Tuesday 5 June 2012

Desperate Housewives - 8.10: "What's to Discuss, Old Friend" Review

The women are shocked to discover Vance is dead. Bree is rescued, as she would be and she receives another note. Susan runs off to Oklahoma to break the news to Alejandro's family.

Mary Alice (Brenda Strong) "Bree Van de Kamp (Marcia Cross) had always wanted to live life with elegant grace.   That was also how she wanted to die: Chardonnay, lingerie...she had everything she needed for an elegant death, except privacy."  Renee (Vanessa Williams) knocks on the door and shouts, finally knocking the door in.   She doesn't find Ben there but sees the gun and reads Bree's suicide note.   Mary Alice: "Renee Perry had no idea just how close her friend had come to suicide and Bree had no idea how close she had come to being hit."

Mary Alice: "Keeping secrets is a lonely business - that's why we all search for someone to confide in...not everyone you tell your secrets to, will be happy  about it." Tom (Dog Savant) tells Lynette (Felicity Huffman) she shouldn't be involved in this cos it's Gaby's (Eva Longoria) and Carlos's (Richardo Antonio Chavira) mess.   She's helping a friend but she's supposed to be the smart one.   Lynette needs his support.   News comes of Vance being killed in a hit 'n' run.   Gaby is worried about Carlos and she sees it on the news.  

Renee drugged Bree so she would sleep and she's coming back tomorrow too, in fact she's moving in.   At least Bree has someone who cares about her.   She's removed laces from her shoes and also her shower curtain cos it was ugly.   Bree is shocked at the news cos that rules her out as a suspect since she was otherwise occupied.   Susan (Teri Hatcher) sneaks out with a suitcase.   She's running to New York to see what it's like, then Mike (James Denton) can join her later.   But his business is here and he doesn't want to move.   Susan is just running away.

Gaby, Lynette and Bree break the news of Vance's death to Susan, surprised she hasn't heard for herself.   Bree wonders if it really was an accident  Gaby doesn't believe it's any of them.   Susan thinks of Carlos and Gaby lies that he's in rehab.   She's still keeping secrets.   Lynette believes they can now go back to normal, but what's normal for them? Her marriage is practically over, Carlos is drinking, Bree almost killed herself and Susan still wallows in her guilt.   They all agree it must be an accident.   Didn't Mike take Susan's suitcase inside? So what was it doing outside as Susan carries it in after the women leave her house since they would have asked her where she was going if they had seen it?

Tom told Bob (Tuc Watkins) and they need a lawyer.   He's kind of a wimp for a lawyer and since when is he supposed to be making judgements about his clients? He's not paid for that.   They no longer need him with Vance's 'accident.'  Mike tells Susan everyone has secrets and they need to get on with their lives.   Susan shouldn't be depressed.   Gaby heads for the police station and offers her condolences for Vance to Murphy, (Michael Dempsey) who calls Bree a bitch and he doesn't suspect it was an accident.   Lynette thinks it must be someone who knows about what they did and is protecting them.   She and Bree draw a chart, but nothing makes sense.   Bree thinks someone else might know.

Karen (Kathryn Joosten) tells Gaby that Carlos came home drunk and she slaps him.   Carlos doesn't recall, he's going on about killing Alejandro, but that was in her defence.   Gaby finds their car is missing.   Renee is equipped to give Bree advice cos she studied Intro to Psych and slept with a psychiatrist, which makes her qualified.   Bree tells her they're not really friends, but she doesn't have any friends and she didn't consider anyone else when she was being selfish in wanting to end it all.   Renee: "I will not let anyone kill themselves on my watch.   I will not go through that again."  Referring to her mother.

At the funeral, Tom tells Lynette to stop smiling and she still means everything to him.   She invites him home for movie night.   Susan cries and Vance's aunt (Lee Meriwether) turns up, giving Susan an idea.   She asks Gaby what Alejandro's other name was and finds he was living in Oklahoma City.    Carlos calls it risky being here and a cop recalls him from that night when Carlos wanted to confess something.   Gaby interjects he beat her with a candlestick and Gaby defended herself from him.

Bree asks about the suicide but Renee only talks to her friends.   It was her mother and she didn't save her the second time.   Bree tells her about Mary Alice and how she forget the pain she caused.   Renee "will always be the person who saved my life."  And the best friend she'll ever have.   The car is at the police lot and Gaby is taking him back to rehab and threatens if he ever goes to the police again, she'll be burying another body in the woods. What? She didn't learn from her first mistake?

Lynette recalled his fave beer but he forgot she likes the thin crust pizza.   Tom thinks Jane is forgiving and would never criticize his pizza choice.   Lynette was hoping if she said something enough times he'd hear her.   After 23 years it makes her feel like she's not important.   She sends him to Paris.   Susan leaves again, this time for Oklahoma and feels guilty cos Alejandro got a call the night they buried him, means he has a family and they don't know where he is.   So that's why he got the signal, which Vance told Ben about last episode, but he didn't say it like that.   Vance implied Alejandro made the call, darn thought it was more than that.   Gaby sees Susan leave and she 's visiting a family.   Now who's keeping secrets?

Mary Alice: "It's a lonely business keeping secrets.   That's why we all search for someone we can confide in...an ally who will understand, an advisor we can trust; a friend who will never judge.   Yes we all need help hiding the darkest truths of our lives because as soon as you're told one secret - another appears."  Bree receives another note: "You're welcome." Who is helping Bree? It's not Orson is it, just he's also one for 'hit 'n' runs. You know his track record.

Didn't think Renee could be serious - but she has been in the past when discussing her mother (even got drunk over her last season at the dinner party.)  Here Bree makes her recall it all, extremely painful memories for her since she was just a schoolkid.   Thought Gaby was reckless in questioning the policeman over Vance - like plodding Murphy didn't even bother to ask why she was being so nosy, not to mention how forthright he was in letting her speak instead of sending her packing.   Not like she had any info for him.

Bree was ending it all - the last time she'd have any of her luxuries surrounding her (not that she did in that hotel room, which is where she chose to be, instead of at home) cos it was such a selfish and insensitive thing to do choosing to go out that way.   Paper cup for wine, no proper lingerie etc.   How uncharacteristic was that of her, just as contemplating suicide was out of character too.  

Gaby slapping Carlos was done in 12.3 Not While I'm Around when Zach was stalking Gaby.   Renee breaking down the door was done by Lynette in Sweetheart I Have to Confess when she busted in Nora's door.     Tom opened a pizza parlour against Lynette's wishes and he still couldn't bring home her fave thin crust pizza here.   Tom also tried to keep his secret of Kayla from Lynette and here she reveals her secret to him, albeit in last week's ep, never mind.   Carlos should know Gaby's threat of burying him in the woods if he does anything foolish like confessing to the police again wouldn't be empty since in Sweetheart I Have To Confess, she pushed him out the window for manipulating her.

Tom telling Lynette not to smile at the funeral was the same as Carlos telling Gaby the same in 17.5 The Story of Jessie and Lucy.   Bree had her gun here just as she did in the pilot and in Not While I'm around.   It appears Bree is never without her gun.   In 20.5 Rose's Turn, Susan tried to remove the things Dave wouldn't try to kill himself with and here Renee did the same with Bree.

I know the 'death' ep has been screened in the US at the time of writing this,  hand on heart I haven't seen it or read the spoilers or news.   I want to watch it for myself, but I have a horrible feeling that it may be Mike.   Follow: Susan desperately wants to make a new start in New York, Mike wants to stay.   Susan is trying to get over her guilt by running off to Oklahoma now to appease Alejandro's family, not knowing a thing about them or his life there.   She's thinking of herself as usual.   So Mike could become a target of retaliation.   But Susan doesn't think.   So with Mike out of the pic and the show ending, she's free to move to New York or anywhere else and all this cos she still feels guilty.   I doubt it will be nay of the women, cos the show will prob go out as it began with all of them in there still around.

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