Wednesday 23 May 2012

The Vampire Diaries - 3.7: "Ghost World" Review

On Founder's Day Night spirits of the dead are brought back as they wreak havoc on the town, well almost, and Elena gets some help with Stefan from Lexie.

Mason (Taylor Kinney) says "This is gonna be fun."  Now that he has Damon (Ian Somerhalder) in the chair - without his ring.  Damon: "Low blow Stefan." How could he think it was Stefan, not exactly here to pull pranks on him is he?   Damon can't see Mason and Stefan (Paul Wesley) unties his hands, he'll just untangle himself.   Mason then opens the curtains and Damon begins to burn.

Carol Lockwood (Susan Walters) opens the Night of Illumination.   Alaric (Matt Davis) says he'll fail Tyler if he's not here, well Tyler wasn't here so he never got to see Mason.   Anna (Malese Jow) makes some funny comments about the Founders stealing from vampires, causing Jeremy (Steven R McQueen) to laugh.   Bonnie (Katerina Graham) has a direct line to the other side and she's paying for bringing Jeremy back.   Damon turns up, needing help as usual with his witty remarks, (well, sometimes they are).  "Greetings, Blondie, Witchie." Bonnie got her wires crossed when dispensing with Vicki cos "I got spit roasted by Mason" Damon tells her.   Then goes on to say, "When I kill someone, they're supposed to stay dead."  Good luck with that in this show.

Elena (Nina Dobrev) still desperately tries to save Stefan.   Lexi (Arielle Kebbel) brought Stefan back everytime he went over the edge and she wants Jeremy to reach her.   Jeremy tells her Anna is here by herself.   Matt (Zach Roerig) hasn't seen Vicki.   Bonnie's Grimoire drops and opens to a particular page: a manifestation spell, "used to reveal veiled matter." Caroline (Candice Accola) has to ask what that is.   Anna claims not all supernatural things go to the other side and they don't all find peace.   Stefan has forgotten how much he used to care, but Elena hasn't.   Stefan tells her not to torture herself with the past, then saying "There's gonna be lots to eat tonight."  He's joking he tells them, but he does 'eat' people still and has been doing that all the while he's been with Klaus.  

Bonnie and Caroline go back to the house where she brought back Jeremy, and she reassures Caroline the hundred witches aren't in the house anymore.   Caroline just as concerned as Damon was about the witches for her own selfish reasons of course.   Anna says Jeremy must lie to Elena about seeing her cos she's Bonnie's friend, and swears she's alone and no danger to anyone.   Jeremy kisses Anna.

Alaric tells Damon they're not a team - he tried to kill him, not tried, he did kill him.   Damon tells him about Mason and how they conspired to kill him. He's still angry.   Well Alaric has first hand experience of that and he's also still angry at Damon for killing him.   Grams (Jasmine Guy) appears before Bonnie as does Lexi to Stefan.   Alaric can now see Mason, who smashes a glass on Damon's head.   Lexi wants to help Stefan since he's off the rails, so how did she know, being dead 'n' all?   Lexi smashes Stefan's head against the car window now.   Boy these two brothers still getting their fair share of beatings and the like which many will say are their just desserts.

Bonnie tells Grams she couldn't let Jeremy go, she loves him.   An old witch took advantage of Bonnie bringing him back and has given a free pass to anyone on the other side who has unfinished business and any concerns with original vampire business.  Bonnie must close the door and the necklace is the power source.   Bonnie needs to destroy it (That darn necklace again), which Damon is meant to have.   Elena catches Jeremy kissing Anna, what still.   Lexi's going to engage in "Ripper Detox 101."

Mason wants Damon to apologize for killing him.   He's here to help Tyler.   Damon letting on that Tyler can't be helped as long as Klaus is alive.   Mason knows of a weapon that can kill him.   Damon didn't have to kill Mason, he does a lot of things he doesn't have to do, that's the extent of Damon's apology.   Alaric asks if Damon is incapable of remorse, cos he didn't get any apology either from him.   They need to go to the Lockwood cellar with a shovel and Damon asks if Mason's going to bury him alive.  

Lexi now has  Stefan tied up, just as Damon was earlier and Caroline before that.   It's never ending.   Lexi's going to dry him out first to save him.   Damon says he hit a snag with Mikael.   Mason tells him about the Lockwood legend about a weapon capable of killing an original vampire.   They can't be buried either.   Lexi tells Elena Stefan is hallucinating as he's going forward in time being deprived of blood, up to 5 years so far.   Elena calls Bonnie telling her she needs to delay sending the ghosts back.   It appears Elena doesn't seem to have the stomach or the heart to do what Lexi is doing to bring Stefan back.

Caroline lets slip (as usual) "boyfriend dramas,"  blabbing about Jeremy kissing Anna.   Frederick turns up for Anna, calling her Pearl's daughter and he has unfinished business with the Founders.   Stefan begs for help and Lexi knows he's lying.   When he's weak, make him feel the pain and see past the blood, until he's ready to be saved.   She stabs him over and over with the stake and Elena can't bear it.   Bonnie and Caroline search for the necklace at Damon's house and probably an in-joke here, with Caroline looking in that same soap dish where Katherine found the moonstone, yeah cos it's such an obvious place, ha.   Jeremy calls about the necklace and they find someone else has it.   Anna swears she didn't take it.

Mason knows Damon will do anything for Stefan and he won't do anything to jeopardize that, telling Damon he has trust issues, along with every other issue going.   They enter the cave and Damon gets impaled and stuck there alone.   Elena forgets Katherine knew about the necklace.   Jeremy always loved Anna.   Elena attempts to make him see reality, that Anna is dead and gone so is he going to love a ghost forever.   Well, everyone else is dead too, or died - and that includes her.   She tells him Anna's holding him back.   Anna gives Jeremy the necklace and Elena wants the ghosts gone.  

Mason releases Damon and he believes Mason's 'buddy act' can't be true.   Mason replies they're alone on the other side watching those left behind and "we regret our decisions."  He doesn't want revenge, but redemption.   That's pretty much what Anna and Vicki said about being alone on the other side, with Jeremy and Matt falling for it, well they are alone on this side too, most of them but at least they can move on and go forward, as Elena says, by finding someone else.   Mason wants to help Tyler, which he's already said before.

Caroline finds Lockwood's car in a wreck and sees Frederick.   Bonnie must go alone since Caroline has to stop him.   Did she think she could fight Frederick just as she did Damon?   Jeremy says her leaving doesn't have to mean goodbye, but Anna tells him it should be goodbye and she took the necklace.   She thought she could find Pearl.   Now Lexi's going to return too.   Stefan comments she wasted her whole life on him and now she's dead.   Lexi knows when he found the necklace it represented hope for Stefan, who says it's "ironic it's getting blown to pieces."

Damon can't get through the rest of the way in the cave being a vampire and Mason will have to and wouldn't you know it he's going to vanish at the time too.   Bonnie performs the spell and Grams holds her hand.   Lockwood watches Caroline fight.   Lexi makes sure Elena knows Stefan is still in there and she has to break through.   Elena knows what to do.   Anna finds Pearl (Kelly Hu).   Grams tells Bonnie she's strong and she's proud of her.

Damon called Alaric as he doesn't have anyone else he could call who is human and besides Elena, he doesn't trust anyone.   Alaric has to get over what he did.   He was his friend and Mason got over it.   Damon: "Sometimes I  do things I don't have to do." Repeating what he said to Mason.   Alaric: "You gonna recycle that same crap ass apology you gave Mason?"  Damon didn't mean it with Mason.   Elena has to go home and do her stuff.   Stefan wondered when she'd give up, but she still has hope and Stefan needs to get his back.   To 'fight, feel' or he'll lose her forever.   Elena: "I won't love a ghost for the rest of my life."  Unlike Jeremy and it's the same advice she gave him that she repeats here to Stefan about herself.   And so she should, she can't tell him one thing and then do the opposite herself.   No she won't love a ghost she'll just move onto Damon.  

Jeremy tries to explain to Bonnie and say sorry, but she wants him to leave.   The necklace returns in the fire.   Alaric sees the cave drawings but he doesn't know what they are.   Plenty more ghostly goings on in this episode, as yet more ghosts return and on Founders day/night.   Some to exact revenge, some to help and others to say goodbye and move on, cos they have to.   But it's still the same old repetitive stuff.   Lexi had to come back to show Elena what she needs to do to bring Stefan back and how she used to handle him back then.   Wonder how many times she put him through detox.

Mason leads them to more clues about how to fight Klaus and kill him, but of course can't hang around either, just as he gets to the paintings.   Damon being his usual obnoxious self, hey that's what I said Damon would say - to just get over it.   Great now I think like Damon too, ha.   Also he says the friend part too,  what I said back in episode 3.4 Disturbing Behavior, when he killed Alaric.   Then again, Damon said that to Elena too in 3.3, when he left her in Stefan's apartment in Chicago and he arrived with Klaus.

Jeremy looked a bit foolish holding hands with Anna, when no one could see her.   So much for Elena going on about Jeremy loving ghosts - she's in love with a vampire or two.   She won't love a ghost but it's okay to love a vampire, where's the logic in that statement? He's still dead, then again she has died too.   Anna had a legitimate reason for taking the necklace in wanting to find Pearl and that was one happy ending this episode, (cos you don't get many in the show) when she's finally reunited with her mother.   Seems that was Pearl's unfinished business for being here, to find Anna.

Now Mason's told them about the Lockwood legend (anything to take the show and story forward). That'll take a while to decipher as even Alaric doesn't know what they are or what they mean.

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