Sunday 10 June 2012

CSI: NY - 1.15: "Til Death Do We Part" Review

Another two cases for the CSIs to investigate, this time round with a dead bride who dies on her wedding day and a possible haunted monastery where a dead man is found.

In Story 1, a bride dies at her wedding after dead doves fall to the floor.   Mac (Gary Sinise) asks if anyone is superstitious here as it's bad luck for birds to fly indoors.   Mac: "It could happen to you, you know."
Danny: "What marriage?"
Mac: "Love."
Danny: "Don't even say stuff like that Mac, it's not even funny."  Well someone found it funny and appealing since Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) did find love and marriage, but sadly most of us thought with the wrong woman.   Mac notices redness in her eye, caused by external injuries or allergies.   She has a slight redness on her skin and Mac thinks she's displaying symptoms of chemical exposure.   Mac: "Two dead doves, one dead bride, looks like foul play to me."  Ahh so bad you'd think Stella (Melina Kanakaredes) thought of it!

Det Kylie Macca (Kelly Hu) returns to investigate the case and has a comment to make, "Gives new meaning to the words cold feet."
 Danny: "You know if I was to say something like that, you'd call me insensitive."  Yes they would, the women in this show, especially at the start and some didn't change later on; were into their lib and yet tried to be one of the men at the same time.  Kylie: "No, I would've asked you if you wanted to grab a drink later.   I'm attracted to a man with a dark sense of humour."  Funny she didn't say that about Flack (Eddie Cahill).   Mac interrupts their flirting, "You two wanna be alone, I'll drag the body outside." Danny blames Kylie for starting it.   Yeah and he just went along.   Kylie would have made a much better love interest for Danny, she was more his type.   The bride complained of headaches and so could have been poisoned, her father doesn't want an autopsy conducted until she's been blessed by a Rabbi.

Story 2, involves an abandoned car and a hand is found an old monastery, rumoured to be haunted by monks.   Aiden (Vanessa Ferlito) calls it an urban legend.   The DB has an NYC pass and some change, he was just out of prison.   He has dermal tissue in his mouth.   Stella thinks he chewed his hand off as it was the only way out of the handcuffs.   The SUV was stolen 4 days ago.  Aiden finds a map in the car and an ear print.

Danny finds of alcohol use in the bridal suite, but no drugs or any signs of poison.   Mac reverts to Plan B, the birds.   Danny and Mac cut open the birds, someone wanted the birds dead.   Della (Diva Zappa) calls this cruelty to animals and a crime.  She didn't kill the bride, Hannah.   She trained the doves and it was her idea but the hotel took all the money.   Danny finds a hair on the wedding dress and it's not a match to the bride.   Hawkes (Hill Harper) determines she and the birds were poisoned, but the deaths aren't related.   There's discolouration on the skin causing coagulation and necrosis of the skin.   I.e tissue death, there are clots in the blood due to formaldehyde.   Audrey (Bess Wohl) has access to this.   The groom, Walter's (Rick D Wasserman) hair is on the dress.   Audrey went out with Walter and he left her, they were friends.   Mac: "Who couldn't love $50 million?"  The dress was brought at a second hand shop, with all that money and they resorted to second hand dresses, yuk.

Story 2: Hawkes finds COD to be exsanguination, starvation, hypothermia and there's blunt force trauma to the side of his head, with traces of black around the wound.   He would have lived longer if his hand wasn't chewed.   Wounds were caused by throwing a punch.   Stella refers to "meatball surgery," he was stabbed and a tip of the shank is left behind.   Rick (Chris Watters) was stabbed but the man claims there was a fight over stealing his food so he cut Rick.   Stella says they know everywhere he went between two places.   Stella insists on driving.   Flack wants to drive and asks for a cracker or a piece of candy, cos "when you drive, we don't eat."  Clearly signs here that Flack loves his food.

 At the diner the waitress says there was a fight and he was thrown out.   Flack: "Did they continue their 'thang' outside?" The SUV was taken from the owner's house.   There are no hits on APHIS concerning the gun.   The flesh under Rick's nails is a close match to a relative of Victor Mulcahey, who has a son, Connor (Sam Huntingdon) and Rick killed his father three years ago in a bar fight.   Connor claims he didn't steal the car.

Connor was in foster care after his father died.   Flack says any DA would want proof of pre-meditation and they collected everything on Rick from the apartment.   Stella argues with Flack that Connor confessed to stealing not killing. "The evidence is not conclusive."  Flack asks what's wrong with good old fashioned motive and she replies it doesn't place Connor at the CS.  Flack tells her he's going to the DA.

Danny finds the dress has a large quantity of formaldehyde so she was killed by her dress.   It's lab grade formaldehyde and there are traces of deodorizing powder, eeww.   The dress came from a dead person.   There are twenty others from the same designer.   Truman has a receipt but no details.   John Swinton doesn't ask questions.   He also has two suits which they take and analyze.

Stella uses ALS to swab the stain on the map and finds an arrow showing directions.   He was digging for something at the monastery and he was lured there.   Mac tells Stella he had a call from Flack, he was afraid Sella would lose her temper again over Connor, which is exactly what she does cos she doesn't listen (as usual).   Flack wanted her to know he won't go to the DA until they both agree and her phone's off.   Stella gets close to Connor cos he reminds her of herself and then she alienates everyone in the process cos she can't handle her anger.   The visitor's log at the jail shows Lugano (Jeffrey Vincent Parise) was visited by Moretti (David DeLuise).   Stella deduces he was there as all this started over food.   Flack says it was for revenge.    No one found the body.   Moretti owed Lugano.

Danny finds large amounts of embalming fluid and deodorizer on the suits.   Mac determines he works in a funeral home and sells the clothes.   Mac thinks someone could be "wearing another killer outfit."  Hawkes examines a body outside of the morgue for a change.   Samuels has the same COD as Hannah.   Initial on his handkerchief and it's swabbed by Danny, showing Peyton M Davis held up a clothes store.   Mac refers to this as desecration of burials, theft, two counts of murder.   He wanted to make money and there's one more suit to find.

Stella says she was an orphan at St Basil's orphanage until she was 18,  never met her parents.  Connor replies she's lucky since she doesn't know what she's missing.   Stella says he's not int he system yet, it's up to him to stay out of trouble.

Mac locates the suit and stops the wedding, removing the suit from the groom.  "I'm here to save your life, so you can live happily ever after."  Drone, so many cheesy one liners here and jokes.   This episode had plenty of forensics and an opportunity to lose the plot if not following closely.   Especially Stella's storyline and the elaborate plans to seek revenge.

Aiden also has a one track mind, if Danny was to say things like that he'd be accused of being sexist etc, as would Flack.   Such as the remark Aiden made to Danny in Tanglewood about him having to pay for girls and he's paying for it one way or another, when he tells her he didn't have to pay for any girl.   Aiden can't resist teasing him about the monastery being haunted and he fell for it for a moment.   One suspect Stella actually believes is innocent, cos all the others are outright guilty when she gets on the case.

In CSI season 1 episode $35K O.B.O notes from a pad were 'lifted' to show the planning of a murder, as it did here when Stella looked at he pad in the prison cell.   Bess Wohl returned to the show in season 4 as lab tech Kendall, friend of Adam (AJ Buckley).   Jeffrey Vincent Parise also returned in 7.8 Scared Stiff.

1 comment:

  1. I think more of us liked D/L than you may realize...I do.
