Friday 18 May 2012

The Vampire Diaries - 3.2: "The Hybrid" Review

Elena hatches what she believes is a foolproof plan to find Stefan and drags along Alaric, who in turn convinces Damon to come too. Klaus puts his plan to mass produce hybrids into operation.

News reporter speaks of Andie's death, as Elena (Nina Dobrev) comes to visit Damon (Ian somerhalder).   Her birthday is mentioned and she tells him Stefan (Paul Wesley) called her, she thinks it was him since he didn't say anything.   No, she heard the pangs of heavy breathing instead, ha.   He called from Tennessee.   Damon tries to convince her, "Stefan's gone...not geographically."  Gone in the head, too far gone, the usual explanations that accompany the phrase.   Elena then turns to Alaric (Matt Davis) to ask about Tennessee and Stefan.   Damon doesn't want to help.   Well she's blinkered not seeing why Damon doesn't want to help, not at first anyway.

Elena still has the notion Stefan can be saved, is worth saving and Alaric asks why she has to be the one to save him?  A bit like all the other vampire shows gone before, not mentioning names, but of course she still loves him, or does she, maybe she wants to make a clean break, do everything she can for Stefan to save him before she turns her attentions to Damon, with a clear conscience.

Klaus (Joseph Morgan) and Stefan are tracking werewolves.   Klaus is still going on about Stefan's brooding.   They've been hunting all Summer and have finally found a pack of werewolves, camping out in the woods, led there by Ray (David Gallagher).   Lockwood is stressed out and Tyler (Michael Trevino) is surprised at Caroline (Candice Accola) "sneaking out" as his mother puts it and she's not a prostitute.   Lockwood calls Bill (Jack Coleman) about vampires.   Jeremy (Steven R McQueen) tells Matt (Zach Roerig) about Vicki (Kayla Ewell) and wants Matt to contact her.   Tyler tells Elena about some werewolves enjoying themselves without being chained up and gives her a map to their location in the Smoky Mountains.

Alaric thinks she's a bit mad wanting to hunt werewolves on a full moon, either that or she has a death wish (my words.)   Klaus meanwhile talks about a pure hybrid and he is attempting to convert Ray (who gets human blood to drink which Stefan says he'll drink if Ray doesn't, and Stefan doesn't know how to stop drinking, cos he's got his thirst for blood up to speed.)   Tyler says Caroline usually helps him on a full moon and Matt doesn't appear to get the significance of that.   The sheriff gets him to put vervain in the coffee, which is why Tyler finds the coffee tastes funny and why mommie dearest has been doing the same thing.   In a town this small it's amazing how Lockwood can be so naive as to think someone close to her won't or can't be affected in some way.   The humans can't taste the vervain but Tyler can.

Bill will take care of Caroline as she's a vampire.   Elena asks if Alaric was a boy scout, a boy scout/vampire slayer and he gives her wolfsbane.   Elena by way of return gives him John's ring since it won't work on her as she's a doppelganger.    He's only going to borrow it.   Damon turns up and Elena lands in the water but refuses to get out otherwise she'll have to go back.   Really how old are you Elena?  Alaric told Damon about their trip.  

Stefan talks of Klaus's plan to build an army of hybrid slaves, but he calls them hybrid soldiers, they'll be loyal since they'll be on the victorious side.  Damon hasn't given up on Stefan.   Klaus thinks Elena's dead when he broke the curse.   Damon says they need to get out before the full moon and that was wishful thinking on his part, "Unless you wanna relive that whole deathbed kissy thing." Sure he wouldn't mind a re-run, or several repeat performances infact.   Ray bites Stefan who hears Elena and Damon talking.   Could they be any louder and more conspicuous or did the fact that vampires have super-charged hearing slip their minds, talk about announcing their presence.   Of course that will work to Damon's advantage as we'll see later.

Klaus wants Ray back and then he'll heal Stefan.   Oh great is there anything more annoying than brothers following in each other's shadows, with their cast-offs as far as women are concerned and then getting bitten by werewolves too.   Damon last season, Stefan this season.   Tyler confronts Lockwood about the vervain in his coffee and she was testing him; making sure he was normal cos of Caroline.

The three find Ray and naturally he goes for Damon, er for a bite that is.   Jeremy tells Matt he's got an opportunity to help his sister but he doesn't want to help.   Matt picks up a photo frame and then lies it flat down, it stands up again when he turns away, announcing Vicki's presence but he can't see her.   Elena wanted to talk with Stefan, first she wanted to come and dragged them all the way out here and now she wants to leave.   Then she trips whilst running and faces a wolf.   Damon makes it chase him.  Alaric blames himself since Damon is here cos of him and not Elena.   Actually it is Elena he's here for.   Then maybe Stefan in a secondary way.

Tyler locks Lockwood in the cage and then chains himself up, undergoing a transformation right before her eyes.   Uncle Mason is also a werewolf, "It's a family curse." Stefan saves Damon from Ray, that was seen coming.   He tells Damon he didn't call Elena, so who did.   Damon tells him Elena won't give up on him.   Back in the truck, Elena convinces Alaric he's not a lost cause. "You're just lost" as is she and Jeremy.   They don't have anyone anymore so they're right for each other.   Alaric decides to keep the ring.   Stefan watches from afar and Elena senses she saw Stefan but he's vanished.

Jeremy understood Vicki better than Matt and he brings him her things.   They both don't have any memory of Vicki dying.   She's here and Jeremy sees her.   She needs him to help her come back, having something sinister up her sleeve no doubt.   Anna (Malese Jow) also shows up warning Jeremy not to trust Vicki.   Stefan brings back Ray since he has to be healed.   Klaus's potential hybrids can't make the full transition and survive.   He had to kill some and some died.   He can't understand why as he did everything right, broke the curse, killed the werewolf, killed the vampire and the doppelganger.   Klaus cures Stefan as he's "the only comrade I have left." Klaus has issues about being left alone, being the last of his kind.

Damon was wrong, Stefan isn't fine.   He's an "insufferable martyr" but he can be saved.   He owes Stefan for saving him, but wasn't that expected of him anyway as they're brothers.   They don't have to owe each other anything.   Elena believes it's too dangerous to keep going even if Damon wants to help her bring Stefan back, she doesn't want to see him hurt.   Which is what Damon wanted to hear her say so she can recall what she felt when Stefan was gone and when Damon brings him home.   It's all about Damon you see, at least the 'getting the girl' part.   Elena doesn't know what she's doing with Stefan and Damon as she tells Alaric.

Lockwood reassures Tyler she'll make sure Caroline will be okay and calls Bill who is determined to do this since they're monsters.   It's his family's fight for over a 150 years.   He already has Caroline.   He's her father.

Thought this episode would've been more exciting after the season 2 finale but it just wasn't in the same vein (ha.)  It was more about setting up stories and plots for this season and what the characters have to do.   How Elena is caught between the two, Damon and Stefan again.   Does she have true feelings for Damon and will she acknowledge them?   Oh forget her, will Damon be able to make her fall for him now brother's out of the picture, helping Klaus in his devious plan.   Klaus wants to build his hybrid army cos he doesn't want to be alone in the world.   Stefan still has his humanity, or barely hanging onto it, at least when he saves Damon from Ray.   So why does Damon have so much trouble fighting a werewolf?  - Once bitten, twice shy and all that - but his mushy feelings for Elena seem to affect his fighting prowess and spirit that the "old" Damon had when he was antsy and dark.

Why do they not have Stefan drinking blood directly from Klaus's arm.   How much longer can Stefan protect Damon and Elena, seeing as he has to help Klaus anyway and seems this will somehow backfire on him as eventually he'll have to torture, hurt Damon and Elena in some way?   Klaus, at this pint, doesn't know his plan concerning the hybrids isn't working cos he didn't do everything as he says - he failed to kill Elena. At any rate she's still around.   Stefan managed to not give that away when Klaus has his rant.   Don't see that secret lasting for long though.

Elena's stupid and juvenile plan to look for Stefan on a full moon in werewolf territory, taking Alaric and then roping Damon into it too.   Jack Coleman playing yet another father figure with much to be desired, who has no intentions of protecting this daughter.  Tyler reveals in the most horrible and direct way possible that he's a monster so his mother can't deny it.   Maybe it's just me and a few thousand others who don't like where Damon and Elena are headed together.   Preferred him mean and brooding than marshmallow-y soft and romantic.

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