Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Death Walker "Haunted Hill House"

The house is an hour from Fort Worth and found fame in mineral spring water.  Location known as Haunted Hill House.  Near the Baker Hotel which is also haunted.  Nick says the number of eye witness accounts intrigued him the most at this property.  He had to investigate.  Hill House built in 1892 by Danny Yeager.  Wealthy people came for the water and stayed at the hotel.  The house was a brothel for the hotel.  Several people have died here.  The hotel closed in 1972 and the family living in the house in the '90's and carried on occult activity.  Reported to have nine spirits haunting the house.  People at the house have become ill, hearing disembodied voices.  Shadow figures, anomalies, orbs, items thrown at people have all taken place at the house.  Many have left with scratches and bite marks.  Nick wanted to document physical activity for himself.  The owners, the Estes speak of the occupants and events at the house.  Mentioning Ouija board activity practised by the girls in the family.  

The Poker room has Willy, the scratching man.  He founded the house.  1955 there was a murder/suicide and people hear scratching.  The Axe Room where an axe was thrown at a woman's head.  A researcher found a hand crawling up her bed.  The room appears peaceful but it isn't that way.  The possessions take place in this room.  They communicated with Jacob, he was hanging in the tree outside and told them about the seven "negative energies" brought in by the family.  But he called them "demons."  Toby is a demon and identified himself as such in the Toby Room.  Heard growls, running in stairs and scratches and two people were bitten here.  Nick didn't get scratched or affected in any physical way.  Wondering why that was though he did have moments where he felt being poked and something on his spine.  Maybe it just didn't want to show itself.

Justin closes the doors behind him as though something's following him.  Nick feels like energy has entered his spine as that's how the entities connect.  After doing so much this is how he experiences it. Nick asks for communication and its name. Sure I heard "Nick" and "who are you?" after Nick asks this.  Also "I'm here"??  Nick asks to be physically scratched to show everyone its power.  Repeats "vein" after Nick asks if it can see his vein. Nick says he's been saying a transparent figure in the hallway but it hides.  

Joshua's Room where there is Joshua's actual, did he say rope, was that the rope.  He feels the door pulled back on it when he tried to open it.  He feels they're being followed.  "Nick's here."  "Male." Also heard "grab around??"  Nick feels something against his neck.  Didn't it look like he had a mark or a few whitish marks on his neck not scratches but when you touch your skin or push down on it and it changes colour.  "Jacob comes through." I hear "spirit."  

Nick D'Angelo's Lotus Box, using a spirit box through it minimizing the white noise.  When he asks to be touched he feels cold around his hand.  Knocking is heard.  The Scratching Room "Hard step" comes through.  I hear "Ethan" after Nick asks what his name is.  "Bite you."  He feels drained.  The energy is drained from the Lotus and he has to use the Geoport (which I prefer.)  Justin leaves and Nick stays the night in the Axe Room.  Using the owner's monitors everywhere.  As well his three rules of :1 checking under the bed, 2 lock doors and 3 time to get in bed and sleep.  

In the Poker Room he feels a finger across his neck.  "They call me Seth." When he asks his name.  Going to hurt someone, I heard "I'm here now."  "Right here."  Nick feels a stabbing pain on his back.  In the Shadowman Room the energy feels heavy.  Noises from upstairs.  Feels something against him in Toby's room.  His jacket is grabbed.  Hanging dolls in the room, when Nick says the room's creepy sounds like a "yes" comes through.  Using touch and energy Nick says, is the best way to show what's there.  The paranormal lantern goes off downstairs and there were many orbs around which disappear when they get to the room.  It's cold in the room.  Walking upstairs.  Nick goes through the door in Joshua's room, the tiny attic space.  The lights turn red on the trip wire after they hear footsteps.  

He says that environmental factors to the energy already here with its dark past leading to this haunting.  Two days wasn't enough he says, to experience this location.  That's what I say that 42 minutes isn't enough for these eps, we need at least an hour cos as soon as you get into it, it finishes!

Monday, 30 May 2022

Ghost Adventures "LA Police Station Invasion"

Los Angeles Police museum where items connected to criminals in history.  People are terrified of something dark there.  Artifacts belonging to Patty Hearst, Charles Manson.  Was a working police station until the 1980's.  28 Feb 1947 where the officers were involved in a gun battle, took on men in a firefight.  Shot Emile and he bled out in the street, Larry Philips killed himself after being wounded by police.  Zak feels the aggressive energy around him.  The workers feel their eyes watching them.  They've investigated and seen shadows from the display cases and surround them.  The energy hits them.  Zak feels his legs getting cold.  The SLS captures an aggressive figure attacking him.  Emile was shot in the legs.  The security camera captures a dark mass in the same spot as the figure attacking him.  Is it Emile?

Cynthia works at the museum and Laurie has encountered the aggressive spirits too.  The museum was empty when she saw what she describes as a man walking by her.  9th March 1963 officers stopped robbery suspects and one of the officer's guns was taken from him.   The officers were abducted.  The onion field where one was executed in the field.  Gregory Powell was intent on killing someone.  They have his actual guns.  Zak says the air is heavy there and that's where Powell would want to be, with his guns killing.

A little boy was crying and couldn't come into the jail cell area and he had seen something.  Zak says there are items which aren't on public display, such as from Robert F Kennedy's death, Marilyn Monroe's death, Manson murders.  Zak feels something on his neck when standing near Manny's cell.  Who took his own life after molesting a teen.  A police operator, Margaret McClure took her own life and shot herself in the head after a call.  A shooting range where items are also stored.  Zak is shown a room where there are sixty boxes of Manson murders and the Helter Skelter murders artifacts.  He calls it "the most intense moment" of his life. 

Second floor with the North Hollywood shootout incident where Cynthia felt she was going to be pushed.  They hear a noise. Also the SLS captures two figures inside the display case and the glass being attacked by them.  Aaron is affect by the Polterpod.  He was filming the mannequins and got emotional and he felt panicked.  They believe it's cos Aaron looks like he's wearing a tactical vest.  But surely they weren't around back then or in this form.  They hear a bang where Manny's cell is.  Billy feels his pant leg being tugged.  A voice comes through when they ask who's here, "spirit."  & "what it wants to do to us" I hear "spirit" again.  Unless they played the wrong bit.  Then says "lay down."  

Jay and Aaron head to the jail cells.  They hear "hung" on the spirit box and then a banging sound.  As Aaron appears to push Jay against the cell door.  His shirt is torn and he's injured.  It deffo was Aaron running around in a panic.  Zak and Billy head to the basement.  Billy uses a boom mic.  Footsteps are heard.  Billy captures a growl.