Saturday 23 June 2012

NCIS - 7.19: "Guilty Pleasure" Review

Gibbs comes across Holly Snow again during an investigation, where he needs her help and Tony goes undercover, for a brief spell. As well as meeting his new best bud on the case again and ditches McGee.

A marine is run over, but he is already stabbed and dead.   McGee (Sean Murray) removes sprinkles from a donut.   Tony (Michael Weatherly) stood him up, they were meant to meet  at a bar at the Air and Space Museum.   Ziva (Cote de Pablo) asks if they're both dating now.   Tony comments he should buy one without sprinkles, huffing and puffing "trying to blow the coffee down."  McGee calls Tony to cancel, they're done.   Ziva: "seven year bitch?"  Tony: "Itch." Ziva thinks they're like an old married couple.   Gibbs (Mark Harmon) doesn't agree, they're still speaking.

Ducky (David McCallum) finds the Vic was stabbed with a big knife.   Moss walked into the street and Ducky says loss of blood led to disorientation.   This isn't their CS.   Tony and McGee follow the trail.   Tony: "You were funnier when you were fatter."  Well McGee could say, so was Tony when he was younger and less fatter too.   Ooh.   McCadden (Adam Kaufman) arrives on the scene, well he's already there and adds, "quid pro quo, Clarice."  Tony calls that  a nice movie (referring to Silence of the Lambs (1991)) and calls him McC.   Tony and McCadden think of Kill Bill Volume 1 (2003) when they see the room and it had been rented by Moss.   His wife Emily (Jillian Bach) arrives to pick Moss up.   He was meeting a prostitute.   Moss was a reporter for the Navy Herald and was interviewing escorts for a story.   She doesn't know who he was meeting.   Tony implies Moss could be cheating on her.

He also comments that journalists don't pay for interviews (how would he know) and wonders what a grand buys.   Tony immediately jumping to his usual theory/conclusion his wife did it.   Abby (Pauley Perrette) comments it's no time for smalltalk.   The motel footage shows "female-ish hunk of pixels."  The bar footage is clearer.   Abby says a good lawyer bailed out the woman on the footage.   She was arrested but there's no DNA on file.   Abby is sure Holly Snow (Dina Meyer) would know plenty about sex and adds Gibbs, sexual harassment, which is what Holly now lectures on.

Tony and McCadden still talk movies, the best film based in San Francisco was Vertigo (1958), Dirty Harry (1971).   (They didn't mention Bullitt (1968) by name.)  Road Warrior and Diner (1982).   Ducky says there's a multiple offender on the loose.  Holly is surprised to see Gibbs there.   At least she calls him Agent Gibbs.  She has an ankle bracelet monitor.   Gibbs says he retired to a beach shack in Mexico and liked it.   He's here to find Charlotte, not talk about himself.   Holly tells him Charlotte (Taylor Cole) isn't a murderer and it'll cost him, whispering in his ear, which Gibbs calls a "deal breaker."  Holly: "you need me Gibbs, use me."  She wants to go back into business and she'll find Charlotte.   Vance (Rocky Carroll) is also surprised Holly wants back in.   Gibb's says there's nothing magic about Charlotte calling Holly and they can get her for solicitation, bring her in and get her DNA.   Gibbs: "It's sex, Leon, ain't nothing easy about sex."

Abby reluctantly talks to Holly, she's been following her career.   They admire each other's shoes.   Holly asks if she has a problem with her work, she has problems with legal, moral and women's issues.   Holly arranges a date with Charlotte, Tony being the one undercover and he wears a robe!  Holly: "Light KB, possible mox half round." McGee asks her what that means.   Holly glances at McGee's nether regions.   He'll check it on the Net.   McGee thinks Tony is compensating with the jacket.   Holly suggests he takes it off and calls him Heff (as in Hugh Hefner.)    She messes up Tony's hair.

Tony: "instructing a DiNozzo how to act around woman."  Holly tells him to pretend he's done this before.   What makes her think Tony hasn't.   He's wearing undies from a packet.  Very Special Agent DiNozzo, change menu to "spicy canton." He puts money on the table.   Tony: "Daddy's gonna go make wee wee." Can't believe he just said that.   McGee: "That's Tony improvising."  Charlotte takes the money.   Tony says she doesn't know what she missed.   McGee finishes, "or how lucky she is."

Dwight, (Jason London) her lawyer arrives.   He was my suspect.   Gibbs questions her on 4 murders.   The hair they found matches Charlotte, and he puts his hand on her shoulder.   Gibbs questions who charges more, him or Charlotte.   She's a material witness.   Holly comments she can't be bought.   She knows people get what they paid for.   Gibbs doesn't really care how Holly ended up in this business.   She had student loans, no family and working 3 jobs.  Gibbs: "they say you can't make money with a liberal arts degree."

Another DB is found, so Charlotte couldn't be guilty, but that doesn't rule out Dwight.   Tony mentions fave finales.   McCadden says Terminator (1984), for Tony it's Terminator 2 (1991).   McGee comes up with a cute couples contraction calling them, T-Cad.   Tony calls him "McBitter."  McGee comments Tony and McCadden are wearing the same suit..   McCadden thinks the killer is strong and looking for a woman.   Or Tony posits, "Ziva."  Holly asks Charlotte for a  name, someone who is violent.   It's about her and the killer won't stop with them, he'll get mad  at her and  she'll end up a DB too.   Nicholas (Cliff Weissman) is the one Holly shook hands with  at the talk.   He wants her to stop seeing other men.

 McGee asks for his Nutter Butters - Tony calling him, Slim Tim, says he forgot.   Tony's next category is best call girl movie ever, Klute.  (1971) McGee says Leaving Las Vegas (1995).   Pretty Woman (1990).  Abby talks about Tony's new romance, she tells McGee not to worry, it'll be over soon.   Someone needs a hug.   Abby found trace amounts of the killer's blood in the stab wounds.   Nicholas bought a hunting knife, matches the wound patterns of all the Vics.   No hilt so it was hard to grip, so there'll be a cut on the palm of his hand.   Abby asks Gibbs to give McGee her hug cos he needs one.   Nicholas doesn't have a cut on his hand.

Tony says Probie does plenty for him.   McCadden thinks Tony deserves better and Tony doesn't think there is any better.   Next movie is The Untouchables, (1987) but Tony thinks Battleship Potemkin (1925).   Tony's gone off McCadden now.   Thought Ziva was now Probie.   That didn't last long.   Ziva says the knife was clean and Nicholas has an alibi.   McGee believes another connection is Holly.   Tony asks where Ms Holly Golightly is.   (That was Audrey Hepburn's call girl character name in Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961).)  Her ankle monitor is on the move.   Tony gives McCadden the brush off and tells him to hit the road.   Gibbs tells Vance he didn't chain Holly to his leg.   Vance: "why not, other men have paid to do it."  the signal is lost.   The last text message she got was from Charlotte.   Holly went to help her.   Charlotte is in DC ER, her boyfriend beat her, him being Dwight.   Phone records indicate an office complex.  He wants to make sure other men don't see Charlotte, it's all Holly's fault.   Gibbs shoots him 4 times.

Tony cancels their "date."   McGee drinks his coffee.   Ziva: "did you dump him Tony,  - has your man-mance come to an end?"  (personally I prefer man-mans.) Tony replies, "never had any man-mance."  Ziva says he had a fling.   To Tony, they were just hanging out.   Ziva: "Things were hanging out, that's disgusting."  Well she got that well and truly wrong.   Tony wants to buy McGee a cookie.   McGee thinks it's cos he feels bad and he should .  Tony won't apologize - huffing from a cup again.   Tony: "you're annoying."
McGee: "you're juvenile."

Holly and Gibbs eat a steak dinner at his house - that was her deal breaker - "dinner without expectations - with a friend."  Gibbs asks we're friends?  Holly has a call which she can explain.   Gibbs says she doesn't need to, she doesn't know what he's thinking.   Holly: "friends" she doesn't have any.   Neither does Gibbs.   She kisses him on his head.   On the contrary thought Fornell was Gibbs' friend.  Gibbs really getting on with Holly, well we knew she wouldn't ask him for anything risque, cos he'd refuse her.   Was the call from Holly's child perhaps when Gibbs says he doesn't want to know.   The first time Gibbs meets a nice redhead and she's out of bounds.   Wonder if it was coincidental naming Dina's character Holly.

At least Dina had a bit more of  a part in this episode than she did in Jet Lag.   Also Adam Kaufman reprises his role from 7.16 Mother's Day.   Tony actually thinks highly of his team, after McCadden insults them.   Then again Tony didn't have much loyalty to them to begin with, especially McGee, turning on him like that.   He is juvenile.   That's Tony's fear of commitment sneaking in - even when he had his man-mance.    One of those episodes where what's happening between the characters  is more interesting than the plot.  How many movies did Tony mention this time and he had McCadden joining in too.   Though he didn't mention the main one relevant to this episode, Breakfast at Tiffany's, he only said the characters name of Holly Golightly.  Others included or alluded to include Escape from Alcatraz (1979).

Funny part where Tony came up with Ziva when McCadden said the killer was strong, he always does that and the number of times he associates Ziva with being a killer, even if she was an assassin in a past life.   Ziva didn't feature much in this episode.

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