Wednesday 16 May 2012

Supernatural - 6.4: "Weekend at Bobby's" Review

An episode which delves into Bobby's life and how he does everything for everyone without a moment's peace. Here he finds a way to get his soul back. Also directed by Jensen Ackles.

One year ago: Crowley (Mark Sheppard) shows up.   Bobby (Jim Beaver) puts on a Brit accent, but he doesn't have Crowley's brand of drink, which is Craig.  Cheap drink will burn a hole in Crowley's soul.   Bobby demands his soul back and he's told to look at Para 18(b) on his "naughty bits."  Best effort to give back his soul but he can't, he's got ten years.   Bobby traps him and Crowley whistles for the hounds, forcing Bobby to release him.   It's not over for Bobby or Crowley.

Kenosha, Wisconsin.   Present Day.   Dean (Jensen Ackles) finds a claw.   Sam (Jared Padalecki) can't get any EMF readings so Dean calls Bobby.   Six DBs chests were cracked open and they need an ID on the claw.   Dean suggest Bobby should get Bo Derek out of his bathtub.   Flash through Bobby's day and his research at the library where he breaks in; visiting neighbours and how he burns the midnight oil, whilst the rest of us are watching Sam and Dean.   The creature is a 'lamia.'  Dean eats burgers again.  

Bobby has a demon in the basement.   She asks for foreplay al la Sharon Stone style in Basic Instinct and Bobby wants Crowley's real name.   She can only talk about Bobby killing his wife.   Bobby burns her bones and she screams.   Crowley is King of the Crossroads, but he's King of Hell.   Bobby's neighbour, Marcy (Jennifer Aspen) brings over peach cobbler.   She's after him, 'til she finds out what he really does.   He claims horror flicks are his guilty pleasure, well that was near enough to the truth, seeing as they do delve into horror.   Marcy invites him for DVDs and to fix her woodchipper.

Crowley's real name is Fergus McLeod.  He's Scottish. "Gave it my best effort," like Crowley and he finishes off the demon.   Bobby answers the phones, giving hunters advice.   Rufus (Steven Williams) needs help burying a DB.   He knows 'Okami'  are only seen in Japan.   He asks for a shovel and Bobby brings out the big guns: a digger.   Rufus knows about Craig of course, he's into his drink as we'll recall from season 3.15 Time is on my Side, when Dean brought him the bottle of Scotch.   Bobby hasn't had his cobbler yet, that somehow doesn't sound right.

Sam's attacked by the lamia.  The knife didn't work. Sheriff Mills (Kim Rhodes) and Agent Adams (Shaw Madison) are chasing Rufus. He's known as Luthor Vandross.   Bobby calls him a 'dick.'  Oh crap - enough with the 'dicks' already!  The sheriff tells them to put their rulers away and zip up - like Beckett (Stana Katic) told Castle (Nathan Fillion) and her ex, Will, in Castle season 1.  The agent finds the hole in the yard and is told the septic tank exploded.   The Okami isn't dead.   Rufus only stabbed it five time and it feeds on white women, cue Marcy.   Bobby heads straight for her bedroom and after a long fight finally pushes it into the wood chipper, which apparently works and was just a rouse to get him over.   Now she doesn't want him around.   Bobby: "Story of my life."

Rodric 1661, Crowley had a son, Gavin (Adam Groves) and his bones weren't found in a ship wreck, but his ring was found which Booby needs.   It's in an Andover museum.   He can swap Crowley's son for his soul, can't think it would be so easy.   He still hasn't eaten his cobbler, which he shouldn't bother with.

Dean calls to rant about Sam being different. "I get it," going through that he changed.    He's got questions about that year.  Bobby's call is important.   Rufus has the ring and is being chased by police.   He swallows the ring.   Dean reckons everything is about him and Sam.   Dean can talk to Bobby about Sam, Ben, Lisa.   Dean thinks Bobby is selfish since it's all about Bobby.  Bobby loves them but at times 'they're 'whiny, self absorbed SOBs'.   Bobby does everything for them.   They just 'bitch' about each other to him.   They've got issues but what about Bobby and his soul? They should help him for once.   Sam says he only needs to ask.   Why should Bobby have to ask, just like he's there for them and they don't ever ask? Well, not really.

The sheriff says Rufus will be extradited for murder soon.   Bobby's done plenty for this town and he's no good at asking for help, but she can't help.   Bobby goes to put the boiling water on for the ring, summoning Gavin's ghost and Crowley too.  Crowley comments it's been hell in hell.   Bobby explains that was the point.   All demons lie.   Bobby's not Dr Phil and Crowley hates his son.   He hates everyone when you think about it, aside from himself.   Bobby used Gavin to dig the dirt on Crowley and his son hates him too and told him everything.   Crowley sold his soul and was just a tailor.   He knows where Crowley's soul is buried.

Sam and Dean are in Scotland. Well, that was easy. How'd Dean get on a flight for that long?!  "Me and Sam, we've gone international." Dean comments he used to wear a skirt.   Crowley states burning bones isn't a myth and they've got his.   Crowley relents, returns his soul and Bobby wants to keep his legs too.

Crowley retrieves his bones.   Sam tells Dean that a deals a deal but Crowley doesn't need him to fight his battles.   Sam doesn't have a soul but he tells Dean not to burn him.   Dean was sick in the plane but he was sober and apologizes to Bobby for earlier.   Bobby was right about them.   Hey look Dean drives on the right side of the road!  It was great to watch an episode devoted almost entirely to Bobby and what he has to do for all hunters and not just Sam and Dean.   Even if the episode was Jensen's directorial debut; the writers could have easily put Sam into a lot of it.   Since it was the first Bobby episode we've had, suppose mention had to be made of Crowley and his background.   Can't see him as a 'Fergus' though.   Also the revelation demon souls are able to be destroyed by burning their bones.   Wasn't that always the case though, everytime Sam and Dean used to salt and burn bones?   Crowley was careless in leaving his lying around for who he is and what he does; always trying to be one step ahead of everyone else.  Didn't he realize he may get caught out one day?   Or should that be caught with his kilt down?   Then he takes them back and probably buries them elsewhere.

It was a good time to let Bobby have his soul returned and then reveal that Crowley is the 'King of Hell' but wasn't the one to bring back Sam.   Does this mean it had to be Castiel (Misha Collins)?   Let's face it, he rescued Dean and retrieved him but why wouldn't he also bring back Sam, especially seeing as he's so friendly with Dean?   He would do that for Dean.

Crowley: "Making merry, have we?"
Bobby: "Bite me."
Crowley: "If that's your thing."  Lines Sam and Dean have said to each other on many occasions.   Hey Bobby and Crowley - an alternate version of Sam and Dean, well Dean's the heavy drinker.   Um, scratch that what was I thinking, but they do bitch aplenty.  Bobby calling Rufus a chick, like Dean does Sam, hey maybe they're the 'new' Sam and Dean instead!  Also showcasing Bobby's terrible bad luck with women.   Notice after everything Bobby does for everyone, he was the one who came up with the idea to trick Crowley and get his soul returned, showing his adeptness and cleverness.   No one else thought about that, nor would they have either.

Rufus refers to Godzilla and Marcy asks if Bobby watched Drag Me To Hell (not a sub-title for Sam and Dean's antics throughout the seasons) but Sam Raimi movie, where a woman is chased, haunted by a lamia after a curse is placed on her by a gypsy.

Crowley is the King of Hell yet he can't keep a tight rein on his demons; all going rogue and taking all sides such as Lucifer's.  Same thing with the angels too and there's no mention of a civil war in hell, but none of these demons are watching out for each other, much like the angels who are engaged in a civil war and taking sides.

A lamia was described as the Queen of Libya in mythology who turned into a child feeding daemon, has been likened to a vampire.   Merlin season 4 also had a lamia in an episode, entitled Lamia.   In the DVD extras looking at Jensen's direction, Jared said Jensen was his fave director so far.  

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