
Sunday, 9 June 2013

Once Upon A Time 2.10 "The Cricket Game" Review

Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) tells Cora (Barbara Hershey) he's going to skin his crocodile.  She preventing from him from revenged since magic is here and so he will get into trouble  She hides the ship as they need surprise on their side.  As they explore Storybrooke.  Emma (Jennifer Morrison) and Henry (Jared S Gilmore) catch Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Charming in bed together as she's going to make tacos for their welcome home party.

Everyone celebrates and Regina (Lana Parrilla) turns up too, Emma invited her.  Flash to Regina being told that Snow and Charming have defeated George and taken over the kingdom.  Regina tries to kill Snow which is what they already knew she'd do and so they capture her.  Oh Charming get yourself another fur cloak!  Snow offers her parley to negotiate the terms of her surrender and she chooses to kill Snow.  They use blue fairy dust to remove her magic from her.  She turns up with lasagna and Grumpy (Lee Arenberg) asks if there's poison in it.  Afterwards she's ignored again.  Emma thanks her for helping again but she wants to see Henry again sometime, maybe stay over, but Emma doesn't think so, causing Regina to snap at her since Emma's been a parent all for five minutes.  That'll be resonated throughout the ep again.  She gets angry when Emma blabs how Archie (Raphael Sbarge) told her she's trying to change and that's the only reason why she was invited.  Like she really wants to hear that.

Regina loses the plot at Archie for telling the whole world of her therapy and he promises no one will know, hetakes doctor/patient confidentiality which she jokes he only got his PhD cos of the curse.  Later Ruby (Meghan Ory) sees Regina going to see Archie where he's killed by Cora.  The cricket is squished!  Obviously Regina wouldn't do that.  Pongo comes for help, took him all night to get out!  Regina is arrested since Ruby saw her go in and Charming and Snow think she did it.  Emma is doubtful since she helped them and was genuinely shocked at Archie being killed.

Charming advocates killing Regina, an execution.  There's no other choice since she'll come after Snow.  He took the arrow to save Snow not Regina.  "There's no telling what she'll do."  They think Gold (Robert Carlyle) is behind the frame job since all the evidence points to Regina and it's all too easy.  Gold is trying to have a picnic with Belle (Emilie de Ravin) and he says Emma should use her own magic with the witness who was there.  A dreamcatcher can be used to capture Pongo's memories.  She has to try to see the memories, which shows Regina killing Archie.  Of course they didn't take Pongo to Regina since he was barking and knew it wasn't Regina.

They turn up to do challenge Regina again and Snow tells her it wasn't Gold who used his magic, but Emma, being told that Emma has magic now, so there'll be plenty of challenges up ahead for both of them to maybe face off together.  The Blue Fairy (Keegan Connor Tracy) tries to hit Regina with fairy dust again but she's already prepared for it.  Then disappears in a puff of purple smoke.

Regina is about to be executed , death by arrow, but Snow can't see it through since she saved her life once.  She taken back to her cell and later Rumples shows up asking Snow what's wrong.  He can help her even if he wants to see Regina dead and who really knows if he wanted her dead, they only have his word for it.  She is after all his 'apprentice.'  Or at least was and he wanted her for his own ends, to enact the curse.  As for Regina's father saying he should have done more to protect her and she says he's the only who stands by her, yeah that's why she banished him to Wonderland too.  Thought she said she loves Cora too last ep when she was lying in the crypt.

Snow releases Regina and lets her go but she takes the knife and stabs Snow.  Said dagger being magic.  Charming reveals Rumples used his magic on it but she can't hurt either of them now.  Rumples shows up to inform her his spell ensured she can't hurt them in this land, but if they're in another land.  Once reason for the curse as we already know was just a ruse on his part for her to go ahead with the curse.

Cora tells Hook, there's a way for them to learn everything about the residents of the town since she has Archie in his ship and he will be forced to help.  Regina being forced to think she's been tricked by Snow whereas in fact it's a test which she fails miserably.  Exactly why show your hand at the earliest opportunity and try to kill Snow, sh could have gotten away and well, okay she did get away by being banished.

Gold tells Emma she has "your mother's chin and your father's tact."  Cora telling Hook she doesn't know who she killed in place of Archie, funny, how would she.  Though Archie can't know everything about Gold and what powers he has up his sleeve.  Especially since Gold isn't exactly seeing him for therapy, and how many of the town's residents are.  Bit silly that line.  Begging the question what did Gold do with William Smee when he had him tied up for info, did he learn everything about Hook too.  Seems Cora has the same idea here by using Archie for the same purposes.  Showing us how vile she really is, when at least she says Regina's "lost" everything now. Also the way she tells him "don't tell me what I can and can't do."  Else she'll turn you into a fish, at least Hook threw him into the sea!

As shown in flashback Regina regrets she wasn't able to kill more and kill Snow which is similar to now.  Instead of showing she has changed or is attempting to, she uses her magic to repel Emma, that was fun, Emma being so self -righteous and changed her tune in a second, at the first time of trouble.  So now Henry won't even want to look at her.  But what did they expect when she's losing Henry, the only one who means anything to her in Storybrooke.  Emma and her "innocent until proven guilty" line, guilty by her.  Yeah cos she's a court of law now, judge, jury and executioner, all in one!   Snow and Charming warning Emma from going after Regina headfirst, without even thinking about it.  She really is so egotistical at times.  As she's been a parent for five minutes, she also has magic for all of five minutes too and she's going to take her on. Very clever Emma - don't think so!

Pongo in the forest in the opening credits, was he looking for a suitable tree? ha.  Or was he confused as to who was pretending to be his master as Cora manipulated everyone into thinking Archie had been killed.  Also why didn't Pongo bark at Archie if it wan't him.  Cora made herself with the surroundings of Storybrooke quickly.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

CSI 13.15 "Forget Me Not" Review

Sara (Jorga Fox) sits alone all dressed up at a table in a restaurant when a man walks up to her with a cake.  It's her birthday and it's not clear if they know each other.  He claims he guessed it was her birthday and that he saw the way she was looking at the couples around her.  She asks him to join her.  They later go up to their separate rooms in the lift together, he presses 12 for her and 18 for himself.  When it gets to her floor, she doesn't want to get out and instead goes up to his room..

Greg (Eric Szmanda) arrives just as Sara is getting out of the lift who tells her about the DB on the 18th floor.  She rides back up with him and is shocked that the same man is the DB.  DB (Ted Danson) arrives and she tells him she knows the man and she was with him last night for an hour, but nothing happened.  Are you sure?  That'll come back to bite her  - it always does.

The DB is Taylor (carter MacIntyre) and David (David Berman) says he's been stabbed seven times but there aren't any defensive wounds.  As soon as seven was mentioned did anyone think of Sara's father like me, he was also stabbed seven times by her mother which clearly demonstrates this case is definitely about Sara.  Greg notices there's lipstick on the wine glass which he checks for prints and Nick (George Eads) asks since when do steaks not come with a steak knife.  He moves the furniture and finds a necklace, a heart.  They both recognize it as Sara's.  The prints also match Sara.

DB tells them what Sara said and wants this case treated like any other, i.e. they follow the evidence.  It was so nice to see that it was mostly Greg and Nick who investigated this case and had her back especially since they're friends, and family as Greg reminds them.  They've known her for years and still managed to remain objective, whilst still believing in her innocence.  Also liked the way Finn (Elisabeth Shue) was in her corner after her little talk with Doc (Robert David Hall) and that she didn't judge her about any indiscretions she may have been involved in.  She understands, well she would, considering the state of her personal relationships, ha, that's it's okay to do such things if your husband's not around.  Hey that didn't come out right.  I wasn't meant to be condoning extra martial affairs or one night stands!  Then again Sara's divorced, but we don't know this yet.  Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) too takes the same stance of understanding.

Of course it would be left to Hodges (Wallace Langham) to show a different opinion, which is understandable, someone has to.  Especially when Morgan tells her what he's said.  Also liked the way he wouldn't let Sara into the lab, not for personal reasons, but cos he's just removed all traces of her from it so he can remain objective and not contaminate the evidence as he pulls a hair from her head.

As Nick and Greg process the CS, Sara is questioned by Crawford (Alimi Ballard).  He asks why she left so quickly.  Sara explaining she got a text from Gil (and what was in this text, we weren't told).   He shows her the phone records where she called Taylor at midnight for eight minutes.  She doesn't recall the call and tells him she took a sleeping bill.  Sleeping pill with booze, yeah that's a good combination.  Especially considering the past and how much trouble she got into after drinking and being arrested in one episode.  It's also recorded she returned to her room after two so there's almost three hours which can't be accounted for.

Greg finds a clump of Sara's hair in the shower drain (Sara shedding so much hair, it just looked like it had been cut straight from the head) as well as damp towels.   He wants to process the bed but the sheets are missing.  Morgan takes blood from Sara for a Tox screen.  Most of them think she cheated on Gil.  Finn tells her they've got her back and she should just go home.  When she arrives the dishwasher comes on and inside is the missing steak knife.    She tells Greg and Nick that someone is playing games with her.  Greg searches her house and finds an envelope with photos inside, showing her with Tyler outside and being very intimate.

Sara finally admits she met him two weeks ago and was shocked when he turned up at the restaurant.  The alcohol and drug levels in her blood are extremely high but she insists she only took one pill.    She finally comes clean and admits Gil is no longer her husband.  She didn't want to tell anyone.  Hodges finds the hair matches Sara's, as it would.  But that could have come from anywhere.  There was also a large amount of Zolpidem in her blood, which causes the person to forget.   Also leading to side effects such as sleep walking.  Sara sees her necklace on the monitor and asks Nick where that came from since she wasn't wearing it laat night.

She then says the necklace belonged to Edie and mentions Ronald Basderic (Adam J Harrington) the man stalking Edie from Frank's diner which they investigated a few months ago.  She meets Basderic and tells him she knows he's been stalking her, that he put the necklace there but this time she will get him.  He's aware of Sara being with Taylor and also how she hasn't told Gil she was with him.  She pushes him back out of anger.

Later she's taken ot the lab as she tries to get Basderic's phone records and sees him beaten up, claiming she did it.  Greg gets the footage which shows her pushing him, but that's the only camera and there's no other footage there of the actual beating.  Sara knows he did that on purpose so they couldn't see anything else.  Finn processes Sara and takes her clothes to analyze.  Nick and Greg are angry about her being arrested but Crawford tells them she's on the footage this time.  Nick questions Basderic  and Finn tells him there's no evidence of Sara beating Basderic and there should have been some sort of trace.  Thus he's making it up. Sara is released since he doesn't press charges and DB tells her to go home and is suspended.  Handing her a restraining order from Basderic.

She gets a call about her mother, Laura (Kay Lenz) who is in hospital for drinking again.  She had her moved to Vegas.  Sara then recalls her father and how he was stabbed seven times.  Her mother mentions Basderic coming to see her and Sara stabbing Taylor.  They find the sleeping pills had been tampered with, also Morgan finds the drain covers were swapped, the one taken from Sara's house was put into the hotel room.    Also Nick finds the hotel key could have been overridden providing Basderic with easy access.  Greg also matches Basderic's clothes to a capped man at the hotel on camera, both have coffee stains on his trouser leg and he's wearing the same shoes.  Greg works out what Basderic did with the other Vics too and realizes Basderic is trying to kill Sara and then will claim self defence.

Sara sits outside his house and doesn't answer Greg's call.  Nick and Crawford confront Basderic and take his gun whilst they talk.  Nick tells him he won't let him hurt Sara and Crawford gives him back the gun.  He returns home where Sara confronts him and he shoots at her, firing blanks, cos Crawford swapped the gun magazine.  Saw that coming.  Basderic hacked her e-mails and paid off Taylor to be with her.  Even paying for dessert.  Sara recorded Basderic's admission.

Sara returns to work and Nick and Greg tell her she should have come to them.  Nick adding through her they were tying to hold onto Gil.  They will always be here for her.

Sara was arrested for drinking in Bloodlines and yet she still manages to turn to drink even after she sees firsthand what it's done to her mother.  Sara telling her mother she's fine was her putting up a brave front cos she didn't want her to worry.  Since her mother would like to get to know her.  Thought of the episode with Catherine, Weeping Willows where Catherine's 'date' was accused of murder.

Brass (Paul Guilfoyle) wasn't in this episode cos he would have been too close to Sara to investigate but also showing that Crawford can do just as well, when he tells DB he wasn't entirely honest with him, that he's a detective now, but has been a cop for a while and knows how to read between the lines and DB tells him he told him everything they found, he focuses on evidence not 'reading between the lines'.  DB leaving the investigation to the other CSIs, especially those who are close to her but that doesn't matter since they will do the right thing.  Enjoyed this episode.  Strange Sara didn't want to go out with her former NTSB boyfriend when investigating the plane crash but she preferred to go out with a stranger.  Well suppose it was cos her marriage is finally over.  As Nick tells her, if it's over, it's over, there's no point dwelling on it!

Sara saying she didn't want to tell them since she didn't believe it herself.  probably only ended up getting divorced since William Petersen wasn't in the show, maybe things would have been different if he still was.
Finn and her usual shallow comments, ha; "I figured he'd have to be really good looking to get Sara's interest."
Doc: "'re talking about people we know."  Then asks if they're Team Sidle or Team Grissom?
Doc: "I see no reason why we can't protect both."

One niggle though Sara knows the team are good at what they do and they eventually find out what really happened, so why lie about only meeting Taylor now?  They won't judge her, except Hodges as Morgan puts it, "might as well have cheated on God, in Hodges' eyes you pretty much did."

Monday, 3 June 2013

Revenge 2.22 "Truth" Part 2 Review

Continuing on from the explosion, everyone looks up to Grayson Global, there's a moment of silence when a chair falls to the ground.  Didn't that look a little like a plane seat, ha.  Maybe it was just me.  Nolan (Gabriel Mann) catches up to Emily (Emily VanCamp) who hasn't found Jack (Nick Wechsler).  Nolan will need to return to the office and locate Jack's phone.  Emily gets to the office and doesn't find Jack but someone's in the rubble.  That could only be one person - Declan (Connor Paolo).  Yet they didn't ask what he was doing there?  Since Charlotte (Christa B Allen) said she was with Daniel (Josh Bowman).  Only in the first part when Jack arrived someone was in the office but Jack didn't go in.  The Grayson's arrive, well Conrad (Henry Czerny) to take full advantage of the tragedy and Ashley (Ashley Madekwe) comments they should wait for the first responders.  Conrad "we are the first responders."

Daniel searches for Emily who comes out of the building claiming she was looking for him.  Jack arrives at Nolan's saying he got his message not to go to Grayson Global.  He got a text from Ashely so think she was behind it.  Charlotte sees Declan on the stretcher.  Nolan also calls Aiden (Barry Sloane) about what's happened and he arrives in search of Emily where Daniel sees him and tells the police he's the one who has info about the explosion.  But he gets away.  Conrad thinks Jack is dead so he can't be seen but Emily takes him to the hospital and gets him a nurse's uniform whilst she distracts Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) and Charlotte.  She's here for Charlotte when Victoria wants to know why she's here.  Well why was she here.  Declan tells Jack about the baby and Carl will now have a cousin.

Charlotte has her final moments with Declan when he tells her she'll make a good mother and that he wants the baby, well she'll have no choice now.  Aiden waits for Emily who tells him to leave.  It wasn't the same with Jack she tells him and a lot of things have happened since then.  She doesn't want to leave with him since she doesn't believe it will ever be over for her.  He gives her the keys to their villa in Italy for when she does leave.  Obviously he won't leave cos that'd be too easy.

Ashley tells Jack it must have been Conrad who sent the text after Victoria must have told him about Jack and he wanted to take him out, so he must have set the bomb.  Daniel tells Conrad about the money going missing and now they are penniless.  But he gives him a whole speech about how the Grayson's have their name and they will start again. He then admits he was the one behind the bombing and he knew about it.  Conrad wants Victoria at his side since he's now Governor elect.  Though it appears he tells Victoria the whole truth about the Initiative and how it doesn't exist.  It's just a consortium of business people who make money out of misery really.  Investments in security companies increased after flight 197 and they were ready to reap the rewards.  If she leaves him she'll be a penniless skank she always was.

Daniel packs for Paris after Emily tells Victoria the two children she has want nothing to do with her and that Charlotte will also be leaving with them possibly.  She sees the news when Aiden is arrested, well for someone who evaded the Grayson's for so long he became a little sloppy in getting caught like that.  Daniel hates anyone getting their life torn apart and knows Aiden wasn't behind the bomb.  Nolan searches for Jack and sees Decaln at the hospital where the doctor tells him they'll be prepping him for heart surgery.  He didn't want to tell Charlotte that since he wanted to leave her with a good memory.  Nolan will always be there for Jack.  Question is who will be there for Nolan?

Jack comes to the hospital and sees the empty bed with Nolan in tears.  Declan left him a message on his phone, his farewell to him.  Jack loses it and Nolan calls Emily who thinks he'll go after Conrad.  No he chooses Victoria first who tries to tell him she wasn't behind the bombing.  Then says he should shoot her.  He wants her to suffer. She should break the news to Charlotte gently but she doesn't tell her.

Emily arrives at the party as Conrad is about to go on and give his victory speech.  Ashley gave Jack a press pass.  Conrad isn't at all remorseful, well he wouldn't be.  Aiden waits at the beach house  Having been released by the FBI since they arrest Nolan and Daniel turns up for Emily.  They fight when he tells him Daniel won't be getting her.  Look another gun in a season finale.  Don't think Aiden is dead though as Daniel turns up hiding the blood on his his shirt.  That's too deja vu season 1.  Especially since Takeda was no match for Aiden.
That bit with Padma (Dilshad Vadsaria) and the video she made is revealed now, see most people forgot about that so I'm glad it was finally revealed.  Oh no poor Nolan for all the help he's been to everyone, Padma courtesy of Trask lands him in hot water.  When the FBI take him in for questioning instead and release Aiden.  So the FBI will be taking the word of a thief, Edith Lee/Falcon then instead of investigating all possibilities.  So is Padma really dead I don't know, have this feeling she's not.

Daniel stands by Conrad who feigns a tribute to Declan as Jack watches from the shadows.  Emily finds him.  Victoria opens the door to Patrick.  Emily reaches Jack in time and tells him not to throw isr life away over her mistakes.  That he knows who she really is but he didn't look at her.  Flashbacks to her as a child.   Emily: "Jack look at me.  Deep down you have always known the truth.  I'm Amanda Clarke."

Finally she tells Jack which has been a long time coming.  Only fitting he be told the truth since he's lost Amanda and now Declan too.  Didn't he already suffer enough and now to have his brother taken away... which pails in comparison to losing Sammy last season.  She stops Jack from killing Conrad but will she come to regret that too next season since he was behind all the misery and killings just for the sake of profit.  She stopped Jack from having his moment of revenge just as she seeks hers.  Maybe they'll join together as they have more than a mutual agenda now.

But Nolan being framed as Americon Initiative is too preposterous especially since all they had to go on were the tapes of him meeting with  David in prison.  SO he withheld info in the disappearance of Padma but that doesn't make him a terrorist.  Anyway as I keep harping on about it no one actually saw Padma's DB, did Aiden actually see if she was dead when he found her.  Maybe she and Aiden are in cahoots.  See what they make me do in this show, speculate plenty.  We'll have to wait until January to watch.  All those spoilers have to avoid when the show returns in the US.

See Ashley did a bit of a turn around for the books in actually seeming genuine when she was disgusted at Conrad's actions.  Also she was going to play Nate's tape at his speech.  Wonder what will happen with that now.  Probably not much since he's elected there'll be a lot for him to do.  Turns out he was even more despicable than Victoria, hey?  Or do they deserve each other?  There's that flashback when Helen makes Conrad that offer inside jail which he goes along.  It was too much for him to resist.  Victoria didn't really get to do much against him for lying to her about Daniel and committing murder.  Not that she hadn't murdered anyone before.  Maybe Patrick will be her ally.

Victoria: "You will soon learn there there are limits to what a woman will endure for appearances...whatever your reasons are for marrying him, you'll never convince me it's for love." Victoria telling Emily they are alike.  As her reasons for marrying Conrad were purely financial.  So she has a certain instinct when it comes to Emily and her 'feelings' for Daniel.  So it'll be a long seven months for us waiting for Revenge to be had...

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Once Upon A Time 2.9 "Queen of Hearts" Review

Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) comes to rescue Belle (Emilie de Ravin) when she's being held in Regina's (Lana Parrilla) castle and he kills the guard.  He's not a slave "I'm a captain."  He wants info from Belle, who's been counting the days of her captivity on the wall of her cell.  Hook wants to stop the Dark One and she wants to talk to him as he's not a monster.  She doesn't know how to kill him, so he's not here to rescue her since she can't help him.  "So pretty, but so useless."  Regina says she's not useless.  Regina refuses to return his hook to him.  She knows all about him and what he wants to do to Rumples (Robert Carlyle). Regina can help him kill Rumples if he does something for her.  That being going to Wonderland through Jefferson's hat portal and killing Cora (Barbara Hershey).  She tells him about the curse and "a land without magic" so he won't need any magical weapons to kill Rumples.  Cora isn't to follow her there.

Charming (Josh Dallas) needs true love' kiss and won't wake until Snow returns.  Gold thinks that's optimistic of hRegina, saying "until" she returns.  None of them want Cora to return.  They must destroy the portal so they can summon magic between the two of them and stop Cora.  If they stop Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Emma (Jennifer Morrison) Regina becomes Henry's (Jared S Gilmore) mother.  She doesn't want to lie to Henry.  She must prove it if she wants to be better.

Snow et al arrive at Rumple's cell where Aurora (Sarah Bolger) finds a scroll with "Emma" written several times on it.  Henry reads to Charming and Regina tells him it will happen.  She needs to prepare for their return.  Gold takes Regina to the mine and takes all the diamonds and the dust with a dead fairy's wand.  Regina returns Hook's hook (ha) after enchanting it to rip out one heart, Cora's.  Which explains why he was able to take Aurora's heart.  SO at least that question was resolved.    He has to take back Claude, the dead guard to Wonderland, "one goes in, one comes back..."etc

Cora reveals herself as the Queen of Hearts, which is who I said she was in an earlier review.  Hook is unable to take her heart as she's protected herself and doesn't keep her heart inside of her.  But she reaches for his and he's made to tell her everything.  Disappointed she didn't use her "off with his head line" here as she did with Jefferson.  So Cora took Jefferson's heart.  "when you hold a heart, you have the power."

Aurora throws the ink pot and seals them in Rumple's cell.  She's helping Cora.  Cora was wrong when she says Rumples couldn't escape from the cell. Actually he didn't want to escape.  Said that too.  Since he knew about the ink all along so he just wanted to wait and see the product of "true love."  That being Emma.
Hook says he wouldn't have abandoned Emma on the beanstalk and shows her the bean, a souvenir of his conquest and a symbol of hope and magic.  Hook to Emma, "Dried up, dead useless, much like you."  Yes loved that line, ha.  Oh another thought, could Hook have been taking about Emma her also, since it turns out she has magic.  Then again how would he know?

Grumpy/Leroy (Lee Arenberg) calls Ruby (Meghan Ory) and shows her the empty mine.   Emma blames herself for getting them into trouble, that's true. She realizes it was Gold's plan for her to break the curse.  Cora takes Hook to Lake Nostros where they will cross into Storybrooke.  She uses magic to make the water flow again.  Hook asks for honour for her to kill him.  Regina should have killed her herself.  Cora used Hook too, so he was used by both mother and daughter. She can give him what he wants.  Seems everyone knows of Hook's vendetta aginst Gold except for Gold himself.  She says the curse will make him forget but she'll help him remember.   Hook brings back Cora's DB and Regina says goodbye.  So who's heart did Hook give her?  Or didn't Regina ask for one.  She recalls Cora telling her "love is a weakness."  Regina loves her and she's her weakness.  Her grip on "my heart is just too strong" and she can't be weak for what she must do regarding the curse.

Hook returns and they set their plan into motion since Regina will need Cora in Storybrooke to pick up the pieces.  Also they must protect themselves from the curse.  She uses magic to leave a part of the Enchanted Forest protected by a 'dome'.  The curse will end in 28 years.  He'll be frozen with all those in this corner of the land.  Regina "will lose everything and that's when she'll truly need me."  As Henry is taken from her again.

They get to the well and await for Cora.  Snow realizes the ink is on the scroll and how she watched Cora practise magic.  "The spells were in the book."  Snow blows the words onto the cell and they escape.  Mulan  (Jamie Chung) will retrieve Aurora's heart.  Cora opens the portal.  There's a fight at the lake and Emma gets the better of Hook with a punch. What are you man or pirate, getting knocked out like that.  Mulan leaves Snow her sword as it deflects magic.

Emma and Hook's little tete a tete or heart to heart may appeal to fans.  Especially when he enjoys other activities when a woman is under him.  Emma takes the compass.   Hook catches Aurora's heart from falling in.  He can't have a woman lose her heart "unless it's over me."  Well he's captured many a hearts.  Snow tells Emma "good always wins."  Just as Cora tries to take Snow's heart, Emma steps in and she tries to take Emma's heart. But she can't.  Emma contradicts her by telling her "love is strength."

Henry wants Regina to stop but Cora will destroy everything she loves, including Henry and she can't let her.  Regina and her favourite word again, "destroy" you.  Should be her catchphrase.    Henry wants Regina ot have faith in him and Regina stops the magic, allowing them to return.  Emma thanks Regina and so does Henry.

Gold thinks he owes Emma an apology but she wants to know how he knew about her.  He didn't create her, she was the product of true love.  But he did set in motion those events and he needed them to find those things in the cell.  He created the curse and took advantage of what she is.  So she's powerful and done everything for herself.  Cora tried to rip her heart out and failed cos of magic and he didn't do that either.  Mulan and Aurora go in search of Phillip.

Hook and Cora arrive in Storybrooke as he uses the rejuvenating powers of the lake where he throws in the magic bean and it brings them through on his ship.  Well his ship is necessary for things to proceed as it will come into play later in the season.  Funny Emma didn't tell Gold about Hook and his revenge, well she doesn't think he'll come here.

It was kind of a good twist seeing Cora wants to help Regina whereas Regina doesn't want her setting foot in Storybrooke.  Of course it could all still be just a rouse, but imagine if they teamed up, what a formidable force they'd make, much to Gold's dismay!  Emma is revealed as having magic too which does make her a savior but not in the sense she thinks.

Many will be pleased with Snow and Charming reuniting with true love's kiss since they found each other as they always do.  Emma also thanking Regina but she's left all alone and Gold's words are no comfort that they may invite her to dinner one day.  Especially since right now she's all alone and vulnerable and would easily be manipulated by Cora and become evil again, just for the sake of it.  Though she would have kept Emma from Henry here as she did last season.

Hey just thought in last season's ep where Jefferson wanted Emma to make another magic hat, he knew she had magic already and she only now realizes this is true in season 2.  Just thinking of the possibilities they could have had with Jefferson still in the show, gosh darn  it!

Can't help noticing they've been alluding to Pirates of the Carribean a lot throughout as well.  Well there's the compass, the ship, Hook of course and there were little nuances of Captain Jack Sparrow in this ep of the show that Hook displayed.  The way he said "gentleman...pirate;"  he wouldn't let a lady lose her heart and so on.  Yes there is more which I'll reveal in posts later on.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Matt Smith Bids Farewell to Doctor Who

So it's official, Matt Smith has confirmed he will be leaving Doctor Who after the Christmas Special.  That's a little heartbreaking since we had gotten so used to him playing the role now.  He excelled in the role after taking on the mantle from David Tennant and fast became one of my fave Doctors.  Okay, David was my first fave, but Matt kind of took over.  This is disappointing since he did confirm he'd be back for a series 8!

His funny antics, serious moods and just unsurmountable energy brought something special to each episode.  WE laughed with him, cried with him and he made bow ties cool and the Fez too!  Matt played the role since 2010 and brought to the screen a special kind of Doctor.  Admittedly he was the youngest so he had quite a lot to live up to with those that had gone before.  He said it was an "honour" to play the Doctor.  That it was his "most brilliant experience as an actor" which he put down to his fans, cast and crew.  Jenna-Louise Coleman will still continue as Clara.

Matt said: "thank you so very much for supporting my incarnation of the Time Lord, number Eleven..."
Stephen Moffat also paid tribute to Matt's time on the show, adding, "every day on every episode, in every set of rushes Matt Smith surprised me.  The way he'd turn a line or spin on his heels...or out of nowhere make me cry...he is one of the nicest and hard-working people I have ever had the privilege of knowing."

Going on to say: "...this Christmas prepare for your hearts to break, as we say goodbye to number Eleven.  Thank you Matt, bow ties were never cooler."  Yes our hearts will break just as they did for David before him.

SO the search will continue for someone to fill Matt's shoes.  Some fans now want an older actor in the role, so it's open for anyone to play him.  This will be the Twelfth regeneration and some have also questioned how long the show can continue.  Right now no 'older' actor springs to mind for me, how about you?  Leave a comment as to who you'd like to see as the next Doctor.  But I thought of Colin Morgan who did a superb portrayal of Merlin and would have a different approach to the role, as well as plenty of energy and pizzazz.  He would really make the character his own.  Well the beautiful Benedict Cumberbatch is otherwise occupied! Of course there could be a reverse regeneration to allow David to return; remember there's still a double of him out there with Rose (Billy Piper).  Yes I hear shouts of Colin Firth too.

WHOever takes on the part will have the time of their lives no doubt, as long as it's someone we can all warm too as well...

Friday, 31 May 2013

Sherlock "The Great Game" Review

Funny intro with Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch) with the killer who thinks he'll help him, though he did have time to give him a lesson in proper grammar, before he was hanged.  Then finding out Watson (Martin Freeman) has a blog and Sherlock doesn't know anything about the stars or the earth is round.  Which was obviously going to come into play later on otherwise it wouldn't have been mentioned, the stars that is.

Sherlock is bored and can't contain his boredom, resorting to firing Watson's gun inside.  Mrs Hudson (Una Stubbs) wasn't happy with seeing her wall like that.  Mycroft  (Mark Gatiss) wants him to take on a case involving national security but he's too busy for that, mundane work.  As he tries to annoy with his violin.
                                       "Ah, precious..."

Mycroft gives the file to Watson  concerning the disappearance of some Ministry of Defence files, only he doesn't tell Watson that straight off.  Watson leaves and there's an explosion outside.  He spent the night on Sarah's (Zoe Telford) sofa, not lilo as Sherlock refers to it.  It's put down to a gas leak but it's more than that, it's a bomb explosion.  All this being done to catch Sherlock's attention of course.  Lestrade (Rupert Graves) calls and wants him on the case.  Someone left a letter for him, a note, which he works out is written in a lady's hand and the paper is Czech, Bohemian.  That was the Czech connection.

Inside is a phone which is pink, similar to the phone from the first episode but not the same.  Someone's gone to a lot of trouble to make it look the same.  It rings and there are five pips.  Which he puts down to a message as secret societies used to send a message with melon pips or orange pips.  There's a photo of a fireplace which he recognizes as being the one at the house.  It's the downstairs flat which Mrs Hudson can't let out.  Inside are a pair of trainers.  Needing to analyze these he returns to St Bart's and examines the pollen.  Molly (Louise Brealey) comes in along with Jim (Andrew Scott) from IT who wants to meet him.  Sherlock mumbling "gay" under his breath.  He drops a dish and leaves behind his card as Sherlock tells her.  He's rather abrupt as we know and she leaves in tears.  After giving her a blow by blow account of his underwear, his dyed eyebrows, and he uses hair product.  As does Watson, but at least he washes his hair.  He's saving her the trouble of finding out later.

Sherlock asks Watson to describe what he sees on the trainers and he notices the name inside and how they've been kept clean.  Sherlock finds pollen unique to a specific area.  When they leave he recalls the case about Carl, a missing boy who was later found dead.  He noticed he left his clothes at the pool but his shoes weren't found.  The police refused to listen.  The woman with explosives strapped around her reads out a message for him from a pager.  When he solves the case about who the boy is she's freed.  But he didn't find out who killed him though so that wasn't consistent with what the bomber wanted him to do  Other than the fact Sherlock linked the bomber to also being the killer.

The next pip is a photo of a car and Sherlock is called on the other line.  Sally (Vinette Robinson) referring to Sherlock as "freak." The man saying he knows he went to the police.  This leads to an abandoned car with blood on the seat.  The missing man was probably a banker as Sherlock infers, what another one, and his wife (Deborah Moore) arrives at the scene.  Sherlock feigns being his friend and his tears too.  Though he does cry since he wipes his tears afterwards.  She tells him more than she thinks as he uses the past tense to talk about her husband and she follows suit, but they haven't even found the body yet.

The caller tells him Janus Cars is a clue.  Since the car dealer's called Janus Cars and he was connected to the wife.  Sherlock asks for change to use the cigarette machine and notices his wallet.  He had a note from Columbia, was tanned.   Thus he disposed of the bankers DB in Columbia.  Janus being the God of two faces as Watson says.  Surprised no one saw that man standing in Piccadilly like that as suspicious and what happened to all that CCTV too.

Third Vic is a blind woman who calls and he has to look into the murder of a TV personality, Connie Prince (Di Botcher) who made people over.  Watson watches her show with Mrs Hudson.  There are scratches on her arms and the cut is made after she was already dead.  But no one noticed the botox injection marks, well Sherlock did , but didn't put them together right away.  Okay he did but not that we were meant to know this just yet.  He sends Watson to her brother's, Kenny (John Sessions) to question him and Watson notices the cat.  Also the gardener Raoul (Stefano Braschi) who kept the house spotless as Sherlock tells him.  The cat has disinfectant on its paws but Sherlock tells him she was killed by botox and Raoul did it.  Sherlock's Home office contact the Home Secretary owed him a favour and found Raoul had been ordering botox from the Internet.  He also finds that Carl's shoelaces were laced with botox.  He had eczema so was on medication.  He went swimming and was paralyzed, causing him to drown.  The blind woman (Rita Davies) tries to talk about the mysterious man but is killed.  She lives in a flat so 12 others are also killed.

The other case, well Sherlock waits for the call and sits around watching trashy TV.  He's sent a photo of the skyline and the river.  Looking at various reports which turn up nothing he asks if there has been anything found at the river.  Here there's a DB which he deduces was a security guard and that the Vermeer painting due to go on display is a fake.  That's not enough though.  Sherlock deducing he was killed by an assassin, a Golem (John Lebar).  Watson finds out about the guard as he's been reported missing and that he's a star gazer, another clue.  Also professor Cairns (Lynn Farleigh) called for him.   Sherlock uses his 'homeless network' to find out his whereabouts.  Would have called them his "Holmes network."  Hope you got that pun.

This leads them to the professor where once again Sherlock is attacked and almost strangled by the Golem.  Yes Watson you should have shot him like he told you to. He escapes though and isn't caught.  Heading to the museum, Sherlock tells the caller the painting is a fake but he needs more time.  The boy is given 10 seconds and then he finally gets it.  The Van Buren comet painted wouldn't have been around in the sixteenth century.  So he knows his comets but not his stars.  Hey you can't get a view of the London nightsky so clear.

Also they solve the Westie (San Shella) murder, killed by his fiance, Lucy (Lauren Crace) brother since he was a drug dealer and stole the stick.  Disposing the DB on top of  a train but it fell off when the points changed on the track.  Which pleases Mycroft who threatens Sherlock with another knighthood.

It's not all over yet as there's still one more pip left.  Watson leaves to visit Sarah but doesn't get there.  As Sherlock finds him at the pool with explosives around him.  Cue Jim Moriarty but he's not after the memory stick.  He wants to kill Sherlock but not yet.  He leaves after much conversation and his Westwood suit and Watson is saved, remarking how it would be suspicious if anyone saw how quickly Sherlock ripped his clothes off in a dark pool.  But it's not over since Moriarty returns and this time has several snipers trained on them.  Leaving Sherlock with only one blow up the explosives by shooting at them.  But that's for another series...

SO the phone battery didn't die, unless of course the phone was charged without us knowing.  But hey Sherlock doesn't need to charge a phone, that'd be Watson's area.  Continuity here again with A Study in Pink since we got the pink phone again and Watson blogging about this case.  Pink phone had to turn up since Moriarty has been watching every move and the blog.  A bit creepy if you think about it.  Sherlock watching Watson when he went on his case, Moriarty watching Sherlock.

Obviously Jim was so obvious and not just on fourth viewing.  Should have worked that out with his name, Jim, but too busy engrossed in Sherlock to have been paying attention.  Also when Molly introduced him as the IT guy, he's big on that as we saw last episode too. But glad they brought up Sherlock's character here with Watson thinking he's cold and just doesn't care about people.  He does his job cos he's bored and using his brain will alleviate that boredom.  He's not normal in that sense and so wouldn't do 'normal' things.  Still love his "shut up" line.  He's heartless which is brought up again at the end when he finally meets Moriarty face to face, with introductions this time round of course.  Adding some say he hasn't got a heart.

Disproved since he does try to save Watson, okay not just tries but wants to, has to.  Just like he does save the others too.  Guess Watson showed he had the bigger heart in that he held Moriarty to him and wanted Sherlock to leave, which he didn't.  Moriarty, criminal for hire, "criminal consultant" had a nice ring to it, being the polar opposite of Sherlock.  The only "consulting detective."

There was so much happening in this episode.  The five puzzles to solve, the Andrew West case, all linked, had to be.  Sherlock using his "science of Deduction" website.  Also notice he didn't eat again in the cafe, but Watson did.  Those nicotine patches must curb hunger pangs.  Moriarty wanting Sherlock to "burn!"  Also Sherlock with both hands on his hips after telling Molly Jim is gay! ha.

"Catch you later" was funny with it's double meaning.  He did catch him and we did too in series 2.  Watson and his "gottle of geer..." Already used in Doctor Who, The God Complex, with the ventriloquist's dummy.  Ohh bit of a rehash there.  Considering Mark Gatiss was also in that episode too!

It wasn't that much of a wait for series 2, not as long as we're having to wait for series 3!

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

CSI 13.14 "Exile" Review

A singer performs at a club whilst a woman is beaten and killed.  Silvana (Sandra Vergara) and Antonio Jaramillo) find her DB in Silvana's dressing room.  Nick (George Eads) confirms this isn't the primary CS as there isn't any blood here.  Also Marta (Alexandra Manea) has been dressed in an outfit from Silvana's wardrobe.  David (David Berman) finds evidence of blunt force trauma and TOD is about six hours ago.  Marta was Silvana's sister so DB (Ted Danson) wants to know why Marta was dressed in Silvana's clothes and made to look in her mirror.  He sees a photo on the wall with blood and behind it is a message in Spanish reading , "Silvana eres la proxima," that Silvan is next, well Nick has to translate it.  Silvana tells DB that Marta went shopping and designed her costumes.

Greg (Eric Szmanda) and Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) arrive at the scene where protesters stand outside protesting about Cuba.  Greg says she's a famous singer in Cuba and Morgan wonders why she hasn't heard of her.  Well Greg is a bit of an afficianado on music, all kinds.  Their manager, Antonio tells Officer Crawford (Alimi Ballard) wait he's a detective now as he's no longer in uniform; that they both received death threats.  So he was their security.  Crawford also noticed that he had a government official stamp on his passport.  So he was here to ensure they returned back to Cuba and was their handler.  Antonio talks about Eddie Santos (Castulo Guerro) and how he's been following them all round Vegas.

Morgan finds traces of a black substance on the floor, there's also a fibre near the chair and more that lead to the back door of the alley where outside there's a trash disposal and inside Morgan finds the sack that was used to move Marta's DB.  Yes, but why dump it there and not take it to dump elsewhere.  Okay jumping the gun here, but I suspected Silvana already. Just wanted to make that clear.

Sara (Jorga Fox) questions Estefan (Ignacio Serricchio) who owns the club and he has no security cameras working except the one at the cash register.  Sara reprimanding him for this as he thinks money is more important than the people.   He doesn't like the protesters and he's Cuban American.  His parents came here when he was 11.  Sara tells him to fix the cameras or he won't be going on with the show.

Doc (Robert David Hall) calls Finn (Elisabeth Shue) to autopsy and she asks him about the music he's paying.  He went to Cuba 15 years ago for a forensics symposium and he could tell her a story or two but tells her about Marta.  She has signs of torture where the hands and feet are tied, he calls it hog tying, then made to sit on a chair and beaten.  When in Cuba he was told this technique is used by the police.  There are signs Marta had sex and he finds a piece of metal embedded in her foot.

Ecklie (Marc Vann) waits for Hodges (Wallace Langham) to confront him about Morgan writing a deposition for his immigration approval and hopes that he doesn't let her down.  As his supervisor he should have come to him and even his mother is angry about him not telling her.  SO they're still dating then.  Hodges tells DB the black residue is oil and the metal is coated in chrome, both leading to an auto shop.  There's only three places that do this and one is near to the club.  Here Brass (Paul Guilfoyle) and Nick find the shop open and inside is evidence of Marta being tortured here.  Eddie arrives and is arrested.

Eddie is known as the face of the Cuban exiles and he was following them around, as he says it's a free country but he didn't kill her or rape her.  He freely gives his DNA.  Thought Nick and Brass were a bit heavy handed in their interrogation, sure he's a suspect but he's old and may not be guilty after all.  Henry (Jon Wellner) finds his DNA doesn't match to the rape kit but there's a secondary match, either to a sibling or to someone like a nephew.  DB thinks if Greg's friend Diane was here she could have looked up the family history but Greg knows enough to do that for himself.

Doc finds Marta's lungs were cherry red inside thus meaning she was poisoned and then beaten up at the same time.  Sara looks at her phonebills and finds three calls made to a number in Washington DC.  She's thinking CIA when access is denied to the caller.  Nick still has his dog and has to bring him to work.  Hodges tells him about Elisabetta and Morgan's deposition.  Nick is looking forward to meeting her.  He says he would have agreed to vouch for him.  Hodges finds Marta was fed cassava leaves.  They're used for medicinal purposes when handled correctly otherwise they can release cyanide into the bloodstream.

Greg finds out about the Santos family tree, finding an army photo from 1973, showing that Eddie was in the army under a General Cuerto, he was Silvana's and Marta's grandfather.  Eddie and some other man made a remark about the general having black market connections and found themselves in prison where they were tortured for six years by him.  So they think this is a feud between the two families.  Eddie's sister married and had a son called Estefan who is Eddie's nephew.  Morgan and Greg tell him about finding his DNA on Eddie's couch where he assaulted Marta when Silvana is rehearsing and she collapses.

Silvana ends up in hospital, this is where Silvana was confirmed as the killer for me.  She also has the same symptoms of cyanide poisoning but in her case the method of ingestion was different.  Hodges finds she was given capsules or took them inadvertently without realizing they were poisoned.  Greg found a bottle of Tilo and so the prints on the bottle and capsules are checked.  They match Antonio.  He of course was the 'patsy' as they say and set up by Silvana to take the fall.   Estefan says he loved Marta and couldn't hurt her.  He knew the sisters when he was younger and they were friends.  Eddie's place was where they could meet in secret.  Silvana tells DB she shouldn't have come here and none of this would have happened but she wanted to be a star here.  Also that he should find who killed Marta.  Another giveaway she was behind the murder.  Marta dies and she survives.  Don't think so.

Morgan gives Hodges Silvana's stomach contents and he gets a call from immigration confirming the approval of the Green card.  He has ninety days within which to get married.  Morgan wishes him well but clearly she's not happy to hear that and walks off in a bit of a huff.  Ecklie spoke to the State Department and was told the sisters were defecting to the US, giving more motive for Antonio to be behind the killing.  Crawford tells them Antonio took Silvana from the hospital and they're at the hotel room.  When he arrives a gunshot is heard and they see Antonio standing over Estefan with a gun.  With Silvana in the bathroom saying Antonio tried to kill her.

Antonio claims self defence.  Estefan had the gun and did you see how fast Silvana ran into the bathroom and closed the door!  Greg finds another fibre on the floor and on the air conditioning vent.  Inside is a bag with blood, the leaves and the rope used to tie Marta.  The blood matches Marta and the bag belongs to Antonio.  So why would he keep the evidence anyway if he was the killer.  Antonio admits the Tilo was his but he's being framed.  Hodges double checks all the evidence and then tells DB he found some evidence which belongs to an old Chevy.  They immediately think Eddie since he was driving an old car but his car hasn't been cleaned.  DB them notices the photo with Silvana, behind her is a car.  The assistant told them he hadn't seen anyone return such a clean hire car before.

DB confronts Silvana who confesses she was in love with Estefan but Marta took him from her.  She'd kill her again is only she could bring Estefan back.  DB plays song lyrics to her about love for Estefan.  Also how she would get redemption, but DB tells her there wont be any redemption for her here.

I'm sure that part about the song lyrics being a giveaway has been done before but at the moment I can't recall where I've seen it before.  Probably another CSI episode of one of the shows.  This one was a little lacklustre of an episode in that it wasn't too original.  It's not the first time a sibling has killed another over love.  Was it me or did Hodges look as though he may be having second thoughts about the marriage, especially since the language barrier is one aspect, but everyone also keeps bringing up the marriage as does Morgan, who really isn't as happy for him as she makes out to be.

Nice continuity there with Greg twice over, first with his knowing about music and having heard of Silvana too.  Then with the knowledge he's acquired from seeing Diane at work with family trees.  Perhaps an episode which would have been more at home in CSI:Miami and one where Det Carlos Moreno (Enrique Murciano) would have been good in.