Tuesday 22 May 2012

The Vampire Diaries - 3.6: "Smells Like Teen Spirit" Review

Ghosts and witches galore in this episode with Vicki appearing before Matt. Rebekah joins the school and Alaric teaches Elena how to fight vampires in an attempt for Elena to kick Stefan's ass.

Elena (Nina Dobrev) examines the marks on her neck.   Alaric (Matt Davis) teaches her how to fight: vampires stake vampires.  She's not strong enough yet, yeah, she's no Buffy.   He throws a vervain grenade as it's the only element of surprise as far as  a vampire is concerned.  Elena tells Alaric he can call Stefan (Paul Wesley) by name.   He hurt her so she can do anything, even be with Damon (Ian Somerhalder) which is what I added for emphasis.

It's senior year at school and all Elena can do is wallow in the fact it's their anniversary. She and Stefan met here on the first day of school last year, but she needs to put it behind her.   Speaking of, Stefan is having a veritable vampire orgy at the house.  Damon sarcastically asks if that's what Klaus had in mind when he compelled him to protect Elena and he asks who that is.  Damon doesn't know Rebekah (Claire Holt).   Klaus left her behind.   So much for brotherly love.   Jeremy (Steven R McQueen) had to see Anna (Malese Jow) for info on Anna for Damon.   Bonnie (Katerina Graham) tells Jeremy he just keeps letting the ghosts in.  He has the power to make up his mind if he wants to see ghosts, giving him an ultimatum.   Vicki (Kayla Ewell) appears.   Matt (Zach Roerig) is alone and is thinking of last year, having plenty to cope with.   Matt can help Vicki come back.

Katherine tries to wake Mikael (Sebastian Roche).   He won't eat.   Damon needs Mikael to kill Klaus so he can "de-rippify Stefan."  He's also worried about his house, referring to Rebekah as "Barbie Klaus." Klaus couldn't wait to run when Damon mentioned Mikael and left Rebekah behind.

Tyler (Michael Trevino) has blood on his shirt.  Rebekah needs to watch out for Tyler since he's Klaus's first hybrid.   Yeah, as well as making a move on him in the process, much to Caroline's (Candice Accola) chagrin.   Rebekah: "Don't you think that's awesome," Tyler being the first.   Which makes him an original too, original hybrid.   Stefan's returning to school and needs to keep an eye on Elena.   Stefan warns Alaric to stay away from him and sees them in history class.   Elena says he's not Stefan and she has to do something about him.   Rebekah turns up to class too, look the gang's all here, almost.

Vicki can only come back if Matt is thinking of her and needs help from the other side.   Now interrupted by Jeremy, who tells Anna about Vicki being able to perform magic on her side, so she can push through to their side.   Gosh what's she doing, having a baby?   Anna harks on about the darkness and paying some sort of price for using the witch's energy again.   Vicki convinces Matt he won't be alone anymore.   Rebekah is a cheerleader, at least she wants to be and is interested in Tyler.   Tyler compels Coach (TJ Hassan) to end practice early.   Caroline tells him he's got to "be more subtle."  Tyler subtle, never in a blue moon, ha.   He insists Klaus has given him a gift and he's going to use it to the fullest.   Caroline seems to get the 'loser' boyfriends, those who can't handle her being a vampire, like Matt in season 2 and now Tyler, who's so into being a hybrid, he's oblivious as to her feelings and how he should behave.  As we see, power's gone to Tyler's head.   Rebekah shows off as a cheerleader and Tyler is clearly easily impressed by 'Barbie'.

Stefan won't leave Elena alone, which is what she wanted really.   Mikael wakes but doesn't want blood.   Katherine recalls him from 1920's Chicago (episode 3.3)  Elena's only just noticed he's a different person (sorry Damon, I got in first about the Buffy comment!) and he also calls her Warrior Princess, after Xena.   Damon must have a lot of time on his hands to watch TV and be up on pop culture.   Elena wants to lock up Stefan.   Damon tells her Stefan no longer has his humanity, must be thinking that was himself once upon a time.   Elena wants Damon to 'do it' for her, lock him up that is!  Damon takes a hold of her and shows her that "below the ribcage - the spine is the way to a vampire's heart."  He'll do whatever she wants him to and promises no one will hurt her - especially not Stefan.   But it'll be okay if Damon hurts her! We hope.   Oh Elena felt so good about Damon touching her.

Elena will lure Stefan and Alaric will shoot him.   Damon reminds her she's forgetting Rebekah so it's up to him to keep her occupied and who wouldn't want to be distracted by Damon, seems like Rebekah didn't.   Foolish vampire.   Alaric won't stop being mad at Stefan.   Tyler posits it's not in Klaus's best interest to have Stefan removed.   Tyler is indebted to Klaus.   Damon stabs Tyler saying he's "been sired;" he wants acceptance from Klaus.   Even with Klaus away everyone can't stop mentioning him and bowing to his will.

Caroline: "How do we fix him?"  Damon: "Get a new boyfriend."  That'd also be his advice to Elena then about Stefan.   Rebekah's into Tyler as I keep saying, oops.   Matt performs a ritual to being Vicki back.   Jeremy and Bonnie fight over Anna.   Vicki tells Matt about the deal and he must "help restore the balance." Klaus's hybrid can't be left to live.   Vicki is after Elena.   Elena drinks at the bonfire night.   Rebekah asks Damon: "No friends your own age?" Why isn't Damon at school, ha.   Damon distracts Rebekah and Elena watches him too, jealous much.   Which is exactly what Stefan says to Elena.   This she denies, lying of course.   Damon tells Rebekah he can be mean if she likes and she stakes him.   Oh boring.   Rebekah tells him their fights are never fair.   Tyler insists Klaus doesn't control him.   Caroline tells him he's acting like his 'old' self.   He doesn't want to be like that.   His personality is "heightened" as a vampire so Tyler must be careful.

Elena isn't really drunk as Stefan accompanies her to the bleachers, she falls and he catches her, as Elena knew he would and Alaric knocks him out.   Bonnie needs to know what Matt did to bring Vicki back so she can send her back.   Vicki sets fire to Alaric's car with Stefan and Elena inside.  Bonnie uses a spell.   Elena has to turn to Stefan to rescue her, so he awakes long enough to knock the back door out for her and then falls unconscious again.   Damon says Elena was too drunk to notice what he was doing with Rebekah, he was faking, just like she was faking being drunk.

Rebekah brings Tyler a girl to feast on and he can't resist, especially when Rebekah mentions Klaus.   Mikael is abstaining from human blood.   Katherine thinks he can kill Klaus. He can and will and she releases him.   He bites Katherine, clearly he's not abstaining from vampire blood.   Alaric doesn't want to be friends with Damon and Elena knows he misses him.   Stefan tells Elena she needs him and he will always protect her.   Elena has hopes for Stefan finding his humanity.   She won't give up.   Stefan: "Elena, do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you?"  She believes it makes her strong and she stakes him!  He didn't see that coming.  

Anna isn't here and Jeremy's thinking of her when he calls Bonnie.   He can feel Anna's presence and they touch hands.   Damon feels a ghostly presence in his house as he's still worried about having his  furniture wrecked and Damon is knocked out.   For vampires they're so easily, staked, injected, knocked out aren't' they?   Must be becoming weak in their old age, ha, or careless.   Mostly plenty of ghostly happenings in this episode with Vicki coming back, along with Anna and then Damon's haunting experience too, drawing us away from the vampire action but only for a while.   Whilst Klaus is away Rebekah is having plenty of fun leading Tyler on and away from Caroline, who is concerned about him.   Yet she can't really see what's happening to him when she's not around.   It is just Caroline's lot to worry about almost everyone in this show.

Damon calling Elena 'Buffy', nah, we liked Buffy, she had guts, determination and she never really moved on from Angel, no matter how much she believed she did.   Can't tell with Elena, she's too easily tempted - first Stefan and now she can't have him, she's going to make a play for Damon, just so what he wants.   Will that pit brother against brother, or does Stefan really not care anymore?   They keep mentioning Stefan's humanity but surely he must have some remnant left in him.   Or does he just take pleasure in taunting Elena, maybe he believes if he treats her badly she will move on from him.  

Damon calling Rebekah 'Barbie Klaus.'  At least they didn't have him call her Klaus Barbie, no that'd just be wrong.  Their plans just seem to falter this season, perhaps they just shouldn't devise any.   Stefan didn't get locked up after all - thought it wouldn't happen.   Stefan is just like Damon now their roles are reversed - preferred the bad guy in Damon - okay I'm a Damon girl at heart, ha, and miss him evil.   Damon telling Elena that Stefan is busy "journaling, reading and shaping his hair."

Elsewhere, Tyler is fast becoming a spoilt, bratty hybrid and relishing every moment.   Elena wanting Stefan to find himself, over and over and hoping he does is becoming repetitive.   She does care no matter how hard she tries to convince otherwise and her conflicting feelings for Damon rise to the surface.   Elena using Damon's feelings to goad him into helping her, when he clearly told her not to do that last season, could become tedious.

Hee, hee, Uncle Mason (Taylor Kinney) is back, with a vengeance, funnily enough just when Tyler is a hybrid and is being greatly influenced by being 'sired' by Klaus.   For newcomers, Damon killed mason and so he'll have plenty to be angry about, just as long as we can veer away from the Elena/Damon mushy stuff.   Yeah that'll never happen.   Well, Damon will probably get Bonnie on the case, as always -  though she's got troubles of her own with Jeremy, keeping Anna a secret and then spending time with her behind Bonnie's back.

Damon: "We're forgetting a key player here - Rebekah, wherever Stefan goes, the blond ponytail tends to follow...we're out of daggers."  Elena suggests he use his charm.  Alaric: "might have better luck finding the dagger." I'm liking Alaric not forgiving Damon for killing him and eh really expects him to forget so easily and move on, er, that's Damon's catchphrase, as he keeps telling Elena to do the same, when things go wrong and as far as holding onto the past with Stefan is concerned.

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