Sunday 20 May 2012

The Vampire Diaries - 3.4: "Disturbing Behavior" Review

Still in Chicago, Klaus attempts to get Gloria to find who has the necklace, whilst Katherine meets up with Stefan with a plan he should keep Rebekah happy. Almost everyone's noticed Elena's feelings for Damon.

Chicago:  Rebekah (Claire Holt) tries on dresses and remarks on today's generation dressing like prostitutes.   She used to get funny looks back in the day when wearing trousers.   Rebekah claims not to have lost the necklace, just that it's missing.   Stefan's (Paul Wesley) sheepish look when she says it's lost, cos he took it and knows where it is.   Rebekah can feel when Stefan lies.  That's what he forgets at the end, that she knows if he's lying.   Stefan mistakes Katherine for Elena (Nina Dobrev).

At the Carol Lockwood (Susan Walters) founders party, Damon (Ian Somerhalder) comments how everyone brings chili, as will nine other people and that's what Elena's making too.   Elena says she's not in denial and Damon tells her she's still wearing the necklace, a "reminder of your unbreakable bond to Stefan."  Katherine demands to know Stefan's plan, which is to prevent Klaus (Joseph Morgan) from locating the necklace.   Katherine: "Klaus is smarter than everyone."  But is he?  Then warns Stefan that Rebekah will "ruin" him.

Alaric (Matt Davis) suspects something more between Damon and Elena.   Anna (Malese Jow) appears to Jeremy (Steven R McQueen).   She was attempting  to contact him for four days.   Jeremy admits he was dreaming about her now.   Caroline (Candice Accola) comes round to Elena's and you've guessed it, brings a bowl of chili.   You'd be mistaken for thinking chili is some kind of vampire repellent.  Ha.   Damon speaks with the sheriff (Marguerite MacIntyre) and tells her about her gay ex-husband, Bill (Jack Coleman) and his attempt to cure Caroline.   Damon  suggests he should take care of him but she's been trying to keep him off the vervain so she can compel Bill.   Damon bites Bill to determine he's vervain free.   Bill mentions being trained and retrained to control being a vampire.   Damon compels him to leave town.  

Gloria (Charmin Lee) uses Rebekah to find the whereabouts of the necklace.   Elena tells the others that Damon helped her to cook and is burned by the necklace.   A likely story that cooking malarkey since she tells Damon her chili is a family recipe!  It's only a matter of time before Gloria locates said necklace and has flashes of a girl with friends, she needs more time.   Caroline asks Elena if she's "switching Salvatore's" cos she can't change Damon either.   Elena insists she isn't after Damon, yeah if she says it enough times maybe she'll end up believing it.   The necklace rises up, having its own magic.   Bonnie (Katrina Graham) attempts to identify the spell to see what's happening.

Damon believes the founders parties are just an excuse for the council to conspire against vampires.   Alaric warns Damon to back off Elena, ;take a beat from Elena."  Gloria needed more time so Stefan said he was hungry and the three feed.   Rebekah tells Stefan that Klaus isn't any fun either.   Stefan leaves and Klaus thinks it's to write a name on a wall, on his conquest list.  (episode 3.3).   Anna says she's "on the other side" and no one can see her.   She feels the darkness in Vicki.   Vicki can't get in if Jeremy's not willing.

Gloria heard them talk about Stefan and she has no intention of helping "the hybrid;"  having ulterior motives for the necklace as it's a talisman from the original witch and she wants it for herself.   Gloria puts Stefan under a paralysis spell and tortures him to obtain the info; being all for voodoo.   She drains him of blood, his essence, which lets her make a "connection" with the use of herbs as well, such as vervain.   Bill hasn't left town and turns up asking if the sheriff, Damon and Lockwood think the people are stupid.

Bonnie needs to find out about the necklace but the witches are no longer helping her.   She performs a spell with Jeremy's help and Anna tells him the darkness is there.   The books burn.   Stefan has flashes to Elena and Gloria realizes he loves her but what would Klaus want with one girl, she's the doppelganger.   Katherine stabs Gloria and again Stefan needs to be rescued.   Caroline notices Bill.   Damon finds Bill isn't able to be compelled and wants to control the council, wanting to put vervain in the town's water supply.   Elena thinks that's a good idea as it'll keep Damon on side now that Stefan's not around to help him.   Alaric shows up and Damon breaks his neck, thereby ending another of his lives.   So how long will this continue, the dying, the coming back?

Katherine advises Stefan that Klaus is too paranoid to trust him but Rebekah is the opposite so Stefan should bond with Klaus, thus making Rebekah desire Stefan more.   Just now she was saying that Rebekah will be Stefan's ruin.   Stefan confesses he knew them back in the '20's and they were running from a hunter.   Katherine wants in on Stefan's plan for Klaus.   Caroline wants to escape Bill and comes to Tyler's (Michael Trevino) which is a bit obvious.   When they're trying to 'get it on', Elena interrupts with a call.   Damon is impressed with Bill's focus against compulsion but claims his "technique is lazy."  Bill doesn't want to expose Caroline to the town council.   Damon bites him again (was he trying to kill Bill, sorry.)  Stating he's "going to find my pleasure in perfect little moments like this." Caroline pushes Damon away and gives Bill her blood to heal him.   She's been donating a lot of blood lately too.   They then fight.   Damon claims he's stronger and Caroline is angrier.   Damon: "Bummer, I love a good girl fight."

Damon tells Elena in no uncertain terms that he's still a vampire and a monster. "I am not Stefan, how about you try and stop me turning into him."  Elena says she doesn't want Damon to be  what "other people think you are."  Since when does she care what people think.   Are they sure Anna wasn't the darkness.   She was acting a little creepy.   Jeremy shuts Anna out and tells the Bonnie the truth.   Anna despairs, she's alone.

Rebekah still calls Klaus 'Nick' and cares about Klaus.   She can't tell Stefan who the man was last time Stefan saw her but that Klaus "would sacrifice anything for family."  Rebekah was a bit clueless telling Stefan that.   She knows Stefan is lying from his kiss.   Rebekah knows Stefan's asking about Mikael and senses that he's against them.   Alaric wakes.   Damon tells him he took his time, which is what I said, maybe he should check out the ring, suggests Damon.   Alaric: "You killed me."  Everyone was telling Damon how to change and he vented on Alaric.

Caroline confronts Elena about being attracted to Damon.   Elena replies she can't think that cos it doesn't say much about her.  Caroline responds it tells her she's human.   See she probably wanted him all the time and chopping and changing feelings so easily doesn't say much about her.   Bill thanks Caroline for saving him, hey Damon could've just finished him off in the night when he was left there alone.   Caroline tells him she's fine and he tells her she's a vampire and she'll never be okay again.   Alaric wants a say on the council cos there' no one there to speak for humans.   Lockwood's son is a werewolf, and the sheriff's daughter is a vampire.   SO they're hardly neutral.   They need to look out for themselves, the humans that is.

Elena vanishes and Katherine shows up at Damon's who thinks she's Elena, surely they can somehow tell the difference by now between the two.   Katherine snidely asks if they're both fighting already.   Katherine asks him if he wants to get out of town, she's got the necklace.   Just as everyone's talking about wanting Damon to change, in comes Katherine to challenge all that.   With her around, you can be sure she won't really let him change, not that he wants to.

Klaus tells Stefan about Rebekah thinking Stefan wants to hold onto his old life, so he's going to find out what he's hiding.   They return to Mystic Falls as Damon leaves.   Maybe it was me but this episode kind of went round in circles.   Damon insisting he's as bad as he's ever been and his vampire tendencies taking him over to the point of where he actually kills Alaric.   That'll solve the problem for someone who seems to have an affinity towards Damon, who is short on friends and can't really afford to lose them.   Not that he's into this whole friendship deal anyway.   Part of him venting at Alaric has to do with him wanting Damon to steer clear of Elena.   He senses more there and Caroline feels the same about Elena and her burgeoning feelings for Damon, under the guise of wanting to change him.   Well, Damon isn't Stefan and doesn't want to be changed, as he makes it known.  

Then there's Klaus and Stefan and Stefan attempting to keep him off the Elena radar; as in the last episode.   Somehow it's not working as Rebekah makes Klaus do the very thing Stefan doesn't want - return to Mystic Falls and find Elena cos you see Stefan can't lie to save himself (or Elena).   Damon being the better liar no doubt.   Stefan's kissing Rebekah betrays his feelings for Elena when he tells Rebekah he would learn to love someone else eventually.   That won't happen.

Also Jeremy and Anna seem to be "together" one moment and the next he casts her out.   Will she plot some sort of revenge against him or is she genuinely being sincere about Vicki and her own feelings for him in his rejection of her in favour of Bonnie.   But Bonnie's here alive and Anna's a ghost.   He's moved on, or has he?

Good to see Damon lash out, he's not Stefan and never will be, he's his own vampire.   Not changing over the centuries, not that much at any rate.   So why would he change now all of a sudden just to get the girl.   Still strange Caroline kicked his ass when fighting since he's been a vampire for so long, and Caroline is like yesterday's newbie.   Even if she said she was angry.   Stefan's a bit of a puzzle. On the one hand he wants to save those close to him, and yet continues to entertain Klaus and Rebekah with a ravenous feeding frenzy on innocent Vics.   There's nothing good in what he's doing and again in keeping with this episode, his behaviour is more consistent with that of Damon.   As per his remark about fresh blood tasting better when he bit into Bill.

Caroline wants to keep some sort of a relationship with Bill, but he rejects her by reaffirming she's a vampire.   Now that Stefan knows of Mikael, maybe he can use him against Klaus and Rebekah.  Or will that be left to Katherine, as that seems to be her plan and motivation in taking Damon with her?

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