Wednesday 6 June 2012

Charlies Angels - 1.6 "Black Hat Angels" Review

Bosley is set up by his one time partner in crime after a painter disappears. The angels learn more about his computer hacking days, as well as who Elizabeth is.

The scene opens with Bosley (Ramon Rodriguez) being chased  by police officers.   As an appropriate soundtrack plays over the chase scene, he is arrested and proclaims his innocence.

24 hours ago  Eve (Minka Kelly) finds a postcard for Bosley from Paris but it doesn't have a message.   She comments no one's taken her there.   She also adds, "Maybe it's your lost love trying to heat things up again."  That could have been true, see my comment later.  If nothing else Eve knows Bosley's middle name is Eduardo.   Bosley: "I like to keep my private life, private."  That's not what he would have said in the previous episode and if that's the case it must be difficult if he talks in his sleep.   A lost love doesn't seem possible.   He also tells Eve.

Abby (Rachael Taylor) and Kate (Annie Ilonzeh) bring caffeine and carbs.  Charlie (Victor Garber) hands them a missing person's case. That's all they seem to be doing, mostly.  Also Abby says that too.   Eve explains it's cos they're good at what they do and word gets around.    There's a painting which has been drawn by Lee Bowen (Keram Malicki-Sanchez) who is the Vic.   He drew it from memory and disappeared two weeks ago.   It took a long time for his agent to come forward and claim him as a missing person.  That should have been a clue right there.   Lee doesn't have any enemies and Zoe (Peyton List) is their client and his agent. She is suspicious looking.   She thinks he's been kidnapped and was looking out for him since "anyone could take advantage of him." The anyone being her of course.

One gallery owner took him on as a client and wanted exclusive rights to his work, Steven Lesher (Michael Rivkin).  (Hey that was a character name in season 6 of NCIS.)   Abby knows the place, of course she would.   Look at the way Zoe looks at Bosley.   He and Abby portray a couple looking for artwork and ask for some Lee Bowen.   Kate plays an air conditioner tech.   Bosley tells Steven they have to get him back and he's the last person who spoke to him.   There's a photo of the two of them together when he went missing.  Abby takes out a gun and shoots paintballs at the paintings.  "I have an artistic streak"  and she's ready to go Jackson Pollock.   Steven once sold dodgy Warhol's and got an e-mail with old papers.   They wanted an artist and he told them about Lee.  He shows them the e-mail and Bosley takes a photo of the address.   The paintings were covered over with cellophane.

Eve doesn't find anything in Lee's apartment.   Bosley calls Steven the middle man and when he analyzes the address and DOB, they all lead back to Bosley.   Eve: "It's you."  The way she said that was as if she almost believed Bosley was guilty.  Charlie claims his ID has been stolen.   Kate thinks there are signs of a personal vendetta.   Bosley has lots of enemies.   They've hacked his system and even his "firewalls have firewalls."  Bosley has his own suspicions of who could be behind this and he needs to start from the beginning.   Zoe makes some excuse about her and computers not gelling and computers hating her.   An obvious excuse on her part again.   Bosley checks out the trash in her computer as she may have had contact with the kidnappers without being aware.   Zoe: "You don't know what it's like to lose someone close to you." There, her entire demeanour and everything else she's been up to shows she knows more than she's letting on;  why make that comment unless she knows about his private life?  Bosley replies, "You'd be surprised."

Abby says if she had Bosley's details she'd be on a spending spree now.   But nothing's been taken.   There's a safe deposit box and to Abby that's like catnip.   Eve goes undercover as Ms Depesto (hey that name was used in Moonlighting ha.)   There can only be a limited number of customers in the vault and Abby and Bosley go in as another couple again.   Well they did make a cute couple.     Bosley opens the box to reveal a bomb: C4 and there's only 30 seconds.   Abby tries to disarm it. What would they have done without her? Not very much.   Oswald leaves a message.   They need to evacuate the bank.   Abby disarms it but moments later it rearms, which Bosley should have known especially when dealing with Oswald.   That table in the vault came in handy though. Surprisingly it bore most of the brunt of the blast.

Kate analyzes the bomb and finds a partial print on the Sim card, wouldn't that be the job of the police and forensics.   They ask who Oswald is.  Bosley's former partner in computer crime.   He calls them 'Black hats' which are hackers.   He met Oswald online.   Abby comments online dating sites don't work.   Abby always manages to get a comment about dating or loser men.  Someone beat him to the finds in a Berlin bank.   They worked together two years and were a perfect team.   Bosley assumes Oswald is a man.   Eve: "You've worked that close with a man you've never met."  Eve appears to get the dumb lines.   As Abby tells her they work for Charlie.   There is no Bank of London, though it was for the purposes of the show.   Oswald cut a deal with the Russian mob to go underground.   Abby says there's no getting away from the mob.   The print leads to a condo lease.

Here they find computer screens and Bosley says Oswald is turning the tables as all the screens are eyes.   But he thinks Oswald kept the same passwords.   He finds Lee a captive and also plates nearby used for printing money.   Oswald is Zoe, well that wasn't a shock.   Abby says she wanted to kill Bosley who is "looking good for a dead man."  She then notices they're watching her.   Bosley thought 'she' was dangerous.   Zoe comments on there being new women in Bosley's life.   Less expendable than the last companion.   She copied her handwriting on the postcard.  

Bosley manages to trace Zoe's location.   Zoe: "Bad things happen to the women in his life, ask Elizabeth."  But Elizabeth as we know is dead.   The angels don't know about her.   Zoe spent the last three years of her life to the mob.   Bosley got the location and other things on the hard-drive.   Eve guards the perimeter and the police arrive.   Bosley has outstanding 'fake' warrants and one came through right now.   Bosley claims his innocence.   Lee had to make money, counterfeit $100 bills.   Kate tells them about her six years in law enforcement and two years undercover.   They arrest him for the murder of a policeman but he runs.

 It had to be Eve in the police car otherwise she wasn't doing a good job of guarding the perimeter.   How come he didn't see who was driving the car?   How could Eve be tracking Zoe getting away with millions?   Bosley uses the iPad to unlock her history and finds she's on a flight to Rio.   Bosley cancels her flight and tracks her on her phone.   She knows his weak spot, the women he cares about and that's where Zoe is getting him.   Zoe blows up the truck with the money inside.   But was it all the money?

Charlie is impressed with them but Bosley says she got away.   Eve asks about Elizabeth.  She's the one with all the questions, always and Abby tells him he can talk to them anytime.   Bosley was in love and Elizabeth "turned down a dark path and I lost her." She died.   Was Charlie still on the phone listening.   Bosley did everything he could to stop her and love wasn't enough.   He went off the rails and met Oswald until Charlie saved him.   Abby says he shouldn't blame himself for Elizabeth, which is what Charlie told him in 1.4.  Angels in Chains.  Is that why Charlie rescued his angels cos of Elizabeth?   Yet Bosley doesn't tell them Elizabeth was Charlie's daughter.

Zoe visits Victor (John Terry) in prison and tells him she'll have a new alias by tomorrow.   But Abby won't know she's met with him cos he probably won't tell her.   Instead he would probably work with Zoe to bring down Charlie.  Victor has a vendetta  with Charlie.   She can help him "unmask" Charlie which is what Victor wants.   So who exactly is Victor doing this for? It doesn't appear to be for Abby.

If done right this could have been an interesting story arc, but we'll never know what happens or would have happened now.   The backstory on Bosley had potential, more than the angels as well as the storyline about Oswald and Victor gunning for Charlie.  What if Zoe was Elizabeth and Eve was kind of hinting at this when she saw the postcard?   Well Elizabeth could have had a facelift, changed her appearance.   Who else would have such a grudge against Charlie and want to get back at him?   Which also means Bosley recognized the handwriting and wasn't at all curious to investigate.   That was a bit of a let down in the plot.   This episode however, was one of the better ones and the show did seem to be improving.   Enjoyed this one.

In the original angels, Bosley (David Doyle) and Kris (Cheryl Ladd) used to play a couple, married or otherwise and here it was mostly Bosley and Abby.   In the original angels there were many episodes which boasted lost loves of the angels, um, maybe boasted isn't exactly the right word.   Sometimes they would be criminals and other times there'd be two angels falling for the one man.  

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