Monday 4 June 2012

Desperate Housewives - 8.9: "Putting It Together" Review

Vance gets closer to finding the real truth opening up a number of suspects and motives in his eventual 'accident.' Lynette comes clean to Tom about her part in the cover-up.

 Mary Alice (Brenda Strong) "Whenever Bree van de Kamp (Marcia Cross) was feeling low, she found solace in the act of baking...when her first husband passed away she baked coffee cake...when her second husband went to jail she made sugar cookies.   So when Bree's best friends stopped speaking to her she thought hot cherry scones might thaw their chilly relationships."  Susan (Teri Hatcher) doesn't answer the door and Juanita (Madison de La Garza) claims Gaby (Eva Longoria) is in church, but it's Thursday.   She was told to say that.   Lynette (Felicity Huffman)  replies she wonders why no one will talk to Bree.  "Bake your way out of this one." She's isolated.   Lynette calls her controlling which is what she tried to do to them, but that's just Lynette talking about herself. She's controlling and manipulative as this episode will show.   Look at how she used her predicament to make Tom (Doug Savant) stay in the country!

Bree's on her own.   Mary Alice: "Yes, Bree had always taken comfort in baking but when baking failed her - took comfort in something else." She drinks.   See she could have bonded with Carlos (Richardo Antonio Chavira).   She would have had an ally in him and then maybe she wouldn't have to resort to drinking, even if he was.

Mary Alice: "In a place as peaceful as Wisteria Lane [peaceful, sorry I have to interject, how many killings, so-called accidents, fights, have they had on this Lane?] the smallest crime can prompt a call to the police...yes the women were used to calling the police.   What they weren't used to was the police actually calling on them."  Vance (Jonathan cake) brings them in for a "casual chat."  Susan claims it's hard to say why an artist paints and doesn't know why she painted that.   Vance presumes it's cos she feels guilty over what she did.  He asks about Ramon Sanchez, why did Alejandro have another name.   Vance thinks Lynette would have made a good cop and she must stop lying.   Vance thinks what she's hiding is a reason for Tom leaving her.   Lynette slaps him and maybe that gave her an idea to actually stop Tom from leaving for Paris.   She slapped him cos he told her to forget he was a cop.

Vance says Sanchez has two girls who may never see their dad again and that ain't no bad thing either considering his track record as an abusive father.   He was appealing to Gaby's personal side here cos of Carlos and they have two children.   The way he said this line made it seem as if Vance knew Carlos actually did it, or that he was trying to break Gaby.   She claims Carlos is in rehab cos he had an affair which triggered his drinking.

Bree drinks some more and crashes a women's night out at a bar.  She calls one Lynette and refuses to leave them alone.   So why didn't they just change tables?   Ben (Charles Mesure) knows Bree doesn't recall the night before and Bree doesn't want him to tell anyone.   He suggests she should start making up with the friend who hates her the least.   Renee (Vanessa Williams) spies them together and assumes they spent the night with each other.   Hey she took her time, I said that when Ben came to Bree's rescue with Vance.

Susan tells Mike (James Denton) she always does that thing "when I lie to you."   He asks what.   Susan: "Like I'm gonna tell you." She thinks they should get away for a while and Mike says that will make Vance suspicious.   Gaby is refused entry to the rehab centre to see Carlos and sneaks in with a family.   She claims to be the boy, Jimmy's (Jeremy Luke) girlfriend.   He doesn't recall her and thinks if had her as a girlfriend, then he needs help, cos of her looks.   They always give Gaby a line about her looks and body.   She said the same to Vance earlier when he said Carlos had an affair and she asked why he would cheat on someone with her figure.   Carlos is vacuuming which Gaby comments he doesn't do at home.   He tells her, "what you think he knows is about one tenth of what he knows."  Carlos claims Vance must be stopped.   That's one motive and threat.

Lynette discovers Tom has already left for the airport and Susan approaches Felix (Leslie Jordan) for the money from the paintings sale.   He asks if she's "jumping off a bridge?" No that's Bree, kind of.   Renee asks Ben why he hugged Bree and Vance arrives to question Ben about his girlfriend, Bree.   Maliciously saying that to make waves between the two of them.   He's closing down construction on the site since Alejandro/Ramon made his last call from there.   How did he make his last call from there when he was already dead?  Does this mean Carlos didn't kill him but someone else did, maybe whoever sent the note to Bree?   Vance is shutting Ben down for as long as it takes.   Giving Ben motive also.

Tom talks about Lynette to Jane (Andrea Parker) and she'd like him to stop.   Look at Tom running off to Paris already with his new girlfriend/mistress.   Lynette confronts him in the men's room and shows him she's removed her ring.   She tells Tom about being an accessory.    Bree wonders why Vance didn't question her.   He's determined to bring Bree and the others down.   Gaby says this won't end until Vance is stopped, another motive from her.   Jane catches them in the loo and Tom says he's staying but can't tell her why.

Susan wants to move to NY cos Felix puts the idea into her head.   Bree deals with Vance and will sign a confession if he keeps her friends out.   He loves seeing Bree in pain, she's too resilient.   She has nothing else to offer.   Vance believes she should have taken his offer of marriage.   Well then she wouldn't have discovered how much of a psycho he really is.   Renee asks Karen (Kathryn Joosten) if Bree has been entertaining Ben lately.   She doesn't think Ben would cheat on her and Karen thinks Renee is hot.   She reminds her of herself 35 years ago and she should fight for Ben.   Renee would have liked to have met her 35 years ago.

Mike doesn't want to move and it won't deter Vance.   Susan no longer sees her friends anymore and wants to leave.   This also gives Mike a motive too.   Moving isn't his dream and once again it's about Susan once more.  Vance is pursuing a different angle on the investigation and shows Gaby a clipping of Alejandro.   Susan and Lynette all had a different reaction to the photo of him but Gaby smirked.   Why?  Ramon is Alejandro and he's opening an official casefile.   Now that's Gaby's motive as her world comes crashing down.   Carlos has checked out of rehab so he has no alibi.   Ben isn't home when Renee knocks and she sees Bree drive away.   Will she follow her and rescue her?  Seems likely cos she thinks she's meeting with Ben at a seedy hotel, like she did with Karl.   Not that Renee probably knows about Karl.   Vance is run over in the road.

Mary Alice: "Just when my friends needed each other most they find themselves utterly needed to find her the consequences of revealing a secret...but for one of my friends, the sense of isolation was so complete there might be no escaping it."  Bree sees Mary Alice in the flesh or imagines her and asks what happened to her prefect life on the Lane and her dear friends.    How did she lose it all?  Mary Alice replies things change and she's not unhappy where she is.   Bree picks up the the US had it's Christmas break but the rest of us will get the episode next week, even if it is two months late!   At time of writing.

Don't much like Gaby's high and mighty stance when she's the reason behind Bree's situation and yet she refuses to speak to her now.   She's so caught up in her own world that she doesn't see the tell tale signs of despair in Bree.   Same goes for Lynette and Susan dreams of running away, that'll make her forget her guilt.   Lynette possibly just sees it as a chance to hang on to Tom.   Yet they're all selfish.   Gaby is the cause of all their problems as far as Alejandro is concerned; and for the tightening noose now around their necks,  all cos of a smirk from Gaby.

An episode that was much better than the past ones with plenty of angst and it was also character driven but still being predictable in places.   Mind you Mary Alice appeared to be smirking at Bree, the way she smiled and replied, "things change." Willing Bree to pull the trigger like she did and prove she's just as weak.   Mary Alice wasn't prefect or had the perfect family but Bree is so very different to her.   She may seem aloof at times but has her head screwed on straight.

I'm still intrigued as to why Vance told Ben, Alejandro used his phone at the construction site.   No really and no one picked up on that.   Ben didn't want Vance hanging around there cos Mike reburied his body there.   Does Ben know he's buried there?   Surprised Vance didn't bring in Karen who is oblivious to what's happening anyway.

Death by car accidents also seen in 2.23  Remember and the conversation about the lie was also done in 21.6 A Little Night Music; part of Gaby's conversation.  Gaby: "You were doing that thing you do when you lie."  Carlos: "What thing?"  Gaby: "Oh like I'm gonna tell you."  Bree's motel room in 6.1 and Mary Alice appearing to Lynette when she was taking pills and having personal issues.   Nothing's changed then aside from the pill popping.   George (Bree's beau) was in seven episodes and was killed in 2.9 and Vance was also in seven episodes and was killed off in 8.9.  In season 6 Bree was at the motel room 217 with Karl.

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