Thursday 21 June 2012

NCIS - 7.18: "Jurisdiction" Review

The investigation of a dead man leads the agents to encounter agents from the coastguard and one of whom they suspect could be Gibbs' female double, cos they're so alike and she's a redhead.

Marines finds a dead diver on the beach.   Tony (Michael Weatherly) checks his desk for the van keys and finds gum, lip balm and change.   Ziva (Cote de Pablo) finds some leftover candy from Valentine's day.   Tony can't resist asking who it's from, it matters since Ziva "didn't eat it, so that person must not mean very much to you."  Ziva replies it means nothing, which got Tony's goat, he's glad he wasn't her Valentine and so is she.   Tony found McGee's (Sean Murray) CDs in his desk, which means McGee should've looked harder for them.   McGee apologizes for not thinking to look in Tony's desk.   Whoever drove the van last, has the keys.   Tony got pizza cos he was hungry, that's nothing new, so doesn't he have his own car to drive now, or the agency car.

Ziva asks where the dumpster is, why's she asking that when she's been here long enough to know.   Gibbs (Mark Harmon) finds the keys on the lift floor and everyone scrambles for them.   Ducky (David McCallum) recalls strolling on Brighton Beach,  with his mother and friends and hates eating snails.   Don't we all.   Palmer (Brian Dietzen) prefers oysters, oh don't mention oysters when Tony's around, who naturally has to refer to them as nature's aphrodisiac.   Back to that again from season 4 and before.   Tony calls Palmer's girlfriend, 'Blondie'.   Her talents don't cease to amaze Palmer.

Ducky finds the DB didn't run out of air, the propeller took his forearm off after he was dead.   Tony: "This was no boating accident."   Richard Dreyfus's line from Jaws (1975) which Palmer also recalls.   TOD was 3-5 days ago.   McGee uses the PDA now and loves that bit.   Ducky finds a puncture wound through his wetsuit.   Lt Jensen (Brody Hutzler) wasn't alone, someone stabbed him and left him in the water to die.   Gibbs doesn't call it an accident.   Tony mentions, "clean, no nonsense, stoic."  When he sees the house.  Gibbs: "stoic."  Tony calls that an understatement.   House says a lot about a man.   Which explains why Tony has an apartment!  A woman sneaks up on Tony from behind, then Gibbs creeps up on her and another man comes up behind Gibbs.  All carrying guns and badges.   Tony comments it's a scene from Reservoir Dogs (1992) .   Only she's cuter than Harvey Keitel.

She IDs them from CGIS (Coastguard Investigative Service) and Tony laughs when he hears Coastguard.   She slaps Kyle (Eddie Shin).   Tony: "nice headslap."  McGee comments they have a wider enforcement jurisdiction.   Tony with yet more jokes, "Yes, Virginia there is a CGIS" and mentions  Corky in Life Goes On.   Tony asks if she reminds them of anyone?  McGee: "Like who?"  Oh come on it's obvious Gibbs of course!    She also drinks coffee.   Gibbs says Jensen is Navy so the case belongs to NCIS.   Recon flights saw the salvage boat adrift.   The Captain's dead and Jensen and the captain were seen at the marina on surveillance.   Gibbs likes to conduct his own investigations, so does she.   She asks if it's cos she's a woman, coastguard or got the drop on Gibbs.   Gibbs doesn't know her.

Ducky comments Davy Jones was after Jensen.  Palmer thinks he's quoting Jack Sparrow.   Already said twice before by Tony in the episodes 1.15 Enigma and 4.14 Blowback.   Ducky quotes Dickens' Bleak House.   Palmer likes Treasure Island personally and used to jump on the bed thinking he was Jim Hawkins, at 23. "The boy's story is the best he's ever told." Gibbs knows that was Charles Dickens.   COD was death by drowning.   Gibbs doesn't believe a master diver could drown but Ducky points out he was injured.   Abby's (Pauley Perrette) not herself today.   Usually she knows when Gibbs is coming, but she didn't know today.   He had rubber from the regulator in his teeth.   The hug didn't help her.   Gibbs tells her not to bang her head cos he needs what's in there.

Tony checks out Abigail Borin (Diane Neal) not in that way but you never know what's going through Tony's head.   It's another Abby.   She's a Sergeant, no spouse, no "little Borin's, it's uncanny: former marine turned surely investigative agent who flies by the seat of her gut."  Well she's not all Gibbs, as Gibbs did have a daughter and has been married 4 times.   Ziva asks how Tony knows all this.   McGee jumps in replying Tony was eavesdropping outside the conference room, their conference room, not the lift conference room.   Tony calls it recon, research, "McTattle.   The law of nature's being violated; matter and anti-matter colliding or something." McGee reads comics.   Ziva wonders if he's obsessed with her, cos she reminds him of Gibbs, or she's attractive.   Tony claims not to have noticed.   Tony not notice a woman's looks, never!  Hey but Tony called her cuter than Harvey Keitel before so how could he not have noticed.  Abigail creeps up from behind like Gibbs and asks 'what'.   Tony: "what have you got" she says, as does Gibbs.

Jensen had a storage facility.    Do they have a problem.   She was an only child from a small Ohio town.   Gibbs was from a small Pennsylvania town.Gibbs says they can connect Jensen to the boat, prints on the boat and blood matched him.   Abigail's outsourced and Molly (Hong Chau) gives them the info about the prints.   Gibbs asks what his people have got?  A large deposit was made into the captain's account.   Tony has a warrant for the storage unit.   Gibbs can't call her Abby!  His girlfriend, Missy (Shanna Moakler) "can't believe he's mean he's deceased too." McGee gives her a look.  He didn't have much money but told her he'd have some money when he returned.

At the storage unit, Tony finds treasure charts, Calafuego, Tony mentions pirate treasure.   Ziva says it looks like Davy Jones Locker.   Tony remarks Davy Jones used to sing with The Monkees.   Ziva asks real monkeys.   Tony: "I envy your brain sometimes."  Oh Tony is just there to try Ziva isn't he and most everyone else, with his comments just to confuse her even more.   Ah bless him.   As for envying her brain, Gibbs said much the same thing about Abby's brain, well that he needs her brain, not so much envies her.   They were looking for sunken treasure.

Abby heard he was having his own personal problems with ...both are Abby.     E-mails between Jensen and Mavrey, talked about Calafuego.   Abigail doesn't believe in coincidences, neither does Gibbs.   His wife, Andrea Mavrey ( Gabrielle Miller) says her husband is out of the country and has no way of reaching him.   She denies knowing Jensen.   Abigail wants to bring her in for questioning based on her gut.   Just like Gibbs relies on his gut.   Tony now mentions swashbuckling movies, took his time.   Erroll Flynn as Captain Blood, (1935) Douglas Fairbanks in the Black Pirate (1926).   Imagine Gibbs as a pirate, eyepatch, peg leg, parrot on shoulder.   Tony was lucky he didn't get a slap for that.   They would get $250 million if the boat was found.   Mavrey had money to fund Jensen.   Tony links it to the Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948).   Mavrey needed money.   Vance (Rocky Carroll) finds Dr Kalsa (Aaron Lustig) never left the country, logged onto his website to perform live surgery.   Tony says you can watch it online if you pay $19.99.

Abby sticks to the original formula.   The coins are fake, there is no treasure and Andrea said she didn't know Jensen.   Tony thinks the widow and the stud diver did it together.   Oh Tony took his time connecting the wife, would've thought she'd have been his first suspect.    Tony: "Ziva did you hear that."  Ziva: "yes I heard the wife did it, oh Tony you are a genius."  But as said he didn't say that earlier, not once did he suspect her at all.   Off he goes again this time with Body Heat (1981), where the wife hired a stud to kill the husband.   He's mentioned this movie twice before too in 3.12 Boxed In and 5.5 Leap of Faith.   He has a a Live Aid T-shirt signed by Bob Geldoff in his locker.  Gibbs: "Yo ho ho."  Tony says it's "time to walk the plank matey."

A private jet was hired to fly to Guam, Kyle gets the coastguard to intercept the plane.   Ducky's alone and depressed, Sophie left him, she wanted to change him and he's back to wearing bow ties again.   From the mould he found Jensen suffered three fractures of his incisors from a seizure.   He bit through the mouthpiece and that's why there was rubber in his mouth.   Ducky explains he was suffering from congenital retention of iron and so he couldn't be a diver.

Abby says they changed the Caf Pow formula which explained her behaviour.   She didn't find anything in the blood.   Abby: "There's something rotten in Denmark."  Paraphrasing Hamlet.   The plane was empty and was a decoy.   Tony mentions the wife's nice pad, he's used to big mansions isn't he, from childhood.   She gives them a sob story, it wasn't possible for him to kill anyone, no cos she did it.   Medical records show Navy doesn't have any records about a liver condition.   It wasn't Jensen but Mavrey who had seizures as a boy and a liver disorder.   Jensen is Mavrey.   He embezzled for the treasure hunt.     Abigail asks who Bogey is.   (Humphrey Bogart was in the Treasure of the Sierra Madre.)  When Tony mentions the Treasure of the Sierra Madre again.   Missy bought two tickets to Mexico and he never showed up.   Vance thinks cooperating with sister agencies produces great results and Gibbs agrees.

Ziva and Tony watch a movie together.   Tony says Ziva doesn't have any friends, but she does.   So why is she with him on a Friday night watching a movie with him.   Ziva says he's her friend.   Tony: "really."
Ziva: "No." Tony's date cancelled, so did hers.   The way these two just make things up don't they, just like when they told McGee the wrong story about who slept where in Paris.   Good episode especially now they've got a female version of Gibbs, even dresses almost the same with the long coat and everything.   Of course Tony had to notice the similarities straight away, he's so into that kind of stuff.

Notice Andrea Mavrey's house is Jenny Shepherd's (Lauren Holly) house.   The team also had doubles/doppelgangers in the season 2.12 episode Doppelgangers, only this time round, Abigail is more like Gibbs, albeit she's a woman.   Tony paraphrases, 'Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus' at the beginning.

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