Sunday, 29 September 2019

Sanditon Episode 6

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Charlotte (Rose Williams) arrives in London and finds it altogether different to Sanditon with the hustle and bustle and no one wanting to help her find the street she's looking for.  As well as finding the pub where Otis (Jyuddah Jaymes) is meant to reside but it's only the landlord, Sam Sidaway (Clinton Blake) who lives there and Otis just collects his mail from there.  As she leaves she's accosted in the alley and is rescued by none other than Sidney (Theo James).  Well that's becoming a common occurrence now and he just happens to be in the right place at the right time again.  Though he says he didn't know it was her.  She refuses to leave and says they're wasting valuable time if he must take her back.  Mary not knowing she's here either as she also forbade her to come.  Charlotte recalls "The Sons Of Africa" and Sidney confronts Otis who swears he had nothing to do with it.  However he has a gambling debt so Beecroft (Jon Foster) must have kidnapped her.  He claims that Otis bragged about the money Miss Lamb (Crystal Clarke) had but Otis swears this isn't so.  Anyway his debt has been paid and Beecroft sold her to someone else.

However Sidney thinks they'd be on their way to Scotland by now.  But Charlotte thinks Beecroft must still be hiding her until he is actually paid.  Being right as she's at a brothel indeed and Howard (Jack Brady) can't wait to marry Georgiana and also get her fortune.  As Sidney asks Mrs Harries (Liz May Brice) where Georgiana is as she's his ward.  Charlotte isn't happy with Sidney and how he made his money though he admits he abhors slavery and was done with the sugar trade when he found out.  Also how Georgiana's father saved his life and this is how he repays him.  They catch up to the coca with Sidney performing a daring do, or rather his stuntman, by jumping onto the coach to stop it, rescuing Georgiana.  Howard is still owed £1800.  Georgiana is angry at him and also at Otis, but Charlotte doesn't think he would take such advantage of her.

Tom (Kris Marshall) tells Charlotte about Sidney's lost love, Eliza (Ruth Kearney) who called off the engagement and married an older, wealthier man, breaking his heart.  Making him leave for Antigua and when he returned he wasn't the same.  Conveniently mentioned for this episode as she pops up already later at the most talked about ball in London, for which Babbington (Mark Stanley) has scored an invite for Tom so he can sell the regatta and also Sanditon.  Babbington says Charlotte should come too but she's not in a good frame of mind.  Sidney brings Otis to see Georgiana saying they should have a proper farewell, but somehow you think he's just rubbing it in her face in a way.  That he was right all along and Otis was a cad.  However Otis tells Georgiana he was prideful in speaking of her and how lucky he was but never about her wealth.  Which Georgiana says it too late.

Charlotte apologizes to Sidney about her prejudice against him (here we go Lizzy and Darcy!) and he says he cannot accept as he should apologize to her.  She dresses in a gold dress for the ball which impresses both Sidney and Tom.  Even dancing with Sidney after she meets Susan (Sophie Winkleman) who says the anger she feels towards Sidney is love.  As well as dancing with Tom, who tells her the woman Sidney is with right now is Eliza, his lost love who is now a widow.  Seems Sidney is enamoured all over again at seeing her and completely forgets about Charlotte.  Appears his apology was shortlived and Charlotte was probably right to misjudge him.  Nobody is interested in the regatta or Sanditon and Sidney lends Tom £3,000 to pay the men.

Lady Denham (Anne Reid) is in bad way and says it's just a slight head cold, also telling the vultures that her will is safe and she won't need a priest or a solicitor.  Leaving Edward (Jack Fox) tearing up the house in search of it.  Seeing it as a way of securing his and Ester's (Charlotte Spencer) future.  However Clara (Lily Sarcofsky) has it all along and suggests he burn it and he gives her a fifth.  After they do the dirty on Ester right then and there, Clara insists on a quarter share as is a lady's prerogative to change her mind.  Edward saying she's far from a lady and she asks if Ester is a lady, knowing about their intimacy.  Well Edward isn't exactly a gentlemen either.  Apparently Lady Denham has left her money for the building of Sanditon and the donkeys.  Begging the question of why she didn't just give it to Tom now if she was so interested in the town and its future.

Again not much going on in this episode of the "poor man's" Pride and Prejudice ha, with two episodes left, things will be tied up very quickly where they've been dragging on for 6 episodes.  Babbington asking Charlotte what she thinks of a woman changing her mind about a man in an instant, referring to Ester of course.  But she doesn't answer, too caught up with staring at Sidney.  Of course Esther would've been better off with Babbington, rather than the roguish pipsqueak Edward who isn't really interested in her all along, but is a master at seducing her to his will!!  Charlotte having no answer for Babbington since she has done the same thing, changed her mind about Sidney and then changing it again in an instant after seeing how he is with Eliza!

Sunday, 22 September 2019

Ghost Brothers Haunted Houseguests 1.7 "Haunted By History"

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Meg who lives and runs the Stonewall Farm B&B, New Hampshire, tells of many spirits throughout the house and basement.  Her husband Skip, gave her a bone he found there that is a femur and probably that of a seven year old boy who has attached himself to her daughter, Laura.  It was the part of the Underground Railroad, Hillsborough, New Hampshire was the last stop on the Railroad before crossing into Canada.  Juwan says how this case could be personal especially as it was part of the Underground Railroad and all of that past history.  Meg also tells them of her husband, Skip, who passed nine years ago from the onset of Alzheimer's so he may not know he's passed and she wants to know if he's in a better place.  As he may still be stuck here.  She is now married to Ed.

Dalen says that Meg's done her own research with the help of a medium who has given her the names of the spirits and where they passed.  As well as a paediatrician telling them the bone could belong to a child.  The Bickford's owned the property after 1835, John Bickford was a son and before he graduated Law School, he drowned in the river during a heatwave when he decided to swim and he drowned.  In his room, in the second floor window, Laura saw a face staring back at her.  Ed heard a child asking for his "mama."  The boy lives in the basement and they think Jonathan is part of the people who were hiding in the basement.

In John's room, Marcus finds the temperature increases and when Dalen asks the spirit to increase it to 80, it does so on command.  Associating that with John drowning during a heatwave.  The secret stairs can be seen from the room which lead down to the basement.  Dalen is chilled seeing the staircase and knowing that the freedom fighters walked there.  Outside the medium told Meg there are numerous bodies from the Underground Railroad.  In the basement, Laura uses dowsing rods which cross when Jonathan appears and Juwan catches him on the SLS, raising his arm when asked to do so.  Also he doesn't appear later when they investigate the basement, but they do hear a noise there. Ed feels Jonathan could have died here when he was with his family and still remains, perhaps still hiding out.

They use the Poltercom in John's room and they hear "Skip" on there showing Meg's husband is still around.  I think I heard "I am" before he says his name. Then he says "Ed."  He's happy that Meg has married again and how this property, family, is love to him.  Dalen finds out the route of the Underground Railroad showing the farm is close to the route so the house could have been used.  Not all of the runaways made it, so they had to be buried in the house or on the property when they passed. 

Doria brings in the ground penetrating radar outside and they pinpoint an area where the layers have been shaken up and disturbed.  The results find that the land might have some remains there and they will need to bring in some archaeologists to dig there.  When they use the Poltercom in the woods at night, Dalen receives "what" when he says the word at the same time.  Back in the basement Skip comes through on the Ovilus too and he's communicating to let them know he's fine and he's watching over the property and them.  They call on Skip to guide Jonathan and maybe to his own family.

In the living room, they pour some bourbon and are joined by Skip again where they drink a toast to him.  They ask if Skip is the boss and "Ed" comes through.  They helped give the family closure as far as Skip goes and also peace of mind.  Meg adding that the Underground Railroad deceased people will be respected.  A very personal one for the Brothers as their ancestors were a part of this.  Meg tells them, five weeks later that they are working with the archaeologists and they're happy that Skip is there.  Love the episodes connected with history showing we've come a long way but not far enough still.

Ghost Brothers Haunted Houseguests 1.6 "Mr Creepy"

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In Teague, Texas, the Martin family needs help as a creepy man has been haunting their homes since their children were little, as well as also haunting the house next door, where their daughter, Megan lives with her husband, Cordell.  Dotty has seen the man in a red flannel shirt and white T-shirt and hat around the property, as well as him showing her a vision of her son Brandon, floating face down in the pool.  Which she got rid of immediately.  They also find something in the closet of their bedroom and the bathroom too.  Travis is a policeman and he got 911 calls about the activity but nothing is there.  They just want Mr Creepy gone and he is also haunting next door.  Throwing the cat flying from one end of the kitchen to the next and Megan's husband having a fork thrown at him and pennies.

Travis also tells them about how the propane was turned on in the shed when Megan was having a sleepover with her friends so they could've all died.  Prompting them to spend the night in the shed, minus the propane cans.  As they investigate there isn't any activity in the bedroom, until Dalen decides Juwan should head to the bathroom on his own and he'll go in the closet.  Juwan says he feels a chill and as he says that the Rempod goes off and Dotty sees a stick figure on the SLS by the bed. 
He was doing some sort of a mad, frenzied dance!

Next door, Dalen ties a blindfold on, his blindfold bandanna, ha, and stays in the kitchen alone, but nothing happens to him, as they go into the bedroom where they capture an orb fly past Marcus from the window side, where Megan said she'd seen someone stand there and it zooms across to the other side of the room.

The cat was getting around on the bed! ha.

Their research reveals that the nearby nursing home, now burned down, had reported activity and how the paranormal investigator Jeff got some EVPs from 2012 with voices, one saying "Sarah" and the other one saying "I'm gonna hurt you!"  This they think could be Mr Creepy.  Which ties in with Dalen being given a newspaper article mentioning a man named Wes who attacked a little girl and when he was released on bail, her father shot him four times.  They feel this could be him and the little girl could be Sarah or one of his victims.

On the Ovilus they get "menace" referring to him.  Dalen is roped into recreating the vision that Dotty saw of her son and gets in the pool.  The Rempod goes off by the fence and a stick figure is captured on the SLS just as Dotty saw him perched on the side of the pool.  In Megan's old room, they have a tea party and when they are about to leave the room, the Rempod goes off and they think Creepy only strikes when everyone is alone and especially doesn't like male figures and those who are fathers, associating that with her father and with Marcus, as the activity intensifies when they're not around.  Might also explain why the orb flew past Marcus so fast when he was by the bed.  No way did he want to be next to Marcus!!

Six weeks later they report that the activity has gone and that Creepy doesn't show up anymore so maybe Sarah has been able to move on as they confronted him.  So much closure for the family as the Brothers are able to deal with Creepy, which is surprising no one else was able to do that in all the time they were being haunted by the spirit.  Just goes to show sometimes that's all that's needed is a good investigation with some well needed research and confrontation.

Apparently this episode was listed as 4 but was shown as 6, don't know why that is.

Sanditon Episode 5

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Not even the cricket match could save this episode, just more of the routine again regurgitated over and over.  Tom (Kris Marshall) having no money and not being able to pay the workers, who threaten to walk out on him and even Stringer (Leo Suter) isn't happy with his excuses.  Tom promises once again to pay, they have his word which doesn't mean anything anymore it seems.  Then Sidney (Theo James) returns with Babbington (Mark Stanley) and Crowe (Matthew Needham) who is here for Esther (Charlotte Spencer) and she reluctantly writes him a flippant, discourteous letter, egged on by Lady Denham (Anne Reid).  Still hopeful perhaps she and Edward (Jack Fox) can be together, even after the fiasco of last ep.  Apparently Clara (Lily Sacofsky) still flirts with Edward too wagering on who will be the victor when Lady Denham finally carks it.  Then taking it back as if she knows it might be her.

Absurdly going round in circles with Charlotte (Rose Williams) coming to see Georgiana (Crystal Clarke) on the pretense of reading a book together which Mrs Griffiths (Elizabeth Berrington) allows them to do but listens at the door.  It's a wonder she didn't hear Georgiana shout about wanting to see Otis.  As it happens Charlotte has been carrying missives (I just love this word) between her and Otis.  She thinks it a good way to meet during the cricket match and she will arrange it all, Georgiana escaping briefly when no one is watching, she will accompany her.

The cricket match goes ahead just as Tom tells Stringer he will pay the men in two weeks, otherwise the men will let everyone know they haven't been paid in a long while.  Tom asking Sidney if there's any way he can go to London again, with Sidney washing his hands of it.  Well he wasn't really much help was he.  Sidney tells Mrs Griffiths he'll be staying with Babbington and won't be returning the entire Summer and she must look after her implicitly.  Well that didn't go to plan as Georgiana finally makes her move at the cricket match.

The men finally show up as they think there won't be a match after all and Babbington speaks with Esther when he's meant to be fielding.  He just can't be without her and he asks her to go riding later so that she can see what he's like.  Clara still taunts Esther on the type of man she likes and Lady Denham thinks her rude not to court Babbington since he's a good match.  Charlotte thinks that Mrs Griffiths should move closer to the action as this will enable Georgiana to slip away.  There is one run left between them soon and Stringer bowls making Tom get a leg before wicket, which he disputes and then the folk find out he hasn't paid them in weeks, as he walks off.  Hankins (Kevin Eldon) rules he's still in but they have a man short now, so Charlotte steps in as women play cricket back home.  Crowe commenting how that town of Wilmington must be more exciting than Sanditon.  Lots of ball references here, or should that be innuendos!

As Charlotte gets roped in to play actually volunteering, due most likely to the attraction of Sidney, or showing him up, as well as leading on Stringer, even if it is unknowingly, allowing the men to win over the workers.  The alarm is raised about Georgiana and Mary (Kate Ashfield) tells Tom he should've told her, returning the necklace, saying that's why he hasn't been able to pay the men.  He claims he loves her and the children and he will make it right.  Mary stating he shouldn't make promises as he's broken them all.

Charlotte confesses to Sidney how she's been their go-between, she was meant to go with her, but forget, oh she comes across as so intelligent but she forget.  More likely wanted to show up or off to Sidney!  As Stringer tells him she was spotted being "bundled" into a carriage by two men.  Suppose she'll be held for ransom then or sold into slavery (!) as Sidney will come good in the vein of Mr Darcy.  Or not quite up to his standards!!  Ha.  Charlotte wants to go to London to look for her but Mary won't let her.  She leaves on her own anyway.  Suppose Sidney will rescue her too.  Now we'll get the next two eps in London no doubt before everything being thrown into the finale at once, resolving the tedious storylines.  Edward seduces Esther once again and she can't help falling for his dubious charms.  She refuses Babbington's proposal and informs Lady Denham of this, as she has a turn after feeling poorly all day.  Thus leaving open the question of who will inherit.

Sunday, 15 September 2019

Sanditon Episode 4

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Georgiana (Crystal Clarke) gets a note from her beau, Otis Molyneux (Jyuddah Jaymes) and is excited he will be coming to Sandition in response to her letter to him.  So she sends for Charlotte (Rose Williams) so they can feign a picnic together.  Made easier as Sidney (Theo James) is away.  But Mrs Griffiths (Elizabeth Berrington) won't let her go as it is too shamefully embarrassing for two young girls to make a public spectacle of themselves, but Georgiana lies and says Tom (Kris Marshall) and Mary Parker (Kate Ashfield) will be with them.  Of course Charlotte doesn't agree with that but doesn't have a choice and must go along with it. 

In the woods she meets with Otis and Charlotte immediately doesn't want to leave Georgiana alone as she barely knows him.  On their picnic he tells her about his real background and how he was a slave, stolen from his mother when he was a boy in Africa and sold into slavery.  He wants to free all the slaves.  He was lucky as he met a man who freed him and provided him with an education.  However Sidney doesn't approve.  Obviously Charlotte will find that there is something damning about him, aside from the fact he doesn't have a penny.  Isn't it always the way, especially as this happened with Lydia in Pride and Prejudice with her headstrong attitude.

Again several references to Pride and Prejudice as Charlotte once again faces prejudice from Sidney and also her misinterpretation of Otis as she tells him.  Obviously Sidney returns from London but isn't able to secure finance for the regatta from the banks as they won't offer Tom anymore money.  He warns Tom to tighten his belt which he won't do especially as he buys an expensive necklace for Mary.  Tom also tells Stringer (Leo Suter) that the men haven't arrived yet and also the supplies and this will take time.  He also no longer wants a pagoda for their plans and Stringer spent all night on    the drawing, burning three candles his father (Rob Jarvis) tells Charlotte.  She thinks there's no harm in wanting to improve one's life and station and Stringer agrees. 

Charlotte knows of a back way to the London stage and takes them there so Georgiana can say goodbye.  However Sidney learns of her picnic after he sees Mrs Griffiths who tells him that she's on a picnic with his brother.  However this isn't the case.  As Charlotte mimics Mrs Griffiths and also Sidney and his disapproval of their meeting, Sidney overhears her and wants her to continue.  He sends Otis packing and then Charlotte has more words with him about his treatment and prejudice towards Otis due to his skin colour.  Sidney walks away in disgust and asks Stringer to accompany her home.  However she wants to walk and he goes with her, in silence, until she finally says she's not good company at all.  Stringer adding he isn't either.  Since he burnt his drawing in outrage at being rejected by Tom, who didn't even look at it.

Lady Denham (Anne Reid) is searching for potential suitors for Edward (Jack Fox) and Esther (Charlotte Spencer) as Clara (Lily Sacofsky) looks at the list.  She doesn't want to deliver her invitation to them saying her arm pains her.  Lady Denham is having no nonsense and sends her there regardless.  As Esther asks Edward to tighten her corset for her.  There's no answer at the door so Clara walks in and sees them almost intimate together, rather Edward kissing her neck. Esther hears a noise and fears it's the servants. 

As they arrive at Lady Denham's she tells them they need to find prospective spouses and she has found a family of daughters for Edward, at least one must be agreeable.  Clara dropping hints about what she saw.  Asked to play on the piano she searches for a tempo for all of them and Esther can take it no more.  Clara warns her of Edward taking advantage of her and how living under the same roof isn't so easy.  It happened with Clara's uncle.  Also Esther denies it but Clara warns her that there is no future for them being brother and sister even if they're not related by blood.

Esther tests her theory as Edward reads Lord Babbington's letter and Edward says they need money to run off together and wouldn't even be ale to afford a small apartment.  Clara being proven right.  Esther then probably considers Babbington on being a good choice for her now.  Charlotte and Sidney bump into each other again at the house and that's all they've been doing all episode.  Once again it's more Pride and Prejudice and might I add, Jane Eyre, by the minute.  So much hostility and prejudice towards one another.  Tom is likely heading for a fall as Sidney warns him to curb his extravagance and he will deal with his own money woes, as Tom should his own. 

Arthur (Turlough Convery) and Diana Parker (Alexandra Roach) get advice from Dr Fuchs (Adrian Scarborough) who tells them she is a hypochondriac and Arthur needs exercise, thus donkey riding.  Arthur over exerts himself and collapses from sun stroke.  So no regatta but looks like there'll be a cricket match instead next ep!  Oh the joy!  Well, not really!  Ha.

Monday, 9 September 2019

Ghost Brothers Haunted Houseguests 1.4 "Demon Problems"

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Lori Stokes called on the Brothers to investigate her house after seeing shadow figures and hearing a growl when she was praying, along with a demonic entity which has been scaring her five year old grandson.  The house is relatively new and they weren't sure what was wrong with the land it was built on.  Her grandson was also being affected by something in the water.  When they arrived at the house in Welland, North Carolina, they found out that one of her sister's had passed in the room that Matthew now has as his bedroom.  As well as an uncle committing suicide three weeks after her death.

Marcus was apprehensive about dealing with demons but changed his mind for her grandson's sake and no one should have to go through this.  Lisa heard a child playing in the attic after she went there with Matthew.  He used to see a man when he was three with "ugly teeth."  Lori also saying that the entity told her grandson that she was a bitch when he was three.  In Lori's bedroom they use the Phasma Box and hear the words "I'm Sarah."  As well as Juwan going to get an EVP recorder when a voice tells them "it's in the car" which is where it was.  So uncanny.  Juwan and Marcus investigate Matthew's room where there are so many orbs flying around.  Especially as one can be seen going into Juwan's back and the coming out again, as he hears something on his left and feels "a heavy energy" behind him.

They looked at the evidence from the night before and the voice says "you're a bitch lady."  Which is what I heard first time too.  Dalen visits with Bobby Richardson, Lori's neighbour, the great, great grandson of Applewhite Richardson, who owned the property around the area.  Bobby tells him that they had a daughter and a sister named Sarah.  As well as Bobby's two cousins dying in accidents, one Johnny at aged 8 and his brother Danny at 14.  Which could explain the child's footsteps Lisa heard in the attic.

Juwan brings in Laine Crosby, an investigative medium who has solved many cases with the police and others.  She interacted with a spirit by the lake which told her there's a spirit here that's mean to Matthew.  Something moves in the living room and runs by them.  She senses they're "low level demonic entities."  In Matthew's room, she asks God to take away the demonic entity and orders it to keep away.  Dalen loses his balance after his head hurts.  She senses the presence of a child named Johnny, they called him JJ.  Also their uncle who is in a good place with their sister.  He wanted them to remember him as he was, not the darkness.

"Pain" comes through on the Ovilus.  The door opens behind Dalen, as well as being reminded that one of the family members brought in a demon to show that there's no such thing.  When Laine asks for an army of angels, there's a loud growling.  Same thing that happened to Lori when she was also praying.

The air feels lighter after and the family got closure after hearing their uncle is in a good place.  As well as the bad entities being cleared from the house.  Their first demonic investigation in someone's home yields a positive result, leaving the family in peace.  With some of the good spirits remaining.

Sunday, 8 September 2019

Sanditon Episode 3

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A much more 'milder' episode of the series though still reeked with the stench of deviousness in the air.  Charlotte (Rose Williams) keeps bumping into Sidney (Theo James) everywhere she goes, literally and otherwise, including hiding under the table from him in Tom's (Kris Marshall) study, though found out by Tom.  He needs Sidney's friends to hang around longer but he can't force them to stay here as they lack entertainment.  Lord Babbington (Mark Stanley) is still in pursuit of Esther (Charlotte Spencer) who tells him in no uncertain terms that he has no chance.  She only wants Edward (Jack Fox).  More war of words from both Clara (Lily Sacofsky) and Esther, as Clara's scheming character comes through even more.  As she overhears Esther talk Lady Denham (Anne Reid) into sending Clara away.  Lady Denham commenting on Edward's lack of luck in ensnaring Georgiana (Crystal Clarke).

Tom brings in a Dr Fuchs (Adrian Scarborough) who shows off his remedies but Lady Denham is not impressed.  He demonstrates his shower bath with the help of Clara who finds a way of ensuring she remains here by scalding her arm on the copper heater.  Esther knowing she did it on purpose but can't prove it.  Clara adding further evidence of her being more of a bitch than Esther will ever know, Esther calling her one too.  Mr Stringer (Leo Suter) is in need of more men for the building works and Charlotte is impressed by the work calling it a miracle.  As he is impressed by her.  Alas we know she will only have eyes for Sidney as episodes progress.

As well as Stringer Senior (Rob Jarvis) succumbing to an accident in which he dislocates his leg, which the doctor is able to put back into place with Charlotte's help.  Sidney being impressed with her ability and this helps in changing his views about her.  Prompting her to ask whether she was able to perform well under pressure was a surprise since she is a woman.  He also says he is sorry for embarrassing her on the beach since she showed up.  But she informs him she isn't embarrassed as she had her clothes on.  She also talks to him about Georgiana and how he should realize she's away from home and she only has him, but stops short. 

Georgiana painting a horribly rude painting at the cliffside with Mr Hankins (Kevin Eldon) giving a lecture on the apples and Adam and Eve.  That they were full of knowledge and shouldn't have been plucked.  Charlotte bumps into Sidney at Georgiana's who can't wait for him to leave here, which he does.  Thereby prompting her to write to her lover no doubt, as she pulls out a locket with his picture. 

Tom is able to change Lady Denham's mind by telling her the doctor helped Stringer and his brother and sister like him.  He promises more men for the project and more supplies, which he shouldv'e done before.  As Charlotte and Sidney play with the children and the boats on the river, Charlotte has a brilliant plan for Sanditon, a regatta.  Whereby exciting Tom and plans get underway for this.  This episode was still so tedious as you can't help think Pride and Prejudice at every turn and its superiority, only that was so much more interesting too.  Such a slow progression still and we're only 3 eps into it.