Sunday 3 June 2012

Charlies Angels - 1.5: "Angels in Paradise" Review

The angels rescue old friends of Charlie's after they are kidnapped. They take on a case where they have to protect a mother and son from being kidnapped too. Abby meets her father.

Charlie's (Victor Garber) old friend's yacht is hijacked by Mercer (Pedro Pascal) who is wanted for kidnapping.  He demands a $5 million ransom.  "My angels were the answers to his prayers."  Hey Bosley said similar in 1.4 Angels in Chains, "They do answer my prayers," he tells Samantha.   Abby (Rachael Taylor) comments on this being another day in paradise when they go ahead with the rescue.   Eve (Minka Kelly) and Bosley (Ramon Rodriguez) dive underwater and they reach the yacht that way.   Abby demands proof of life and Mercer shows him the boy.   They fight the kidnappers and Abby does her 'Xenia Onatopp' (Famke Janssen) impression  from the 007 Goldeneye movie.   (But not as suggestive.)  Mercer escapes overboard and the explosion is so fake CGI.

Theo, the boy, draws a pic of the angels but leaves out Bosley.   He got footage from the card on the camcorder of a mother and son.   Charlie calls Bosley, 'John' now.   They need to take down Mercer.   Jennifer Wright's (Dina Meyer) son, Wyatt (Albert Frezzer) is a polo player.   Abby knows her but not by name.   Her real name is Lisa Hanson and she was the wife of disgraced NY banker, Michael (Mark Kiely) who was laundering money.   She turned in her husband.   It was easy for Bosley to find her old ID, know he's a great hacker and all that but if he could do it, I'm sure others could do it.  So much for just changing her name.

Jennifer says she wants a new start for Wyatt.   Michael died by jumping from a building and he didn't leave them anything.   They need to stay at a safe house.  Abby tries to convince Wyatt to go along with them and Lily is his girlfriend. She hasn't seen him play yet.   She tells him about her disgraced father, Victor Sampson (John Terry) , so they have a lot in common.   Now she's mentioned daddy dearest he has to make an appearance.   Abby tells him she'll find a way to let him play.   Why weren't Abby and Kate (Annie Ilonzeh) not in disguise since Mercer has seen them both, but he hasn't seen Eve?   Bosley is wearing shirt number 1 and Charlie got him on the team.   Bosley: "I live to surprise you ladies."  And he does too, since there's plenty they don't know about him, just like Charlie.   Abby: "Bosley; the riddle, wrapped in an enigma and covered in Ralph Lauren."  (He has a scent called Ralph Lauren Polo.)

Mercer is in communication with a man  and he recognizes them.   Kate sees a man carrying a camera and sporting a beard but they lose him.   What are they, amateurs?  Obviously that man is after Wyatt cos it's obvious that man is his father.   Wyatt is taken after Bosley is knocked out.   Eve is on the case and rides a horse to the trailer, where she shoots at it, getting Wyatt back.   Abby thinks revenge is a great place to start.   Jennifer doesn't recognize the man and Bosley doesn't have any luck either.   Cue Charlie and his suggestion of a friend at the Attorney Generals in DC who found a connection.   Every week Michael had a power lunch with Abby's father, Victor - Michael's mentor.   Bosley thinks her father can ID him.   Kate reminds her he's been reaching out to Abby, as we saw those letters from him she discarded in the Pilot episode.

Charlie' thinks Victor's their best chance of finding the man but she hasn't seen him in five years and Kate adds he's her father. Does she need reminding?  Abby recalls the father/daughter dance he missed when she was 14.   She stole the Rhodan from his study one day and gave it to him on his birthday.   That got her noticed.   Wyatt makes it to the polo world cup team.   Bosley says they can't contact anyone, so first chance he gets he'll get out somehow.

Abby's mother and brothers don't talk to her - they're both thieves.   Ken was his fave and he's in rehab.   She didn't read his letters but she needs his help and asks him about Michael.   If he helps her she'll need to visit him every week.   He was his mentor so Victor would know he's alive, he tells her about chess.   There's only one reason why Michael would want him: his son.   His strategy is that pawns have info on  the king.   She needs to look hard to find the answer, even though it was staring them in the face.  Oh no joke here about plastic surgery, I assure you.   IF they had nothing and couldn't pay a ransom who else would want Wyatt, but his father.

Bosley looked at the profiles of all of Michael's' employees and his personal staff, one stood out, Francisco Gonzalez, his personal bodyguard.   He now runs a restaurant.   Bosley and Kate pretend to be health inspectors and distract him so Abby can take his key.   She's a master thief but she needs his key to break into his easily accessible apartment.  What a joke.   She finds  a photo of Wyatt, a beard, fake and medication and still the penny doesn't drop.   Her aunt used such medication for plastic surgery.  Bosley catches the bearded man outside who admits Wyatt is his son.   He faked his suicide and wants Wyatt back.

Wyatt sneaks out to see Lily and uses the old shower ploy.   Why bother with the shower anyway?   Lily tells Eve he was taken by a man.   Jennifer slaps Michael.   Mercer calls to arrange a meet and it's surprising he didn't hear Jennifer breathing on the other end.   He demands more money.   They foil the meet and get Wyatt back with Michael attempting to get away, so much for wanting his son.   He meets Bosley in the lift.

Charlie is sorry she had to see her father but she said he helped them with the case.   Charlie is adamant the angels cracked the case, yeah cos it was that difficult.   But earlier on Charlie said Victor could help them.   Kate reminds not all families are screwed up, the angels aren't and they're family.   Victor made a chess set in prison for her.   He knew Michael was alive as already said and he knew Abby would work it out.   Abby wonders if they ever stopped playing and he wants to know where she met Charlie but she's never seen him in person.   He worries about her and was angry when she was arrested.   Charlie gave her a second chance.   Victor: "Charles Townsend has an agenda."  When he reveals it, she'll "know if he's truly on the side of angels."  Another breadcrumb that was meant to keep us watching.   Charlie with an ulterior motive? Never heard of that in the original angels.  Was he building his own angel army, ha?

In the original Charlie's Angels episode Angels on Horseback, there's an angel's chase scene entirely on horseback.   Here Eve got a few seconds and even managed to shoot out the trailer to rescue Wyatt.   Nips and Tucks saw a wealthy criminal given a new face, here Michael already had one.   In Target: Angels, Charlie's mansion was on show where the angels stayed at 674 Vinewood Lane.   No such mention of Charlie's mansion here but being in Miami of course he's got to have one or two.   But Jennifer and Wyatt are taken to a safehouse.   In that episode the real target of the assassin was Charlie.   As for the shower being left on by Wyatt, remember the old shower curtain poly Sabrina (Kate Jackson) used in the episode Angels on a String.   In the season 4 episode Love Boat Angels, Kris(Cheryl Ladd) is seen in scuba attire like Eve here.   Also in season 5's Angels of the Deep, Julie (Tanya Roberts) dons scuba gear.

Victor talks of Charlie having an ulterior motive and thus he would have amassed plenty of enemies even if we know nothing about Charlie yet, like how he made his fortune, his daughter Elizabeth, etc.     Does Victor know Charlie from his business dealings?  Perhaps someone's been singing about him in prison.    Dina Meyer in yet another bit part, this time playing a mother.  She really needs some more screen time in the shows she guests in.

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