Saturday 19 May 2012

Smallville - 10.05: "Isis" Review

Lois is possessed by the spirit of Isis in search of her doomed lover, Osiris. Tess becomes member of the team and 'guardian' of Watchtower. Plus the moment we've been waiting for...

Oliver (Justin Hartley) prepares for an exhibit opening at the Metropolis Museum relating to Isis.   The show part does sound schmaltzy.   It wasn't going to be so much a show, but a spectacle.  The curator finds Isis' amulet is missing.  How did it end up in Lois' (Erica Durance) bag? Not like she smuggled it out of Egypt or anything.  Ha.   The amulet carries a curse as anything associated with ancient Egypt does - anyone who wears it will have their soul condemned to hell for an eternity.   Thus containing Isis' soul inside it.   Lois goes over several scenarios as to how she'll break the news to Clark (Tom Welling) that she's aware of his secret ID as the Blur.   Surprise, surprise, Clarkie has has decided to come clean about his secret too.   Seeing the future and how happy they were when Lois knew has made him change his mind.   Almost telling Oliver this as if he's looking for justification or approval it's okay for him to do this.   Oliver mentions Lois left him when this she found out he was Green Arrow, Clark uses the word "dumped" and Oliver corrects him, they "broke up."  It's not the same thing cos Lois loves Clark and they're meant to be.

Kat Grant (Keri Lyn Pratt) returns (loud groan!) and wants to be Clark's partner again in the Bull Pen, but Lois won't hear of it and neither will Clark.   They'll meet on the roof in 5.   Though that was a little more than 5 minutes for Clark, seems Lois was over-eager and arrived early.   She wears the amulet, causing her to be possessed by Isis.   (Notice the change to Lois' hair, in the Talon it was quite curly and bouncy, then it was much flatter when she was on the roof and when she transformed into Isis, it was more fuller and bouncy again, it was a wig.   Come on, how could Clarkie not tell she wasn't Lois, the way she was speaking and all that make-up too.   She has to find the treasure from Egypt and more particularly, Osiris's heart.   She steps onto the ledge uttering, "This vessel may once have been called Lois but it now serves Isis."   (In usual Smallville fashion, someone is almost always taken over by another spirit.)  She flies away in a flash of fire and Clark can only stand around and watch; wishing he could fly right this minute.

Carter Hall (Michael Shanks) being unavailable (isn't he off finding another life where he can be reunited with his wife.   The story of Isis and Osiris in much the same way as he and his wife were parted.)  Oliver's brougt books on Egyptian history, since he refuses to entertain Clark's suggestion they ask Tess (Cassidy Freeman) for help.   Isis needs to find Osiris's scattered body parts so she can put his heart back into his body, which Oliver warns will bring hell on earth.

No surprises here, what with Kat turning up at the same warehouses as Lois, as Isis, searches the crates.   She begins to take photos little knowing she's really Isis, but Clark arrives before she can do that and spirits (no pun) her away to a cafe.  Complete with coffee.   Tess has had Alexander (Jakob Davies) in therapy and is told by the doctor that he's far too clever for someone of his age; a genius going unchecked can be dangerous, so she decides to send him away.   Kat arrives with big news for Tess: she's discovered Lois is the Blur - which causes no end of amusement to Tess! And us too.   Kat notices the photo and believes Alexander is Tess's son and suggests Peter Pan.

Isis finds a sarcophagus, believing it's Osiris, but it contains only dust.   Clark finds her too and tells her she can't sacrifice the entire world for love of one person and he tells her he wouldn't do the same either, even for the love of Lois.   She binds  Clark with a rope, as he floats over the sarcophagus and will transfer Osiris's heart to his body.   When Isis holds the heart it begins to change and take on the appearance of a normal heart, probably all that energy from Clark radiating into it, well that's the only explanation I can think of, unless it's a kind of magic.   Kat, determined to prove Lois is the Blur and in her eagerness knocks over an artifact, causing Isis to stop for a second.   Running, she bumps into Green Arrow who shuts Kat away into a sarcophagus.  Then distracts Isis long enough for Clark to get free of the rope, telling Clark that only sunlight entering the amulet can hold Isis again.   Oliver shoots an arrow which breaks the necklace around Isis' neck and Clark grabs hold of it.   Using his heat vision he shines heat into the amulet, engulfing Isis' soul inside, thereby freeing Lois.

Oliver tells Tess about Chloe (Allison Mack) and how she really loved him, her eyes lighting up everytime she saw him.   Tess replies she wouldn't know, as she's never "been loved." Clark and Oliver decide to make Tess a member of the team and give her Chloe's position at Watchtower.   She appears to be genuinely overcome with with emotion and has to walk out, crying when she's out of view.   Wonder what was going through her mind then.   Will she tell them about Alexander?  Clark tells Oliver they'll have to wait and see if they can trust Tess.   She decides to keep Alexander with her; he's growing up at miraculous rate.  Claiming Alexander needs "to be loved."  She reads him Peter Pan (appropriately about the boy who never grows up, but Alexander is.) He tells Tess, "I love you."  Well she's loved now.

How did Kat get out of the sarcophagus; as she struts in and makes a beeline for Lois, jabbing a pen into her hand.   Clark prevents Lois from punching her, aw spoilt sport!  She's got photos of Lois performing a S-E-X ritual and before she can get to her phone to show them proof, Clark tampers with her phone and it falls to pieces and he attempts to explain Lois was possessed by the spirit of Isis, but Kat's not going for that.   Lois explains, "weird things happen" in Metropolis.   Yeah, like Kat turning up!

Clark bandages Lois' hand and Lois comments the Blur will never reveal his identity to her.   Not much subtly there on her part, but Clarkie doesn't get the hint(s).   Clark replies, "Not if it means putting your life at risk."  Again how did he not realize she already knows and when he's answering for the Blur, if she didn't know, she'd have worked out his secret now.   Lois wants the Blur to understand she's willing to risk it (as she's already done that too for so long!).   Clark talks about his fears and finally admits, "It's me, I'm the blur." Lois couldn't wait to fall onto him.   Lois: "What took you so long?!"  He's kind of surprised she knows - but don't think the shock of that lingers too much for Clark.

Finally the episode we've all been waiting for and at least it wasn't dragged out all season; where Clark reveals the truth to Lois.  Although she has known for a while.   Clark should've realized that because she didn't question him, or have her doubts, but he's still surprised she already knew when she asks why he took so long.   Lois wanting to tell Clark she knows his real ID, at least she wasn't the one to tell him before he spilled, cos that just wouldn't sit right, it's his secret to tell and his cloak to bear!  (Sorry.) Again as Clark told Oliver about seeing his future, can't help but think this influenced his decision to admit he's the Blur.

Ugh!  Scatty Katty was so annoying - pity she wasn't left in the sarcophagus for long.   Still on her mission to to rid the world or rather, expose the world to the "hero menace." Believing Lois was the blur, that was too funny for words - not to mention pathetic, even if she was on the right tracks about The Blur working for the Daily Planet.

Also as Oliver and Clark both said, where was Daniel Jackson, oops, Carter Hall when you need him.    Leaving Tess to come to their help and the question here was whether she can be trusted or not.   Alexander looked evil in his photo, can Tess really change him with love and has she changed too, with Clark and Ollie willing to give her the 'keys' to Watchtower.   Maybe that's also a good way for them to keep an eye on her.   Better to keep your enemy closer, if indeed she is.   Oliver still lamenting the loss of Chloe and dare I mention, being swept away by the epitome in cheesiness with the opening at the museum and the Green Arrow Girls!

Anyway knew Isis was on the agenda since Carter told Lois the exact same story about the doomed lovers, Isis and Osiris when she was in Egypt, episode 10.2 Shield.   No mention of the Darkness this episode, no it had too many fun bits to enter into 'dark' territory, as it was a little comical, annoying and grating with Kat - we don't (didn't) really need to waste time with her in the show's final season; she's a poor replacement/substitute for Chloe.   Though Lois' jibes at her were hilarious, especially the one about her saying she's not even a bottled blonde, for the stuff she came up with.

At last his secret (which wasn't a secret) is out.   Everyone knew one way or another and it wouldn't be fair if Lois really was the last one to know; particularly since Tess found out before her too.   But I loved those last few minutes of the episode when Clark finally gets up the courage to tell her; come what may...Yes everyone knew - and I also liked the way Clark thought he was telling Lois his secret now, seems he was the last to know - that she knew - if you know what I mean!

The part with the gifts lavished upon Oliver, as Green Arrow, the breakfast cereal, "they even included spoons," was amusing .   You can just imagine a cereal named 'Super Flakes'; Super Puffs';   or rather 'Huffs', maybe 'Blur Flakes', 'Blur Maize', seeing as he's from Kansas: corn, oh never mind with the corny cereal names!

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