going to be given to the Blur.   Kord refers to the bug as a Scarab.   Booster's poster on the billboard is replaced with an 'S' one.   Jamie comes to see Booster but he doesn't have time for him, too busy rehearsing his acceptance of the Key to the city.   Cat dressed in wig, as if she won't be recognized, volunteers to present Booster with the Key to the City.   Jaime turns into the scarab.

Clark tells Lois this isn't a competition between them and they should be worried about the weapon.   He finds the weapon has extra terrestrial technology and bonded with the scientist who experimented with it and they became one, like a parasite.   He died when they attempted to remove the scarab.   Clark can't reveal himself yet.   Booster calls Clark for a meeting, calling him 'Blurboy.'  Booster seems to think the people need someone to look up to and that's him.   Clark, as always, has a stirring speech about real heroes needing to earn people's trust.   Booster shows him the Legion ring and calls them acquaintances of his.   The device Booster wears on his ear which gives him historical data  is a droid called Skeet.   Booster was a hero from the twenty sixth century and is worshipped by billions.   He believes whoever gets the Key to the City automatically gets Metropolis.   Clark can be a man of gold or steel.   Clark:  "a hero is made in the moment by the choices that he makes."  He hasn't seen the hero in Booster, who wants Clark to appear in front of the cameras.   Clark refuses.

Inside the scarab reeks havoc and Booster doesn't really do anything but duck for cover, leaving Cat in the line of fire.   Begging the question as to why Clark didn't hear the commotion inside sooner.   He rushes to change in the phonebox, cue another slo-mo scene, after he sees people running.   The Blur saves Cat and Booster zaps the scarab, but not for long.   Jaime tries to fight from inside and doesn't want to hurt anyone.   Booster finally tells Jaime that the suit doesn't make the hero, he must fight, it's his choice.   Clark watches from a distance as Booster talks Jaime round.

Booster tells Clark he thought he could take  Clark's place in history, "being the miracle people are hoping for."  Admitting he was a sportstar once, but he wasn't a hero.   He started betting on his games and then throwing them.   It was easier to lose than to win.   He stole the ring and the suit.   Clark believes Booster helped Jaime, when Booster believed in what he was saying and so did Jaime; who needs someone to watch over him and Kord needs someone to transport the scarab.   Booster tells Clark that the Blur sounds like a rollercoaster.   He needs "something strong starting with an 'S', something Super." Clark will think about it.   He gives Clark one of his shirts.   Jamie says he's unique and doesn't want the scarab removed,  wanting to learn to use its power.   Booster  thinks Jaime is a real hero.

Cat gives Lois cookies with an 'S' on them.   Clark sporting glasses, in clumsy mode, knocks over Cat's box.   She's his new partner, after Lois gets her promotion.   Poor Clarkie!  Cat: "Clark's nice but he's no Blur."  Lois believes Clark can make the glasses work.   He saw the way people looked at him, he's not perfect.   It doesn't matter to him what people say about him, this is about Lois.   She tells him  he can live down the expectations of Clark Kent when the Blur saves people.   He's worried about what people will say about Lois wanting to marry the new Clark Kent,  cos she's perfect and sexy.   Lois wants him to trust her, they can make this work.   Yeah, like he changed overnight, did he?  People are meant to look beyond the glasses.  

Another episode introducing another hero and yet it's been ages since anything's been said or done about Darkseid.   Looks like the intention is to wrap it up quickly in the space of an episode or two.   Since next episode it's back to the Phantom Zone for Clark and Oliver (Justin Hartley.)

How come Lois Lane ace reporter and newly promoted, isn't remotely interested in an interview with Booster.   She can pick and choose now.   Well okay she wasn't promoted yet, but would've thought she'd have jumped at the chance of getting the lowdown on the new 'hero' in town, intent on taking over the Blur's spot.   As he was fast becoming the peoples' new hero of Metropolis.   Of course comic aficionados will know the scarab is known as the 'Blue Beetle.'  Clark ripping his shirt open at the end is reminiscent of Superman.   Still hard to buy the bumbling act of Clark though.   It's a little too late isn't it and no one's noticed either, that suddenly he's changed.    

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