Sunday, 25 August 2019

Sanditon Episode 1

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So now we get Sanditon, a lesser known, unfinished novel by Jane Austen and there's plenty of reasons for it being now well known.  It was too Pride and Prejudice, too Vanity Fair and Sense and Sensibility.  Of course I could continue with more allusions to books and their premise, but I fear no one will be interested.  Oh and they still haven't managed to lower the music in favour of drowning out the voices yet!! Seems it was all very timely for Charlotte Heyworth (Rose Williams) to have prevented the carriage from suffering a more fatefully serious accident, and then gets to 'freeload' off the party in Tom Parker (Kris Marshall) and his wife, Mary (Kate Ashfield.)  He was looking for a doctor for the seaside resort of Sanditon.  The bathing you know. 

Once again we get the widowed aunt, Lady Denham (Anne Reid) who has all the riches and no children, concerned her family should marry into money and everyone swooping in waiting for her to die so they get their grotty paws on her fortune.  As she says to Charlotte, "surely you're here to find a husband."  Cue her ward, Clara (Lucy Sacofsky) who seems meek and shy.  Don't be fooled by her.  As we later see her with Edward in the grounds of the Denham estate.  Wanting her secret to be kept and saying she was forced into 'it' - her predicament - by him.

Charlotte becoming a part of the household as Tom has robust and grand plans to put Sanditon on the map, I keep calling it Sandition!! Thus enlisting his brother, Sidney (Theo James) who seems to be the black sheep of the family, to find rich business associates with connections.  One in particular knowing the Prince Regent.  He sets off on a rocky meeting with Charlotte at the ball and is 'lumbered' with having to dance with her, though his expression showed he was loathed to do so.  He being linked to Miss Lambe (Crystal Clarke) of Antigua, a sugar heiress who apparently has been associated with a scandal.  Seems he was associated with her, but whether or not this was scandalous remains to be seen; as she wants no part of him.

Then there was Tom's younger brother, a portly, Arthur (Turlough Convery) who hates the cold weather and is always under the weather, along with their sister, Diana (Alexandra Roach) they were the Collins's of Pride and Prejudice, at least their characters were, not that they were husband and wife.  Then the relationship between Edward Denham (Jack Fox) and his sister Ester (Charlotte Spencer) which was positively incestuous, it seems, well not positively in that sense of the word. 
Charlotte gets into a pickle when she tells Sidney she likes to look at people and then decide on their character which she finds difficult to do here as everyone mingles so freely.  As she describes his family and Tom, Sidney feels repulsed at her for not having any experience and yet speaking her mind so freely.  Experience of the world or anything.  That's the Pride and Prejudice convo between Lizzy and Darcy when they later talk of his pride and her prejudice.

Throw in some bathing in the sea and naked bums of the men; a ball, dubious characters, money and ITV feels they were on course to a ratings winner.  Not to mention more racy scenes, of which most people have complained of already.  I prefer the other books in comparison to this one, I admit.  However this was only partly written before Jane's death in 1817.

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Ghost Brothers Haunted Houseguests 1.2 "When Shadows Attack"

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Episode 2 continued in the same vein as the first with the Brothers helping out another family who were being menaced by a shadow figure, as well as the presence of a girl's spirit.  The family had to move away but had to move back now to the house they left behind for financial reasons.  Thus they needed help.  The house was put on the market but didn't sell.  Jeff played them back spirit box voices he had caught saying "Liz"; "don't hurt me" and he had seen a dark figure in his daughter, Mackenzie's bedroom and also one in the closet.  As well as the basement.  Apparently the girl spirit also held his hand and it appeared she was prevented from leaving by the shadow figure.

Immediately Juwan ans Dalen saw a shadow figure in the room, the same corner as Jeff did and there appeared to be some sort of light anomaly which zoomed out of the right corner, which could have been related to what they both saw.  It moves fast but it doesn't appear to be a bug.

They decided they should play hide and seek with the girl spirit.  But Marcus found them!  Using the Ovilus they got "bad" coming through, as well as "hey sad."  Which was strange as it came through in a deep voice.  They stayed overnight in their sleeping beds and next day, Marcus carried out some research, meeting with the Mayor who took him to the cemetery, explaining an African American family owned the house as a farm.  Their graves were also moved and replaced again, but no one was certain who ended up in the right one of now.  Marcus took a rubbing of the initials EG from a headstone, which could be the name, Elizabeth.  As Jeff got "Liz" on the spirit box.

They bought in a medium, Samantha, who was there before to do a reading and she felt the presence of the girl and also the shadow figure.  She told them the girl was white and wore a blue gingham dress, as Jeff said he saw.  She was buried somewhere near a tree and a rosebush.  She was up one night and then her father came home and she couldn't get back to her room so he pushed her down and killed her.  Her death was kept a secret.  Wouldn't there have been records on who owned the house at that time.

Using a doll and clothes, they used the SLS and also Samantha asked her to come and play with the doll.  They caught her on the SLS sitting on her lap and also playing with the doll.  Then the tall figure appeared and tried to tower over Samantha and touch her.

She was creeped out and seized the moment by telling the entity to leave as it doesn't have any power here and it vanished.  She told the little girl to go as she was free now.  They laid flowers by the rose bush and also placed a headstone there with the words "Be Free" on it.  Such a touching and fitting tribute.  I haven't seen many investigators do that but it tugs at the heart strings.  Now she knows people will remember her too.
The family told them the house was sold two weeks later and they were moving away.

It appears they didn't get anything again during the night when they were sleeping there, wonder why, I ask out of curiosity.  Glad to see something was done by them to help and by also allowing Liz to move on, the entity had no control over her or anyone anymore.

Sunday, 18 August 2019

Ghost Brothers Haunted Houseguests 1.1 "The Bad Man"

                                               Image result for ghost brothers haunted houseguests
The anticipated trio return in a new series of an altogether different show.  It's still about the paranormal, but this time round they're using their knowledge and experience as investigators to help out families being menaced by spirits and evil entities.  This time helped by Juwan's little black book!! Ha. Was hoping for a little of the other show to return, but at least we get to the Ghost Brothers on our screens once more and delve further into their alternate style of investigating. 

They find themselves in Vassar, Michigan to help Jessica, her husband veteran, Conrad and their four year old son, Xavier, who have been plagued by an evil spirit they call, The Bad Man.  Jessica was attacked by him when the mirror in the bathroom was thrown at her, a fragment cutting her leg, causing her to have a few surgeries in which she almost died.  Leaving a massive scar on her leg.  She has also heard the man call her name whilst in the kitchen and has appeared in her son's room too and he has also seen him.  There is also a 'pretty lady' in a white dress who roams the house.  Known as The Wedding Cake house cos of its tiers, a house Jessica had always dreamed of owning.  Built by original owner Richard Burdis who Dalen found out also passed in the house and a wake was held there.

Carrying out research he also spoke with journalist, Mary Drier who provided him with photos and also a photo of the second owner, Byron Coles, who she was told by an offshoot of his family how he was trouble.  Byron also died in the house.  Their initial investigation found Juwan filming a figure on the SLS by Xavier's room and by Jessica's bedroom, vanishing and then reappearing. 

A spirit box session on Dalen's phone app had them get the name Richard coming through, who was the original owner.  In the kitchen they found the stove turned on by itself and then went off too.  As well as Dalen saying this was dangerous for the family.  In the basement, Marcus used the Rempod which belted out some Morse Code which he hasn't seen it do before.  Also telling Conrad to leave.

They spent the night there and Byron didn't approach them.  Appears he only shows himself in front of defenceless women and children.  Juwan decided to bring in some help and contacted a medium, Carrie.  Showing her the photos, she found that Richard and his wife, Flora, the pretty lady, were looking out for the house and protecting it.  But that Byron was "devious and malicious."  Why would he even do that?  The house wasn't his and he should pass on.  Granted he probably did know he had passed, but wanted to keep hold of the house. An indication that he was still here and malicious, as he said "hurt and halo" on the device used in the basement.  In the closet, the room near to the bathroom where the mirror was pushed on Jessica, the same thing happened to Carrie as she was pushed from behind, almost hitting the vanity mirror if Juwan hadn't gotten hold of her.  Again attacking a woman, a cowardly spirit.  Could be seen from his photo, he looked rather arrogant in it.

Marcus thought it would be better if they left the house, or to get a priest or pastor to carry out some form of spiritual blessing.  Five weeks later, Jessica contacted them to say they were staying and would face this with the "tools" they had provided the family with.  An interesting approach and show which luckily wasn't all about being overly dark and demonic, though it was just the first episode.  It was interesting with the Brothers and their relaxed method of investigating and putting pieces of the puzzle and their evidence together and am looking forward to the other episodes.