Sunday 20 May 2012

Desperate Housewives - 8.16: "You Take for Granted" Review

As everyone appears to be selfish in this episode, one of the cast is far from that, and sadly was the one to bite the bullet, no pun.

Mary Alice: "In our neighbourhood there are people we see everyday and everyday we take them for granted...might give a polite wave only to return to what we're doing...being preoccupied...What a shame these neighbours take each other for granted because in just a few days, one of them was going to be dead."

Mary Alice (Brenda Strong) "That afternoon old friends got together to share coffee and gossip.  And to discover that they were still old friends."  Bree (Marcia Cross) tells them about Orson (Kyle MacLachlan).  Gaby (Eva Longoria) hopes he better not come round again.  Bree suspects he's suicidal.  Lynette (Felicity Huffman) says he's not the man Bree knew anymore.  Gaby is relieved they're finally in the clear as far as Alejandro is concerned.  Susan (Teri Hatcher) says the letters were the last of the mystery and that's been solved.  Susan: "Our nightmare is finally over."  Yes Susan jinx everything. In fact they're only just beginning, especially for her and Bree.

Roy (Orson Bean) is angry over Karen's (Kathryn Joosten) news.  She'll miss the Christmas lights.  Bree asks if there's anything that she can do for her to let her know, with the emphasis being on 'anything.'  Lynette thinks about throwing a big party for her children if they agree not to procreate.  Tom (Doug Savant) brings over a bottle of champagne for Lynette, then breaks the news about bringing Jane (Andrea Parker) over for Penny's (Darcy Rose Byrnes) birthday party.  She's part of Penny's life now.

Carlos (Ricardo Antonio Chavira) and the girls play with a cat and Gaby complains about her allergies.  She gives him a tie for his first day back at work.  Mike (James Denton) spies on Renee's (Vanessa Williams) house and has a gun, which Susan finds out about in the usual way, the old, 'Is that a gun or are you just happy to see me' line that's been done to death. (Oh wrong choice of word.)

Karen wants Bree to help kill her cos Roy refused and Bree has to agree cos she promised she'd do anything.  See the way in which the writer and producers thought they were being clever in deflecting from the real death that would occur?  Of course it wouldn't be Karen. She's not a main character, nor would her death affect a main character in the same way.  Karen needs someone "cold and heartless."  Yeah that's Bree in a nutshell, ha.

Susan makes Mike go to the police and report Donnie (Sal Landi) which just makes things worse and she doesn't realize that.  Mike comments they'll get lucky and something else will happen when Detective Harrison (Derek Webster) says he can't help.  Carlos hates the tie and doesn't want to go back to work.  Maybe he should get some Post-It notes like Jo (Sela Ward) from CSI: NY.  Renee and Bree return from shopping and she tells her about Karen's 'request.'  Bree buys some time when Karen calls and promises to kill her tomorrow and we all know what tomorrow spells.

Jane turns up at the party with a photographer so she can make a memory book.  Lynette ensures she's in every single shot.  She's not going to be upstaged.  Jane isn't family.  She tells Lynette she and Tom are moving in together.  Lynette is angry since they've only known each other three months.  She thought this was a trial separation.  Tom is happy and it takes another woman to make him happy.

Karen lies down under Bree's car so she can run her over.  Marilyn (Jane Entwhistle) calls about Carlos acting strangely at work.  He's giving away money to people who were laid off.  He's using his personal account and the speed at which Gaby grabbed the cheque back from the man was record breaking!  Carlos wants to think of other's suffering.

Susan asks Renee for Donnie's address, maybe she can pay him off. Renee calls Mike a good husband, father and man, and he made her believe in men again.  Bree tells Roy about Karen's intentions and he offers her some rhubarb pie.  Obviously part of rhubarb is poisonous, however Karen's medicated it to kill herself with.  Bree tells Karen she can't kill herself cos no one will remember who she is and about how she tried to do the same.

Jane apologizes to Lynette and chokes on her cheese puff.  Lynette hesitates before helping her.  Lynette is angry Tom didn't find her again.  She then claims she panicked when not helping Jane sooner. Not everyone's a doctor.

Murphy (Michael Dempsey) reads the letter about Bree which Orson sent the police but I still want to know how Orson knew about the construction site and the DB being removed and reburied, unless Bree foolishly blabbed and told him about it.  Cos if she did then she was being hypocritical along with Gaby when they were complaining about Susan and her wanting to come clean when she was feeling guilty.

Carlos talks about Bill from rehab and how his father was a pilot during the Vietnam war and dropped bombs without realizing the true extent of the damage and lives he took.  Carlos is doing the same at work and it's destroying him.  He wants to become a counsellor.  Carlos rescues Juanita (Madison De La Garza) from the roof when she tries to rescue the cat and he wants to give back.  Gaby just calls him selfish.  He's unhappy and throws her tie away.  She says it's his turn to hold the family together but he's been doing that for years.  Once again it's all about the money for Gaby.

Susan has her final conversation with Mike and it should be fitting that it's about him and how he's not afraid of anything.  He always takes care of people, which is what Carlos wants to do.  She wonders why Mike is like that.  He admits his father beat his mother and he was powerless to act.  He can't walk away from seeing people hurt.  She's scared cos it was "never made it clear to you how much I love you."

Donnie shoots Mike and in that moment his life flashes before him...

Mary Alice: "We all take the gift of life for granted.  If only we could slow things down...because before you know it the gift is gone."  Well I can say I saw that coming and how it was always going to be Mike who was killed off, cos it appears Susan has been happy for a long time and she needed to face being alone now.  Also a way in which to perhaps bring Julie back and change her mind about the baby, wanting to raise her.  Also I have to add everyone was selfish in this episode. By everyone I mean Gaby and Lynette.  Both of them were only thinking about themselves, though Gaby says it's about family.  Deep down it's all about her insecurities and wanting money for everything.  She doesn't care what Carlos thinks or wants and he's been working his entire life.

With Lynette, it's about wanting Tom back, in which case she should have tried harder to keep him instead of driving him away.  Now that he's found Jane, she wants him back.  At least Bree tried to help Karen and make her see sense about life being short as it is, and you never know what's around the next corner.  Karen and Juanita almost died, as could have Carlos on the roof.

What I want to know is what was Donnie thinking using a drive-by shooting ploy when all fingers will point to him anyway and he didn't hide the fact he was the shooter?  Does he really think he'll get away with it?  That's the 'waiting for something to happen' Mike mentioned.

Poor Mike seems the most perfect man on the entire Lane was the one destined to go out this way.  After facing all that adversity and prison, turning over a new leaf, he was finally happy.  He didn't have much to do this season but I shall miss him!  Just as well it's the final season.

The title is from a Stephen Sondheim lyric, Good Thing Going, from the musical Merrily We Stroll Along.  In 8.1, Tom says Penny's birthday is already gone; however in 8.4, Penny tells Lynette she had her birthday a month ago.  Carlos has been sober for 34 days and Bree told Karen she tried to commit suicide 3 months ago. Carlos was in rehab then.  Lynette then says Tom's known Jane for 3 months, Bree mentioned her suicide attempt was 3 months ago but Tom was already with Jane back then.  Someone can't count.

Teri Hatcher was against Mike being killed off as she wanted a happy ending since Susan was already a single mother at the start of the series.  So she pitched an idea about him being in witness protection and they all reunite at a Brazilian airport, as she told Entertainment Weekly.  Calling it a "bad idea...I always thought the audience wanted to see Mike and Susan finally happy and safe."  James Denton was more than happy with the idea of being killed off.

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