Friday 1 June 2012

Charlies Angels - 1.3: "Bon Voyage, Angels" Review

The angels embark on a cruise in search of a missing reporter, the same reporter who broke the story about dirty cops and wrecked Kate's career. Kate gains some redemption in finding Amanda.

4 years ago: a policeman tells crooked cops how not to spend their ill-gotten gains.   Kate's (Annie Ilonzeh) fiancee still doesn't know about her .   They're family he says.   Kate hears a noise and chases after the reporter, Amanda (Tahyna Tozzi).   She's working to expose them all and Kate takes her photos, like that will prevent her from writing the story.   Amanda asks why Kate is doing this as she's not like the others.   Kate lets her go.  

Today: Abby (Rachael Taylor) comments that when they run after the bad guy, Eve (Minka Kelly) always takes the car.   Their client, Scott (Eric Aragon)is engaged and has hired the angels to find his missing fiance who disappeared on a cruise ship.   The case isn't in their jurisdiction.   Charlie (Victor Garber) also says there's no evidence of foul play.  Charlie names the reporter as Amanda.   Eve: "a blast from your past."  Kate says she destroyed her career.   Bosley (Ramon Rodriguez) gives her the option of staying off the case.   She refuses.

Eve plays a tourist.   Abby is an IT tech and is here to check the computer system.  Kate is cruise director.   Eve and Kate search Amanda's cabin.   Eve wants to know what happened to Kate after her story hit the news.   It destroyed her life, she lost her fiancee and it was hard for her to face her mother - who claims to have forgiven her.   It's not cos of the story that she lost everything.  It was all her fault, so she can't really blame anyone now.   As Eve still harps on about Amanda destroying Kate's life (why's she so interested in Kate anyway?) more so than Abby, me thinks Eve has the hots for Kate.   Even after Kate told her Amanda didn't wreck her life.   They find an empty tube in her room.

Abby finds Amanda on the ship's surveillance camera in the casino.   She met a man on the ship.   Abby has seconds to download the footage before the man returns.  Why didn't she just download before?   The prints on the lucite tube belong to Amanda who from the surveillance image appears to be afraid of Roman Stone, (Nicholas Gonzalez) the croupier.   Bosley meets with Roman and makes comments about Eve.  Roman confronts her about cheating at the table.   She practices being the best.   They go back to his suite.   Eve makes an excuse about needing to freshen up and searches his bedroom; she took a long time putting on lipstick.   She finds the same tube but with a flower inside.   He gets called away.

Bosley doesn't find any matches for the flower - it's one of a kind but it was important enough for Roman to break a date with Eve.  Kate asks for a micro-cam to film the guests at the casino.    A man arrives wearing the same flower and Roman gives him a card.   A woman also wears the flower.   Legitimate names are fronting for organized criminals and are called "faces" as they explain to Abby.   Richard Stancati (Frank Mondaruli) doesn't have an image or a profile so Bosley can go undercover as him but first Abby has to put him out of action, posing as a masseuse.   She takes his flower.

The angels are unable to read Bosley on the Comms.   He enters the suite with the key card Roman gave him where he greets the guests and offers them drinks.   They pass out and why did Bosley have to drink too?   Roman drugged their drinks.   Bosley wakes up naked and meets the boss who had a good look at him naked!  Their weapons etc will be returned later and the woman, Erica (Aerica Leone) asks for her watch, which the man tells her has a GPS device on it.   His place is secret and shows them the flowers.

Charlie finds one island belongs to Carlton Finch (DB Woodside)  who thought he was untraceable, so much for wanting his location kept secret.   It's Abby's turn now to mention Amanda broke the big story and "broke you along with it." So much for turning over new leaves, they all seem to not have gotten over their bad pasts.   She also adds, "Angels know how to fly under the radar." They're on the boat (similar to the scene from the Charlie's Angels (2000) movie).

The guests must bid for the distribution, Bosley must bid first.   Charlie finds eight armed men around  the grounds.  Bosley won't bid until he has proof of the effects of the drug.   Abby locates Amanda on the surveillance camera.   She'd get discovered obviously, as does Kate and Eve.  Bosley tells him he needs better security.   Eve has to rig poison to the water supply to destroy the flowers.  Roman sends Finch Ricki's real photo.   Kate is taken to Amanda and during the fight injects the security man.  Bosley: "I believe in angels." Let's not be phrasing the Abba song now.  

Charlie is proud of Kate.  Amanda is in rehab.   Kate explains to Amanda she thought she could take the dirty money the first time and thought she could walk away.   Her story helped Kate realize she was wrong and she used the money on those she loved.  Kate wants to become someone she and her mother can be proud of.   Kate and Eve have some sort of attraction going on and Kate says she was saving a part of herself by helping Amanda.   Eve will always be there for Kate.

An episode where Kate's background and her life of crime is explained in some detail, making her and us confront it.   She has to re-live it to get past it for good and Eve is there every step of the way ensuring she knows everything that happened in her life.  That's a little close for comfort and she's very curious too.   The number of times Kate told Eve she didn't blame Amanda for wrecking her career and her life and yet Eve still went on about it.

Kate's background isn't explored enough, okay they had to have snippets of info but here it's just left with more holes than explanations.   She took bribes cos she wanted to put bad money to good use and became a dirty cop but why? Doing good isn't an explanation.   Why didn't the rest of the dirty cops chase after whoever was around and go after Amanda too?   They didn't know who was watching them and there could have been others out there too, or even the good cops themselves.   They just stand around and let the woman do their work, typical men!

On the cruiseship Amanda could have been fed to the sharks and have done with, but she's taken as a guinea pig and given drugs as if someone knew beforehand (well the writers did, ha) that Bosley would ask for proof of the effects of the drug.   Abby running from the security man on the ship, why, he knew she was there, unless he found out there wasn't any faults in the system.   He didn't look that clever.

Charlies Angels - 1.3 "Bon Voyage, Angels.

Original Charlie's Angel's episodes this alluded to include: Angels at Sea where the angels went on a cruiseship.   Kate's background as a crooked cop and working in vice could have been obtained from the episode The Blue Angels, but none of the original angels were bad or corrupt to begin with.   Angels in Paradise, where Sabrina (Kate Jackson) and Kelly (Jaclyn Smith) weren't pleased at Charlie (John Forsythe) hiring a new angel, Kris (Cheryl Ladd) but take to her, partly cos she's Jill's (Farah Fawcett) sister.   Also same as Gloria and Eve in the Pilot.   Abby is particularly unaccepting of Eve and hostile towards her.

Angels Ahoy!  Another cruise ship episode (there were a lot of those) where Kelly was the activities director, Kate here was the cruise director and Kris was a passenger, where Eve played the passenger here.   In Angel Blues, an episode featuring drugs, where the client's daughter was given an overdose against her will; proving fatal.   Amanda is saved here by Kate returning the favour for her life being saved and being given the wake-up call by Amanda's story.    Angel in Love saw Bosley (David Doyle) shirtless.   Here we got another scene with Bosley naked and he was also shirtless in the Pilot.

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