
Tuesday 24 September 2024

Death Walker 4.13 "Return To the Western Block"

Last season when Nick investigated the Western Block and found a compelling paranormal entity. It made the news and had the footage analyzed.  Could be an alien or a deformed human, lost fingers from a work accident.  That it maintained enough energy to remain transluscent for so long.  Theories of time travelling astral beings.  Could their world be parallel to our own.  The sense of fear is due to the hazardous effect a slip in our dimension would have on humans.  Also could be the spirit of a disfigured human.  Or is a sign something inhuman is residing here.  Have also been Mafia related murders on site and deaths of workers.  Many deaths also when the Eerie Canal was being constructed.  Visitors who enter the decrepit areas reported seeing shadow figures, being watched.  

Frank and Heather remained in contact and Frank delves into paranormal investigation.  They both said paranormal activity has increased.  The recent influx is why he returned here and conducted a second investigation.  Focus on making contact with whatever tried to grab him using a complex experiment.  Sometimes the best way to discover what is going on is be experiments.  Opening an interdimensional pathway for the entity to return to this place.  Heather has many questions as to what it could be.  Something incredible still to her.  Much more activity here after they left.  Frank has never seen anything like that before here or at any other location.  

Tessa felt the entity is intelligent and not human.  She sees its shy towards humans and doesn't have a distinct form of energy.  It thinks it's found this safe space and has come here to hide.  She feels tingling on her back, something was crawling up on her back.  Trying to grab her shirt or something on her spine and tingling is a feeling people get when a spirit comes upon them, as well as goosebumps.  Intense layers of energy.  Sees a man in a hard hat who is more residual.  People hiding under things and being distraught.  Her eyes were burning, maybe smoke.  Wood and walls and ceilings collapsing.  A strong sense of people dying from an accident.  An entity not human but intelligent.  The reason for any noises and physical interaction with people.  

Nick wants to communicate further with the entity in this spot.  Discover if it's an interdimensional being, a worker, a ghost residing here.  Asks if it comes from beyond and how they're breaking into that reality.  He has new devices and audio to try to communicate.  Voices come through.  Nick feels a surge of energy up his spine.  "Yes..."  he hears screaming, disembodied.  I didn't hear it.  "I am" then he asks if something is pushing against his body.  "Dead" comes through as usual.  "Take my hand...them" when he asks if someone died in the fire.  Nick feels the energy is different and the intent is more negative.  A banging sound is heard.  "Yes" comes through after he asks if it made that sound.  "I did...died."  He feels a doorway was opened here and the entity breaking through is overpowering the other spirits.  Justin is pushed right near to the sharp metal saw.  

Austin set up an infra red generator, a sub woofer and Tessa uses the radionics machine to draw the entity out to capture the image.  Selenite wand most powerful crystal for projecting and a crystal quartz.  Their intention is to have the entity communicate with Nick upstairs.  Tessa asks the entity to come forward and show itself.  Nick feels there's something with them.  Something negative.  In the same place where it was captured.  On an intuitive level Tessa feels like it's pacing and will do something.  It's unpredictable, not human.  She can't describe its features.  Or it mimics what it sees,  "Fire...dead..."  Another noise is heard of something crashing or running away even and bumping into something.  Tessa feels like her finger's going numb and her neck tingles.  Can feel the spirits are communicating, those that died in the fire and there's something negative and pushing them out.  Tessa keeps touching her back.  Wants them out of their space.  The alarm was going off on their device.  

Nick says they heard loud sounds and were seeing things happen.  He felt energy move through him and not just through the infrasound.  The spirits were communicating and disrupted everything.  Then the light on her equipment was flashing and something manifested here and she mentally pushed it to Nick.  The EMF was maxed out.  Nick wants to see it manifest.  Use his energy.  Using different spectrums to help it manifest. "Shot...spirits..."  The new audio device scanning the AM with intelligent voices coming through.  Fluctuating between different frequencies.  "We did" try to attack Tessa and Justin.  Was that "monster" when he asks what it is if it's not a spirit form.  "Energy."  "Ghost" who pushed Justin.  "Walking" after he asks who's making noises here.  I hear "hello...we died...

Nick says the entity manifested on camera and returning he wants to pull back more of the layers here, the history of people dying.  There's something negative here and they don't understand what it is.  Could be something not of human nature and reaching out and dwelling in the darkness.  

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Death Walker 4.11 "Haunted Stagecoach Inn"

Palmyra Old Stage Coach Inn was established in 1810 by the township with immigrants from Wales.  Francis Lewis built the two story Palmyra Central Hotel.  The inns and hotels were meeting houses for politicians and noteworthy people. A luxurious stopover and guests ranged from from Abraham Lincoln to Buffalo Bill.  Home to business and had tavern saloon secret rooms which were constructed and used by the underground railroad.  Francis Lewis operated it for years and shipped meat to Cincinnati.  As fraternal knights claimed the hotel in 1888 and the brotherhood was founded by Justice H Rathbone in Washington DC.  A spirit of brotherhood.  Knights Pythias opened doors to the homeless and many people had lost their lives in the old inn.  Knights kept property until the 1990's.  

Douglas brought it and had paranormal experiences.  He left the property and other groups reported feelings of being watched, as well as disembodied voices, spirit apparitions.  Inn witnessed many good and tragic events and then the underground railroad days.  Other unknown presences will make contact with Nick.  Douglas saw the building and a man had a terrible accident and after he bought it, his wife didn't want him buying it.  She came here and they went round the back where the building was dilapidated.  

Uses micro radar detector ghost coffin and magnetic light strips.  The light panels he hopes will be activated.  "Help" comes through.  "There is" a woman trying to communicate.  Many voices come through.  He asks if Tom is here, he used to investigate the building.  Nick feels electricity through his body.  A woman needs help; he asks who she is?  What year is it?  He asks if they know if they're dead?  "Hit in the head."  They do already know they're dead as that always comes through.  A door opens by itself when they're not anywhere near it.  There's no wind around.  A man and woman keep coming through.  "Talk to me..."   Is there anyone here on their journey, I heard "me I am."  Someone says they were stabbed.  15, 50, 3, 8 numbers comes through when he asks how many died here?  Trapped here.  

Energy is in the darkness, anomalies in the basement.  "Light" comes through twice.  Nick  asks if they form as light, the energy that moves through light.  Hiding, escaping or tried to get out of the norm and all the emotions and energy at the time, the fear so they wouldn't get captured or killed there when using the underground railroad.  Intelligent spirit voices come through.  They moved through the area and asks for the door to be closed again.  Can hear "sure...yes."  

 Justin leaves whilst Nick remains alone.  I miss the time when he'd sleep over alone.  The energy changes and finds it more creepy.  The tripwire sounds but nothing is captured or seen on camera.  Footsteps are heard on the third floor.  The trip wire goes off again.  Was that 1856 that came through.  Energy of intelligent communication and residual, opening doors, history of death that occurred.  Others opening the door and communicating and history continues with this communication they're documenting right now.  

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Death Walker 4.10 "Genesee Falls Inn"

Was a hotel at Portageville, New York and has become a hub for para-enthusiasts that attracts visitors and investigators.  Joseph Ingham built it in 1870 and is nearby the Letchworth State Park and River. Ingham's hotel stood two fires, rebuilt with brick.  On 4th July 1846 a tornado destroyed it.  A seen year  old boy was killed by the winds. The ballroom was set up as a boxing ring for boxer John L Sullivan and was transformed to him.  Home to a family of suicides, though none were reportedly carried out in the house itself, but by the waterfall.  In World War One the hotel was a destination for troops and in the 1950's the Williams family owned it.  Hurricane Agnus brought a flood during the hurricane.  The Wheeler family ownership at the time.  Vacant from 2004 and was bought online by the current owner.  Associated emotional events even the last caretaker passed and rumours he still haunts the place.  Phantom footsteps in corridors, doors open and closing, child in period clothing, shadow figures are all said to have been seen here.  

Nick's 3 day investigation will explore the hidden mysteries within the walls.  Secrets in mists of time at the inn.  Encountered and bizarre tragic events.  Just minutes from the inn, he and Justin found a car accident.  The victim  lost control of his pick-up, his foot still pressing on the gas.  There was a gasoline scent and Nick pried open the door.  He tried to free himself from the car.  Nick turned off the engine and he was rescued.  The cause of accident remains a mystery.  Arrived late and Debbie, the owner, rescheduled and were given unrestricted access for next 3 days.  Thomas not arrived at the inn.  They explored the inn and were struck by the spiritual energy from the rooms.

To investigate he called Tessa and on the way.  Thomas arrived he said he experienced, encountered a chilling scene where a man in his 30's was presumed a hit and run.  His story hinting at a paranormal investigation.  Thomas was walking up the stairs and he saw a man walking there wearing blue overalls.  He looked at him and disappeared.  Shadow figures, doors opening and closing.  Footsteps, seen a man in a chair in one room.  Was that the last caretaker.  The balcony door opened and slammed on them.  Room 4 he saw the shadowman.  He saw the handle move as if someone was trying to get in.  He felt he had to leave.  In the hallway had to be back to back with eyes watching them and telling them to leave.  By the mirror they see a man sitting in the chair, faceless and then he's gone.  Feel uneasy and heaviness.  Voices told them to get out and door to balcony opened.  He feels he shouldn't be here everytime he comes here.  Basement with more intense experiences.  They heard a child giggling.  Sounded like it came from upstairs his friend thought.  Then heard footsteps by the door.  

Tessa arrived and said a few miles from the inn she saw a tall figure in black, motionless in the middle of the road.  Then drifted away in darkness.  It was odd he was in the night in darkness, could the spirit be there to provoke a car accident.  I said that.  She feels an intimidating spirit.  Intimidate someone who stays here.  There's something in the hallway, an angry presence.  Tapping is heard.  She feels they're being cornered.  This energy she feels nearby is protective of its space.  Down the hallway she feels a female presence.  Some seem calm and other rooms feel people sensitive to spirits wouldn't want to stay there.  She heard a voice.  She doesn't like the hallway and she feels like she's being watched from both ends.  One end is oppressive.  She hears coughing.  One of the rooms has the heaviest presence.  A man died in his sleep, he was sick.  Was that the caretaker??  Would try to rush them out of here.

In one room she feels panicked, trapped and someone is running around.  A residual feeling.  She has a pain in her neck and hard to breathe.  They begin the investigation.  Nick tries to get audio communication.  He asks what they see on the other side.  Tessa thinks something blocked the light of the sign.  Nick hears footsteps in the hallway.  She sees someone messing with the doors, turning the lock with a key.  Was there a shadow on the white bit of the door behind them, or was it the camera light??

Nick comes through and so does Mike.  Nick feels cold.  They're standing next to them.  Cold energy lingers on his left.  "Us...Mike" and Nick says someone pulled on his jacket.  Tessa says he was right behind Nick.  Is this your chair?  "No" is heard.  Tessa feels something on her back and she feels he died on the bed.  Something affects the throat, suffocated or constricting breathing.  Was a suicide here but he doesn't know details.  Nick had to have his back to the wall as if something was trying to attach to his back.  They're being watched.  The entire building is empty so they will be the only ones staying here.  Tessa feels like the hallway is breathing.  Nick says it feels like a Rubiks cube where everything constantly changes.  No shut doors this ep even though he asks.  To show if they're in this reality or their own on the other side.  Was that " yes" or "Chris" that came through when Nick asked if he has a name.  

Seth comes through.  Is that the little boy's name.  He likes to hide in one of the rooms on the third floor.  It's quiet there.   The boy's energy is manipulated they die and their personalities resonate from thee other side.  But he feels angry or possessive of the area.  Nick says it could be the caretaker scaring people or intimidating them.  Still manifesting this energy.  Nick says they will sleep here.  In a vulnerable state and will only find this and it becomes a part of you.  Tessa and Nick go quiet when he says they will have to sleep here.  They agreed.  I miss the eps where he did sleep overnight in locations.

This room and the one behind them they feel panicky in.  Didn't like this room at all.  The door didn't move either.  Was that footsteps before Nick says it.  Nick has the bed near the door, yikes!  She felt they were being watched from different angles.  It's freezing.  Tessa says something covered the 'Exit' sign again.  Didn't they put a camera facing each other in the hallway.  It would come out when everything got dark.  She says there's a black mist down the hallway.  Tessa takes the big toilet roll and tries to swat a fly!!  Which she tells Nick to get with his boot!  She doesn't want it going in her mouth when she's sleeping.  They hear more footsteps down the hallway.  That light of the sign looked brighter to me now!  Nick feels someone walking up and eyes watching them from all directions in the darkness.  

Were kept awake at night in room 24 and he wants to take his "research further to push the boundries of paranormal investigation and to make contact with the inn's most mysterious entity."

Hate we had to wait til the end of the season to see part 2 of this ep.  Easily one of the best ones this season!  Was spooky that they all encountered something dark on the road driving here and seemed like something did want to cause accidents there.

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Death Walker 4.9 "Supernatural Church"

The former Bryan Methodist Episcopal church in Bryant, Ohio.  Constructed by architect RC Loos of Philadelphia and was seen as a gothic building. The cornerstone was laid in 1895 and replaced the original church built in 1867.  Gravestones at the church cemetery were exhumed and relocated.  Gossip states that six graves were unaccounted for and the Methodists met in this structure.  The Winters were harsh and without an owner the building became dilapidated. The property was saved in 2013 and turned into a micro brewery and restaurant in the basement.  The owner was well travelled and brought back religious relics blending lots of cultures and religions.  Often held in sanctuary as cultural lore where all religions are welcomed and practised.  Crawl shape to symbolize visitors and employees have seen a full bodied apparition of a young girl and an old woman.  Construction workers unearthed a tomb and is located under a glass enclosure on the floor.  Cultures around the world believe that placing a tombstone on the grave keeps the ghost weighed down.  During the yellow fever epidemic they buried victims as soon as possible and some were comatose and mistaken for death and buried alive.  Could this energy now be causing the haunting.  The clashing of spiritual energy with years of religions be a part of the hauntings or do relics carry spirit attachments that reside and haunt the church.

Woman with blonde hair has been seen and energy felt normal.  Other employees have seen the little girl and has been seen running around in the sanctuary.  Her headstone is said to be in the building but not known where.  Shadow figures have also been seen.  Nick has Austin set up experiments in the crypt room and main area of the restaurant.  A laser listening device pointed at the body in the casket and will hear any frequencies under the glass.  Vibrational patterns of audio frequencies under the glass.  ITC experiment using an audio devices to communicate mixed with a ghost box with laser light transmitter to allow entities to communicate with Nick.

"Justin" comes through.  Mentions a "secret."  Wants it to speak though the vibration.  "This is me..."  "Alive" someone was brought here alive.  He asks what they see after they've died.  He asks if they know they're dead.  Is spirit still attached to this area?  "Dead" comes through as always.  In the crypt the body was left here untouched until it was discovered below.  In the hallway Tessa saw an older woman staring, who looks like an "old hag" and sees looking around corners and watching.  She's rolling things in her hands and she was involved in some ritual or religion.  She feels like she's a negative person.  That carries over into the spirit world.  There's a lot of pacing in the room and with plenty going on in this building since there's so much going on and difficult to decipher,  Someone passed there too.  A little girl plays hide and seek.  She feels she wasn't real or was here on the physical side.  A man with dark eyes feels as if he's using her as a puppet.  He doesn't have the energy on the other side and he carries a cross.  Negative body.  The little girl isn't real.  

Skeleton remains are still buried here?  "Yes."  Was that "coffin" or "leaving" that voice sounded like Tessa.  Lots of thoughts and expressions of people here, church, cemetery and different layers of energy.  Residual energy also present.  Think I heard "Nick."  Woman screams "here."  Leann or Lynette when Nick asks the lady who is screaming her name.    He has a device to detect what will come in the vicinity the ultrasonic will alarm showing someone is here.  "Attic" comes through.  Nick asks if it's earthbound.  "I was not"??  The device goes off downstairs.  Then goes off upstairs.  "Check the hall" when he asks if that was a man coming through.  

In the attic.  "Still not cold...find out...hidden where"??? "Intelligent...death...wait."  Don't like this echoing device.  Nick hears someone walking around.  The device goes off downstairs in the hallway.  He asks if the girl was buried here.  But Tessa said that the little girl isn't real.  Lots of energy intelligent, residual.  The stories of the hauntings still continue with energy and manifestation and that still continues today.  Some positive energy and also something from beyond.  "" sounds like a girl's voice.  "" when Nick asks about the girl.  

Nick asks what happens when you pass on.  Unexplainable answers.  He finds it hard to breathe and anxiety,  History and layers on this property as another foundation of a new church was built where remains still lie.  Manifestation is here consciously and they live through the years.  He's feeling the presence of the little girl.  Energetic pull of detaching from the body.  Residual energy and intelligence also comes through.  

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Death Walker 4.8 "Fort Niagara"

Old Fort Niagara as it was also known, now as Fort Niagara.  The battle in 1759 and there was a most violent skirmish during war of 1812 between England and The US.  The battle was the last battle of the war.  The British infantry captured the Fort and the US reoccupied in 1815 and was a border post until the two World Wars.  Last permanent structures was a 250 man barracks completed in 1939.  Soldiers trained for service during the two wars.  German POWs were also held here.  In the Korean War the Fort's buildings were put to use.  Navy used until 1960 and the new Fort was turned over to the state.  The New York Office of Parks and Recreation use the building as storage.  Building 88 was reported haunted.  Full bodied apparitions of soldiers.  Shadow people on the second floor windows have been seen during the day.  The cemetery on the east side of the Niagara River has unreadable markers, houses family members and soldiers.  Nick is first person given access to investigate here.

Soldiers convalesced here.  They left and returned here after the wars.  Emotional energy and this barracks last standing structures as a monument to this.  Four different nations, the French, Native Americans, British and Americans were present here.  People came here to explore and one of the workers there.  Hundreds and thousands died here.  Unique geology and water holds emotion and as an investigator this is a key to hauntings, residual or intelligent.  The Sullivan Curtain Campaign that pushed all the native American allies towards the river and thousands perished here.  Shadow people, a woman in white.  Soldiers in colonial uniforms.  Officers in World War I uniforms, as well as mists.  Fort Niagara on the shores of Lake Ontario, UFO activity and so many unexplained entities and can't be explained.  Spirits can be aggressive as this was a battleground.  A highly contested area.

Voice says "hallway."  Sounds like a door being closed.  Nick says the residual energy could have been manifesting.  Says "that one..."  Didn't hear any footsteps.  Residual like they're still working here and feels the shadow figure is here, lurking and watching.  Also communicating.  

Tessa feels a woman and Nick says there's also something more intelligent and an oppressive figure/energy.  She sees a man in a General's uniform.  "Walk...civil..."  Tessa has a weird vibe of people lined up against the wall.  Nick asks if there are soldiers in this room watching them?  Tessa sees a nurse.  She gives off a white vibe. like a care taker.  "Four" comes through too or was it war.  Some French comes through, didn't hear it.  "Murder."  Tessa sees a soldier of high rank and was injured on his leg, from the waist down.  He feels aggravated.  Could have been amputated and he died from an infection.  "Fighting...yes I did..."injure his leg.  "Dead" comes through as usual.  There's something near them.  There's static energy around.  Tessa feels the residual energy.  A female goes down the hallways and she's busy doing her work.  The soldiers were more intelligent.

Austin mentions disembodied voices that Nick's been hearing.  Random phonemes for the spirits to speak with Nick in real time.  Experiment on the second floor with a laser trip wires and it goes off as he's speaking.  Nick has goosebumps.  Something moves down the hallway again.  "Hallway" comes through.  Nick asks what they can see from the other side?  The energy shifts through the environment very fast.  Something communicates with them directly.  A loud noise is heard.  Nick keeps hearing "kill."  Nick asks if it died here, what is sees after death and does it know it's dead?  Have to say that audio device was annoying as a viewer!  The trip wire goes off again.  Nick heard a voice behind Justin.  The room seems to be a crossroads for people coming and going, different ranks/positions in the military.  Nick saw a shadow figure behind Justin.  He feels oppressive energy and then feels a soldier died there too.  In the basement.   A voice says it moved to here.  Was their place for free time.  Their position was a cook.  Tessa said someone was preparing the food there.  

Iconic and historical grounds and he thanks them for talking with them.  He finds the kitchen.  Nick hears a growl.  There is residual energy but intelligent spirits communicate from the other side.  The land holds war and bloodshed still in their reality and the bloodshed overshadows them.  

Sunday 8 September 2024

Death Walker 4.6 "Haunted Frontier House"

Lewiston, New York State is ten mins from Niagara Falls.  Some famous structures include the Frontier House frontier and was built in 1824 by Ben Barton who died in 1942 and was recognized as one of the finest hotels in New York.  Ten stagecoaches arrived carrying many famous people such as Charles Dickens.  It had been used as hotels, boarding house establishment and a museum.  In 1973 there was a fire and one dining was room destroyed.  In 1977 it was taken over by the McDonald's franchise which closed in 2004.  Next 19 years a development bought it and will complete the renovations soon.  Workers who were remodelling found tools and other materials disappearing before their eyes.  An employee sees a woman's silhouette.  One worker fell and died and they buried his body in the basement.  He was buried to cover up the wrong doing.  In 1836 Niagara County Freemason William Morgan said he'd write a book exposing their ways.  Morgan would be breaking his Masonic vows.  William was kidnapped and never heard from again.  Fifty four men were questioned of his disappearance and none were ever charged or were given lenient sentences.  Rumours were abound that Morgan was drowned in the Niagara River but they insisted he was given money to leave to Canada and never return.  

Lands have seen the 1812 War and of  America Revolutionary War.  Fort Niagara down the road and was the end of the underground railroad.  the last stage where the slaves crossed over into Canada. William Morgan threatened to expose their secrets.  Concocted a conspiracy to silence him.  The carriage stopped and he was shackled and then was put on another carriage itself.  People refused to touch the carriage and it rotted there.  It's still there and it's just invisible.  He either drowned, or was paid money.  A body washed onto Lake Ontario and was determined to be Morgan, despite a woman claiming he was her husband.  No way to see if it was Morgan.  Another person opened the store and saw a woman at the bottom of the upstairs and the woman was in period costume and was standing there and no one should've been there at the time.  

Energy can't be created or destroyed and many people came through the house and could their energy have been here.  Poltergeist activity has occurred and the energy and trauma that Morgan experienced was that part of this building here and from the underground railway too.  Co-workers spoke of the experience with the woman and another man saw the same woman here and he asked if could help and she replied she was waiting for someone.  Hear voices and from outside they'd see curtains moving from the window.  A weird feeling of being watched.

Tessa saw imprints and visions from the past.  She saw souls staring at her from the walls and she has to connect with them to let them tell their stories.  She has to make contact with them to determine more.  Did "enter here" come through or was it Angela??  Soldiers fought here and died, not much of anything comes through and a voice says "there is" some energy still here.  "Death comes through again.  "I was...killed" after Nick asks if he died here.  Was that the man who was buried here by those workers?

Tessa feels a vibe upstairs and here too.  Upstairs is very positive and sense of family, laughter and downstairs she senses a vendetta.  She's angry, anxious.  Somebody or a soul here who/s angry.  A tapping sound comes through.  A bang on the wall.  Tessa heard psychically was that they planned this like a secret conversation.  Tessa says he didn't fall and die this way.  Another tapping.  A man is communicating with us?  "Yes...hurt."  Nick comes through.  ""  Nick is heard again.  Tessa says something was covered up and sees a hand going over somebody's face, telling him he can't speak.  He wants to hit things and feels aggravated.  Nick gets goosebumps.  He feels like he just walked through someone.  Nick says perhaps they disposed of his body somewhere else, but some object of his is hidden here.  "Yeah" they're standing where it was buried.  "Dig."  And "help me..."  She saw water and took a part of him and purposely put it here to make a point.  They need to move and he's showing them pieces of the puzzle.  "Taken."  She heard a woman saying she's a family member.

There's another time period and the woman's on a different plane.  She's part of the family.  Is this the woman in the period dress who was seen by the workers here.  When she said she was waiting for someone??  Tessa doesn't like the space behind Nick.  Where the door is.  Nick asks if there's someone in the room.  She saw pieces of him in different places.  She hears he's in there when Nick opened the door.  Someone is in there?  "Yeah" is heard.  

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Death Walker 4.7 "The Chalkman Entity"


The school was surrounded by farmland and was built in 1914 for Liberty Township students.  After 6 years Typhoid ran though the area and one school child died who was acclaimed.  A crossroads and students felt being watched in the girl's bathroom and locker room.  It was closed in 1985 and the building was sold and used to school equipment.  Then turned into apartments and offices.  Basement was used as a haunted house attraction.  In 2010 the occupants were forced to leave and the haunted attraction was closed for violating fire codes.  The owner once a sceptic let some paranormal investigators in to investigate.  Tourists and paranormal groups see unexplained shadows, voices and have been scratched and pushed when standing near the edge of the stairs.  The cause as to why something aggressive roams the halls.  One of the third floor residents told them about being haunted by the spirit of a man and wrote messages on the chalkboard still on the wall.  Daughter called him the Chalkman.  A man committed suicide near where the woman communicated with the Chalkman.  Nick will find out if the spirit is the Chalkman.  

The owner was a police officer at he time, now an investigator and Austen took a photo of the scratch on his back.  Heard the same voices and his name was coming through.  Spoke of the Chalkman and seen a shadow figure.  A former resident said someone hanged himself in a room and they got some negative energy after they communicated with him.  Other people felt the same scratching etc.  His father-in-law had opened the building and made it into apartments.  Reports of break-ins and when they got a report they came out and called the sheriff and told them not to call again for nothing.  They could hear footsteps above them in the apartment.  Nick will hear footsteps later on too.  Father-in-law is a sceptic and sent him a video of a TV that turned on and off again which hadn't been on in ten years.  He's also shared evidence of scratches and disembodied voices and in the boiler room too.  A student at Westward School as it then became known, spoke of the bathroom and felt someone was watching them and when they come here now they're certain of this.  Heard of accidents that have occurred at the four corners at the crossroads outside.  She says there are things here and they're here to find out what's on the other side.  

Nick calls out the Chalkman using the Ghostbox.  "Call out the dead."  "People..."  comes through.  He asks why he was so angry now than when he was alive.  "No" doorway was open.  "Dead comes through all the time showing they do know they're dead, at least.  Nick asks if he walked through their energy?  "Yes."  He finds it hard to breathe.  "This man..." when he mentions the little girl and how he'd write on the chalkboard.  Leaves the recorder here.  The DR60 a new device.  He hears walking on the stairs.  Hear a door opening.  He's seen footage of one of the doors opening by itself, so it closes, but nothing happens to it.  "Leave here..." sounds like it.  A voice says "f*ck off."  He asks if it's the angry spirit.  He hears a voice on the recording.  "Nick they're here..."  he also hears coughing on the recorder.  "Get out..."  The recorder was left on the window ledge and went downstairs and there should only be white noise coming through and it has a lower frequency, low decibels so they're picking up on these spirits even through the day, using this ITC device.

He asks why he's attacking people and who is it?  "Hi..."  He asks why he's called Chalkman and who he is and how he died.  He's sorry for what happened to him.  "We're here" comes through.  Nick says there's oppressive energy as they move from the floors to the basement and sets up some experiment.  The fog with the lasers to see if they can see any shadow figures or any entities as this section is the focal point of the sightings.  He asks the spirits to move through the lasers, the lights towards him.  Move into the space and their energy.  They don't want to show themselves but don't have any problems with talking.  But don't answer any questions of where they are and whether they know they've passed away.  One thought I had is everytime "dead" comes through, do they refer to Nick as being dead.  DO they see him as the spirit, the entity entering their 'living' world.  Of course that's the premise of The Others film.  But here it's relevant as that's what they say no matter where he goes and what building/location he's in.

Nick says he's being attacked by the environment instead of the spirits.  He asks whether anything wants to talk to them.  Whether they died on this land and where he can find the Chalkman.  I hear "Chalkman" faintly come through.  He asks if the boiler room is where he's been seen.  The location is cold and gruelling on their bodies.  A knocking sound is heard.  They can hear footsteps upstairs.  As they go upstairs.  Someone walks there.  The door is still closed.  "Open."  They don't want to move anything.  Nick opens the door and tells them to come out.  The feelings have changed there now.  I think I heard "who are you?"  The Chalkman and spirit of the woman can be thought form entities that act like a spirit in occultism and they arise from human thoughts brought out deliberately by thoughts.  He wants them to push through.

He records with the ITC device set up and wants to speak with Chalkman.  Nick asks if he was communicating with Stephanie, the girl.  Where can he see him and talk with him.  "I know her."  He feels heat on his spine and has goosebumps.  "I'm behind you."  Is what I heard.  "Yes behind" not yes I am.  It's an intelligent voice and shows they might be speaking to the Chalkman who knew Stephanie.  He asks if he committed suicide.  Was he a janitor, a teacher here?  He asks if he likes being called Chalkman?  "I am??"  Then a creepy laugh and sounds like "yeah..."  "No I don't like being called Chalkman

On the devices Nick believes the Chalkman is intelligent and doesn't seem to be a thought form and is a real person after he stated he doesn't like his name. Nick speculates it's an earthbound spirit drawn here due to the paranormal investigations releasing the energy and gave him the energy to integrate and never leaves and waits for people to call on it.  Of course thought forms were mentioned in season 1 of Supernatural Hookman ep.  Also known as tulpas.   

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Death Walker 4.5 "Bell Mansion"

Bell Mansion in Fort Wayne, Indiana.  The wing and mansion was commissioned by Robert C Bell to build in 1893 and was finished in 1895. Indiana limestone was used in its construction amongst other materials and timber panelling. Robert married Clare and moved here in 1871.  He was an attorney and senator.  She formed the first classes as the Fort Wayne Art School.  Their only child Bessie died at 11 months.  He got pneumonia and died in the home.  She owned it until 1904 when she sold to William K Noble.  Clare died 2 years after moving out.  In 1926 they sold to start a funeral home.  Industry grew with 25 thousand homes around the country.  In the 1930's funeral home owners became members of the professional class.  1935 high demand so another addition was built on Bell Mansion.  In 2018 it was closed and here many bodies were embalmed.  

Nick asks if Nick and his partner who are owners of the mansion if they saw much paranormal activity.  Groups have stayed overnight to witness the hauntings: disembodied voices, phantom footsteps and doors moving by themselves.  Nick will try to interact with the 40 spirits haunting the mansion.  Owner Nick says the energy from the three floors is strong and this floor was used all for entertainment.  Ball room, pool room.   Many claims of activity.  Bell and Noble have been seen in the billiards room and poker room.  Gail is in the room and a boy named Indy.  He came here from Indiana sanatorium after he followed them home.  Talks of Isabella who interacted with a man and was hit by a drunk driver.  When he spent the night there he felt her walking around.

Nick's partner says she wants to preserve the building and should be in one piece still for those who have passed.  She was a sceptic and she opened her mind and she believed after EVPs.  Listening and those voices are heard and talking with them.  Footsteps and doors closing.  Spirits know it's a safe place and disembodied voices are heard when alone in the house.  Lights coming on and off.  So much emotion after losing loved ones is still here.  Energy has been in this building for 93 years.  Plus the number of bodies embalmed here as Nick said.  Want to keep history alive.

Nick tries to speak with Isabella.  "Two people..."   Asks Bell if he likes what the owners are doing to the home and sure a faint "yes" came up.  Lots of voices come through.  Nick wants to know if there's an intelligent spirit of Isabella, Bell, or the spirit of one of the members of the John Dillinger gang brought here.  There's many layers here and he wants to see who's communicating with him on the other side, whether intelligent or residual.  

Tessa tells Nick she sees a woman in a house dress in the room where she painted.  She sees a woman painting on a balcony.  She's drawn to this room, that's where Mrs Bell carried out her artwork.  She feels energy and distressed and crying by the window.  She also sees a man and the difference he's more residual and she's more intelligent and she's tied here and is sad.  She doesn't feel Bell is there and he's more residual.  She sees a child spirit about a year old, a girl.  That was the Bell's baby daughter.  Their spirit and residual energy of the people in the funeral home would reside more where they lived.  A knock is heard.  Luciano was crying and Tessa says he heard Nick.  Nick says when he heard the baby noises, the energy changed.  The child passed and she's panicked and distressed about it.  She sees her pacing and throwing her art supplies around.  

There's another knock on the door and Nick has goosebumps.  Tessa thinks the baby's causing her panic.  Nick forgot Mrs Bell had a child and she died and she's being triggered by Luciano.  Tessa says she can't distinguish if it's her child or not.  I didn't hear any crying sound but a sort of a moan.  Tessa saw her rushing around, looking for help for her baby.  Makes her sad as a mother.  Tessa tells her that her baby is okay and when she decides and she can go back and be with her.  She can let go of this location and she wants her to move on.  

Set up an experiment in Mrs Bell's room with devices to alarm by her unseen presence.  Nick also tells her to move on.  Why would she still be here if her baby isn't and neither is her husband.  I heard "move on" faintly after Nick tells her to let go.  A device goes off.  The whole floor has cameras.  "Yes" after he asks if anyone's here with him.  "Movement or woman" comes through.  "Light..."  Fog was set to see if any manifestation can be seen.  "I am..."  "I saw..."  "Lady..."  Nick wants to be spoken to..."I'm trying..."  "89..."

Nick hears footsteps behind Justin.  "Mother..."  "help..."  He follows the energy and spirit communication to the basement where he makes contact with the Bell's.  Was one of their coffins?  "Yeah..." Nick gets inside the coffin.  "Help..."  "Coffin..."  "Died" comes through a lot but they don't want to talk about how they communicate or where they are.  "Tunnel..."  Ask what his name is  "Groff" comes through, so does "help."  1852 or 35 something like that.  "Dead" comes through again after he asks if they know they're a ghost.  He ask how they can communicate after dying and leaving their body.  Asks if they know where they are.  "Dead..."  "Hi Nick..." 

Nick talks of waves of energy defining what is intelligent and residual continuing from what occurred in the past and is just looping.  The intelligent says his full name with hundreds of bodies brought in and the energies do linger.

"In the realm of the paranormal, a phenomena known as a residual haunting often mystifies and captives and psychic links playing events in the past.  The fates of Clare and Bessie marked a pivotal moment in his investigation, that the spirits are a permanent fixture in this place.  Visual haunting co- existing with her were intelligent spirits.  He has gotten more knowledge of a place and the connections between the spirits transcending death itself.  

Sunday 4 August 2024

Death Walker 4.4 "Eastern Niagara Hospital"

Lockport city hospital opened 1st July 1908 with 18 patients and in 1938 was renovated which allowed  the hospital to take on 138 beds. In 1999 changed the name to Eastern Niagara Hospital and services included radiology, surgeries and a nursing home.  After Nick investigated here a tour boat capsized in the caves and the injured were treated in the Emergency department.  In November 2019 the hospital filed for bankruptcy, nursing home was deactivated and the ER will close weeks after he concludes his investigation.  They will investigate for the first and last time here.  He and Tessa attempt to connect to those in the supernatural realm.  Two nurses said they encountered paranormal experiences on the third floor.  The fifth floor had surgeries and lives were lost there.  Tessa establishes a connection with the entities in the basement area.  The hospital room now lies dormant.  Unravel the identities of these spirits and why they're here.

Jeff worked here for 33 years and was called during a surgery into the theatre and they showed him an orb of light that shone throughout the duration of the procedure.  Was it someone watching over the patient, or the patient watching themselves in an out of body experience.  It happened for a long time.  He called Jim and he checked ward 3 if anything was happening workwise.  He also saw this.  Jim worked here for 44 years and met his wife there.  He was born here and lost his father here too after a car accident.  25 years ago in the OR as explained by Jeff.  There was no odour or noise from it and didn't feel malevolent.  The nurses also saw it too, as well as others.  It stopped after the operation ended.  Jim stood under it and he can't explain the experience now.  In OR 4 the lights went on by themselves.  They'd switch them off and would come back on.  Jeff got a bad feeling in the nurses rooms and in the boiler room and people saw shadow people there.  

Nick uses the Haltay ghost box and "yes" comes through when he asks if anyone passed here.  The hospital will be closing soon and he calls it crazy being able to work in a hospital still in operation but they're in the abandoned part.  A heavy door opens by itself and it is a heavy door so couldn't have just moved by itself or by the wind as there's none there.  Nick sees a shadow moving.   Tapping is heard on the wall.  No figures are captured on the SLS computer images.  Justin thinks they could be messing with them and Nick adds that perhaps they don't know they've passed.   A noise is heard like something fell.  Why did the voice say "seven-one."  Room number, a date??  

Tessa picks up on the energy of the hospital and whatever happens in the hospital.  She saw a young man who maybe committed suicide.  The spirit of the person who was worked on and she believes doctors etc have an ability to sense people and see things as healers.  She feels pressure in her chest area.  A well-known doctor passed away and wears glasses in scrubs down the hallway preparing for surgery.  Jeff talks of the surgeon who knew his work and was very good and operated on his daughter.  He was caring and arrogant and they'd exchange jokes etc.  Tessa feels they're drawn back here as it was their life's purpose.  A woman is here in the morgue who's calling out for her family.  She sees a big man in the doorway and Nick feels a cold breeze.  

Tessa says something's calling them upstairs.  He tells her about the door opening.  He uses the digital recorder.  She hears walking, heard that once.  Nick says people have mentioned phantom footsteps following them around.  I hear a man's voice saying "I am dead..."????  after Nick asks if after leaving the body, do you die?  Nick sees a hand reaching out from the room in a surgical room.  Tessa thinks it's the doctor again.  

The fifth floor where the door opened.  Uses the Geobox.  Tessa sees an older woman in pain before she passed and she's angry.  Tessa asks if she was sick, "yes."  "Scared."  Was that maniacal laughing?  There were shadows on that pipe thingy opposite the door that opened or was it them??  Nick feels like he's back's on fire.  He's picking up empath energy.   Tessa feels there's a woman behind her.  "Into the light...who is it?"  "Help."  The elderly woman no one came for her and she'd be in her '80's.  "Behind you."  She knows Tessa can see her.  She gets Christine.  Tessa feels this is intelligent and not residual.  She mentions a man pushing a bin and elderly up and down the hall.  Nick says they can move on, if they're able to do so and leave and will pass on messages to their loved ones.  

They move and she mentions the young man again, associated with substance abuse and he contributed to his own passing.  He felt a sense of community here.  May 9th comes through and today is 10th May when they were filming.  She believes people who suffer schizophrenia they're not hearing things but spirits so they're more attuned to it, as shown by research.  "Closet."  "Wasn't happy...this room...I'm here."  Nick finishes by saying residual energy is imprinted here and spirits still look out throughout this hospital.  

Monday 29 July 2024

Death Walker 4.3 "Bihl Manor Shadow Man"

Bihl Manor was built by Jerome Bihl, opposite Rutherford B Hayes Museum.  He was active in the Freemont area and they sold the house to Clarence and Daisy Wolfe.  Daisy died in 1966 in a bedroom which had a switchboard capable of calling any phone in the house.  Lucas County Children's Centre bought the house and they turned it into a group home from children who were mentally ill or unwanted.  22 foster children were living in the manor in the mid 1970's. Some of the children were even deaf and a facility, the harmony house was now used to be occupied mentally affected men.  B&B in 2009 sold to a family who only lived there for a year.  Nick has a feeling of dread and begins to speculate that negative energy has embedded itself.  Homes like this appear so since former residents can affect the living.  Carlo, the current owner, watched for figures and heard disembodied voices and a full bodied apparition of a young boy in the staircase.  Scratched and bitten in the basement.  A boy had an accidental death or committed suicide and former orphans and members of the Wolfe family still lived there.  Or there could also be evil intent could be living here and feeding off their energy. 

Carlo was taking photos in the attic and there was no one in the house and the energy feels like its surrounding you and are being followed.  In the dining room and heard someone upstairs and maybe someone was looking for something and there was no one upstairs.  He opened the door and feels like you're surrounded on the second floor and feel breathless.  Saw a boy on the landing in a suit with red hair.  Carlo didn't want there to be spirits in the home.  Someone also saw the same boy in the attic.  Hearing voices, looks up the window upstairs.  Scratched, he hasn't been in the basement yet.  Also shadow figures, scratched, bitten, childrens' voices from upstairs.  A small child and heard a guitar, a couple of strums and was taken outside.  She feels like it could be Clarence and heard voices on the voicebox like two men having a conversation or children not having anyone visiting them.  

Nick asks for communication.  "" comes through.  "Free...dead..." comes through.  Someone is speaking with him, "three" keeps coming through.  "Basement" also comes through when he asks if he's down there.  There's too much echo on this box Nick used.  It's annoying.  Nick comes through several times.  Rick also comes through and dark.  He feels something on his back,  So does "killed" comes through.  He asks if it's human and it says "don't know."  Nick says there's a shadow figure there.  

He calls Tessa to ask what she feels.  She saw a woman rushing him and screaming.  Also saw a woman in a straitjacket trying to get out of it.  She can't control herself.  A spirit child, the woman and the man are there too.  The child tries to tell their story. She sees an "energy vampire" that attaches himself and tries to get their energy.  Causing the couple here to have panic attacks and this energy will go to vulnerable parts of Nick.  Nick feels an arm against his back, something negative.  "Behind you" comes through.  "Can't help" in response to Nick asking where they are.  I hear Rick again when he asks for one of their names, who they are.  "Hiding" comes through and was that "doctor" or something.  

He wants to try an audio experiment.   An ITC experiment known as Direct Radio Voice predating the Frank's box and they use that method and do it in real time to have a dialogue with the spirit, called stochastic resonance, using white noise.  One of their signals contacts with the white noise and they can be heard.  They're hoping to get a few sentences at a time.  White noise taking the collective energies, of Nick and that positive resonance and energy aids in spirit contact.   Nick asks it to connect with his energy and hear his voice, to tell their story.  They want to feel the spirit's energy.  He feels surrounded by cold energy.  Nick also wears the ghost helmet.  He feels the hand on his back again.  "Dying" comes through.  What was that when he asked for a name, "Chip."??  "Demon" comes through and they also hear it on their experiment downstairs.  As Tessa said it wasn't human earlier.

Voices come through, not all of them are audible.  Voices saying "two idiot guys and a girl..." referring to the audio team or to Nick, Justin and Tessa.  Nick's chair gets knocked over.  This ep has to be watched to see the full extent of the voices coming through in the experiment.  "Evil...dead..." it's moving.  "I don't know" where it came from.  The team hear voices, "I'm not human, demon" came through.  They were aware of Nick and his name came through a lot.  Knew he was moving around.  Nick needs to be careful and what's here could become something else, is deceptive.  Could have residual spirits but much of the dialogue was intelligent.  Nick told the spirits they can't follow them home.  He feels there's more negativity here and something much darker and has a horrible smell and lingers with an energy that tries to latch onto the spine.  Feelings of being followed.  

Friday 19 July 2024

Death Walker 4.2 "Sweet Home Entity Doll"

Western New York, Fillmore in Hume, a 200 year old location.  Here lies the Sweet Home Estate, near the Home Creek Waterway is much older than 200 years but there are no records who originally built it.  In 1822 Chancey Ingham was appointed the postmaster in Hume and he purchased the building. Grim events in the property when the Civil and Indian wars and the hotel closed after he died. George Harding opened a law office before dying in 1902.  A dancehall named by Augustus Henry. On 9th June 1892 after the flood he was a vic and only survivor.  The embankment collapsed when they were watching.  Augustus washed up on an island and was rescued.  His hand and arm were crippled.  8 perished in flood.  Dislodged coffins in cemetery and floated down the Cold Creek waterway.  Were buried again after erosion dried.  Many communities told the new owners that it was used as a funeral home.  Home for sheltered women and children for years.  Tragedy occurred in 1961 when a semi-truck driver killed when bridge collapsed.  Ed Bowden connoisseur of haunted objects purchased in February 2022.  Paranormal activity was witnessed in the home after they brought their possessions in and started decorating.

Shadow figures and other activity.  The spirits communicate with their possessions and Cold Creek is next to the property, could be getting energy they need to communicate.  He will investigate and and Tessa will help which objects are trying to communicate and why physically lashing out.  Owner says they were looking for a property to store their paranormal objects.  Ed was drawn to it with the waterfall and water next to it.  Activity picked up after renovations.  Security company told them and a door opened by itself as seen on their security footage.  Two dolls fell over by themselves.  Two sisters had their tattoos were scratched over them.  Many haunted items are familiar to them both.  They control what they want to do.  They don't know who they were communicating with.  Ed was pushed and their dog was trembling.  Ed did an EVP and one of the 1800 spirits came through.  Some objects are more negative.  

Louise said many spirit voices were in the backyard.  The casket probably drifted down the river.  The land was flat before the flooding occurred.  "I did" in response to if they're haunting the land.  Nick uses the Crimson Box to communicate.  "Dead."  When he asks them to communicate.  He wants them to connect to so they speak in the night.  "I am" buried here.  "Dead" again.  "House."  Nick needs more information on who is affecting the hauntings.  Tessa was overwhelmed in the house as there's a different entity, soul and the objects are giving off different vibes, energy.  Oppressive energy, feels being watched, or being stalked.  

She gets strong feelings from the pink doll.  Downstairs she felt a dark male entity.  That is different to this doll, but there's something attached to the doll that is much darker.  Tessa feels a sharp pain on her back.  Tessa warns him to stay away from the stairs.  He feels something up his spine.  She sees it like it's taking energy and grows.  Nick sees a shadow behind him and disappears where the pink doll is.  The energy is intense and they feel about to be attacked.  He gets punched on his back.  I heard "I'm a spirit."  Tessa says it's a demon.  It's behind the doll.  Nick hears a disembodied voice.

Tessa asks if there's something associated with a murder.  As she feels blood on the walls.  Justin says they brought out some object from the other room and got activity.  Something touched his neck.  "Name" I think comes through.  "Hi" in a woman's voice.  "Hi Nick" I hear too.  The floor vibrates and she feels grabbed around her neck.  A woman says "New" after he asks where they came from.  " neck" not very clear.  A voice is heard like a latch wanting to be opened.   Tessa didn't feel safe upstairs.  She felt the energy wanted they separated and moved into another area.  She felt unsafe on the stairs.  It's intelligent but not human.  

Austin mentions the experiment using the Infinity mirror effect to open a portal using lasers to bend the light.  Use an object from the Occult room and something to come through the mirrors.  Using a scanning ghostbox to see if voices come through.  A voice comes from upstairs.  Nick uses a recorder, what happened with the result, if any from that.  As again another voice/noise makes them leave that experiment behind.  Justin feels something is behind him, an intense, cold energy.  Nick feels like something is attaching onto him.  He hears footsteps on the stairs.   A noise is heard, more like a chain-like sound.  Nick wants to know what else is there after they move on.  He feels a claw in the chakra space of his back.  He sees jacket pulled backwards but I didn't notice it.  Maybe they wanted to see his tattoos like the sisters.  He hears a growl, again I didn't.  

Nick uses the ghost helmet and see if he can spiritually reach out to the other side.  He focuses on what was floating to the stairs and the entity was showing himself to him, like a creature morphing into something else.  Waiting in the darkness.  The energy has been used from his body.  So many layers and history in the soil of this land.  The room has a different energy where he felt the intensity and spiritual connection with the non-human entity.  Investigation takes time and they don't understand what is there and as tech grows and they can use it to communicate further with what's attached to objects, what energy, what the land holds and is continued in their reality.  "A continuity of energy that can't be destroyed."

Thursday 27 June 2024

Ghost Adventures "Skinwalker Invasion"

Invasion of skinwalkers in Torrey, Utah.  Hundreds of acres covered in a two hour special (less ads of course).  Chuckwagon closed for everyone and Aaron wanted to go to the gift shop, as always, and most places were closed for them.  Zak plays the flute but can't manage it.  Lauren laughs at him.  Zak doesn't buy it, though she could've sold it for more, that's why he didn't leave it and bought it.  The owner's son, Devon, tells him not to play the flute at night and the creatures are drawn to the flute.  He's been to Skinwalker Ranch where they've been.  A hotbed of paranormal events with shapeshifting entities.  He was whistling at night and nothing happened and here he saw under the streetlight, 8/9 foot tall figures with glowing, yellow eyes.  The three figures ended up on the other side of the street.  He and his father were there at 3am and saw an 8 foot tall figure with glowing eyes.  Hunter tells them about the old cabin and a man who looked for work and he stayed in the cabin and a black figure hovered over him and he was a jailbreaker in Kansas and he saw it on the news.  Devon says he's more severely affected but has had dreams of being in a different body and killing himself.

At the hotel he meets Amy who tells them about something connected with eDevon.  She was walking and by the creek where she saw a fire someone had put out.  There were medallions of Mary and Jesus and couldn't see if there were any bones.  Owner of the Chuckwagon, James.  Zak would rather go inside in the warmth.  He and wife would listen to music and would hit the truck at night.  Yellow eyes and 7 foot tall figure was seen.  Jerri is at the ranch where they are staying.  When Zak saw a flash image of the Native American man, she saw it too out of the side of her eye.  James has weird dreams one came out of isi closet and was going to kill him.  James wants to tell him some more stories and Zak agrees as he's cosy.  One guest and at 2am there was knocking on all the windows and the windows are too high.  He told them and the cat walks in and it smelled like mutton two years ago.

Devon is James's son and Jerri's stepson.  Both experiencing similar things which Zak feels more compelled by it.  He needs more expertise on this.  An Indian chief told James to keep the curtains drawn and Zak sits next to the window with the blinds undone.  They got a video of one of them running around.  There's also another one coming towards it, which James didn't even notice.  Zak needs to go to that cave and he has a friend Sean, a Navajo traditional practitioner and he wants to bring him here.  They arrive at the cave at dusk.  There's been an increase of cattle mutilations spreading outside of Skinwalker Ranch.  Sean conducted a ceremony at the Vulture Mine.  

Sean sings a warrior song to make sure they're safe to protect them, as they're going to help out others.  He gives them ash to protect themselves blessed with holy fire.  Animal remains are found and Devon and James are in danger if these were used in a ritual.  Have to go in the cave to find out what's in there.  Sean asks if something was buried in here and was it released.  Zak asks if Devon and James are in danger.  Trifield spikes after he asks where they come from.  Zak has shortness of breath and Sean offers him rocksalt.  There's something dark in the cave that can't come out but wants to.  Sean steps away from the area and is affected by something.  Billy says something came out of the cave 10/12 miligause.  An anomaly goes around Sean's leg and omits bright light.  This is the first time he felt the wind Zak thinks it could be leaving.  Sean returned to basecamp.  Sean offers the spirits tobacco so they're not followed home.  

Billy has the drone and the thermal imaging camera including the cabin and then fly to the field behind James's house.  They view the drone live.  140 feet in the air.  They capture an unknown heat signature in front of James's house.  Zak sees something by the house.  More strange lights just like the others saw and they hover from left to right in the middle of the street.  

Aaron sets up an experiment to bring in the skinwalkers or animals.  Meat is used as bait.  They heard an animal sound.  Jay thinks doing a coyote call might lure the skinwalker here.  Camera's shooting 300 frames per second.  As they travel fast.  A UV camera and a thermal camera.  Jeff watches the thermal camera.  Infra sound audio will also be activated.  Jay adds infra sound to the coyote distress call.  They hear footsteps by the van.  There's a blinking light on the bridge.  Skinwalkers follow the creek.  Jay spots something moving.  Aaron says there's no wind.  The UV camera moves from the tree in front of them and is only caught by the camera.  Jay and Aaron investigate the house.  Aaron sees flashing behind him.  The X cam captures it.  Jay feels touched and something grabbed his hand.  Aaron felt touched all over.  A ball of light appears behind him.  An anomaly appears and changes shape and vanishes at a 90 degree angle.

Aaron conducts an Ovilus session and gets relevant messages.  Kill Area Aggression comes through.  Zak thinks it probably connects to the land history at the power plant.  A temple was under the ground where maybe Natives were killed.  Head Kill Cow and Wind Prop Devil.  Jeff sees a cloud of wind fly by.  A heat mass is seen towards the power plant.  Aaron felt warm air.  

After part 1 they now investigate inside the buildings to the human side of the investigation.  The Chuckwagon store sits on holy land.  The building got caught when EP Pecktal dug up Native American relics and displayed them.  Someone on the property experienced Poltergeist activity.  The Native American museum was located upstairs.  Barbara tells them of a tall man who walks there.  She said she's had another soul inside of her and gets rid of some crystals.  The meter spikes rapidly.  He wonders if the energy was coming through the crawl space.  Aaron won't go in there but has to with a recorder.  The story of a little girl hiding from a monster, as Jay tells them.  It's probably a portal.  Barbara is getting rid of the spirit in her.

In the museum, Kylie tells them about an experience in the back bedroom.  Sitting there and they saw something fly in the mirror behind him and her nose was running as it was cold.  Her hands were covered in blood as her nose was bleeding.  Devon had scratches on the back of his neck.  She blacked out.  Billy says they are over the area where she saw the man.  The spot on the couch will haunt them later.  Energy is felt and he talks with Jose and he had a terrifying experience whilst cleaning there.  He opens the door to the stairwell which leads to the crawlspace on the first floor they think is a portal.  Jose cries.  He leaves almost knocking Zak down.  He saw something black and leaves.  Jeff says his eyes were bulging out.  An indigenous chief said, "There is no death, only a change of worlds."

Zak asks why those shields were removed and put upstairs.  There's some Native American petroglyphs.  The ceremonial master of the Echota Tribe.  They walk through the hills, a sacred place.  Could be hunts, kills and not everything on the stones are written by humans, but by spirits or other entities.  A man is holding a hoop and feather and is different from the others.  The hoop could be a portal.  Jay walks away feeling light headed.  When he made eye contact with something in the attic he's been out of it since then.  Skinwalkers have bounties to kill people and might be something buried here they don't want them around.  Spirit entities watch them.  Spirit watchers and they have felt watched since they arrived.  Bullet holes were shot in the circles representing a portal.  He senses something dark around them.  He says they've brought something dark with them and need protection.

Lockdown in the Chuckwagon store, hotel and the upstairs apartment.  Zak goes by himself and James and Devon need cleansing.  In the apartment Zak uses night vision goggles.  Zak asks it to manifest itself.  In the back bedroom he feels something is around him.  One hanger moves in the closet, no fans or air vents are around there.  The infrared goggles capture a mist anomaly.  As well as a figure on the hallway, ceiling, floor and vanishes.  Aaron and Billy smell decaying flesh.  Something is on the couch, a feather.  Aaron remembers the leader was talking about birds with strange necks and a blackbird watched them and flew away.  A figure appears on the ceiling again.  Zak is out of it and doesn't listen to Billy.  He's fixated on the bedroom.  

Does the woman say "hello."??  Then "Turn it off."  A disembodied voice as soon as they mention the feather.  They're concerned for Jay.  He's not talking.  Zak wants him to sit on the recliner.  Jay's worried as nothing's happened to him like this before.  Zak feels like the zombie apocalypse movies where no one's around.  Aaron tells him to dare him to eat a candy bar.  He just wants to eat it.  Billy hears a voice on the X cam.  "Talk to me man" is that what the male disembodied voice says??  A gust of wind is detected.  Aaron eats the crackers and puts it back.  Zak tells them to leave them money.  

At nerve centre he gets a message from Devon, as the master was driving back to his home and he thinks he hit a skinwalker.  At the interview he didn't want to talk about the skinwalkers and the more they come after you, the more you talk about them.  They saw a tall creature and there's no blood.  Jay heard a noise.  An anomaly is caught leaving Jay.  He says "they would like to see you."  Aaron's glasses fog up and Zak spots a dark figure near Aaron and panics.  It's captured on the thermal.  Someone kneels behind him, but it's on another photo.  

The mass is pink and the temperature is lower than their bodies.  His glasses fogged up when it covered his face.  The master wouldn't touch them without sage in his hand.  Billy sets up the hovermap for evidence.  

Zak says Devon and James are the centre of dangerous activity and they will continue to monitor the ceremonial master's efforts to release them from the curse.  

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Ghost Adventures "Belmont Ghost Town"

 Zak: "There is evil in the courthouse."  They're in the Nevada desert searching for the notorious Belmont Ghost town.  A truck turns up and throws a folder on the ground in front of them and drives away.  It's full of old clippings and a hand written message about evil in the courthouse.  Zak tells Aaron to open it.  There's clippings on Rose running Charles Manson out of Belmont.  Mining town was cursed.  Dark history after hangings and suicides and a curse dried the silver mines and infected the courthouse.  Poltergeist activity, attacks.  They're here to see what they can do to help.  Why was the courthouse still standing?  Rick was born and raised nearby.  He says there is negativity associated with the courthouse.  This town is cursed from two hanged men.  In 1874 two were arrested and in the bank building in the basement they set up jail cells.  A few locals were drunk and hanged them.  While they were still alive they hit and kicked them and blood was spattered.  This led to the curse.  One of them said this town wouldn't be anything as long as their blood stained everywhere before he was shot.  Jay says the mine dried up after six months they were hanged and the curse took affect.  At the Cosmopolitan is where they were accused of horse theft and another says Charlie and Jack threatened to burn the town down.  A capital crime.

Trifield reading spiked to 15 miligause.  Don't know what is causing the spike.  The device stopped at 10 when he asks if they are here.  Walker and MacIntyre were dragged to the jail which then became the bank and hanged.  Zak says as they open themselves to this "we react to their voices and want to feel their pain and suffering and the last moments of their lives, the energy kept rising and exploded.  That shrapnel from their soul and bodies is embodied in every piece of wood in this town.  Not sure how the courthouse built after they were hanged is evil."  The energy of that event is within and he feels that's what he needed for what awaits them in the courthouse.  Another death to talk about.  1884 a Soshone man accused of murder was the first man hanged by white men in Nevada.  Also the Soshone tribe was expelled from Nevada.  

On day 2 Zak says nothing's changed since the 1800's.  The energy is the same and the stillness heard, mind focuses on past images since it hasn't changed.  Paranormal investigators Jonathan and Celia.  Disembodied voices, shadow figures, his hair was pulled.  Jonathan says there's a Manson carving.  Rose lived in Belmont amd in 1963 she found drifters camping in the courthouse and ran them off and saw them on the news.  Zak wonders if the curse led them to commit those murders.  This place got more.  Jonathan says his little finger was blood red.  They go in there.  His hair was pulled on the stairs.  Celia asks for his hair to be pulled again and Billy says the Trifield pegged.  Marion pulled his hair.  Zak uses energy as his energy is used to get results.  A man killed himself back there.  A light anomaly leaves Billy's arm and vanishes into Jonathan's.  Adam McLaine stole funds and then poisoned himself with strychnine after he couldn't hide this any longer.  Uses the Polter Pod on the second floor.  "Heard...more information..."  "Expanded...we moved on" a woman's voice comes through.  I don't hear "evil dog."  At the saloon they analyze the voice.  

Start at the bank building with Jay and Aaron goes to the courthouse and set up the XLS.  Billy goes back to the stream where Zak was earlier.  Billy takes EMF readings at the stream and to get them to follow the path to the courthouse.   Jay goes to the basement where they were killed to release Jack and Charlie from the building.  Zak also asks for a piece of wood as a trigger object since their blood was everywhere down there.  Zak doesn't want him falling on a rusty nail as he's prone to falling a lot.  Zak reaches out to them.  Take them to the courthouse to release them.  Jay hears noises in the room.  Hoping it's not a mountain lion.  Jay says something ran by his leg when he gets back to Zak.  On the X camera a dark shadow leaves the basement and goes in their direction.  He also has whiskey.  Zak will have a retrial and will set them free.  Tells Aaron to enter the courthouse.  

Aaron says when he put his foot on the step he felt like not going in.  Walking is heard inside, sounded like someone going up or coming down the stairs.  Billy is on the radio and captures a strange anomaly behind him.  Zak's boom mic picks up interference.  Was it Jack and Charlie following them?  Billy gets some spikes as he speaks with the two.  Zak asks if they want to be freed.  Take UV photos.  The black shadow turns out to be debunked as a deer.  Aaron sees a black mass on the XLS.  Zak puts the bottle and wood by the door of the courthouse.  The X camera captures a bright anomaly on the stairs going up.  Billy leaves the whiskey on the floor and Zak sees a black figure by the window.  They then see a black mass near Billy and hear a sound.  Aaron says it's a chair falling.  Two anomalies move towards each other.  Zak uses a robot to interact with Jack and Charlie.  An anomaly shoots into it.  A figure stands in front of the robot and spoke to it.  The robot got knocked over.

The activity then stops and they go to the vault room.  Using the APF D processor and ITC device.  "Simplest"?? "I did" when they ask if they want them to talk to him.  Asks if want cigarette or whiskey.  Another voice says "leave."  Zaks says Jack and Charlie are free to leave and move on from here.  

Ghost Adventures "Terror on 25th Street"

Ogden, Utah where the buildings that have a dangerous history with a paranormal presence that also fits.  He talks with Jackie as the location is steeped in blood.  A violent building, two buildings, one is the Helena building, the basement is called Unspoken, another bar used to be where murders took place, The Rose Room.  Was there an underlying El Baracho Bar, Jared wants answers for what his staff are going through.  Jackie told Zak about the history.  Jared thought the buildings were cursed.  The City was told to let the Helena burn if it caught fire.  Digging in the basement disturbed something.  There's a speakeasy vibe here in the basement of The Helena building.  Rose isn't the only spirit here.  A woman in a dress was seen and was Rose Davey.  Other staff have seen her too in a long dress and then vanished.  Mackenzie tells him about pillars of mist she saw.  Mark saw a white smoke, a plumber who worked there.  He thinks there's a spirit.  He saw it within four days and he was alone.  He worked in the original basement.  There wasn't any hole in the wall and it was the shape of a shaft of mist.  Zak is excited about this mist as it's also corroborated by two people. 

Zak's stomach hurts like someone is stabbing him after he stepped out of the doorway.  Something wanted him out.  Billy says one of the Vics was stabbed.  He could be experiencing residual energy being transferred.  The employees are afraid.  Jay find a mist on top of the stars when he was taking photos and it looks like a skull.  Jared tells them about more of this building where someone had made a hole through the wall.  One of the owners sealed off the brothel with a brick wall.  Zak says this is where all the activities would happen.  Can see where the dividing walls were.  Rose's brothel asks why the second floor was sealed.  A guest was laying in bed and he couldn't move after seeing the shadow of a woman on the wall.  Most activity is the woman being seen.  Rose would be there as she'd still have rooms there.  

Aaron carries out an EMF at 4 and asks if Rose is there, as the EMF spikes.  Zak asks if he can lay on the bed.  Rose was a madam and could be telling him what to do.  Nothing happens, so Aaron takes his place and he gets more results, obviously.  A figure appears on the XLS and carries out sexual acts on him.  First the money is taken and then he's grabbed.  These events backs up the claims of the employees and guests and gives credibility to the brothel.  Billy laughs that a ghost chose Aaron over Zak, who is despondent at being rejected.  It grabs the headboard and rails and Aaron watches the footage for the first time.  Then lays down next to Aaron and disappears.  Aaron's most compelling evidence is that it chose him.

Zak investigates the El Baracho Bar and Rose's brothel above and Jay is at nerve centre.  The Helena building has motion sensors and cameras.  Zak uses walkies that spirits can hear better.  He sends a message to Rose.  Aaron wants to say thank you for last night.  They got evidence of the after life and the intelligent movements.  Zak mentions evil and the camera gets interference in Rose's old brothel room.  Zak saw a woman on her knees with black eyes and looking at him.  Zak takes full spectrum photos and EMF readings.  The monitor goes off again.  Zak captures a dark shadow figure within the doorway.  Looks like a man with a cowboy hat that Zak calls a bouncer.  Reminds me of the man at Bobby Mackays.  Zak takes photos again from the spot and nothing is seen.  

Zak gets Jay to tell the entity to head over to the Helena building.  They feel a cold air at nerve.  He asks if they were captured on camera and a woman replies "no doubt."  He becomes dizzy in room 3.  A voice is heard outside.  No one is outside.  Billy hears singing.  I didn't hear it.  On the third floor, Billy checks the front of the building a voice comes from the walkie.  Did it shout "get out now" or "meow ow."  Sounded like Aaron.  A door slams shut.  

Billy does some ultra violet video in the basement where the pillars of smoke were seen.  They hear footsteps.  The entrance to the club.  The footsteps lead them to the picture of Rose.  An anomaly goes towards Billy and then leaves.  It's only seen on the IR spectrum.  Billy uses the Paranormal Puck 2.  "Above" where the rooms are.  He asks what's in the basement and "Rose" comes through.  She's living beyond her death and still running a brothel in the afterlife and they will ask who was seen in the doorway.  Zak: "an incredible investigation they will never forget, especially Aaron."