Friday 25 May 2012

NCIS - 7.6: "Outlaws and In-Laws" Review

Gibbs' boat is found with two DBs inside and the trail leads back to Mike Franks. Can the agents clear his name and get to the bottom of who is after him and his daughter-in-law.

A sail boat, named 'Kelly'  is found with two DBs inside.   Tony (Michael Weatherly) and McGee (Sean Murray) chance upon Ziva (Cote de Pablo) asleep at her desk.   Tony has teasing on the mind, as usual and McGee thinks it could be a trap, Ziva's way of inviting them to mess with her.   Tony asks what sort of man he'd be if he turned down the invitation.   Gibbs (Mark Harmon) flew out with Vance (Rocky Carroll) and Ducky (David McCallum) to San Diego harbour.   Ziva wakes up with a bit of paper stuck to her cheek and reckons they call that hazing.   She needs to know the Bill of Rights to become an American citizen.   Ziva needs to be a citizen to become an agent.   Actually you have to be born there, not just be a citizen, cos anyone can become a citizen.  

Tony: "Who says we want her as an American?"  He's always coming up with something like that.    About differences in their respective countries etc, which tends to be funny.   Ziva asks him who says Tony has a say in this.   Tony refers to the Constitution and in particular to "dangerous foreign aliens, "stealing our bodily fluids." McGee tells Tony that's the movie, Dr Strangelove (1964)  hey McGee actually knowing a movie for a change, ha.

Tony mentions the sixteenth Amendment, to which Ziva replies, taxes.   He wonders if she's learning through osmosis and then what we were waiting for, Tony's reference to the American Dream, or rather, his version:  "white male between the ages of 18-49 with a loud mouth and a gun.   I am the American dream."  Yes he is.   The phone rings.   McGee: "Oh thank God!"

Ducky doesn't find any ID on the DBs, they came from the South.   Vance asks Gibbs if he knows any Vikings in Mexico.   Ducky mentions Gibbs going on a vacation to Mexico with the boat.   The boat was a gift for Gibbs' goddaughter, Amira.   Mike Franks (Muse Watson) is missing.   Gibbs' basement is now devoid of any boats.   He probably no longer has the time, what with all these DBs popping up.   The DBs were in the water for 30 days.   Vance comments they had military backgrounds and they're looking for Mike.   Vance refers to this as Gibbs' mess: his boat, his friend.   Ducky surmises they were shot at close range and brings up the OK Corral.   He's not comfortable with Mike's psychological make-up.   Gibbs asks Ducky if he has something against cowboys.   Wyatt Earp was friends with Doc Holliday.   Ducky: "There's a fine line between cowboys and outlaws." Some thought went into the killings of the two and the CS was staged.   They were dragged onto the boat intentionally.

Abby (Pauley Perrette) will take care in her processing of "craftmanship" the boat.   There was a gunfight on board and she found slugs.   .22 grazed the portside, below the waterline.   Gibbs tells her the boat wasn't in the water during the shootout and she should take the boat apart.   Tony wonders why the DBs were after Mike.   Then states the greatest ideas in history started off as jokes, the spork, moon rings, all made their creators trillionaires.   Ziva doesn't ask what a spork is, but since she's adept in deadly weapons, she probably knows what that is.   Then again with the amount of eating Tony does, he's probably used it one time or another.   Then Tony refers to capitalist democracy, having no brain, hope or prospects and then tomorrow, you may win the lottery, "tomorrow you might slip on the right driveway."  Annie's Song from  Little Orphan Annie.   Gibbs tells them to find a connection between the DBs and Mike.

Layla (Tehima Sunny) , and Amira, Gibbs' goddaughter arrives at his house.   Mike is behind them.   Gibbs wants to know if Mike shot them.   Mike was hoping he could tell him.   Men were asking about him in Mexico but he's never seen them before.   The men had to be investigated by Gibbs, who thanks him for the honour.   Mike says not all of the shoot-outs in the past were his fault.   (Especially not the one in the season 5 episode Judgment Day 1 when Jenny (Lauren Holly) was killed.)  Gibbs thinks it's "time to hang up your spurs."  Mike will know when that time comes cos he'll be dead.   Mike threatens to leave his family to keep them safe.   When his son, Liam died, he made a promise to protect his family.   Always expect a shoot-out when Mike's around.

The two DBs were Private Military Contractors (PMC).   They had problems with authority and were working for a Col.  Merton Bell (Robert Patrick) a PMC operating in the Middle East.   Vance tells Gibbs Mike wasn't alone on the beach, there was a woman with him.   Vance doesn't want Gibbs looking into Bell as he knows him and Gibbs' approach lacks "finesse." Vance is worried that Gibbs is too transparent as he knows who killed the two.   Tony and Ziva are sent to protect the family.   Tony asks why he should knock as there's no lock on the door.   Mike replies there's no lock cos on the other side of the door, there's someone with a gun.   Tony to Mike: "Have a mint," whilst he stands in front of the door with his gun, sarcastically.  

Bell tells them Canaan and Blanchard met with tribal leaders and Gibbs asks if they were good at their jobs.   Bell's men are outstanding.   Gibbs tells him the US Armed Forces disagree.   His men have a history of violence and mental problems.   They accepted the contract not on Mike, but on Layla.   Mike was the only lead Layla's family had on her.   Gibbs was there when Layla arrived, her family disowned her as she was pregnant.   Her mother, Shada Shakarki (Diana Venora) is a leader and is vindictive.   The boat was used as a decoy.   Mike went in with guns drawn and shot them three more times for good measure.   He emptied his magazine in self-defence.   Vance hopes the evidence confirms this.  

Abby tells the others she's keeping notes of where all the pieces of the boat go, so she can put it back together.   She found a secret box with a gun.   McGee says Mike keeps a gun everywhere, it took them 20 minutes to get through security.   Tony's in Gibbs' basement and Abby suggests he should check the walls for seams, whether they're removable or if there's a tunnel.   Tony mentions Col.  Hogan (of Hogan's Heroes) and tells her there's a radio in the coffee pot.   McGee says there's another shooter.   Ziva says hard choices were made, sometimes there are no choices in significant decisions; Layla left her home.   She fell in love and the right reasons made it easier to leave.   Tony lets it be known that Ziva is also building her life over.   Layla was inside when shots were fired at the men and she was the one who shot at them.

McGee finds Shakarki has many enemies.   Ducky uses the phone; he's not avoiding Mike but looking for Gibbs.   Ducky comments on Gibbs' history with Mike and how it's having a blinding effect on his investigation.   Mike is lying to them.   The DBs were shot in a straight-down direction.   Gibbs infers they were shot with a .22 long rifle.   Then Mike shot through their original wounds.   Gibbs thinks Mike feels it's his fault and he failed to protect them.   McGee realizes Shakarki  is on her way to the US and for someone with her reputation, she was allowed into the US and cleared through customs very quickly and easily.   Vance is angry Mike lied.   He's just protecting his family, something both Vance and Gibbs have been through.   Vance suggests Mike should work it out with his in-laws.   She's been tracking Mike's movements.   Mike never hits a woman but he's finding it hard to believe she's a woman.   He hid her family.   Things change and she has lost too much family.   Amira is her blood and she wants to rescue them from Mike.

Actually for some reason Shakarki reminded me of Ziva.   When she hired the men she was assured there wouldn't be any violence.   Mike didn't fire the first shot.   He was playing with Amira; Layla shot them.   He taught her to shoot.   They are safer with him.   She made payment to Bell so the contract will be completed.   Gibbs' house is raided by Bell's men and Ziva recognizes one of them.   Small world, Ziva seems to know practically lots of marines!  Damon Werth (Paul Telfer) was dishonourably discharged.   He quits working for Bell.   Tony says he's wacky cos of the flashbang Bell's men threw.   Gibbs tells Bell he hasn't broken any US laws, but bounty hunting is illegal down Mexico way, Okay I said this, Gibbs said South of the border and he should tell his men to get a haircut.

Gibbs tells Vance the story of his grandparents.   30 years after the civil war - as his great, great grandfather and grandmother fought on opposite sides and they couldn't look at each other; but they lived together.   Everyday they sat on the front porch in their rocking chairs and they never said a word.   Just like Mike and Shakarki.

An episode very much about family and its importance.   With plenty of references to cowboys, being the outlaws, and in-laws too.  Gibbs and Mike have much in common,  family, dead children.   There are always ambiguities in a case whenever Gibbs and Mike get together.   As in season 4 Iceman episode, when they found Layla and Liam was killed.   When Mike got away with killing the men who killed his son.   Just as the same thing happened to Gibbs and his family, he also got revenge on their killer.   Mike and Vance have a volatile relationship.

Layla was disowned not only because she was pregnant but that she wasn't married and was pregnant, she was described as Liam's fiance in the season 4 episode Iceman.   Also at the end of the episode, the baby Layla is holding is a blond-haired boy.   Who has miraculously turned into a dark haired girl called Amira.   Mike had a grandson back then.   Suppose the producers wanted the baby to be a girl for the purposes of season 7.

Did Abby discover how Gibbs got his boat out of his basement then.   Did he take it apart in sections as she found that's how it was built.   We didn't get to know one way or the other.   Damon Werth was first introduced in the season 5.10 episode Corporal Punishment and will return later in the season.   When Werth enters Gibbs' house and Tony recognizes him, watch him point to his nose, a gesture to remind us he broke Tony's nose in that season 5 episode.

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