Wednesday 30 May 2012

Doctor Who - 6.4: "The Doctor's Wife" Review

Catchy title but alas misleading and not the wife many were hoping for, still a fun episode and sad in places. The TARDIS is transferred into a human body and we're left with another cryptic clue for the future.

Idris's (Suranne Jones) body is empty and she is given a new soul.   a Time Lord is coming.   Rory (Arthur Darvill) comments Amy (Karen Gillan) is still thinking of the fate awaiting the Doctor (Matt Smith).   There's a knock on the TARDIS's door and a glowing box of light enters.   Doctor: "I've got mail!" The box is a Time Lord emergency message system.   When there's an emergency, the Time Lords wrap their thoughts in a "psychic container and send them through time and space." There's a good, living Time Lord out there.   Yes but the Doctor himself was the one who killed them all.   They're not going to the universe and the Doctor notices the mark of the snake, Corsair had that tattoo in every regeneration.   They leave the universe to be outside the universe, somewhere he's never been.

The TARDIS's power drains - the soul of the TARDIS - the matrix - has vanished.  That's what Auntie (Elizabeth Berrington) said at the start - the soul is now in Idris.   Rory says they've landed on a scrapyard outside of the universe.   The Doctor explains it's not like a bubble with a tiny bubble stuck outside of it.   Amy adds it smells like armpits.  They've fallen down the universe's plug hole.  Idris kisses the Doctor like a mad woman, he's a thief; but he hasn't stolen anything.   She can't bring herself to say what she is, "I'm..."  it's on the tip of her tongue. "The little boxes will make him angry.   His chin is hilarious."  She mentions the smell of dust after the rain - 'petrichor'.   (Remember for later.)

Nephew (Paul Kasey) is an Ood and he was only half alive when he got here and was repaired by House (Michael Sheen) .   Several Time lord voices are heard in unison.   House is everywhere.   The Doctor knows there are lots of Time Lords nearby.   Idris can't think of the "sad word." House speaks.   The Doctor says he's met Time Lords before.  House repairs the other three when they break.   The Doctor is the last Time Lord with the last TARDIS.   He wants to look around, sensing something isn't quite right and sends Amy and Rory back to the TARDIS to retrieve his screwdriver.   But he never leaves that behind!

He told Amy about the Time Lords and he destroyed them, Amy believes he wants to be forgiven.  Idris asks for her thief.   The TARDIs is engulfed by green smoke and the Doctor locks Amy and Rory inside before finding all of the boxes.   He thought he had friends here, but they're only "cries of help from the long dead."  He was lured here and realizes House repairs Auntie, Uncle (Adrian Schiller) and Nephew when they break, and calls them "patchwork people." Auntie has Corsair's arm with the tattoo.   Uncle got his kidneys and spine.   Doctor: "You gave me hope and then took it away."  He recalls Idris saying the boxes would make him angry.   Amy tells him he's being emotional and Idris calls the Doctor stupid too, as Amy does Rory.   Idris mimics the sound of the TARDIS.   She's the TARDIS.   Doctor: "You were the most beautiful thing I've ever known." He only borrowed her, not stolen her.   Idris wouldn't give him back.   Doctor: "My TARDIS."

Idris: "My Doctor."  He releases her from her cage.   House eats Tardises, he feeds on rift energy and deletes the TARDIS matrix before he can eat it.   The Doctor tells Amy he's unlocked the door.   Amy: "You stupid well haven't."  See Amy's word.   The TARDIS vanishes with them both stuck inside.   The Doctor ha's a new feeling, not knowing what to do.   House tells them they're stuck in the TARDIS but they're not safe.  Auntie and Uncle die because House can't feed off anymore Tardises.   Idris is also dying.   They need to go where she landed.   Idris: "Don't get emotional, that's what that orangey-coloured girl says."  The Doctor hits on a brainwave: it's a junkyard full of Tardises.   He calls her sexy.   Only when they're alone.

Rory tries to think of ways to survive and tells House he won't kill them yet as he thrives on entertainment, that's what Auntie and Uncle were for.   They run inside the TARDIS and the Doctor puts together parts salvaged from the old Tardises to build a TARDIS console.   Idris asks what the sign on her front door says.  'Pull to open' and he pushes.   The Doctor gets his chance to tell her she hasn't been very reliable in the past, as they're on 'speaking terms' now.   She took him where he needed to go.   Rory gets left behind a door and Amy comes round to find him.   She's been away for hours and the same thing happens again.  House is messing with them.

Idris chose him all those years ago, he says he chose her.  She wanted to see the universe, so she stole a Time Lord and ran away.   Rory's aged, Amy left him for 2,00 years, again.   The TARDIS is the power.   Idris: "Oh my beautiful idiot, you've had what you've always had, you've got me."  Amy sees a body, but it's not Rory.   The Doctor wants Idris to relay a message to Amy, she asks if he means 'the pretty one'.   Sending it to Rory instead, a telepathic message.   Passing on the route to the old control room.   The Doctor comments "the pretty one!" She's got 30 control rooms and she archives them.  Doctor: "You're doing it, you sexy thing." That's her name.   Idris passes on the code: "Crimson, eleven, delight, petrichor." Amy recalls it's the "smell of dust after the rain." The shields of the TARDIS are down, allowing them to land in it.   The Ood gets atomized.

Doctor: "She's a woman and she's a TARDIS."
Amy: "Did you wish really hard?"
Doctor: "Shut up, it's not like that."  Said that about River too in episode 1.
TARDIS: "Sexy."
Doctor: "Still shut up." It's never like that with him and women.  

The Doctor tricks House into saying he needs thrust to get into his universe.   The TARDIS asks for water but that's a clue isn't it.   The Doctor calls her "old girl."  House will have to delete the room first so he can get back the actual, current control room and House fell for it.   As living things are returned to where they're deposited from.   House admits he's killed hundreds of Time Lords.   Doctor: "Fear me, I've killed all of them."  House should be careful, he took her from her control room and now she's free.   She finishes House off.   Then recalls the word she was looking for is "alive."  Doctor: "Alive isn't sad."  It is for her.   She wanted to say hello and greet him.   He doesn't want her to..  he's sad now.   But death is sad.   He can't make the TARDIS talk again.   Amy puts that down to "spacey-wacey." Rory relays the message she left: "The only water in the forest is the River."  Is that meant to be backward comment?

Amy: "It's always you and her isn't it?" Was she jealous.   But that's the crux of this show him and his TARDIS.   He gives them a new bedroom and he asks if she's still there?  Doctor: "I'm a silly old..."

I liked this episode more than last week's one.   It was much more enjoyable and had it all: laughs, emotions, sadness.  The special bond that the Doctor shares with his beloved TARDIS.   He is married to it, or should that be her, in a way.   They're joined at the hip, so in this respects the title could have been misleading.   But when seen the TARDIS was transferred into a human body, it gave it more meaning and it was understandable why that title was used in the end.   As Amy said at the end, it always is the Doctor and her.  Can the Doctor ever love anyone else.   In the episode The Time of the Angels Part 1, Amy asked River if she was the Doctor's wife, but River didn't reply.

The old control room, guess that was the one inhabited by the Doctor's previous body, the Tenth Doctor, David Tennant.

Idris almost is synonymous with TARDIS.   Idris refers to his chin as funny, another reference to his chin, as River (Alex Kingston) said in the season opener, Easter Island statues were an homage to our Doctor!  The Doctor called the TARDIS 'Sexy' in season 5 The Eleventh Hour and the so called 'cloister bell' the emergency warning system of the TARDIS, was also heard in that episode.

The colour of the Ood's eyes change whenever they are possessed or inhabited by evil entities, as seen in the past episodes, The Impossible Planet  and the Satan Pit (2006).   Here Nephew had green eyes, akin to the green smoke representing House.   Didn't the Doctor realize this from his past encounters.   Also the part where he's excited that there may be other Time Lords out there, but then that turns to sadness when he finds many of them were slaughtered by House.   However, he knows he destroyed the last of them too so it's understandable why he would believe there may be some, outside of the universe.   Good Time Lords.   However, I don't think we've seen the last of the Time Lords though.

As for Idris's cryptic clue, "the river in the forest" is that really referring to running water, or to our River Song.   She was in an earlier episode entitled Forest of the Dead, from when the Doctor first met her and then rescued her and her team.   I don't know, I kind of like the idea it's about River.   We'll have to wait and see.

Suranne Jones also played the Mona Lisa in an episode of The Sarah Jane Adventures and I actually met her years ago, when she was in the stage production of A Few Good Men in the UK with Rob Lowe.

Written 2011

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