Sunday, 25 September 2022

Ghost Adventures "Old Bullion Plaza School"


Zak mentions an old mining town of Miami Arizona, there to investigate the school of the title and what happened there over the years.  1860's silver was discovered leading to Miami, Arizona being built.  Bullion Plaza in 1923 was set up for for Mexican and Apache children showing segregation was still rife.  Students were beaten if they spoke in their native language.  Tom tells him the building is haunted - why else would you be there, dude!  A museum is in the school building now and he tells him of one documented death.  A man was already dead between the second and first floor.  No cause of death.  A lot of mystery surrounds the school and a lot of activity.  Zak carries out a visual exercise for the viewers to imagine the school in operation.  Zak introduces himself to the building.  I don't hear the talking maybe the camera didn't capture it.  I've listened over and also I just heard a knock.  

He conducts an EVP session by the stairs.  Some voices are captured.  First voice says "up over there." ??  Possibly telling Zak where he is.  Second EVP: "Alright"??  After the "yes" which sounds like a different voice; it says something like "what the f*ck are you doing here?"  Or something along those lines.  Tom tells them about a girl on the stairs he saw her and she giggled when he's been here.  Zak feels a cold breeze.  Zak does some singing to the little girl "I like to play with toys, I brought my boys..." sounds a bit rude doesn't it!! Ha.  Aaron tries a rap OMG!  On the top floor.  Tom has an arrangement with them that they don't come to his office after dark and he doesn't cross the room to the other side.  He's sensitive and at his age he can do without the hassle.  "Who's here in the hallway?"  Zak asks and he gets a gruff scream on the recorder.  The voice also says "...and a murder."  Was this the old man referring to himself?

Aaron hears a girl on the stairs, didn't hear anything.  But strangely Aaron hears it as if that song had an effect.  The sensor downstairs went off.  Zak feels something by the door.  Like a child telling him something bad happened.  Tom says someone else picked up the same energy in the closet.  Zak feels sad as though he was one of the children brutalized in the closet.  

Billy and Aaron go down to the basement talking with a paranormal investigator.  As Zak talks to another woman, a kindergarten teacher, Iris.  She was possessed in the video by a child she thinks.  The 'child' was channelling through her.  She gets emotional when recalling what happened to them.  Rita tells them of how she's always weary there.  She believes that bad things have happened to children.  Iris mentions they were brought down to the basement and were forced to do things and killed.  Zak wonders if their spirits are trapped here.  Rita mentions a paedophile teacher who used to harm children.  She caught a shadow figure and it turned up in the photo.  She shows them a photo of three children they caught.  

You know they actually look like they have faces and are surrounded by other faces too.Aaron says they look like they're shackled.  Jay gets scratched on his body near his neck.  The basement resident doesn't want them here investigating.  

Zak and Aaron stay in the main building and Jay and Billy go down to the basement.  Aaron asks for the 'girl' to reappear.  Zak sees a child-like doll and they don't know how it got there.  The motion infra red tracker cam detects something.  Zak gets a figure on the XLS.  A black rectangle appears and blocks out the figure.  To me it looked like when something bad is censored and you're not meant to see it, it's blanked out.  That's what happened here.  The figure touches Aaron.  Using the Trifield meter, Zak sees if the electromagnet energy is high.   On the second floor a female voice is caught on the spirit box.  Saying something like "are you finding a book?" ??  But they're not actually there when it happens.

Zak locks Aaron in the closet with the chair.  The way Zak says Aaron "voluntarily" enters the closet. Though he doesn't get anything inside.  He gets another voice on the spirit device.  Zak investigates the other side of the building alone.  He recites the Spanish alphabet as he recalls it.  On the static cam he captures a drawer opening by itself.  Maybe a spirit, maybe a Poltergeist? 

Billy feels something touched him in the head.  Jay asks him the same thing.  They hear a bang.  Jay captures an anomaly that looks like it's running from him as it goes round the corner.  Could it be a child getting back at being harmed.  They hear a moaning.  A rattling sound is heard.  They ask if something's trying to scare them.  Some planks of wood.  Billy says to knock something off the table.  They hear a metallic scratchy sound like a door.  It's like a small entrance to a concealed boiler/pipes room.  Wonder what went on in there?  Reminded me of the little room in the basement of the Monroe House in Paranormal Lockdown where Nick found those buried bones.  

The anomaly that Billy captures looks like a small person manifesting, landing on the floor and then scurrying away.  A child??  

Billy provokes and tells it to do something to Jay.  Then he feels angry.  Jay feels like something crawls on his face.  He also provokes saying he's not scared of it.  Something metallic is thrown at Jay.  

Zak calls it a "prolific investigation" of their career.  The walls have the pain of the children still etched there.  "A testament to those innocent souls who loved and died here."  A poignant episode.

Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Ghost Adventures "Henderson Hell House"

Zak et al don't travel far when they are called in by a family in dire need of help as their house is haunted by some form of evil entity.  I was going to say malignant so I guess that would be right in some ways.  The activity was first noticed on the security camera when they see a paper move across the floor.  They tried to find how it got there and could've moved in that way, but found no logical, reasonable explanations.  Their daughter, Katie, then notices what they describe as a light moving across the kitchen ceiling, her reaction is caught on the security camera, but not the entity on the camera itself.  Her mother, Tara doesn't see it.  But all the family are affected, including Tara herself as there's some form of white misty entity captured on the security camera in her bedroom.  Thus adding credibility to the light seen by Katie.  Tara also tells Zak of something static touching her, you know it's there on your lap. 

Most affected by the activity is her husband, BJ, who has been possessed by it in all their opinions.  It singled him out and he hasn't been himself at times.  Leaving the house trying to escape, he injured himself falling from the roof of a house.  The activity got so bad that after they dropped Katie off at their parents, he stopped the car and physically grabbed something he describes as "lizard-like" from his arm and threw out the car window.  They both witnessed a nearby tree shaking violently, as though it went into the tree.  There was also a recording Tara had of him in the shower where he was behaving erratically.  Not shown on camera as Tara asked for it not to be shown.  It must definitely want him out and wants Tara and Katie.  As most evil entities want the women, using any means to drive the men away.  When they prepare their cameras to "slate nerve" a bag drops behind Billy.  Seems he was 'marked' from the start.  However they don't know if this activity was paranormal or not.

Zak brings in a psychic medium who has been there before and tells them of seeing something in the corner of the room.  Something half man and half not, but evil too.  When they use the SLS they find a figure in the living room going from the sofa to the floor.  Tara also tells them of bringing in some people to hep but they made the activity worse, using pig's blood and carrying out their own ritual.  Which Zak says is dangerous and isn't the right thing to do.

In their investigation they also find something in the room and on more security footage from the family, they see the clothes moving on the rail and a small, dark figure brushing past them, which only Katie notices.  Man that was some form of creepy imp-like thing.  Whenever I see something like that it reminds me of that little 'man' creature-like black entity that went after Aaron when he was up in the deck by himself at Hails Bar Marina & Dam ep.  There was also a small entity that was around him too in another ep.  Maybe not a time to mention this but whenever some entities turn up like this I'm always reminded of it.

During their investigation, Billy hears some talking coming from the kitchen.  I didn't, will have to listen again.  See below.  Also he then hears a noise and when Zak checks outside there's nothing there.  Getting some words on the Paranormal Puck.  Such as "Jesus Christ.  And "Get" comes up.  "Reveal" comes up.  Zak asks where the portal is?  "Living" comes through.  Living room and that's where the people carried out the ritual opening the portal.  Zak says "this is compelling" if you listen carefully you can hear a man's voice, sounds good through the headphones if you can use them, it's clearer.  Almost sounds like Zak even.  I have to say but he's not talking on the Walkie.  Sounds like "sit" ??  Not surprised Billy was targeted as he goes in there alone first and Zak says he's the only living body it can possess.  When they are in the kitchen and Zak tells them to brace themselves they see the Walkie light go off on the counter, when it's not even being used.  

Zak does a session on the Polterpod and gets a name "Andy" coming through.  He asks if he was killed here, did he die here or was buried here?  I want to know why he went there with those questions as they aren't the obvious ones that come to mind.  I would've asked who Andy is, why he's here.  My Q on Twitter:  Also they didn't ask who Andy is/was? How he's connected to the house? OK I know there's lots of Qs but since it was the only name they got. Whether he lived here?  Did he know the family etc.  Zak asks if anyone was killed here?  Replies "don't know."  The same voice then tells Zak he's a liar.   I've said this before, but what I wanna know is his line of questioning with whether anyone was killed/buried there?  I hear "sleep" not "sweet" after Zak asks if he knows the little girl's name; cos it then ends session to go sleep?  Or she sleeps in her room.  Kinda weird.On my TV I heard 'Tara' when he asks who it's after, then with headphones I hear "gear up."  

I also hear something to do with light.  Which would make sense since that's what Katie described she saw and after the vice seems to say "Gear up" in my opinion. it ends the session with "goodbye."  As if to say you're getting nothing more from me.  Now do your work.  Zak has to lie down afterwards as he feels weak.  Then goes into the bedroom to investigate more.  Billy seems to be affected a lot.  When he returns home he was followed and says his mistake was not using Palo salto before he left the location.  He was stalked as he saw something in the garden but didn't pay attention to it.  Then he saw something in his office.  He was trying to light the palo santo but it wouldn't light and then with the lighter he brought it close to his face, compelled to do so and got third degree burns. 
Jay saged the house and they said that after they left the activity actually ceased.  Not surprising the sageing must have worked, but more eerily it followed Billy!    This would've been more detailed but right now I don't have an ep as a point of reference to go through some of the voice captures and evidence.  Typing from memory.  I blame Jay's hair it was distracting! ha.  

Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Sanditon Series 2 Episode 6

The series 2 finale comes full circle in that it opened with the blood stained sheets of Sidney's bed being removed and this opens with his trunk of belongings coming home.  Wherein lies a letter for Tom (Kris Marshall) about the interloper in Georgiana's (Crystal Clarke) life vying for her fortune.  Clearly this letter was meant to have been sent out warning the Parker's of who was after her wealth and challenging her to her fortune.  Though he obviously didn't get round to send it down.  Tom takes Sidney's cygnet ring and Arthur (Turlough Convery) his hip flask as momentos of his memory.  As well as Sidney's playing cards as Tom couldn't win him at Vingt-et-Un.  This will prove to be handy towards the end of the episode when matters are resolved with Lennox (Tom Weston-Jones).  Tom at Arthur's behest challenges Lennox to a game of Vingt-et-Un and uses his £100 debt as well as the amount owed to the shopkeepers.  In a turn of events Tom finally wins, using Sidney's cards.  Could his luck be turning with his two brother's good fortune shining on him.  Or will he falter and make more mistakes next series as he intends to further the fate of Sanditon.

Sidney's letter also states that Tom shouldn't feel guilty for his part in his having to marry someone he didn't love to save him from debt.  Thus obviously we don't really get to see much of any guilt or regret on Tom's part, or even having taken away his brother's and Charlotte's (Rose Williams) happiness.  As for the guilt well he'll feel that way now especially Sidney not being here contributed to his death.  Though largely they will attribute that burden to Georgiana's suitor.  Who is revealed to be Charles (Alexander Vlahos) as I was saying since episode 2.  Anyhow Sidney also encourages his brother to take risks much like Arthur does and says.  As life is for taking risks.  Warning he is without scruples and will stop at nothing to steal her inheritance.  Sending shockwaves through the Parker's.  This as Georgiana packs in readiness to escape with him.

The Parker's arrive in the nick and save her from this fate.  As they warn of Charles, who is really her father's nephew, who would stop at nothing including using the most vilest racism to extol her right to inherit.  He failed in his lawsuit due to Sidney.  Charles tries to convince her to leave in a last ditched attempt by using the excuse of failing to see what she was really like until now.  How worthy she is and begs her to leave them behind.  She however wakes up to his gormless charms and refuses to go.  How could she trust him anyway.  He said the same thing when he wanted to paint her by saying he wants to see her true worth and what makes her tick.  That was a lie, but hoping she would believe he was sincere.  Arthur telling him that they are honest and sincere even though Charles calls them "preposterous."  

With a cue to series 3 Mary (Kate Ashfield) tells her that Sidney found out Georgiana's mother's still alive and was searching for her five years ago.  She gives Georgiana her mother's necklace.  Obviously forming an integral story.  Georgiana proposes to Arthur (I must've missed that).  However he's resigned to the resolve that he's not for marriage but they will remain true and firm friends.  But he is genuinely sorry that he introduced her to Charles and put so much misguided faith in him.  

Esther (Charlotte Spencer) is finally revealed as sane as just as Dr Fuchs says she can't be helped.  Clara (Lucy Sacofsky) reveals Edward's (Jack Fox) actions and true intentions, showing them the laudanum he's been using and confesses she can't go through with his plan.  As she smashes the glass and Esther doesn't want Lady Denham (Anne Reid) to punish her as she's Edward's victim too.  Clara realizes she can't be a mother to George and hands him over to Esther as he'll be in good hands.  As for Edward's punishment Lady Denham says the army will be a greater punishment for him or rather she will have to think one up.  He decided he'd rather face the army instead.  But Lennox strips him of his stripes and he returns to mete his punishment.  Which will be slow and painful.  Like he cares, he'll have a roof over his head at least and food in his belly.

Alison (Rosie Graham) realizes her true love for Fraser (Frank Blake) but fears she's too late as the company have departed for India.  Before leaving, he left a gift for her with the Parker's.  Telling her not to open it until he's gone.  But on Georgiana's and Charlotte's advice she opens it and finds a flower on the page of one of his poems.  Charlotte says he loves her and that's his gesture showing this.  However he's at the house as he resigned his commission.  They marry in true Jane Austen style.  Or rather Jane and Mr Bingley and Lizze and Mr Darcy style in Pride and Prejudice.

Charlotte however doesn't have the same good fortune as Colbourne (Alex Lloyd-Hughes) wants her to not breathe a word of what they spoke to anyone.  Which she already blabbed to Georgina and Alison.  Her hopes being dashed after that kiss.  Seems Colbourne is indifferent to his feelings for Charlotte and once again she's left broken hearted.  As Leo (Flora Mitchell) runs away.  They find her at the camp as she asks Lennox if he's her father.  Of course he says no as the only decent thing he's done in his life to save her from heartbreak.  What sort of father would he make.  Just like Clara wouldn't make a good mother in her words.  Colbourne is relieved he didn't tell her as Lennox tells him he's her father.  Also saying that he's not worthy of Charlotte's love as he'll do the same thing to her as he did to Lucy.

Thus his turn of heart and events as he rejects Charlotte.  In a scene akin to Pride and Prejudice where Lizzie objects to Darcy's first proposal.  As she told Augusta (Eloise Webb) she also tells him of her own anguish and loss of love.  That he's been though the same and it's time he got over it, as she has done and start over.  He only has excuses and nothing else as like Tom, he's not even willing to risk it and see how things work out.  He also apologizes twice for taking advantage of her as her employer (wouldn't catch Rochester doing that to Jane Eyre!)  Of course it's his not-so subtle way of pushing her away especially after what Lennox told him.  He must be contemptuously flawed in his personality and character to take anything Lennox says at face value.  Considering Lennox is no judge of character at all himself and hardly a pillar of society after his actions with Lucy.  That was a let down.  Charlotte has had enough of being taken for granted by yet another man who can't follow through on his feelings.  So she actually says "enough!"  As he leaves.  Not a very impromptu Darcy moment.

Mrs Wheatley tells him he'll regret this but obviously that'll have to wait for now.  As Colbourne packs up house and picks up sticks taking Leo and Augusta away with him.  Can't show his face in Sanditon anymore but wasn't he aware Charlotte wouldn't be staying here anyway.  As she introduces her fiance, Ralph to the Parker's, two months on.  Of course before leaving he makes a last ditch attempt based on Augusta's pleas to being Charlotte back for them, having fired her.  She refuses since she says they did take advantage of the situation and overstepped the line.  It shouldn't have happened.  So just doing what her father wanted in marrying Ralph.  Also she appears to have taken a leaf from Sidney's playbook in marrying not for love but convenience.  In his case monetary and in her case having someone as safe as Ralph; at least she won't get her heart broken.

Bring on series 3!

Saturday, 10 September 2022

Sanditon Series 2 Episode 3

The company practices shooting and across the distance the noise is heard by Colbourne (Ben Lloyd-Hughes) along with his horse, who happened to be named Hannibal.  As for the gunfire another plot point symbolizing Colbourne being hounded by Lennox (Tom Weston-Jones) even if not actually physically in person.  Lennox still kind of reaches out to annoy him with the army's exercises, even if inadvertently.  Alison (Rosie Graham) is excited by Carter (Maxim Ayes) again and his poetry, though it's not really his of course.  She's not enamoured with intellect but rather the dashing looks of Carter.  She's not much impressed with Fraser (Frank Blake) having a book of poetry and having it with him in battle.  But rather that Carter is the one with the poetic nature, he hasn't a clue but that won't stop the two of them from being in love.  She thinks Charlotte (Rose Williams) will be equally impressed by Lennox and a soldier will be right for her too.  Charlotte still isn't over Sidney and it would be too easy for her to get over him, also since he left her for money - that of another woman and that sort of heartbreak would be hard for her to overcome so easily and quickly.  As seen from the previous episode when she tells Augusta (Eloise Webb) about having a love of her own, who sadly passed.

Not many scenes for Colbourne and you can't help but think that the new characters haven't had a chance to develop and given enough screen time to actually get to know them in depth.  With only six episodes, everything is rushed and no time to take in what's going on at a leisurely pace.  
Meanwhile the Midsummer fair of Sanditon (more like Midsommer Fair ha) where Tom (Kris Marshall) is in a panic over the elephant he had booked not turning up.  Cue Arthur (Turlough Convery) coming to his rescue as he can get a cow that moos.  Lennox and his balloon is booked instead.  Where Charlotte volunteers to be the first to take a ride.  Of course there's trouble when the ropes aren't so easily held onto by the soldiers.  Arthur coming to the rescue.  Giving Lennox a chance to further rub in his animosity towards Colbourne by telling her he stole away Lucy, the love of Lennox's life and proceeded to further add animosity towards him, hoping she'll follow suit.

Mary (Kate Ashfield) is still on the lookout for a husband for Georgiana (Crystal Clarke) and one who isn't after a fortune.  As well as knowing that Charlotte isn't over Sidney and having to put up with the useless business acquisitions and decisions of Tom.  Georgina doesn't suffer fools lightly and the Rev Hankin (Kevin Eldon) isn't helping much thinking that Georgiana will be familiar with elephants.  As she replies she had five, rather flippantly.  Still developing the story of Charles (Alexander Vlahos) and Georgiana as love interests and the chemistry is there.  Yet you can't help but think that something isn't quite right.  As Lady Denham (Anne Reid) is also up in her face over the sugar boycott Georgiana supports since her fortune was a result of sugar.  As Charles shows her a sketch of her and she's not very impressed.  Which is put down to him not knowing her from within, which he hopes to do so.  She's not impressed and conveys this to Arthur.

As the birth of Clara's (Lucy Sacofsky) baby is anticipated, Esther (Charlotte Spencer) feels she and Edward (Jack Fox) are behind this and are plotting against her.  However Clara is adamant she's as much as victim of Edward, as Esther was.  Esther being more concerned with not being able to have a baby herself and yet Clara who doesn't really deserve to, is the one having one.  Esther isn't very well either after she's been to the midwife and as the baby is on its way, she doesn't want Clara giving birth on the stairs and needs to make it upstairs.  Especially since she tells Clara, it was conceived on the floor.  Edward also owes his commission to the army and hasn't paid it yet.  Hoping for a handout from Lady Denham no doubt. Seeing the baby as the golden goose and the answer to his money woes.

Lennox pops up everywhere Charlotte goes like a bad penny and still undermines her against Colbourne.  As Fraser is employed as a dog's body by Lennox in his quest to pick flowers for Charlotte and where he chances upon Alison too.  Leo (Flora Mitchell) vanished and in finding her she comes across Colbourne trying to calm his horse, of course she takes the lead in doing this for him.  More silent exchanges and looks between them.  The pair get caught in the rain and sheltering under a tree is where they find Leo.  A scene almost reminiscent of Sense and Sensibility, where Mariana went out looking for Willoughby's house and got caught in the shower, having to be rescued by Colonel Brandon.  But here the only rescuing is that of Leo, where at a picnic later Colbourne also turns up as they pick flowers and name them.  Charlotte finding out that Augusta's mother was the twin sister of his wife Lucy.  Colbourne giving Charlotte some cornflowers, her favourite.

Just thought that Lucy and her sister dying also being a twin was rather ironic to say the least.  As well as asking which one outlived the other as that wouldn't have been easy on Colbourne if Augusta's mother survived her.  How did Colbourne cope with the memories of seeing his wife with another woman's face.  Though it appears they both lost their mothers at an early age. 

With trouble brewing with the store keeper's unpaid debts, Tom is persuaded to partake in yet another gambling reverie with Lennox where he proceeds to loose yet more money, becoming further indebted. Charlotte having received two posies wonders which one is the more worthy potential suitor and who is the cad.  Though it appears Tom's too easily persuaded into this hence the persuasion reference, okay it wasn't but still...probably was with Charlotte and Lennox.

Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Sanditon Series 2 Episode 2

Yikes Lennox (Tom Weston-Jones) galloping on his horse at the beach does a beeline for Charlotte (Rose Williams).  The man just can't leave her alone.  Where she has to apologize for her rant on not wanting to marry and would rather work.  At a time when obviously anything a woman does was frowned upon.  He also goes on to practically malign her good character especially as he doesn't know anything about her.  Which wasn't really any different to her extolling the virtues of employment really.  He says she'll get an invite.  This to the company's/regiement's dinner.  

Arthur (Turlough Convery) tells Georgina (Crystal Clarke) Sidney was in Antigua at her behest and this leaves her intrigued, but I would've thought a little guilty at what happened to him.  Though she doesn't show any such feelings and is more puzzled at her own predicament in finding this out, selfishly.  Cue Charles (Alex Vlahos) and his scene with Arthur in which he just seems to ingratiate himself.  Putting on airs and graces of being the arrogant, put upon artists.  More so since Arthur is at times gullible and sees a possible friend in everyone, however this isn't a harsh criticism just that he's very approachable.  As opposed to Tom (Kris Marshall) who just drives people apart and potty at his less than informed decisions.  Easily gullible in that respect too.  Whereas Arthur appears to have more of a head for business than Tom.  Charles sketches Arthur on the beach and says he would be deemed very artistic-y in Paris.  As said a chance to get in with the crowd, particularly Georgiana.

Charlotte is frowned upon when she enters Heyrick Park through the front door as she should be using the servant's entrance from now on.  She's met by the housekeeper, Mrs Wheatley (Flo Wilson).  On her first day there she's also late and Mrs Wheatley proceeds to tell her she's part of a wager on how long she'll last (was this is a subtle reference to The Sound of Music, sans bet as the governesses who were driven away by the Von Trapp children.)  As Augusta's first words are to this effect as she doesn't need a governess.  Charlotte says that her bet is safe as she has a resolve to stay and once her mind is made up she very rarely changes it.  Well wait til she meets her employer Colborne (Ben Lloyd Hughes).  Who introduces Augusta (Eloise Webb) and his daughter, Leonora/Leo (Flora Mitchell).  Not an easy task as he also seems distanced from them too.  He only wants her to convert Leo to a lady and for Augusta to be prepared for marriage.  As women shouldn't be working let alone having an education, thinking for themselves being up above their station.  Augusta who appears to be on the same wavelength as her uncle taunts Rose for being single and embroiders 'spinster' making sure to point it out to Charlotte.  Charlotte tells her about Sidney and being loved, but he died.  Making Augusta endear to her a little more. 

Alison (Rosie Graham) has cast her sights and net firmly on Captain Carter (Maxim Ays) and obsequiously treats Captain Fraser (Frank Blake) like a leper.  Being enamoured of the one she feels is more handsome and brave.  Georgiana accompanies her to their camp as the soldiers engage in swordplay and Carter admits he isn't as intellectually gifted as Fraser.  Thus requiring his help in procuring Alison's advances with a touch of poetry, which Fraser helps him with.  A veritable Cyrano de Bergerac scenario.

Meanwhile Tom ignores Arthur's request of building a Theatre Royal but he's more interested in a permanent barracks.  Like what possible attraction could they have, let alone a money making idea.  Tom proceeds to show Lennox around the town and Arthur senses the flaws in him whereas Tom whole heartedly accepts him for who he is.  No alarm bells ringing for him, not when money bells ring instead.  Lennox senses Tom's hastiness and eagerness in wanting the barracks to go ahead and also his gullible nature which he will use to his advantage.  Not like Sidney is there to rescue him.  

Edward (Jack Fox) tries to show Lady Denham (Anne Reid)that he's a changed man but Esther (Charlotte Spencer) can see through the charade suggesting he should go drown himself.  Many references to water and drowning in this, especially since Alison will also almost meet that fate in an episode.  Was that some kind of Mill on the Floss moment.  Whilst in church, Ester is accosted by the Rev Hankins (Kevin Eldon) who makes snide comments about her and children.  Though his sister, Beatrice (Sandy McDade) knows what Charlotte is going through and suggests a midwife who may be able to help her with her baby predicament as she has with other women.  

At the dinner, an opportunity for Charles to make a spectacle of himself in the hopes of winning Georgina over, showing his typical artist demeanour.  As he proceeds to toast Napoleon to the chagrin of Lennox.  Who is persuaded by  Lady Denham to ignore him as he's an artist.  Maybe that should be in inverted commas as it's a very big clue to his actual deceptive nature.  By trying to show Georgiana he's not a consummate bore, he tires to worm his way into her affections, as he senses that's what she's interested in.  As Arthur places their name cards together at the dinner table seating arrangements.  Lennox tries to impress Charlotte but she's not falling for any of it least of which his reaction of disdain when she tells him she's a governess for Colbourne.  It's as if someone's walked over Lennox's grave when he hears that!  Alison getting to sit next to Fraser where she does get more banter than she would have with Carter.  

The cliffhanger of the ep is Clara (Lily Sacofsky) turning up, a very pregnant Clara, allegedly the father being Edward.  Of course this is off played with Esther who desperately wants a child but can't and here's Clara who has it all, except Esther's wealth.