Saturday 19 May 2012

CSI: NY - 8.6: "Get Me Out of Here!" Review

It's Hallowe'en in NY and the CSIs end up investigating a DB at a cemetery, leading them on a race to locate a missing college boy. Danny and Lindsay discuss burials.

College kids run around a cemetery on Hallowe'en and a girl falls into an open grave and lands on a DB.   Jo (Sela Ward) comments, "It's not often you find a DB where it actually belongs."  Mac (Gary Sinise) claims he was dead before he got here.   Flack (Eddie Cahill) is canvassing the area for a murder weapon and Jo asks, "expecting the dead to speak."  The DB was hit before the fall.   Nice moment between Jo and Flack that's what gives this show so much more in terms of character development and why it deserves to continue.   That and great storylines.   Oh okay I've had my rant at the beginning, never mind!  The DB has four phones on him, which Flack calls overkill  Mac: " does dying in somebody else's grave."

Fisher (David Burke) is responsible for the cemetery and claims he isn't trained to handle this kind of death, yeah a likely story considering he deals with bodies all the time.   The clue was when he said they still manage to sneak in.   Hawkes (Hill Harper) finds a metal object when the grave is processed.   Sid (Robert Joy) agrees with Mac that COD was blunt force trauma.   Hawkes says he was hit by a large metal object and Sid adds even if he wasn't hit they'd still have a DB on their hands since he had arsenic in his system.  "Someone wanted this man dead and buried."

Adam (AJ Buckley)  processes the info from the phones.   Paul (Torrey Vogel) and three others owned the phones: Thad, (Parker Young) Curtis (Nathan Fuzzell) and Anthony (Miles Wood), who appears to be unhappy on the video.   As you will note behind him, he's lying on marble which was a dead giveaway.   Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) asks how they were connected.   Adam points out the pledge pins they were wearing except for Paul who had a frat T-shirt  as he was already a  member of Theta, Delta, Pi.   Adam joined a frat for the chicks and beer.   Paul was a pledge master and they were his pledge brothers.   Matthew (Michael Nardelli) at the frat house tells them this.   Danny kicking the can was a clue for later.   If they failed in their pledge they'd be 'dinged.'  I.e.  kicked out.   Anthony found it hard to fit in and they were meant to show up at the cemetery.   Adam drew the line at naked leapfrog at his frat.   Thus he was dinged.

Lindsay (Anna Belknap) finds two soil samples; one old and one fresh from Paul's DB.   The object Hawkes found was used in DBs to keep the eyeballs sealed, an eyecap.   Lindsay also found high levels of arsenic in the soil, which was used to preserve DBs until the 1930's.   Mac comments he crawled out of one grave and fell into another .   Danny and Lindsay collect soil samples from the cemetery which gets Danny talking about burials when he notices the headstones of a couple.   Danny says they have to think about it.   Lindsay wouldn't want to be buried in such a place cos they can't afford it, besides if he got married again where would his wife be buried.   She asks what if something happens to her.   Hey a clue: could she be the one getting killed off at the end?   Ha, wishful thinking on my part (Well, I can hope can't I, along with others?). But alas it wasn't her, darn!

Danny wants his wake to last for two weeks and she wants to be cremated.   Lindsay adds she's going to haunt him and you know what, she'd do it too.   She hates his green boxers.   She's finds this the time to bring that up.   Danny notices a can and thankfully we didn't have to hear Lindsay drone on.   Sid took an imprint from the skull impression and narrowed down the weapon to a tool and Mac thinks it could be a crowbar.   He then gives Mac his new invention to try out: the 'Hammerback Sleeper.'  "Sleep like a corpse." His marketing tagline.   He wants Mac to try it out.

Hawkes and Danny ponder the puzzle: 6 figures across and down.   Danny says the can he found had 'HEA118' under it and Jo says the video of Anthony is a message.   She finds Anthony's name on the bottom of the puzzle, in code TONY.   The codes all represent cemeteries.   No one bothered reading the code going down since it would have saved them a lot of time and trouble.

Jo and Hawkes find Curtis and Thad with a can.   Hawkes flashing his badge, not often he does that.   They were on a 'six pack challenge'.   Collecting and drinking the cans.   The sixth can would be from Anthony.   Flack says it turned out to be worse for the pledge master.   Jo thinks Anthony is another Vic.   Hawkes found an object in the can, which is a key to a crypt, yes it's obvious.  Come on guys not that hard to figure out.   Hawkes got a terrible line here when he says he was busy trying to figure out what it was and Mac's question of what it unlocks didn't fare much better!

Danny would prefer his ashes scattered over the Mets field and Lindsay says she'd do that with her rich husband's plane.  Dream on!  Adam would prefer to be shot into space.   That's one way to get there.   The maintenance area of the cemetery reveals arsenic and Mac posits they ran out of real estate so they dig up the old graves.   Jo asks who would do something like that and recalls Fisher had a headache, a symptom of arsenic poisoning.   No chase here of sorts but guess Flack and Mac had an interesting scene re the digger knocking Fisher down and Flack gets to shoot a suspect, not often he does that either.   As for Fisher removing DBs from their graves, you can tell by the look on Mac's face how disgusted he was at that.

Fisher doesn't know Anthony but admits to killing Paul as he found out what they were doing and buried him alive.   Hawkes finally discovers the key belongs to a crypt from the 1800's and the date on the puzzle was MC1831.   Jo comments the challenge was meant to fail from the outset.   Hawkes also found a stone chip on the key's surface which EDNA identified as Tucahoe marble.   MC means Marble Cemetery, the crypt belonging to the Warren family, which is where they find Anthony.  Flack picks up the empty beer can with 'BOO' written under it.   Mac talks about how some people just need to belong and will do anything.   Jo ropes him into an important scientific study: watch a horror movie with the others and they analyze it to pieces.   Kind of like what my friends and I do when we watch stuff.   Mac loved the pillow but Sid should rethink the tagline.

Danny and Lindsay discussing how they'd like to be buried after they depart was morbid.   Talk about smug Lindsay.  Also she tends to keep a close eye on Danny, especially when it comes to other women and his behaviour around them, like the tattooed woman from Coney Island.   As for finding Anthony from his photo it was apparent he was buried somewhere and lying on marble.   He would be in a crypt cos of the key and cos the entire scavenger hunt took place in cemeteries.   That was logical.

Sid's invention was the so called secret he was meant to be working on according to the live chat online last September where Pam Veasey and Zach Reiter spoke "a good Sid moment coming up, where he becomes an inventor of a very interesting object."

Another episode which demonstrates the lengths people will go to to belong and fit in and those who are willing to put people through these things.   The so called 'youth of today; tomorrow's future.'  The mind boggles, thank goodness no frats here.   CBS aired this episode a week after Hallowe'en for some reason, but hey I was right when I said we'd get it around February, which ended up  two weeks late cos the show began later than it normally would have.   Cursed Big Brother!!  An episode clearly for Hallowe'en, with some added creepiness and creativeness and great banter between Jo and Flack during the opening.   Danny and Lindsay's fave band is KISS.  Danny I get, but Lindsay, can't imagine it.

A variation on recycling done in CSI episode 1.5 Friends and Lovers, where Sara (Jorga Fox) had to investigate when a funeral home director admits to recycling coffins when a woman's DB is found in a dumpster.   Also CSI: NY 1.15 Til Death Do We Part which had recycled clothes being sold of the backs of DBs without being cleaned.   Anthony battling to get out was a bit Nick-esque (George Eads) in Grave Danger episode of CSI.

In CSI: NY episode Hung Out To Dry, which was the intro episode with Shane Casey (Edward Furlong) the society was Sigma Delta Theta, here it was Theta Delta Pi.   In this episode Flack had the encounter with the frat guy and he couldn't believe how moronic he was.  He had bottles taped to his hands and Flack wanted him out out of his face and rightly so.   Talk about obnoxious - putting it mildly.   Here Danny sees Matthew lying on the floor passed out with empty beer bottles surrounding him.  Wonder what use they'll come up with them for next time.

Don't see why Danny had to be a tad bemused when he went to the frat house with Adam (or even that Adam wanted to be part of that for a while) since in Hung Out To Dry, Danny already had his fill of frat houses when he and Flack  questioned the party goers whilst drunk.   So the cans and other mess strewn everywhere shouldn't have come as such a shock or surprise to him.   Hung Out To Dry episode was written by Zach Reiter, this one by Trey Callaway.

Why didn't Mac give Sid feedback on the pillow since he asked him to, particularly if he liked it?   The movie they were watching was Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan, what else could it be?  

I'm on Twitter finally ha, cos me and tech just don't gel!    @mila255h

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