Thursday 14 June 2012

CSI: NY - 1.18: "The Dove Commission" Review

The CSIs have another two stories to investigate in this episode, one relating to a damning report on police corruption and another about the killing of a gypsy cab driver, whom Danny holds animosity towards.

The Dove Commission releases a report on NYPD corruption tomorrow.    Commissioner Stanwyck (Norman Howell)  and some women have been shot after a sniper opened fire at the club.   He was the chief Investigator.   Flack (Eddie Cahill) thinks the report must be damaging.   Charlotte Dubois (Diana Lupo) appears to be collateral damage.   Mac (Gary Sinise) wants to start with the report.   The windows are shattered.   Stella (Melina Kanakaredes) wants the bullets.   Flack prevents a reporter from filming: "You keep filming, I'm gonna give you rights and lefts."  Grace (Leslie Bega) knew Charlotte from Kentucky.   Mac is insistent every officer is doing everything they can to find the killer.

In story 2, Fernando Reyes, (Toby Halguin) a gypsy cab driver is found dead in his cab.   Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) says if he had a legitimate licence he would still be alive.   That's not necessarily true.   He's got issues with such drivers.   Danny: "Pay it off the rest of your life or pay it off with your life.   It's an easy decision in my book."  Danny's got a book too.   No, I just thought of what was said about Flack in interviews etc, about him "having a bigger book" as far his police tactics go.   Clearly Danny is being harsh here of the Vic and judgemental too.   It's the same attitude he took with the gang in 1.13 Tanglewood.     The money is missing and he was stabbed and went down the subway.   They should start with the body.

Hawkes (Hill Harper) is pickling a brain for 10-14 days so he can dissect it, that was meant to be a quirk of his.     Stanwyck and Charlotte were both shot twice and one bullet went through both of them.   One bullet is inside Stanwyck.   Hawkes' fave game was 'Operation.'  Mac: "His nose didn't buzz red, well done." Oh come on, he's a surgeon, at least he used to be of course his hands wouldn't shake!  Mac gets a preliminary copy of the report.   Chief Robinson (Mike Starr) implicates men under his command, trafficking drugs in police cars.   He's been on the firing range and so has GSR on his hands.   Two bullets are found to have different stria, thus there were two rifles and two snipers, determines Stella.   The bullet went through the glass first and shots were fired from outside, 65 floors up.   Mac asks where the sniper was.   Flack tells her the CS is the 65th floor.   Stella finds shell casings, 5 of them, "I'm lucky like that."  Er, not if Flack hadn't told her where to look.

Again he gives her another clue when he adds, "No sniper can hit the 65th floor from here, so there's shell casings falling from mid-air."  That's one clue she didn't get.   Inspector Marconi (Mark Rolston) from IAB asks Mac about his investigation and remember IAB is a 'dirty' word in more ways than one.   He wants to put Robinson away but Mac has evidence pending.

Hawkes finds traces of blood under the Vic's fingernails, in Danny's shooting and comments he hasn't attended a seminar yet to bring him to life in response to Danny's questions.   He has defensive wounds.   A stab wound to the neck punctured his carotid artery and his throat was slit.   Danny believes the killer enjoyed himself.   Danny and Aiden (Vanessa Ferlito) process the cab.   Danny finds a photo of Fernanado with his son and Aiden finds a business card with gum, from which they could get DNA.   Antonio (Jeremy Ray Valdez) is Fernando's son.   Danny asks if he was having an affair.  
Danny: "Somebody's gotta ask the hard questions, I'm just reacting to the evidence."
Aiden: "No, you're not, you're just reacting."  Danny tries to freeze the gum off the card, revealing a name, Arnold (Pete Gardner)  who didn't use the cab but a limo service.   He gave the card to a stripper, Savannah (Patrice Fisher).

Chad (Chad Lindberg) finds the sticky casing disc positive for GSR and traces of tin.   There was a difference in the primary GSR as Robinson was shooting at a range.   Mac wants the video tape from the reporter.   There are no hits on the shell casing, bullets are only used by the field units of the NYPD.   TARU and aviation units can fire at a building.  The penny finally drops for Stella, Flack told her hours ago the bullets came from mid-air!  The murder weapon was a mechanical helicopter, a thermal camera was attached to it, which had batteries.   Tests on helicopter and control pad reveals prints.   The prints on the remote match Jasper (Timon Kyle Durrett).   Mac has to prove he was the shooter.    He doesn't pay toll in cash so his movements can be tracked.

Aiden and Danny visit the stripper and Aiden must exclaim, "Holy boob job Batman."  Savannah has a scratch.   When Fernando dropped her off, someone tried to grab her from behind and he helped her.   The police wouldn't believe her.   Danny asks for her clothes and finds a grey substance on the shirt and a DNA sample.   All the evidence points to a man but there's female DNA in the case.   The substance is steel and there's a hair on the pants.

Mac clears everyone.   A photo from the Brooklyn Bridge shows Jasper was heading North and wouldn't have had time to turn around.   Mac: "I can only look where the evidence leads me."  Stella processes Stanwyck's clothes and finds lipstick on the collar.   Flack has the news footage and the TAG footage.    Watch out for Grace hitting the deck quickly when the bullets rain.   The lipstick belonged to her and she was having an affair.   Mac gives her a tissue, which she throws away when she leaves.   She can't trust anyone.   The tissue is analyzed for DNA.   So much for not trusting people but why'd she leave the tissue there.

The female DNA Danny discovered matches the blood from under Fernando's fingernails.    The steel is from the subway tracks.  Paul was at the CS, he watched Savannah come home every night and he would have got away with it if it hadn't been for Fernando.   Danny loses his cool with him and tells him he'd better hope one of his subways opens up and swallows him when he gets put in prison.

The prints on the battery match Marconi, he worked in TARU and he threatens their careers.   He killed the wrong woman, a crime of passion.   She was his and he stole her.   He knew he'd head up the IA investigation and would send Jasper to jail.   Danny apologizes to Antonio; telling him how Danny and his father got into a gypsy cab when he was 10 and were beaten.   Fernando was a good man, "There's a lot of honour in that."  They need more men like him and gives Antonio his father's photo.

Well following on from 1.13 Tanglewood, we get more insight into Danny's past and his character.   First he thinks all gypsy cab drivers are the same and should get a licence, but changes his mind when he finds out Fernando tried to help and saved Savannah.   At least he could admit he was wrong in his earlier assessment.   Also both stories were about women and men being obsessed with them.   Marconi shot the wrong woman and thought he would get away with it.     Why no photos of the bullet casings, Stella?  She just picks them up without documenting them.   Yet more research on the Y chromosome and how mutations can lead it registering as female  DNA.

Season 2 episode Kill Zone of CSI:Miami also featured a sniper and  2.1 Blood Brothers demonstrated having access to evidence if it is in the public domain.

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