Monday 21 May 2012

CSI: Miami - 8.2: "Hostile Takeover" Review

It's Jesse's first day back at the Miami Dade lab and he's greeted by an all out explosive takeover. It's as if nothing has changed since he's been away and in those few seconds, he's taken hostage along with some other

Calleigh (Emily Procter) hasn't taken a personal day to be with Delko (Adam Rodriguez) as the department lawyer doesn't want them to see each other, whilst they investigate the case from last season.   Delko had to be mentioned here as he's not in this episode and was meant to leave, but stuck around.   Calleigh sounds so callous when she tells Natalia (Eva LaRue) that she did shoot at Delko and she's meant to have feelings for the guy.   She was so non-chalant.  Probably a line added in from last episode when she said, in the flashback, that she doesn't socialize with her co-workers.   That line she crossed, but here makes it appear as if she doesn't mix her work and personal lives.   She states, coldly, that Delko was a suspect at an active crime scene.

Jesse (Eddie Cibrian) returns in the nick of time to get into the thick of it all.   Conveniently he also had to have his gun put away.  A helmeted man takes Jesse, Danielle (Monique Gabriele Curnen) and some other techs hostage.   Rick Stetler (David Lee Smith) takes the call, he's taking charge, but the hostage taker (HT) asks for Horatio (David Caruso) in person (and who wouldn't.)  They've got 10 minutes to get him here before he starts killing a hostage.   True to form Horatio arrives with 10 seconds to spare!  Cue credits.   No more one-liners from Horatio anymore, that was disappointing!

Even though Horatio is in charge, Rick still gives orders, he's SOC and wants the AC cut.   Horatio doesn't want to antagonize the HT, it's still his lab, thus his responsibility.   The altercations between Horatio and Rick are compulsive viewing, with their bitter rivalries stemming back years, also highlighting both of their feelings for Horatio's sister-in-law, Yelina (Sofia Milos).   Which in many ways contributed to their dislike of each other, after Horatio found out Rick was abusing her.

Calleigh tells Rick the firearms lab is bullet proof, so SWAT wouldn't be able to take a shot.   As if Rick wouldn't already know that.   It pays to be prepared and in a hostage situation, all angles have to be covered!  HT lays down another rule, he must answer the phone within one minute.   He should call him 'Ted' (Sharif Atkins).  Horatio attempts to calm him down, people find themselves in bad situations all the time, that's why he's there (I added that on!)  He has to see "justice is done."

Ted's rule 3: if he sees a cop, he'll shoot.   He did see a cop, Jesse was right there and he did shoot, but not at him.   Calleigh analyzes the camera footage and spots a man, but can't see his face.   He drove to the lab and his van is parked outside.   Ryan (Jonathan Togo) checks it out.   Calleigh sees Jesse who isn't meant to be here for another week.   Ted wants boxes in front of the window, so Jesse can also hide his ID.   Which was close, since he next tells them to empty their pockets; and for some reason, it's Jesse's licence he picks from there.   Jesse tells Ted "he'll leave here in a box, I guarantee it."  Well that didn't happen either, but he was being suspicious by telling Ted that.   Ryan finds blueprints of the lab and the van is clean.   Tripp (Rex Linn) comments Ted knows the lab better than they do.  He has to doesn't he, for the best escape route.   Ryan also finds a bottle of diazepam.

Horatio knows he's not Ted and he mentions Tanya, which prompts Horatio to check out that name.  Danielle freezes when he wants the fan turned on but he shoots her, accidentally.   Horatio wants in so he goes, telling Rick this isn't about him, but the life of the hostages.   In a scene appealing to many female viewers, we get Jesse taking his shirt off! to help Danielle.   Oh no, it's only his first day back and the one and only time he's shirtless!  Ted hears Danielle ask Jesse if he really wants to work here, letting the cat out of the bag that he's a cop.

Horatio walks in and Ted comments "you look just like you do on TV."  Wonder if there was a pun there somewhere, not to mention an in-joke, cos he does look like he does on TV.   That was the entire reason Ted was here, as he's seen Horatio on TV and needs his help, not wanting to go through the normal channels.   If he knew Horatio would help him, why didn't he do exactly that, as Horatio says, he should have come to him.   Unlike other cops, Horatio would've listened.   After all, he's said that to his team often enough.   They know they can talk to him, but somehow don't.   He demands money but it has to be specifically from the place he says, a cheque cashing place.   Ryan tells the owner they'll have to give him an IOU.   Well that was obvious, Ted sending them there meant something wasn't quite right about him.

When they came out of the building, it was apparent that was Jesse, as he had his trademark boots on and also thankfully Horatio noticed, he's no fool.   Anyone else wouldn't have.   In a scene reminiscent of the CSI:NY season 3 episode, Snow Day, where the Irish terrorists also used the same ploy to escape.   Sloane left the bag of money behind for Horatio as a clue.   Horatio examined it there and then with the UV.   The security strip was meant to be yellow, not blue, thus the money was counterfeit.  Ripley (Rick Hoffman) has tell tale burn marks on his hands from where he's stripped the ink from the money.  He names Ted as Sloane and that he put in all his life savings and lost them.

Sloane's ex wife, Tanya (Latarsha Rose) has a restraining order out on him and is now married to Lloyd Arrington (Robert Gant).  He claims Sloane kicked in their front door and ran.   That's really strange.   From what we've seen of him, he'd do more than just kick in the door, at least that was the implication.   He wouldn't just run away.   Take that story with a pinch of salt.  Their son, Jason (Scotty Noyd Jr) doesn't have a phone so can't call his father.   You can be sure where a child is involved Horatio's more determined to get to the bottom of this in his usual manner.   He cares about people and victims, but he cares about children just that little bit more.

Horatio tells Jesse he's "picked up where he left off" and that he doesn't need to ask to stay with the case.   Well Jesse needed to investigate, to put right Calleigh's assumption Sloane abused his son.   Horatio wants Sloane to turn himself in, but he's still got to get the person who ruined his life.   There appeared to be more action and less analysis in this episode.   They need to open Jason's Family Court file.   Calleigh asks why Sloane would kick in the door and leave.   She examines the door and finds a hair.   Natalia analyzes the hair to identify the white substance as sodium and sea salt.   The hair matches Arrington, who must have kicked in the door and left his hair behind, which gathered salt from the sea air.

Horatio questions Arrington who "used the system to kick a man who was already down." Jason accused his father of abuse in his affidavit .   Horatio stipulates there's only one way to find out what really happened, "follow the evidence."  Haven't heard that since the early days of the CSI shows.  

Calleigh is convinced Sloane abused Jason, which Jesse riles her out over and he was right to do that.   She hasn't analyzed anything yet, or followed the evidence as Horatio said and yet she jumps the gun and makes accusations.   She never used to do that before.  Remember that's not their job, to decide whether someone is innocent or guilty.   Jesse is on the side of the underdog, Sloane, which gave him an interesting slant, since I thought that was because there was something going on with him, or something he's been through personally, which made him say that.   Jason broke his arm two weeks ago, so it couldn't have been Sloane.  

Horatio had to be the one to talk to Jason, he'll put things right.   When questioning his mother, he's not forgiving of her actions and who would be.   Horatio: "There is no excuse for what you did, ever!"  Sloane upon seeing the TV news, surrenders to Horatio and tells Jason, Horatio will look after him.

At the bar, the CSIs have drinks and Natalia is clearly  making a play for Jesse.   Horatio gives him his new Miami-Dade PD shield.   New guy buys and Horatio orders a club soda, cos he has to drive them.

So Jesse left after helping to solve a case last episode and returns to find himself in yet another.   It's as if he never left.   Wouldn't think they'd have Miami-Dade PD reception right where the labs are.   CSI:NY hasn't got a reception, not that we've seen and the CSI one is near the doors, but they're on the ground floor.     It was great to see the writers plunge Jesse straight in at the deep end, but at the same time, we knew it wasn't going to be for long ( as we get the show a year later in the UK) so again there wasn't much time for his character to be developed and he had the makings of an interesting and fun character.   Someone who was different as he clearly doesn't jump to conclusions and during the season, we'll see how he helps them out a lot with their investigations, clues etc.

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